Jefferson County


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Oakwood Cemetery Listing  Surnames beginning with T
See Additions to listing

       NAME                    BIRTH           DEATH           COMMENT
     | Taaka, Fred Harvey                      12-12-61        ****
     | Taaka, Harmon Eugene    1934            1937    
     | Taaka, Henry            1852            1924    
     | Taaka, Minnie           1859            1929    
     | Taaka, Pearl W.         1890            1957    
     | Taaka, William H.       1884            1954    
     | Tabb, Cora Pace         1852            1886            w/o Wm. 
     | Tabb, William D.        1845            1895    
     | Tabor, Cecile B.        1897            1980            Main stone
     | Tabor, Harley           2-19-1891       3-13-1950       Main stone
     | Tabor, James            1893            1929            Main stone
     | Tabor, Stella           3-1-1892        11-15-1960      Main stone
     | Tadros, Heikal Shihata  9-24-1927       8-3-1993        
     | Tadros, Helen           10-25-1933      8-20-1999       m.Heikal 7-14-1963
     | Talbert, Dellos A.      8-6-1914        5-15-1998       
     | Talbert, Dorothy Ward   9-6-1916        no date         m. Dellos A. 10-24-1936
     | Talbott, Beaulah I.     1899            1991    
     | Talbott, Miles W.       1899            1986    
     | Tandy, Jennie           1857            1918            w/o Joseph
     | Tandy, Joseph           1849            1932    
     | Tanner, 1               Unknown                         ****
     | Tanner, 2               Unknown                         ****
     | Tanner, Allen C.        8-4-1854        12-14-1917      
     | Tanner, Arnold          1894            1972    
     | Tanner, Blanch          1865            1945    
     | Tanner, Earle V.        8-4-1900        11-24-1969      
     | Tanner, Florence        1881            1970    
     | Tanner, Mabel W.        1858            1946    
     | Tanner, Mary            1859            1944  
     | Tanner, Mildred         3-25-1886       1-2-1889        d/o A.C.&Mabel
     | Tanner, Muriel E.       5-24-1905       10-24-1969      
     | Tanner, Neil            1872            1944
     | Tanner, Tazwell         11-6-1821       3-25-1881       Full Stone    
     | Tanner, Tazwell D.      10-10-1866      8-22-1884?      Full Stone
     | Tate, Robert Eugene     10-6-1929       2-1-1952        Military
     | Tate, Edna              1906            1962    
     | Tate, Henry E.          11-13-1863      10-7-1957
     | Tate, Ida               no dates                        ****
     | Tate, Infant Son        6-9-1902        6-10-1902 
     | Tate, Joseph            no date         no date 
     | Tate, Judy Y.           6-2-1939        11-24-1996      
     | Tate, Kevin Jaiain      Infant          12-18-58        ****
     | Tate, Lucinda W.        3-31-1878       2-12-1970       
     | Tate, Mary J.           8-1-1877        12-4-1957
     | Tate, Randy Duane       Infant          4-18-57         ****
     | Tate, Ronald Mark       Infant          12-2-59         ****
     | Tate, Roy H.            1902            1978    
     | Tate, William           9-17-1893       11-2-1956       WWI
     | Taylor
     | Taylor, A.F.            1832            1906            Main Stone
     | Taylor, Addie May                       5-9-39          ****
     | Taylor, Allie D.        1-9-1867        12-25-1945      
     | Taylor, Amanda          12-15-1868      5-12-1911       w/o CW
     | Taylor, Ann                             1952            d/o Jean & Wendell
     | Taylor, Arthur          12-12-1866      9-26-1889       footstone
     | Taylor, Auda M.         8-1-1889        1-17-1916       
     | Taylor, Barbara         Infant          10-19-64        ****
     | Taylor, Charles         no date         2-2-1956        NY Waggoner 78 Div.
