Submitted by: Carolyn Orrick Greathouse
DR. H. J. R E E D Has Just Received a Splendid Lot of Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Liquors, Wines, Patent Medicines, And all articles usually kept in a Drug Store. Also a complete assortment of Notions, Stationery. I have bought Cheap and propose to sell Cheap. Give me a call and SEE MY NEW GOODS ! I would say to my old customers that I feel very thankful for patronage, and hope to so deal with them hereafter that they will feel it to their interest to continue the same. Physicians can buy their medicines and drugs from me as cheap as from any other party in this part of the country. Prescriptions carefully compounded from the purest drugs.
H. J. REED |
For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer