Spring Garden Column 1893 C. E. HAMILTON is on the sick list. Preaching at the Baptist Church last Saturday and Sunday by Rev. CALVERT. Prof. Grant DALBY has been suffering from a severe attack of neuralgia in his right eye for the last few days. Misses Lulu PRIGMORE, Etta SHURTZ, and Lora DAVENPORT spent Thanksgiving with Miss Maggie PEAVLER. Messrs. A. J. SWEETIN, S. A. DAVIS, W. A. CLARK and R. L. HAYES paid out school a visit last Monday morning. Rev.'s NILES and SMITH, of Kentucky, will begin a series of meetings in the M.E. Church next Monday evening. Mr. Grant DALBY took a part of his school and went to the Hopper School, home to the literary, last Friday night. They report an interesting time. Spring Garden has more to boast of now that it has ever had since it has been a town. We have four dry goods stores, one family grocery, a drug store, two good sawmills, a flouring mill, two milliner shops, two dressmaking establishments, two blacksmith shops, one of the best schools in the county and Mac AIKEN has a jersey cow that furnishes milk and butter for the whole town. What other town can say as much? Never in the history of Spring Garden was there such a grand entertainment given as the one at the Baptist Church Thanksgiving evening by Prof. Grant DALBY and school. By six o'clock the church was filled to overflowing, when Mr. DALBY in a short talk announced the object of the meeting. The exercises opened with the song "We Come to Greet You" by teachers and pupils, followed by the reading of ciii Psalm by Prof. DALBY. Invocation by Bro. HUGART. Song, "We Praise Thee O God," by school; recitation "The First Thanksgiving", by Miss Lora DAVENPORT; followed by two hours of songs, recitations and instrumental music, prepared expressly in keeping the day. Talks were made by Bros. Cal McCULLOUGH, D. A. GOFF, William BARBEE, Dr. BERNARD, Mac CARROLL, Uncle Johnny CLINTON, Rev. HUGART, A. J. SWEETIN, Mrs. Sam MARTIN, John MONROE and others, after which the exercises closed by a recitation, "Bertie's Thanksgiving," by Master Hagle PEAVLER, and song "Good Bye." All went home firmly believing that our schools are doing a good work.
Daily Register Wednesday, 1 February 1893 Joseph Yearwood is reported to be quite sick. A number of cases of measles are reported in this city. Miss Grace Moss is very sick at her home in the northern part of the city. David Atchison, of Dodds township, aged 27 years, died Monday of pneumonia. Funeral was held yesterday afternoon at Cub Prairie. The case of Wm. Keaton in the police court, charged with disturbing the peace of the family of Wm. Dare, on the 28th inst. was continued by Judge Blair till February 10. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Gilbert, of Waltonville, were in the city yesterday looking for a suitable location where they may establish a home, as they have decided to remove to town just as soon as they can effect such arrangements at the farm as will permit their removal hither. They will have a sale and dispose of their stock and other chattel at once. Mrs. Ida M. Webber, wife of G. W. Webber, aged 23 years, died this morning at her home on Breckenridge street in this city. Mrs. Webber was the granddaughter of Judge Sturman, of McLeansboro. The funeral will be held to-morrow at Dahlgren.
Daily Register Friday, 3 February 1893 The wife and child of Mr. Fred Immenga are reported quite sick today. Dr. A. Patton, of Walnut Hill, now in his 88th year, and a practitioner in that vicinity for the past 50 years is reported to be lying at death's door.
Daily Register Thursday, 9 February 1893 John B. Piercy was born in Wilson county, Tennessee on the 13th day of September, A. D. 1823, removed to Green county, Ill., while very young and from there to Jefferson county in 1842, and was married to Amanda C. Moss on the 30th day of May, 1845. Nine children were born of this marriage, towit: James R. Piercy, Sophina C. Goodale, Saretto J. Gilderoy, William A. Piercy, Norman A. Piercy, John R. Piercy, Rachel E. Dukes and Sarah C. Maxey twins and Henry E. Piercy, all now living in Jefferson county but Saretto J. Gilderoy, who lives in Idaho. Amanda C. Piercy, nee Moss, died on the 13th day of October, 1864. He was again married to Jane McFatridge, July 31, 1865. Of this marriage only one child, Vinnie F. Piercy, survives him. He professed religion and joined the M. E. church in 1852 and remained a consistent member of the same at the time of his death. His death was the result of a urinary disease of long duration. He had been confined to his bed the most of the time for two years last past and constantly for the last three months. He grew worse about one week ago and sank rapidly until the end come. The last three days previous to his death he was unconscious. Mr. Piercy died, as stated yesterday, at 11:30 a.m. yesterday. The funeral services will be held at the residence in Drivers to-morrow at 11 o'clock. Rev. Mayhew of Murphysboro conducting the ceremonies, with interment in the Old Shiloh cemetery.