     | Taylor, Cora S.         3-21-1879       4-16-1972       Main Stone
     | Taylor, Dwight Dillingham               5-16-34         ****
     | Taylor, Dwight D.       8-21-1893       5-12-1966       Main Stone
     | Taylor, Ella            1-9-1867        1-2-1946        Main Stone
Obit | Taylor, Ella Dillingham                 1-4-46          ****
     | Taylor, Elmira A.       1834            1918            Main Stone
     | Taylor, Frances T.      2-8-1817        5-10-1883       Full Stone w/o Jerimiah
     | Taylor, Frank H.                        7-18-64         ****
     | Taylor, Fred S.         3-28-1858       7-12-1890       
     | Taylor, Fred Lindley    6-5-1891        8-25-1976       Army WWI
     | Taylor, Freda R.        1922            1923    
     | Taylor, G.H.            1859            1919            Main Stone
     | Taylor, George          1866            1941    
     | Taylor, George H.       1858            1943    
     | Taylor, Grace Maxey     12-19-1899      3-25-1978       Main Stone
     | Taylor, Grant Leon Dr.  6-7-1868       12-28-1937       Main Stone
     | Taylor, Harlow          1-18-1824       10-23-1896      Full stone
     | Taylor, James A.        12-2-1866       9-24-1889            
     | Taylor, James W.        1852            1942    
     | Taylor, Jerimiah        11-26-1816      7-6-1895        Full Stone
     | Taylor, Joseph L.       1864            1916    
     | Taylor, Julia           1878            1933    
     | Taylor, Lucinda         1858            1937    
     | Taylor, Lula Patton                     6-29-42         ****
     | Taylor, Margaret        1858            1918    
Obit | Taylor, Mary A.         no date         8-3-1911        75y11d
     | Taylor, Mary Pixley     7-2-1831        8-6-1891        w/o Harlow
     | Taylor, Melvin                          9-30-86         ****
     | Taylor, Nancy B         2-6-1883        8-5-1911        d/o CW&J
     | Taylor, Robert Lee      Infant          1-7-58          ****
     | Taylor, Robert S.       11-8-1891       7-4-1911        
     | Taylor, Stella A.       1874            1964    
     | Taylor, Thelma E.       3-22-1927       12-1-1986       Main Stone
     | Taylor, W.D.            9-15-1851       3-1-1925        Main Stone
     | Taylor, William M.      1900            1925    
Obit | Taylor, William C.      1848            1899    
     | Teaberry, Freemon       1-6-1901        11-6-1957       
     | Teaberry, Lera Mae      3-3-1908        7-18-1996            
     | Tedrow, Sarah A.        1847            1928    
     | Tedrow, William         1843            1926    
     | Telford, Ortha D.                       4-3-94          ****
     | Tellrop, Ollie Jane     7-26-1879       7-4-1932    
     | Tellrop, William        5-14-1857       1-3-1924    
     | Tellrop, Zelma K.       10-4-1903       4-2-1922    
     | Temelcoff, John W.      7-30-1916       7-29-1993       WWII
     | Temelcoff, Ledlie D.M.  6-25-1916
     | Temelcoff, Madelynne P. 11-22-1896      5-29-1948    
     | Terry, ?                                7-10-11         ****
     | Terry, Anna R.          1885            1979    
     | Terry, Bobbie J.                        40              ****
     | Terry, Charles W.       1880            1963    
     | Terry, Eddie Lee                        11-29-71        ****
     | Terry, Harry H.         2-21-1914       2-3-1972        WWII
     | Terry, Hazel            1910            no date 
     | Terry, Henry            1-14-1884       9-21-1907       
     | Terry, James M.         9-18-1878       12-21-1900      
     | Terry, Katie L.         1882            1975            Closer View
     | Terry, Lola             1906            1927    
     | Terry, Mollie           no dates                        ****
     | Terry, Nancy C.         6-30-1853       3-15-1924       Footstone Foster
     | Terry, Stacey T.        1948            1950            Another stone s/o Edward & Charlotte
     | Terry, Thomas E.        1903            1987    
     | Terry, V. Theo          9-10-1919       2-8-1992        
     | Terry, W.A.             11-16-1853      10-29-1900      
     | Terry, Walter
     | Thomas, A.                              12-22-38        ****
     | Thomas, Ada Dedman                      10-10-62        ****
     | Thomas, Alelia Butler   8-24-1914       5-20-1994       
     | Thomas, Alton D.        4-8-1934        5-1-1995        Korea
     | Thomas, Betty                           1-22-97         ****
     | Thomas, Clyde C. Jr     1926            1928    
     | Thomas, Dora            no dates                        ****
     | Thomas, Enos            4-22-1868       7-3-1928        Another stone
     | Thomas, Eugene                          8-5-53          ****
     | Thomas, Fannie                          1-10-42         ****
     | Thomas, Flavin E.       1908            1933    
     | Thomas, Frances         3-25-1878       6-29-1917       w/o Enos
     | Thomas, Harper                          10-15-91        ****
     | Thomas, Infant                          2-5-80          ****
     | Thomas, James Robert    8-29-1883       5-18-1963       
     | Thomas, John Robert                     5-21-63         ****
     | Thomas, Lorena C.       1893            1978    
     | Thomas, Lyndell J.      1925            1929    
     | Thomas, Mamie M.        1883            1965    
     | Thomas, Nelle T.        1-27-1883       8-22-1974       
     | Thomas, Noble Barton    4-25-1911       3-20-2004
     | Thomas, William C.      1866            1940    
     | Thomas, William F.      1862            1919    
     | Thomas, William R.                      36              ****
     | Thomas, William S.      1930            1931    
     | Thomason, Boyd                          11-27-45        ****
     | Thomason, Kathryn P.    1908            1952    
     | Thomason, Ruth G.                       12-11-81        ****
     | Thompson
Obit | Thompson, Agnes C.      1920
Obit | Thompson, Anna M.       1850            1913    
     | Thompson, Aroline A.    1859            1926    
     | Thompson, Augusta E.    4-29-1828       1-17-1903       w/o Moses
     | Thompson, Bessie        1884            1924    
     | Thompson, Carole Richey 9-28-1936       11-23-1996      footstone
     | Thompson, Charles Henry 1864            1928            Main stone
Obit | Thompson, Charles J.    1889            1959    
     | Thompson, Cia A.        1862            1923            ****
     | Thompson, Clara A.      1860            1921    
     | Thompson, Clara O.      1890            1938    
     | Thompson, Clara T.                      6-5-56          ****
     | Thompson, Clarence      1864            1931 
     | Thompson, Clifford T.   1883            1920            Main Stone  
     | Thompson, Clovis L.     1857            1931    
     | Thompson, David Gordon  10-21-1852      10-7-1940    
     | Thompson, Delbert T.    1-2-1914        6-13-1991       WWII
     | Thompson, Doris E.      1-21-1926       9-11-1992
     | Thompson, Dorothy T.    11-4-1900       8-23-1984       Main stone Ramseger
     | Thompson, Elijah T.     1875            1952    
     | Thompson, Elizah M.                     8-20-52         ****
     | Thompson, Everett L.    1-25-1905       10-16-1990      WWII
     | Thompson, Everett Russell
Obit | Thompson, Ezekiel       5-20-1841       12-30-1925      Co.G 12th IL Vols
     | Thompson, Frances M.                    12-2-49         ****
     | Thompson, Frank Gordon  12-21-1885      5-24-1949       eldest s/o David Gordon & Mary "Huffman"
     | Thompson, Grace         no dates
     | Thompson, Harley C.     4-8-1924        2-18-2004
     | Thompson, Harvey C.     1888            1969    
     | Thompson, Hazel P.      12-8-1907       11-2-1975       
     | Thompson, Helen M.      7-22-1915       9-10-1915
     | Thompson, Herbert Harry 7-3-1923        3-19-2004       WWII & Korea       
     | Thompson, James Elmer   1911            1930    
     | Thompson, James Gordon  1926            1946 
     | Thompson, James H.      11-25-1916      7-18-1999       WWII
     | Thompson, James M.      9-22-1863       3-5-1939        
     | Thompson, Jay Paul      9-23-1956       2-18-1988       s/o John D & Doris E.
