Jefferson County


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of Jefferson County a listing of Cemeteries and to provide pictures
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Oakwood Cemetery Listing  Surnames beginning with N

       NAME                    BIRTH           DEATH           COMMENT
     | Nadolski, Ruth          6-24-1911       5-10-1967       
     | Nafziger, Willace       1-31-1921       7-1-1984        WWII
     | Nailing, Argo           1885            1957    
     | Nailing, Lucille                        10-26-73        ****
     | Nall, Edith E.          4-10-1898       7-6-1977        Main Stone
     | Nall, Julian E.         4-27-1899       1-16-1975       Main Stone
     | Nance, Aaron            4-28-1892       5-23-1959       Main stone WWI
     | Nance, Beverly S.       1909            1944            Main stone
Obit | Nance, Delcie Folden    8-15-1916       2-14-1989       
Obit | Nance, Esther E.        1900            1946            Main stone
     | Nash, Lida              1886            1945    
     | Nash, Melvin R.         1885            1932    
     | Nation, Charles Samuel  1888            1971             
     | Nation, Elizabeth Bolton 1884           1947              
     | Nation, Jasper N.       1884            1955            Main Stone
     | Nation, Lula A.         1884            1965    
     | Nation, Lydia Francis   1856            1933    
     | Nation, William A.      1852            1935    
     | Neal, Ervin Earl        4-2-1919        12-20-1989      WWII
     | Neal, Harriet L.                        1933            Main Stone
     | Neal, Harvey Duke       11-26-1937      8-19-1992       Navy
     | Neal, Helen Marie                       9-23-96         ****
     | Neal, Infant                            5-6-39          ****
Obit | Neal, Mary E.           4-7-1922        no date 
     | Neal, Mollie            12-3-1940       no date 
     | Neal, Robert L.                         1933            Main Stone           
     | Neaville, John          11-25-1864      2-23-1954       
     | Neaville, Lora C.       1864            1919    
     | Nelson, Emma Louise     12-14-1850      12-4-1945       
     | Nelson, John            3-19-1855       10-6-1913       
     | Nelson, Lee             1871            1948    
     | Nelson, Martha          1861            1945    
     | Nelson, Otis                            9-2-45          ****
     | Nerneyen, Albert B.                     5-12-83         ****
     | Nesmith,Permelia Woodworth 1859         1929            Main stone
     | Neuhaus, Mary J.        1867            1941            Main Stone
     | Neuhaus, William H.     1867            1924            Main Stone
     | Neuman, Louis E.        2-1-1894        7-10-1973       
     | Neuman, Vivian Pigg     10-27-1903      8-6-1973        w/o Louis
     | Neunlist, Ann           Infant          3-25-1961       d/o Jr. & C.L.
     | Newby   nothing else            
     | Newby, Ada Violet(Panzer) 1868          1956            Main Stone
     | Newby, Alma L.          6-13-1889       6-12-1972       Main Stone
     | Newby, Ava M            9-27-1893       8-31-1969       Main Stone
Obit | Newby, Lorene           10-27-1907      2-1-2003
     | Newby, Velma            2-28-1896       5-12-1980       Main Stone
     | Newby, Walter           12-18-1904      10-10-1965     
     | Newby, William          1863            1933            Main Stone
     | Newby, William                          9-13-56         ****
     | Newcomb, Chas           1864            1949    
     | Newcomb, Ferly S.                       2-18-44         ****
     | Newcomb, Florence Ella                  5-23-44         ****
     | Newcomb, Tishey         1867            1949    
     | Newell, Mary E          01-02-1888      01-06-1957      
     | Newell, William         02-20-1878      04-26-1945      
     | Newhaus, Mary J.        no dates                        ****
     | Newman,William F."Bill" 1-20-1896       4-18-1971       WWI
     | Newman, Ida E.          1883            1965    
     | Newman, Iva             1896            1983    
     | Newman, Louis S.        2-1-1894        7-10-1973       
     | Newman, Roy M.          1899            no date 
     | Newman, Ula                             11-20-65        ****
     | Newman, Vivian                          5-8-73          ****
     | Newman, William F.                      4-21-71         ****
     | Newton, Joseph N.       1837            1924
     | Newton, June            2-9-1932        no date 
     | Newton, Larry L.        8-23-1941       11-7-1993       Main stone
     | Newton, Lavinia C.      1845            1913
     | Newton, Max L.          6-30-1919       3-25-1996       
     | Newton, Van Cleve       1866            1955
     | Newton, Walter H.       1876            1912            Main Stone
     | Nichols, Daisy Marie    infant          1-17-1911       
     | Nichols, Roscoe         1884            1973    
     | Nicoll, Dorothy Lucille                 7-13-71         ****
     | Nicoll, Mary Howard     3-25-1920       8-21-1981       
     | Niehaus, Mamie                          1-1-42          ****
     | Nieman, Sarah J.        3-29-1849       3-8-1899        w/o Louis F.
     | Nigh, Charles           1872            1957    
     | Nigh, Pearl R.          1876            1954    
     | Nixon, Infant                           8-29-46         ****
     | Nobles, Maude           9-14-1888       11-3-1980       
     | Nodini, Maxine Marlow   1923            1945            Main Stone
     | Nolan, Pearl Schul                      4-17-72         ****
     | Nolan, Robert T.        1886            1965    
     | Noll, Edith (Wood)                      7-10-77         ****
     | Noll, Eugene            1853            1942    
     | Noll, Julian Edgar                      1-20-75         ****
     | Noll, Martha Ellen      1851            1932    
     | Noll, Parker E.         1889            1917    
Obit | Nolta, Clyde            10-18-1906      5-1-1973        Main Stone
     | Nolta, Thelma P.        3-27-1910       10-1-1991       Main Stone
Obit | Nooner, Alice R         6-24-1878       5-16-1955 
     | Nooner, G.E.            1870            no date 
     | Nooner, Georgia         1849            1931    
     | Nooner, Rachel          1879            1927    
     | Nooner, Richard C.      1835            1919    
     | Nooner, William C       3-25-1872       5-2-1917        
     | Nordin, Carl Oscar      1876            1955    
     | Nordin, Gerda Charlotte 1884            1971    
     | Nordin, J.A.                            9-3-69          ****
     | Noren, Louise M.        10-17-1911      11-27-1994      
     | Noren, Raymond L.       3-4-1902        3-25-1994       
     | Norgan, William Max     Infant          1919            ****
     | Norman, Edward                          8-14-56         ****
     | Norris, Infant                          9-28-43         ****inf/o Byford E.
     | Noss, Sophia M.         1895            1983    
     | Nry, Monroe             1853            9-11-1933       ****
     | Nungester, Henry        10-30-1859      6-8-1928        Main stone
     | Nungester, Olney        B&D             4-5-1902        Main stone another stone
     | Nungester, Onie         5-30-1874       4-15-1936       Main stone

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