Daily Register Tuesday, 14 February 1893 Wm. Rodgers, Proprietor of the wagon yards on Harrison street, effected a sale of that property on Saturday to Messrs. Ben P. Lisenby and George Conrad, the new owners assuming charge of the place yesterday morning. It is the intention of the new management to build a residence near the southeast corner of the property and erect additional sheds for the storage of feed. It is reported that Messrs. Lisenby and Conrad will erect a hay press upon the premises to bale their own hay and will hereafter conduct a general feed business. John T. Crackel, by reason of sickness has been unable to attend to business the past two days. Elmer Dodson, infant son of Albert and Hattie Dodson, died yesterday of measles. Funeral at the residence at 1 o'clock this afternoon, interment at Salem cemetery.
Daily Register Saturday, 25 February 1893 Death of Grandma Johnson: Mrs. Sarah Johnson died at the residence of her son, Dr. A. C. Johnson, in this city this morning at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Johnson was born February 22, 1815, and had therefore just passed her 78th birthday. She was a native of Sumner county, Tennessee. When but eleven years of age she came to Jefferson county, where, on December 4, 1834, she was united in marriage with John N. Johnson, with whom she lived peacefully and happily until his death November 26, 1855. Mrs. Johnson joined the Methodist church at the early age of ten, and ever after lived a patient, earnest christian life. For a long time she had suffered great bodily pain and death to her was a welcome messenger. She leaves five children living: A. C., John and J. D. Johnson, Mrs. D. H. Warren and Mrs. Mary Waters. Two children have preceded her to the heavenly home. The funeral will occur tomorrow from the M. E. church at 2 o'clock p.m., with interment at Oakwood cemetery.
Daily Register Friday, 17 March 1893 A colored child named Maple Thrillkill, aged three years, died at noon today. Will be buried at Old Union tomorrow at 2 p.m. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yearwood, living at 211 Washington street, died this morning and was buried at Sursa graveyard this afternoon.
Daily Register Saturday, 18 March 1893 About 3 o'clock this afternoon a disturbance arose on Union street in front of Gray's saloon which soon attracted a large crowd and threatened to precipitate a small riot. The genesis of the trouble was the natural outgrowth of an overload of whiskey taken on board by several members of the Clan Wallace who resides some miles out in the country. The profanity of one of the men led to his arrest by the Marshal which was resisted by his friends and officer Farmer was forced to use his club to maintain the majesty of the law, which in the end triumphed and landed Charles Wallace in the city jail. The friends of Wallace settled with Judge Blair by the payment of $3, the usual fine in such cases and he was released from custody. Gen. W. C. Kueffner of Belleville is dangerously ill. A colored boy at Bunker Hill ate a large quantity of dried apples, drank three bottles of soda water and died. In removing the body of John Russel, who had been buried eight years, at Carlyle yesterday it was found to be petrified. The Junior Crokinole Club was entertained last night by Miss Ruby Goodrich at her home on East Main street. The first honors were awarded to Miss Hattie Ellis and Mr. J. B. Goodrich for scoring the greatest number of points during the series of games played during the evening. Daily Register Monday, 20 March 1893 Submitted By: Lori Lisenby Leonard Married, at the residence of the bride's on First street in this city, Mr. Mack Hall, of Howell, Ind., to Miss Emma Fields, of Mount Vernon. A goodly number of their many friends were present to engage in a nice supper and extend congratulations and to bid the happy couple goodbye as they left on the 10:10 train on the L. & N., for their home in Howell. Married, on the 19th inst. at the residence of the bride's parents in the southwest part of the city, Mr. William McGuire to Miss Lucy Thompson. A number of friends were present to witness the ceremony and extend their congratulations to the happy couple. Refreshments were served and a nice time was enjoyed by all. Sadie, the ten-year-old daughter of James and Annie Scott residing in Dodds township, 2½ miles southeast of this city, died yesterday morning, of a malignant throat disease. Interment to-day at 10 a.m. at Salem cemetery. Gracie, only daughter of Wiley and Mary Rogers, three miles south of city, died at 12 o'clock last night of pneumonia. Interment at Pace cemetery to-morrow at 11 a.m.