     | Thompson, John D.       12-17-1923
     | Thompson, John W.       12-13-1893      11-19-1940      main stone
     | Thompson, Julia Ann     1868            1961            Main stone
     | Thompson, Kathryn P.    no dates                        ****
     | Thompson, Lambert       1866            1937    
     | Thompson, Laura M.      12-4-1861       4-4-1913        w/o James M.
     | Thompson, Lawrence G.                   1-1-45          ****
     | Thompson, Levi          1855            1926            another stone 
     | Thompson, Lynne Chapman 8-9-1891        10-27-1941      d/o William & Martha"Holcomb"Chapman
     | Thompson, Margaret E.                   7-4-76          ****
     | Thompson, Margaret R.   1884            1976            Main Stone   
     | Thompson, Marian L.     3-14-1923       no date         
     | Thompson, Martha M.     1878            1934    
     | Thompson, Mary E.Huffman10-27-1856      2-23-1937    
     | Thompson, Mary J.       1865            1960    
     | Thompson, Michael J.    1-24-1962       9-10-1994       Main stone s/o Neil & Patricia
     | Thompson, Minnie        7-18-1883       7-22-1950       
     | Thompson, Moses         12-15-1826      10-11-1903      
     | Thompson, Nancy J.                      1-29-38         ****
     | Thompson, Neil H.       6-17-1895       5-4-1965        Main stone
     | Thompson, Neil H. Jr.   10-31-1917      3-16-2004       WWII
     | Thompson, Nola M        5-20-1896       2-16-1962       main stone
     | Thompson, Oliver William                2-23-43         ****
     | Thompson, Patricia Ann  Infant          43              ****
     | Thompson, Patricia C.   3-10-1925       1-27-2000
Obit | Thompson, Robert K.     11-5-1920       6-16-1986       WWII 
     | Thompson, Robert Wayne                  12-18-50        ****
     | Thompson, Rosa E.       1894            1975    
     | Thompson, Russell       9-12-1909       2-25-1958       
Obit | Thompson, Ruth          1897            1983    
     | Thompson, S.R.          no dates                        ****
     | Thompson, Tommy Lee                     2-7-73          ****
     | Thompson, Viola B.      7-24-1899       12-9-1971       Main stone
     | Thompson, Viola Buffman                 5-6-65          ****
     | Thompson, W.W.T.                        1919    
     | Thompson, William James                 2-3-54          ****
     | Thompson, William R.                    8-29-92         ****
     | Thompson, Winton        4-26-1885       6-8-1971        
     | Thompson, Xenia         11-11-1869      11-26-1916      w/o Jas
     | Thompson, Yvonne        Infant          1-19-42         ****
     | Thrasher, Barbara J.    1879            1961            Deeds
     | Threlkeld, Doris B.     1-7-1901        9-6-1989        Main stone
     | Threlkeld, Edward W.    7-12-1875       12-23-1957      Main stone SP/AM War
     | Threlkeld, Elvira Abster                2-19-42         ****
     | Threlkeld, George W.    3-31-1860       2-17-1947       Main stone
     | Threlkeld,George Warren 4-19-1907       10-20-1970      Main stone
     | Threlkeld, Gertrude L.  1-7-1882        12-5-1969       Main stone
     | Threlkeld, Harriet                      1907            ****
     | Threlkeld, Harry L.     6-22-1880       10-25-1959      Main stone
     | Threlkeld, Isabel Jane  12-25-1918      10-14-1987      Main stone
     | Threlkeld, Lizzie D.    8-1-1867        6-6-1948        Main stone
     | Threlkeld, Lula         3-22-1882       11-14-1977      Main stone
     | Threlkeld,Maurice Duane Infant          8-29-66         ****
     | Threlkeld, Moss M.      12-11-1901      5-27-1973       Main stone
     | Threlkeld, Harriette Pinnell 5-8-1907   5-6-2000        Main stone
     | Threlkeld,Victor Lennes 7-3-1912        10-3-1992       Main stone
     | Throgmorton, Glen       5-24-1906       10-10-1983      
