Following is the text of the handwritten request by Peter Owen for a Pension for his
service in the Rev. War. Dated: Dec 3, 1833 in Henry County, Tenn. Claim # R.7845.
Request was denied since he didn't serve six months.
On this day of Dec 3, 1833, personally appeared in open court, before the Circuit Court
of Henry County now sitting, Peter Owen, a resident of Paris?, in the County of Henry State
of Tenn., aged 68 years, what being first duly sworn according to law, does of his oath make
the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress
passed June 7, 1832.
That he entered the service of the United States under the following officers, and served as
herein stated. In the month of May 1781 he became a substitute for Benjamin Taylor, of
Lunenburg, Virginia, who was drafted to serve a two month tour in the militia - the Captain
was named William Hays, the Lt. Richard Hays, and the Colonel's name was Nelson, but can not
be certain. That he was immediately marched with the company to xxxxxx at Prince Edward Court
House. After staying there some ten or twelve days, the Company marched along with a large
number of troops to their quarters, but he cannot recollect at what place their quarters were.
At Headquarters he recollects General Wayne with 600 riflemen and Mxxxx Lafayette and General
Nelson and General Lxxxxxx who was the Militia General, who commanded the Brigade or Division
to which he was attached. He recollects hearing among the men that the army, when collected
at the --------------------------.
He recollects the ------ often marched from Headquarters through Virginia in pursuit of
Recollects this army crossing a river in boats - recollects that during the month of the
4th of July, the troops were formed up in Brigades - in the first place, 14 pounders were
fired as a signal for the men to prepare for the celebration of the day - the men were
accordingly drawn up in Brigades as above stated - with a 40 pounder in the right and left
of each Brigade, the firing commenced always on the right of each Brigade, the discharge
of the 40 pounder on the right first took place - then the musquentry running from
right to left and then the 40 pounder on the left and on. The Marquiet Lafayette rode
through the ranks with his hat off during the celebration, accompanied by a few officers
on horseback -
recollects the Walnut trees in front that he occasionally retired to from the burning sun -
Recollects that during the march two officers had a quarrel, which they settled by a duel
with Pistols; and one of them was badly wounded in the breast.
He recollects that towards the close of his two months it became that general talk in the
army that there was more men embodied than there was any use for, that they was runing the
government to an unnecessary expense - a few days perhaps a week before his term of two
months expired, a proclamation was issued informing the men that any that chose to enlist
in what was called the Virginia State Legion, had liberty to choose -
the conditions of service in which Legion were, that the men were considered as Minute Men and
were permitted to go home ----- attend their officers at the nearest of ten Legions whenever
orderd by their officers - the term for which they enlisted, in the corps was three years -
and they were bound not to leave the state during that time. Capt. Hays, the Captain under whom
he entered the service, became the officer in the State Legion, and implored as many of his men
as thought proper, to enlist under him in the new corps.
He (applicant) was one of the first that turned out and receive half of the bounty -
seven dollars, and took a promise for the other seven, which was never paid.
Recollects three of his --------- Virginia William Hinton, Mathew Hubbard and Rice Wuller -
all from his own neighborhood in Lunenburg County (where the applicant should have sooner stated,
that he was born and always lived --------- entering the Service) - a great many enlisted at the
same time in the new corps and returned home - afterwards they were occasionally called out to
exercise for 3 or 4 days at a time. Sometimes early a week. This applicant was reportedly called
out to the rendevous in Lunenburg County and stayed until peace was proclaimed, after which the
officers became more ------- and called the men more seldom to the rendevous to exercise. He was
never discharged from the service. After the conclusion of the peace some little time, Capt.
Hays and his brother Lt. Hays ceased to call on the men of the corps, or that company seemed
to die away without any formal -------------- or discharge.
This applicant cannot recollect how long he belonged to the State Legion. He is sure however in
saying that the belonged to it one year and a half commencing in July 1781. He was never in any
engagement that he has no documentary evidence of his service and that the only person that he
now knows whose testimony he can procure, who can testify to his service, is Mary Morgan,
the widow of Peter Morgan deceased - who has lived during the Revolutionary War at the same house
with this applicant and now lives in Hickman County, Tenn. and to whose evidence annexed hereto to
be referred.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuety except the present and
declares that his name is not on the Pension role of any state.
Sworn to and subscribed to in open court.
James Jones Peter Owen
We, Samuel Mcgregor?, a clergyman residing in the County of Henry, State of Tenn and Samuel
Hawkins residing in the same county and state hereby certify that we are acquainted with
Peter Owen who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration; that we believe him to
be sixty-eight years old; that he is refuted and believed in the neighborhood where he resides,
to have been a soldier of the Revolution and that we concur with that opinion.
Sworn to and subscribed to in open court.
December 1833.
James Jones Samuel McGowich and Samuel Hawkins
1. When and in which year were you born? Ans. In Lunenbough County, Virginia - and suppose
in 1765, as from the account I have kept, I am upwards of 68 years old.
2. Have you any record of your age, and if so, where is it? Ans. I had a record, but left
it at Ben Taylors in Lunenburg County, Virginia.
3. Where were you living when called into service? Where have you lived since the
Revolutionary War and where do you now live? Ans. In Lunenburg County, Virginia as above
stated. From there I moved to Orange County, NC and lived near Hillsborough 7 years
(NOTE: near Durham, NC). From there to Briscomb County ----on french broad river. From there
to Logan County, KY where I lived 10 or 11 years. From there to Illinois, on Cash River,
where I lived about 15 years. From there back to Logan County, KY (note: west of Bowling Green).
Then to Williamson County, TN, where I stayed 2 years. Then to Maury County, TN
(note: west of Columbia) where I stayed 11 years. Then to Henry County, TN, (note: near Paris)
where I have resided for the last 10 years.
4. How were you called into service; were you drafted, did you volunteer, or were you a
substitute? And if a substitute, for whom? Ans. I was a substitute for Benjamin Taylor
as above stated, in the first instance and I then enlisted in the State Legion of Virginia.
5. State the names of some of the regiment officers who were with the troops where you
served; such Continental and Militia Regiments as you can recollect, and the general
circumstances of your service. Ans. Never knew the names or numbers of any of the Regiments
of the Regular Army that he was with. As above stated, he recollects well the Marq. Lafayette -
General Wayne of his ---- Riflemen - General Nelson and General Lawson. The general circumstances
of the service I have already detailed as far as I can recollect.
6. Did you ever receive a discharge from the service and if so, by whom was it given and
what has become of it? Ans. I did not, as above stated.
7. State the names of persons to whom you are known in your present neighborhood and who
can testify as to character for --------- and their belief of your service as a soldier
of the Revolution.
Ans. I will name the home of -------, James Jones, -----Porter, John Dunlap, T. Cooney,
Samuel Mclyowin and in fact all the old settlers of this county.
Sworn and subscribed in open court
3 Dec 1833. James Jones Clerk of Circuit Court of Henry County, TN.
Peter Owens
Transcribed and Submitted By: Cliff Karch