Daily Register Tuesday, 21 March 1893 A few days ago William Brown, a farmer living about four miles north of town, had about $25 worth of bacon stolen from his smoke house. He suspicioned John Badgett and Norman Osborne and caused a search warrant to issue from Squire Hawkins' court. The bacon was found part in a crib and part in the woods near by. On examination yesterday Squire Hawkins held them to bail in the sum of $100 each to answer to the next grand jury. Mrs. J. H. Dailey is very sick. David Davis, aged 80 years, who died at his home north of Bluford yesterday, was interred at Black Oak Ridge at 4 p.m. today. A Spring Garden drunk was stretched out over one of the Australian ballot boxes in the hall of the temple of justice this morning. Residents who were compelled to be on the streets at a late hour last night and were unprovided with lanterns found much trouble in walking the straight and narrow path homeward. A vote of the parties would undoubtedly result in a verdict that electric lights are a necessity and not a luxury.
Daily Register Wednesday, 22 March 1893 Jim Edwards contributed $5.00 and trimmings for disorderly conduct in Judge Blair's court to-day and Jas. Scott paid a like amount yesterday for assault. Thos. Summers, of Spring Garden, who in 1889 forfeited a bond for assault with deadly weapon, was re-arrested by officer Tabb to-day and placed in jail. Mrs. Joseph Fletcher, of South Breckenridge street, died yesterday at 4:30 p.m. of heart disease. The funeral party left this morning on the W. C. and W. R. R. this morning for New Hope, Saline county, where the funeral will occur this afternoon. The bonds of John Badgett and Norman Osborne for stealing William Brown's meat was fixed at $200 instead of $100 as stated yesterday. Some of the neighbors of Mr. Brown who have also been losing meat were in town to-day trying to have the bond increased, but find that under the law that cannot be done. They fear that Badgett and Osborne will skip out.
Daily Register Monday, 3 April 1893 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tucker have been called to endure deep affliction during the past thirty days. This morning at 1 o'clock their third and last child was called across the river of death, it being the third child to die within the past thirty days. Little Ethel who died this morning was seven years of age. Her death leaves a desolate home with sorrowing parents and none to comfort or cheer. The funeral will occur tomorrow at 11 o'clock at Limestore.
Daily Register Thursday, 6 April 1893 Died, at her home in Elk Prairie, yesterday afternoon, after a lingering and painful illness, Mrs. Florida Johnson, wife of Lucius Johnson. The deceased was 34 years of age, and was buried at 4 o'clock at Hickory Hill cemetery this afternoon. Kiah Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cox, is very sick of pneumonia at the family residence on South Washington street.
Daily Register Friday, 7 April 1893 The women are getting there with both feet just now. A bill giving them the right to vote in township elections has passed both branches of the General assembly and will be presented to the Governor for his signature to-day. The Daily Register will be glad when they have the right to vote in all elections. Miss Birdie Hudspeth entertained a few friends last evening in a charming manner. The guests were Mrs. Homer Hayward, Misses Hattie Hamlin, Mae Miller, Martha and Bernadine Ham and Messrs. Rufus Grant, Roy Spiese, Homer Hayward, Sidney Ham, Will Grant and Ad. Fly.
Daily Register Saturday, 8 April 1893 The case of the People vs. Rosa Marshall, teacher of the Hopper school for whipping Emma Book one of her pupils was tried in Uncle Johnny Bogan's court yesterday and aroused considerable interest among those familiar with the trouble leading up to the suit. The evidence of the prosecution was very damaging to the defendant, and she was declared guilty and fined $3 and costs for inflicting the corporal punishment complained of by the friends of the little girl.