     | Throgmorton, Herbert C. 9-12-1889       11-20-1971      
     | Throgmorton, Jennie     1895            1903    
     | Throgmorton, John E.    1866            1943    
     | Throgmorton, Lester     1904            1907    
     | Throgmorton, Lorraine   4-4-1909        9-9-2002
     | Throgmorton, Marjorie   1932            1941    
     | Throgmorton, Mary E.    1871            1940    
     | Throgmorton, Nellie P.  10-24-1885      3-30-1971       
     | Throgmorton, Willie     1897            1941    
     | Throne, George          1875            no date         ****
     | Tichenor, Corine C.     1-4-1926                        Full Stone
     | Tichenor, James A.      8-13-1915       2-21-1999       Full Stone
     | Tilley, Rena M.Thompson 1885            1940            Main Stone
Obit | Tilman, Nancy E.        4-12-1867       3-5-1902        
     | Tilton, Nancy Thomas    1871            1956    
     | Tindle, Robert C.       5-17-1908       11-22-1948      WWII
     | Tippie, Ina C.          1887            1977    
     | Tippie, John B.         1852            1946
     | Tippie, John E.         1884            1938    
Obit | Tippie, Julia A.        1857            1946    
     | Tish, Casper R.         1-3-1863        3-17-1955       Main stone
     | Tish, Ervin C.          1894            1918            Main stone Co.G 335 Inf.
     | Tish, Nancy             1867            1946            Main stone
     | Tish, Raymond G.        1906            1933            Main stone
     | Titona, Josephine       7-6-1891        9-7-1942        w/o Rocco
     | Tittle, Eld. Thomas R.  1859            1925    
Obit | Tittle, Frank F.        10-1904         12-1984         
     | Tittle, Jewell I.       1-1908          2-1967          
     | Tittle, John Delmus     11-5-1907       7-18-1955       WWII
     | Tittle, Lucille                         3-3-95          ****
     | Tittle, Lucille L.      1-13-1909       2-26-1995
     | Tittle, Lucinda A.                      9-26-39         ****
     | Tittle, Lula Cecil Kelly 5-20-1891      1-18-1984
     | Tittle, Nettie          1865            1939            w/o Thomas
     | Todd, Allie             1901            1981    
     | Todd, Floyd             1893            1968    
     | Todd, Sylva J.          1939            1998    
     | Tolbert, Agnes          1880            1960    
     | Tolbert, Armna                          12-12-35        ****
     | Tolbert, Eugene         7-18-1902       11-16-1935      
     | Tolbert, Gus Samuel     1-12-1908       10-6-1945       WWII
     | Tolbert, Thelma         1912            1944    
     | Tolbert, Timmie D.      9-18-1914       8-25-1951       WWII
     | Tolbert, Vera           1911            1988    
     | Tolle, Nancy Frances    9-27-1848       4-4-1914        
     | Tolley, Freda M.        1-28-1916       3-4-1989        
     | Tolley, Harmon E.       no dates                        ****
     | Tolley, Joseph N.       1881            1938    
     | Tolley, LeRoy           8-30-1911       1-10-1919       
     | Tolley, Lucy            1885            1956    
     | Tolley, Mildred Warner                  4-18-67         ****
Obit | Tolley, Millie W.       1920            1947    
     | Tolley, Norman E.       1917            19--    
     | Tolley, Norman E.       6-15-1917       5-3-1990        WWII
     | Tolley, Samuel M.       1888            1961    
     | Tolley, Sandra Sue      Infant          8-28-45         ****
     | Tollo, Nathaniel L.D.   no dates                        ****
     | Toney, Charline         1-24-1917       7-19-1978        
     | Toney, Ernest L.        7-14-1914       4-2-1991         
     | Toney, Gary Wayne       6-4-1937        3-27-1993       Army
Obit | Toney, John W.          1854            1928            and family
Obit | Toney, Nannie A.
Obit | Toney, Fred
     | Topping, Bertha         1887            1919    
     | Tormey, John T.         4-28-1916       1-9-1997        WWII Main Stone
     | Tormey, Pauline L.      1910            1967    
     | Tormey, Tony                            1-11-97         ****Probably John T.
     | Torrell, Gus            8-6-1846        11-10-1903      Main Stone
     | Torrell, Lena           1860            1919            Galvin Main Stone
     | Tracey
     | Tracey, Adrien          Infant          81              ****
Obit | Tracey, Bonnie L.       5-5-1931        12-2-2002
     | Tracey, Deborah Sue     B&D             2-28-1954
     | Tracey, Evelyn R.       12-20-1916      10-13-2002
Obit | Tracey, George Lester   12-10-1927      3-24-1992       Korea
     | Tracey, Jocelyn Denise  3-15-1954       2-4-1962        front of stone
     | Tracey, William M.      Infant          no date         ****
     | Tracey, William Michael B&D             2-28-1954
     | Trammell, Jehu          1857            1929            Closer view
     | Trammell, Lula B.       1892            1943    
Obit | Trammell, Madelyn       3-9-1916        no date 
     | Trammell, Olive O.      1867            1930            Closer view
     | Trammell, Patience R.   12-2-1850       5-10-1915       
     | Trammell, Robert J.     8-30-1915       5-24-1987       WWII
     | Trammell, Van R.        1892            1953    
     | Trammell, W.B.          11-12-1848      12-22-1924      
     | Trebilcock, Charles O.  1900            1965    
     | Trebilcock, Venetta                     10-9-80         ****
     | Treece, Caroline        11-19-1862      1-8-1942        
     | Treece, Martin Van      1896            1963            also listed as Van Treece
     | Tressmer, De Forest W.  5-18-1917       6-18-2003
     | Tribble, Alma                           2-28-69         ****
     | Tribble, Amanda C.      no date         1908    
     | Tribble, Evelyn         1923            1923    
     | Tribble, Helen          1924            1924    
     | Tribble, John William                   10-7-61         ****Walter
     | Tribble, Michael P.     no date         1908    
     | Trigg, John             no dates                        ****
     | Trinkle, Robert         8-13-1864       8-2-1948        
     | Trobaugh, Infant of Ernest              3-8-43          ****
     | Trone, Effie M."Summers"1870            1913            
     | Trone, George D.        1875            1926            * from records
     | Trone, George H.        1879            1912            ****
     | Trout, Florence         1890            1977            Main stone
     | Trout, Flossie          1902            1982    
     | Trout, Glen H.          6-14-1923       11-24-1943      WWII Main stone
     | Trout, Harold E.        1-11-1915       10-30-1972      Main stone
     | Trout, Harriett         1860            1928    
     | Trout, Henry            1886            1929  
     | Trout, Iva?             11-1889         5-1966 
Obit | Trout, Jacob            1855            1925    
     | Trout, Lloyd            1312            1930            Main stone
     | Trout, Loretta M.       9-15-1910       no date         Main stone
     | Trout, Marriett         1860            1923            ****
     | Trout, Maurice G.       1910            1944            Main stone
     | Trout, Milton           1898            1966    
     | Trout,Virginia Bostrand 7-6-1910        8-20-1985       
     | Troutt, Carolyn J.      no date         1937            inf/o George& Mary
     | Troutt, Charles Phillip 1-29-1865       2-8-1943        
     | Troutt, George E.       7-12-1903       1-28-1978       
     | Troutt, Hardy L.        1914            1977    
     | Troutt, Mary E.         12-7-1904       4-2-1995        
     | Troutt, May Linley      3-7-1871        4-7-1936        
     | Troutt, Nelma A.        1905            1919    
     | Troutt, P.Alfred        1899            1965    
     | True, James N.          1901            1976    
     | True, Thelma L.         1903            1989    
     | Truesdell, Frank W.     3-23-1860       6-12-1912       Full stone
     | Truitt, Gertrude                        12-19-94        ****
     | Trumball, Allen Cooper                  1-11-44         ****
     | Trumbull, Galvin C.     no date         2-5-1902        
     | Tuck, Emma Huebel       1884            1968            Main Stone
     | Tuck, Louis Lester      1885            1944            Main Stone
     | Tucker, Bernice                         7-17-36         ****
     | Tucker, Clarence Dewitt 12-28-1893      2-6-1978        WWI
     | Tucker, Cora Mae                        1-11-75         ****
     | Tucker, Daniel P.       infant          1919            Main stone
     | Tucker, Earl O.         6-26-1908       8-6-2003
     | Tucker, Emily Jane      1859            1942
     | Tucker, Estella Fay     1888            1972
     | Tucker, Ethel Jeany                     4-6-64          ****
     | Tucker, Gladys          1894            1934    
     | Tucker, Infant                          5-25-1925       inf/o LA&JE
     | Tucker, Infant                          3-28-1924       inf/o LA&JE
     | Tucker, Ired                            5-16-49         ****
     | Tucker, Iva E.          1895            1947            Main stone
     | Tucker, James T.                        2-8-45          ****
     | Tucker, Josephine E.    1903            1948    
     | Tucker, Lloyd A.        1901            no date 
     | Tucker, Lucille M.      5-24-1913       1-7-2004
     | Tucker, Parker W.       1898            1980            Main stone
     | Tucker, Phillip A.      no dates                        ****
     | Tucker, Phyllis Ann     1927            no date 
     | Tucker, Robert          4-8-1934        3-30-1996
     | Tucker, Russell         1895            1930    
     | Tucker, Sallie Wood     1871            1958    
     | Tucker, Suel            1886            1931    
     | Tucker, Suel E.         8-20-1843       6-13-1898       Musician Co.K 87 Vol.Inf
     | Tucker, T.B.            11-24-1914      4-6-1963        
     | Tucker, Two Infants     no dates                        ****
     | Tucker, William P.                      4-3-37          ****
     | Tunnell, Elizabeth Emma 1867            1944            Main Stone
     | Tunnell, Lewis Foster   1856            1942            Main Stone
     | Turberville, Kevin Ray  10-16-1957      6-27-1958       
     | Turfin, Pansey Ruth                     5-24-68         ****
     | Turner, Bessie          1869            1961            w/o J.B.
     | Turner, Charles Clemeth                 10-20-1952      
     | Turner, Ella Mary       3-16-1905       12-29-1936      
     | Turner, Emestine        Infant          9-19-58         ****
     | Turner, Gerals W.       1913            12-14-1917      ****
     | Turner, Infant                          7-28-45         ****
     | Turner, J.B.            1867            1937    
     | Turner, Rosa B.         1-12-1856       no date         w/o William R
     | Turner, Rosalie Reed    10-8-1893       7-10-1982       
     | Turner, Tawnce P.                       7-5-89          ****
     | Turner, Thad T.         1880            1923            Main Stone
     | Turner, Tice            1919            1-14-1923       ****
     | Turner, William R.      9-15-1850       10-9-1917       
Obit | Turpin, John                            9-1-35          ****
     | Tyndal, Daird Lester                    6-14-57         ****

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