Daily Register Monday, 24 April 1893 Merritt Bullock died at his home in west Mt. Vernon last night, of consumption. Interment at 10 o'clock tomorrow at Pleasant Grove cemetery. Joseph Newton aged 14 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Newton of Marlow died very suddenly on Saturday night of inflammation of the bowels. Interment yesterday at Black Oak Ridge cemetery near Bluford. John Chatman, charged with drunkenness and using profane and indecent language upon the street was fined $3 and trimmings in Judge Blair's court this morning. John Thweet pled guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct and was assessed $3 and costs in the same tribunal.
Daily Register Friday, 12 May 1893 Married, by Rev. W. P. Hosken, at the residence of Mr. Charles McAtee on Casey avenue last night, Mr. William Brown and Miss Kitty McAtee. The wedding of Mr. Brown and Miss McAtee is the consummation of a romantic courtship. About twenty years ago Mr. Brown courted Miss McAtee and was rewarded with her love, but a lovers quarrel separated them and he went to the west in search of the "golden fleece", but failing like the adventurous Argonauts to find the object of his search, he returned here to find the Dulcinea of his affections still unmarried, and renewing their courtship the marriage of last night was the inevitable result. Circuit Court Doings: People vs. William Warren, assault to murder; trial by jury, verdict of not guilty. Same vs. Barney Wells, selling liquor; trial by jury, verdict of guilty on first count. Same vs. Roy Smith and Turk Suddoth, malicious mischief; trial by jury, verdict not guilty. Same vs. Andrew Fialkofski and Julian Fialkofski, larceny; trial by jury, verdict not guilty. Same vs. Lawrence S. Davenport, manslaughter; continued on affidavit by defendant. Same vs. Walter Roper, perjury; continued. Same vs. Alfred Bond, assault to murder; indictment quashed and defendant discharged. Same vs. Same, two cases of assault with a deadly weapon; certified to county court for trial. Same vs. Jesse Bond, assault to murder; indictment quashed. Same vs. Same, two cases of assault with a deadly weapon; certified to county court for trial. Chancery Court: Neone Gowenlock vs. David Gowenlock, divorce; decree granted as prayed. Ida E. Peavier vs. Hugh Peavier, divorce; same order. Mrs. Annie Green vs. J. Calvin Green, divorce; same order. Mary R. Wilson vs. William S. Wilson, divorce; same order. Mary C. Seaton vs. James Seaton, divorce; same order. Samuel J. Owens vs. Annie Owens, divorce; same order. William H. Cox vs. Rose Cox, divorce; same order. Nellie Casey Foulks vs. Charles B. Foulks, divorce; same order. Kate Roberts vs. Grant Roberts, divorce; same order. Frederic Sewert vs. Ena Sewert, divorce; bill withdrawn by complainant.
Daily Register June 14, 1893
CHARLES ALLEN'S HOUSE PULLED TO PIECES.. Charles ALLEN is a farmer on a small scale, living about four miles south of this city in Dodds Township. About ten days ago he took his wife to the bedside of her dying mother in Marion County. They were destined there longer than they expected when they started. During his absence somebody, evidently having a grudge against him proceeded last Tuesday night to tear down his new log residence, which from reports resulted in the complete razing of the building. No attempt, it seems, was made to destroy the furniture, only one chair being broken. Yesterday Mr. ALLEN arrived in Mt. Vernon accompanied by his wife, who had taken ill on the return trip. Mr. ALLEN wanted to leave her with her brother, Mr. Lew WALLACE of this city, but Mrs. ALLEN being anxious to get back to her own home, insisted on going. A short distance below town they met a neighbor of whom they inquired how matters were at home since they left, and then for the first time was he informed of the total destruction of his home. The neighbor advised him to bring his wife back to the city which he did, leaving her with her brother's family. Mr. ALLEN then repaired to the scene of destruction. Upon arrival he found two notices which leaving out the words unfit for publication, read as follows: ALLEN: Pull out you _____ _____ or Ketch Hell. This means business. By order of the Loge. This is warning to pull in 3 days or _____ _____ we will kill. Bill MASSE
Rope (picture of rope here) to Hang ALLEN. Bullet Look Out D_____ Thea J.
Picture of log cabin on fire here. Mr. ALLEN was in town this morning in consultation with the State Attorney WATSON and professes to know the guilty parties. After carefully listening to his statements, Mr. WATSON advised him to gather his evidence in good shape, and know exactly what he could prove, when it would be proper for him to cause the issue of warrants. The guilty parties, will no doubt, soon find themselves in the hands of the law.
Mt. Vernon IL Register (Weekly) - June 14, 1893 Deaths of Pioneers since last annual meeting.
Miranda BULLOCK, died December 3, 1892
Daily Register Friday, 16 June 1893 Mrs. E. P. Grant: Elisabeth Brockman was born in Taswell Co., N. C., January 19th, 1815, of German and Irish parentage. She lived there until her mother died in June, 1825, when she moved with her father to Rutherford county, Tennessee, and remained there until her marriage with Edmond P. Grant, June, 1839, and lived with him and her family until his death, when she purchased a farm in Cub Prairie, about six miles south of this city, and lived there until the spring of 1872, when she came to live with her daughter, Mrs. Susan E. Patton, in this city, and has remained a member of the family since. Father and Mother Grant, with their two children, Nannie and Susan, joined the M. E. Church, at Bethel in 1857. Mother Grant joined the church at the age of 16 years, and we who know her best believe that she has lived her life in accord with her profession and that a crown awaits her beyond the valley. She died at the residence of her friend, Mrs. Annie L. Pace at nine o'clock p.m., June 13, 1893, age 78 years, 4 months, 6 days. Her last hours were the brightest and best of her Christian experience.
Mt. Vernon IL Register (Weekly) - August 2, 1893 SKIPPED OUT - Marion BAKER Takes His BABE and BED and Leaves His WIFE About two years ago Marion BAKER married a widow named Lydia RANKIN. They have neither of them passed a happy day since, but have quarrelled and fussed, and fussed and quarrelled until not only were they miserable and unhappy themselves, but made the neighbors around them exceedingly miserable listening to their respective tales of woe. Up to last night they were living together on the Clinton DAVIS farm, five miles northeast of this city. Mrs. BAKER, late in the evening went out to milk the cows. While engaged in her work her liege lord and master quietly gathered the babe's clothes, the babe and the bed clothing and managed to carry them all through the woods to a team in waiting and without even kissing his wife goodbye, departed for unknown parts. Upon Mrs. BAKER's return to the house she screamed loud and long, but MARION did not respond. She gathered up a few duds and went to her daughter's Hulda HALEY in Field Township and expressed the opinion that Mr. BAKER had gone to his mother in Indiana. The babe is nine months old.
Mt. Vernon IL Register (Weekly) - August 9, 1893 While engaged in conversation the other day with the REGISTER reported a prominent citizen adverted to the large number of country people who are moving to Mt. Vernon as a place of residence, and during the course of his remarks suggested that perhaps Moore's Prairie Township was presented by a larger colony in the city than any other section of the county, and after "rubbing up" his memory a short time furnished the following list of people now resident of the King City who were former citizens of that township. It is probable that many are forgotten, but the catalogue is a long one as it is. Kirby SMITH, Miss Mattie HOPPER, Bertie HOPPER, Lawrence SNODSMITH, Lillian SNODSMITH, Emma COMBS, W. D. TAYLOR and family, Wilson COCHRAN and family, John GIBSON and family, Al DAMON and family, Mrs. Nellie JUNKER, Edgar HOPPER, Ollie HOPPER, George IRWIN and family Jerry TAYLOR, C. D. HAM, J. Lee CROWDER, John CROWDER, B. F. PACE, John KOONS and family, Lycurgus HUGHEY, Mrs. Cora MORGAN, Rado ATCHISON, Henry McCLURE and family, George McCLURE and family, Sylvester EYER and family, William HOLT and family, James KITE and family, Bob ALLEN and family, Jesse FANNEN and family, Ot BOUDINOT, Gaston FANNEN, Mrs. Eliza VOLIVA, Sam RAGAN and family, Nick RIPLINGER and family, Wm. McCLURE, _____ GREGG, two of them, Marion CROSS, Mary HEILMAN, Barbara HEILMAN, Thomas WALTERS and family, George ATCHISON and family, Mrs. Elvira GRIFFIN, Mrs. Ida SULLIVAN, Carrie WEATHERFORD, John WOOTERS and family, John S. BROOKS, James McCLURE and family, James PUCKETT and family, Rosa FRIZZELL, Sam FRIZZELL, Clem L. V. JONES and family, Mrs. Eva FARTHING, George W. JONES and family, Mrs. Esther KNIFFEN and family, Charles PUCKETT, John NESMITH and family, Mrs. Jane MADDOX, William RIDDLE.
Mt. Vernon IL Register (Weekly) - August 12, 1893 From Tuesday's Daily Register - Daniel CAMPBELL, of this city, is in the proud possession of a photograph showing four generations of his family. It shows his father as an old, weel preserved gentleman of 84 years, than a daughter, than a grandaughter, then a great-grandchild. One of the peculiarities of this picture is that it represents four generations, the ages each ending in four. The old gentleman is 84, the daughter is 54, the grandchild is 24 and the great-grandchild is 4. In this respect they may successfully challenge its counterpart. Mr. CAMPBELL's father resides at Eaton Rapids, Michigan.
Mt. Vernon Register (Weekly) - September 20, 1893 DEATH OF A CENTENARIAN Mrs. Delilah F. STEVENSON, perhaps the oldest individual in Jefferson County, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. C. MADDOX, at 113 South Green Street in this city, at twenty-five minutes past three o'clock this morning. Mrs. STEVENSON was one of the pioneers and prominent figures of Jefferson County, having lived in Mt. Vernon and vicinity for more than half century, and had been closely identified with all the religious and moral movements of the community. Mrs. STEVENSON was born in Bartee County, North Carolina, in 1794 0r 1795, in the absence of the family records some uncertainty exists as to the correct date. In the early years of her girlhood she removed from her native State of Princeton, KY., where at the age of twenty-three years, she married Matthew J. STEVENSON and soon after removed with her husband to Illinois, first settling at Old Frankfort, in Franklin County, in 1818, where Mr. STEVENSON worked at his trade as a blacksmith for several years. Returning to the South, Mr. and Mrs. STEVENSON located in Tennessee, but shortly after came back to Illinois and established themselves at Golconda, Pope County, from whence they removed to Mt. Vernon where Mrs. STEVENSON has since resided. Four of Mrs. STEVENSON's children are still living. They are John, the oldest, living at Troy Grove, LaSalle County, Ill.; Mrs. Eliza MADDOX, of this city; Mrs. A. C. McLAUGHLIN, of Troy Grove; and Henry, a prominent farmer of Shiloh Township, this county. Matthew STEVENSON died 56 years ago and his widow afterwards married John CRAWFORD, who lived but a short time. After his death his widow reassumed the name of STEVENSON, which she has ever since borne. Mrs. STEVENSON was a devout Christian and had been a member of the M.E. Church for a great number of years. Telegrams announcing the death of Mrs. STEVENSON have been sent to John and Mrs. McLAUGHLIN, her two children at Troy Grove, and they are expected to arrive on the Air Line accommodation tonight to attend the funeral, which will be held at the M.E. Church tomorrow morning. Rev. J. B. THOMPSON, of Salem, has been sent for to preach the funeral sermon. The interment will be in Pleasant Grove Cemetery.
Mt. Vernon IL Register (Weekly) - October 11, 1893 O. S. NELSON, of Wichita, Kan., half-brother of Prof. J. G. CROSIER, of this city was the guest of the latter gentleman yesterday. Mr. NELSON is connected with the Kansas Immigration Society and is a veritable cyclopedia of information in regard to the resources of the Sunflower State. Harvey HILL, of Hartford, Conn., having attained his majority came to Mt. Vernon a week or two ago to have a settlement with his guardian Richard W. LYON, which having been completed, he has now gone to St. Louis to visit his mother a few weeks before returning. Spring Garden - Quince TAYLOR, Harry HAMILTON, and Ezra CLARK started to Helena, Ark., last Sunday, where they contemplate working in a saw-mill. Spring Garden - Johnnie LOYD is the happiest man in the world; cause..... twins...boy and girl. Elliot BEVIS is nearly as happy as Johnnie Loyd..... it's a girl. Spring Garden - The teacher's meeting Saturday was a failure, owing to the president, C. E. HAMILTON, forgetting the meeting and painting his school house; and vice president, E. W. MITCHELL went to Hacker's Neck, laboring under the impression was to be held at John LYNCHES. Our teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Grant DALBY, who have labored very hard to make the meetings of September 30th and October 7th. a success, have decided that hickory nut hunting and pawpawing will pay better, and will next Saturday take their schools and go to the woods, and it is useless to say the young timber will suffer. Spring Garden - Who says that 'lasses are not good since Mr. HICKS of Franklin County had a barrell of molasses stolen from his mill Thursday night? But, unfortunately, the thief had a crazy wagon wheel, which Mr. HICKS tracked to one George GREEN's, in Hacker's Neck. After searching the premises and finding nothing they decided to watch Saturday night. About four o'clock a.m. GREEN and his son-in-law Frank ANTHONY, were seem conveying the barrell of sorgum to the creek nearby, where they sank it under the water. They were arrested by Tom GLAZEBROOK, brought to Spring Garden and tried before Justice CLARK, found guilty and placed under bond of $200 each, we understand. Mt. Vernon IL Register (Weekly) - October 11, 1893
BEHIND THE BARS - Ed CROSSNO, After Three Years of Liberty is Brought Back - Three years ago last April, Ed CROSSNO presented a note at Evans' bank for $240 signed himself as principal and B. P. REESE and John T. WATERS as security and obtained the money on it. Later in the day and after CROSSNO had flown, the bank officials learned that B. P. REESE could not write his own name. It then developed, too, that on the day previous CROSSNO had attempted to secure money on the same names at Ham's bank. Mr. Ham pronounced the sureties good, but preferred that they should into the bank and sign the note in his presence. CROSSNO announced his willingness to this, but never returned. He went to Evans' bank the next day, where he managed to secure the money. CROSSNO disappeared and at the same time Susan HUTCHISON, who is also under indictment for arson, charged with having burned the barn on Albert WATSON's farm east of the city, disappeared also. At the May term, 1890, of the Circuit Court, CROSSNO was indicted, but all efforts to locate him had been in vain until about ten days ago when a postal card written by Susan HUTCHISON to a person in this vicinity fell into the wrong hands, and by which the location of the two became known. They were at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where it now appears, they have been living as man and wife for the past two years and a half under the assumed names of John DAVIS and Maud DAVIS. During this time Susan has been in the city jail on the charge of vagrancy. Application was immediately made to Governor ALTGELD for requisition papers for both parties, but as every pulse beat of his heart seems to be in sympathy with the criminal classes whom he is turning out of the penitentiary faster than the courts can put them in, he would not cause the issuance of requisition papers until he had examined the evidence. The evidence being supplied, he absolutely refused to issue requisition papers for the woman, but did issue them for CROSSNO. Sheriff GRAY went to Milwaukee but being unable to identify CROSSNO, who stoutly maintained that he had never been in Mt. Vernon and did not know any one here, had to await the arrival of John WATERS who was sent from here to identify him. WATERS identified him after making four visits to the jail to see CROSSNO. CROSSNO worked three years for Mr. WATERS. Not until the Sheriff had almost gotten to Mt. Vernon with his prisoner did the latter confess that he was the proper person. CROSSNO now claims that he was not the guilty party, but that two other persons are implicated who signed the names of REESE and WATERS on the note. So far he had failed to divulge who these other parties are. He is safe in jail and will have a trial at the December term of court. Mt. Vernon, IL Daily Register, December 14, 1893 UNHAPPY COUPLES....Twenty-Four of Them Will Air Their Troubles in The CIrcuit Court Tomorrow. Judge Youngblood announced this morning that tomorrow would be devoted exclusively to the hearing of applications for divorce. The following cases are on the docket.
Mary E. Moore vs. James Moore Mt. Vernon, IL Daily Register, Thursday, December 21, 1893 The announcement in yesterday's Register that John R. Allen, son of Thomas C. Allen had married Miss Belle Roach, developed a series of curious co-incidences in the Allen family showing a peculiar fascination for women whose given names are Belle. John R. Allen of this city married Belle Maxey; his only brother married Belle Harper; and now Thomas C. Allen's son has married Belle Roach, making three Belle Allens in that family. |
For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer