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Jefferson County, IL


Newspaper Articles - 1911

The Daily Register - February 17, 1911

108 year old wife dies in Florence, Colorado. Frances ESPER died from burns in the arms of her husband who is age 111. They were married for 91 years.

February 27, 1911 Mt. Vernon Register News
Submitted by: Sharlet Bigham LaBarbera
Oct 4, 1997


S. R. Yearwood Meets Death In Evansville Saturday Victim Was Formerly a Resident of this City and Will be Brought Here for Burial.

Samuel R. Yearwood, aged 87, was killed in Evansville, by a train on the Evansville & Terre Haute railroad. He had stooped down to pick up some object lying on the tracks, and did not realize the closeness of the approaching train in time to get out of the way. The pilot of the engine struck him in the head, rendering him unconscious and he died about an hour later, but did not regain consciousness. He was a crossing flagman in Evansville for the L & N railroad.

Mr. Yearwood was born in Tennessee, but made this city his home for many years. Three brothers, Wm. F. and J. M. Yearwood, of this city, and A. L. Yearwood, of Evansville, together with a widow and seven children survive. He was a soldier in the confederate army and served several years for the cause he espoused. During his term of service he made an excellent record as a soldier. Religiously he clung to the Baptist faith. The body will be brought here Tuesday morning, on the L & N train, and taken directly to Sursa cemetery, where a funeral service will be conducted by Rev. W. L. Dorgan.

The Daily Register - March 10, 1911

Samuel STARNES claims no marriage but asks for a divorce. The pretended marriage took place in St. Louis on February 17 this year of Gertie CLARK, daughter of G. B. CHILTON. A decree for divorce from Gerald CLARK was granted at last term of court and has never been filed. Charges fraud, deception and adultery. (Information combined from two articles.)

The Daily Register - March 21, 1911

Burrell SLEDGE married Nancy ROSE last June in Thompsonville. This marriage was illegal because Nancy had only been divorced from George ROSE for 4 months. Seems the law was that you had to be divorced for 1 year before marrying again.

Mt. Vernon Register News - June 19, 1911
Submitted by: Sharlet Bigham LaBarbera
Oct 7, 1997


Ray Rogers Finds Rails On C & E. I. Spread - Flags Passenger Train

A wreck of the north bound train due here at 8:10 p.m. on the C & E I would have occured Sunday night, about a half mile south of the city, had not a Mt. Vernon boy been on the spot at the time for the train to arrive to stop it. Ray M. Rogers, who is employed be the Mt. Vernon Car company, was walking out the C & E I track at about 6:30 in the evening, when he saw that the rail was spread. He sat down and waited. No train came until eight o'clock, which was the Chicago bound passenger train. He stopped the train by a fire which he built as a warning and in in this manner saved the train from being thrown from the tracks into a deep ditch along the railway. The train was well filled with passengers and it was going at a swift rate when the rail was reached, and had not the train been stopped, it would certainly have resulted in a very serious wreck.

May 6, 1911 Mt. Vernon Daily Register
Submitted by: Sharlet Bigham LaBarbera
Sept 28, 1997


Injuries of Such Nature that it is Feared the Boy Cannot Survive  The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Yearwood, living at the northwest corner of Fourth and Main streets, was so terribly bitten by a vicious bull dog, about noon today, that it is feared the little fellow cannot recover. The child is about four years old. The details are briefly as follows: The dog, who is owned by a man named McWay, who just moved here today from Chicago, and he had the animal chained to the porch. He jumped off and worked his head through the collar, and rushed out to the street. The Yearwood child was the first person the dog met up with, and with no warning the child was pounced upon and the left leg and thigh were so terribly mangled that the recovery is a matter of considerable doubt.

The McWay family live in the Dr. Culli property on the southeast corner of Fourth and Main.

Dr. Culli, Ed and Cyrus Garrison were attracted by the cries of the child and they rushed at the maddened animal, and finally, after beating it with an ax, Cyrus Garrison was able to drive it away from the little fellow. This is another and sad lesson occasioned by the keeping of worthless dogs. The bull dogs are especially vicious, and if persons insist on keeping them in the city, they should be forced to keep them confined in a building, so that they cannot get out and take the lives of helpless children. The officers went over to kill the dog, but the damage is done and the killing will come a bit late.

The May 7th paper had an article that the dog was destroyed. There was no mention of an obituary for the little Yearwood boy so I am assuming that he survived. Other Yearwood cousins, do you know?

Mt. Vernon, IL Daily Register - Wednesday - June 28, 1911
Submitted By: Mary Zinzilieta

ADOPTION NOTICE State of Illinois, Jefferson County.-

To all whom it may concern. Take notice, that on the 28th day of June A.D. 1911, a petition was filed by David E. BOTTO and Josie BOTTO, his wife, in the County Court of Jefferson County, for the adoption of a child named Beulah WATSON. Now, unless you appear within twenty days after the date of this notice and show cause against such application, the petition shall be taken as confessed and a decree of adoption entered.

Dated this 28th day of June, A.D. 1911.

John G. YOUNG, County Clerk
Curtis WILLIAMS, Attorney for Petitioners

Mt. Vernon, IL Daily Register - Saturday, July 1, 1911
Submitted By: Mary Zinzilieta


County Graduating Exercises Attracts Hundreds to Mt. Vernon Saturday, July First

The graduating exercises of the Jefferson County Schools, outside of Mt. Vernon, were held in this city, July first, on the lawn of the First M.E. Church, under the friendly maple trees. The exercises attracted hundreds of pupils, and about three hundred were permitted to take part. The sight of hundreds of bright faced happy school children assembled, as they were, was an impressive one and one that will long be remembered. The speakers on the program were Dr. William MATTHEWS, President of Ewing College, W. Duff PIERCY, John M. RAPP and George B. WELBORN, representatives from this district. Anderson's orchestra played during the afternoon.

The following were entitled to take part in the exercises:

Earl BREEZE, Flora MARCUM, Eddie HAILS, Ruth MORGAN, Fae NELMS, Grace HARVEY, Josephine GASKINS, Murtie ROACH, John CHAMP, Maymie ROACH, Chas. McKELVEY, Harold STEPHENSON Emma SMITH. (Woodlawn)

Belle DYCUS, Theo WALKER, Elsie HAIL, Cleo DYCUS, Effie JOHNSON & Orval DYCUS. (Ashley)

Marle PHILP, Velma HODGE, Frankie Eva McCOWEN, Ernest WALKER, Altha SMITH, Paul GILBERT, Willie CAMPBELL, Hazel HELLER, Velma JUNKINS, & Iva & Ruth MANNEN. (Waltonville)

Everett MARTIN, Anna NEWBURY, Ray DODGE, Nellie WRIGHT & Hazel HESTER. (Scheller)

Ray LUCHSINGER, Omer WHITLOCK, Herman DUNCAN, Iva MOORE, J. Morton WOOD, Louise LUCHINSINGER, Ella RILEY, Maurice WARD, Harry ELKINS, Roy STOVER, Clare Belle GOOSTREE, Alpha BRUCE, Daisy STORMENT, Mertie LAIRD, Ethel SANDERS & Herschel HAWKINS. (Dix) Rollie CONNAWAY. (Texico) Farda SMITH, Anna WHITE, Merritt MOSS, Anna SCHIEFER. (Mt. Vernon) Hubert HALL, Helen Danner. (Woodlawn) Grace PAYNE. (Mt. Vernon)

Cecil HOWE. (Woodlawn) Ray LEGGE, Mabel NEVILLE, Minnie BROWN, Arthur BALLARD, Joe DAVIS, Walter KRIES, Lena BUECHLER, Grace GRAY. (Mt. Vernon) Irwin LACEY. (Waltonville) Edwin MUNROE. (Bonnie)

Edith BLACK, Loyd MARTIN, Herbert BLACK, Terrell WELLS. (Bonnie) Harry ALLEN, Ethel HARTLEY. (Sheller) Leslie LEWIS, Cole SHELTON. (Waltonville)

George DONAHO, Everett TATE. (Dix) Alice SIMMONS, Jewell WILSON, Willie SIMMONS, Edith WHITLOCK, Chas. E. SIMMONS, Elma ROLLINSON, Rudolph AUSTIN. (Texico)

Beulah ALEXANDER, Ruby HUMPHREY, Beulah HUTCHISON, Samantha S. JONES, Trula KNAPP, Gladys LAIRD, Homer LOWERY, Emma MAXEY, Arthur RICHARDS, Fred RICHARDS, Lester RICHARDS, Nellie WARNER, Lilly WOOD. (Mt. Vernon)

George BUMPUS, Harlton & Vada ATCHISON, George KELLEY. (Belle Rive) Leona GODDARD, Leta ESTES, Zota RUSSELL, Grace MELTON, Lottie HUGHEY, Cora SMITH, Estelle MOORE, Harry GROTHOFF, Bessie HUNT, Ruth RIGGS. (Opdyke)

Keith COMBS, Elsie WILLIFORD, Bernice STALEY. (Mt. Vernon)

Ernest McBRIDE, Lawson TAYLOR, Ella ALLEN, Vivian DUNBAR, Elsie ALLEN, Melia KIRK, Dan BLOOD, Vivian COX, Clara ALLEN, Gale WINGO, Cora ALLEN, Quincy CLINTON, Karley GLAZEBROOK, Tommy FRYE, Wade WINGO, Frank BROWN, Glen KIRK, Paul PIPER. (Ina) Myrtle MITCHELL, Mabel NORRIS, Flora KELLER, Arthur HAMILTON, Lela LYNCH. (Bonnie) Clara McMEEN. (Mt. Vernon)

Worth WAYLAND, Gean FICKLE, Damarris WAYLAND, Dolly WAYLAND, Esther WAYLAND, Everyl FRAME, Francis WILLIS, Vivian RANDALL, Vera TURNER, Williard CAMPBELL, Parley RIGGS. (Bonnie) Ella FOWLER, Eva & Annie COCKRUM, Oscar PAGE, Mabel CLINTON, Alva FOWLER, Will WEBB, Blanche MONROE. (Ina) Claude ADAMS, Walter WHISENHUNT. (Opdyke) Salesia PUCKETT, Curren PUCKETT. (Belle Rive)

Nellie SCOTT, Hill WARNER, Thomas COOPER, Willie BROOKMAN. (Texico) Emery YOUNGBLOOD. (Keens) Claude LATTA, Lily SHIELDS, Erma & Iva OFFENSTEIN. (Bluford)

George SHINN. (Mt. Vernon) Ferne McDONALD, Mae ROBERTSON, Cora A. MARLOW, Elsie BROWN, Erma BEAN, Ira YOUNG, Alvin REECE. (Bluford) Cynthia OLOMAN. (Marlow)


Amzi EPPERSON, Irene WATERS, Flora JOHNSON, Anna BLAKE, Ethel YATES, Roe ROBERTSON, Edward COOK, Rosetta FRANKLIN, Curtis CATRON, Fred PAGE, Gold MARTIN, Gail PASLEY, Lena FOSTER. (Belle RIve) Rosier CROSS. (Opdyke)

Grace COCHRANE, Stella COCHRANE, Vera DARROUGH, Esther STRINGFIELD, Minnie WRIGHT, Evan SMITH, Bernice ERSKINE. (Belle Rive) Bernie SPURLOCK. (Bonnie)

Elsa NELMS, Nellie PATTON, Linnie BEADLE. (Walnut Hill) Ira FERGUSON, Stella WILSON, George GRISSOM, Loren CAPP, Nellie BOND. (Woodlawn) Ruth DODDS, Mae FOX. (Waltonville) Edith NOWLAND, Georgia QUINN, Everett MARTIN, Olive HARTLEY. (Sheller) Cora WARD, Hulin WARD, Alpha BRUCE, Archie WHITLOCK. (Dix) Asiel CONRAD, Ruth ALLEN. (Mt. Vernon) Alice CLARK, Hazel FREEMAN, Clyde TERRY, Dewey ARNOLD, Harold RUTHERFORD, Neal HAYES, Myrtle BARVA. (Mt. Vernon)

Ella DAVIS, Floyd SHELTON. (Waltonville) Lena ESTES. (Bonnie) Ivan HAWKINS, Troy HAWKINS, Naomi BROWN, Mabel BUESCHER, Mabel STONECYPHER, Ruth PARKER, Willie HERRON. (Texico) Ina PALMER, Angie CHASTAIN, Ruth VAUGHN. (Mt. Vernon) Ruth STANDEFER, Mable VEACH, Arthur HUTCHISON, Roy GROTHOFF, Roy LEVY, Elmer LEVY. (Mt. Vernon) Essie FISHER, Lottie McCOLLUM, Gertie HALE. (Ina) Stella LEACH. (Opdyke) Bud COCHRUM, IRene BLACK, Dee PUCKETT. (Bonnie) Earl Adams. (Opdyke) Ray FOELKER. (Bonnie) Oscar COOPER. (Texico) Lois FRENCH. (Bluford) Nellie MAXEY, John GREEN, Dollie GOWLER. (Bluford) Goldie MASSEY, Helen BRUCE. (Opdyke) Myrtle GREEN. (Bluford) Ora CURRAN, Anna RICHARDSON, Ada BLAKE, Myrtle GOWLER, Grace HUGHEY, Effie WILKEY, Ewell PORFIT, Hazel MOORE. (Opdyke) Ella JONES, Fannie JONES. (Ina) Harry DARROUGH.

Following is the program:

  • Selection - Anderson's Orchestra.
  • Music by the audience.
  • Invocation - Rev. G. E. McCAMMON
  • Address - W. Duff PIERCY
  • Selection - Anderson's Orchestra
  • Address - Dr. William MATTHEWS, President of Ewing College
  • Selection - Anderson's Orchestra
  • Short Talks - John M. RAPP of Fairfield & George B. WELBORN
  • Selection - Anderson's Orchestra
  • Presentation of Diplomas
  • Benediction - Rev. W. V. McADOO

The Daily Register - Mt. Vernon, IL - Wednesday, July 12, 1911

Advertised Letters - List of letters remaining unclaimed at the Mt. Vernon, Ill. post office for the week ending July 8, 1911.


Not Affected by Heat - The stork does not seem to be affected by the heat as the following arrivals are reported from one of Dr. Stork's sub stations:

Girl - Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ROGERS, 907 Conger Avenue
Boy - Mr. and Mrs. Rube STOUT, Williams Park
Girl - Mr. and Mrs. Dow BORAH, Williams Park
Boy - Mr. and Mrs. Neville MILLER, East Main Street

Williams Park seems to be the favored spot and the girls broke even with the boys, there being two of each reported from the station.

The Daily Register - Mt. Vernon, IL - Tuesday, August 8, 1911

THE DIX REUNION WAS GREAT GATHERING - Three Days of Unusual Enjoyment Afforded the Vast Crowd

The G. A. R. Reunion and picnic held in the grove one mile west of Dix on August 1, 2, 3, was an occasion long to be remembered as a grand success. The attendance, estimated at from 5000 to 6000 was enthused with a spirit of patriotism and brought with them early in the day, their good behavior, undivided interest and good cheer. The grounds are beautifully located nicely shaded and easily reached, and for the convenience of those attending, was well supplied with refreshment stands, steam swing and other attractions and amusements for the younger folks. Among those in attendance were people from Wayne City, Woodlawn, Centralia, Mt. Vernon, Kell, Walnut Hill, Texico, Boyd and other sister cities.

On August 2 the people were ably entertained by interesting and patriotic addresses by Comrade A. MYERS, of Wayne City, Comrade W. H. BLACK, of Woodlawn, Hon. J. J. BUNDY, of Centralia, Comrades S. T. MAXEY and J. A. WALL, and others. Music was furnished for the occasion by the Dix concert band and the Ebenezer Glee Club and Big Four Quartet, all of whom maintained their former reputation for splendid music. The vast audience was also delightfully entertained by the rendering of some beautiful songs by the Misses Jessie and Nellie MORRIS, of Centralia. Among the other attractions present was a flag drill presented by 12 young ladies of Ebenezer, which was very inspiring, as well as a military drill composed of a company of small boys under the leadership of C. E. BROWN, which was very appropriate.

Registration showed the following old soldiers in attendance together with their post office address and age.


M. A. BARBER, Dix, 69
Leonard CHERRY, Dix, 70
J. M. DUNCAN, Tennessee, 70
J. A. WALL, Mt. Vernon, 75
A. MYERS, Wayne City, 67
J. V. BRUCE, Divide, 75
W. H. MISENHAMER, Centralia, 69
John DURALL, Dix, 66
J. H. McBRIDE, Walnut Hill, 64
Robert WHITE, Dix, 70
Abraham LANCE, Iuka, 70
Chas. SANDERS, Dix, 72
J. H. ATCHISON, Dix, 71
Henry PARKER, Kell, 67
S. T. MAXEY, Mt. Vernon, 77
L. K. LAIRD, Dix, 72
E. M. WALKER, Mt. Vernon, no age given
William BOLES, Walnut Hill, 63
T. K. GASTON, Dix, 78
George MYERS, Kell, 64
J. T. CUNNINGHAM, Centralia, 63
W. P. GASTON, Kell, 63
W. M. FULLER, Dix, 68
John J. WILLIS, Mt. Vernon, 68
R. W. G. ELKINS, Dix, 84
H. R. MORTON, Walnut Hill, 74
George A. WHITLOCK, Texico, 76
W. H. BLAKE, Woodlawn, no age given
Alex BUNDY, Walnut Hill, 65
W. H. TAYLOR, 70
T. J. BAIRD, Kell, no age given
Elisa HAWKINS, Dix, 77
Isiah FIELDS, Kell, 62
C. B. ARTHUR, Walnut Hill, 73
Arthur TELFORD, Spanish War


M. J. CRABTREE, Walnut Hill, 67
H. J. McCREARY, Dix, 73
Eliza A. EASLEY, Dix, 65
M. JOHNSON, Centralia, 70
M. M. FYKE, Dix, 63
Mary A. JOINES, Dix, 66
Mary A. FREE, Dix, 75
Sarah A. WHITLOCK, Dix, no age given
S. J. ANDREWS, Hammond, Ind., 77
Margaret ANDREWS, Walnut Hill, no age given
Dorthuha A. TYLER, Dix, no age given
Temperance McCORMACK, no age given

Daily Register, Mt. Vernon, IL - Saturday, 12 Aug 1911
Submitted By: Mary Zinzilieta

The Boyer Reunion - The second annual reunion of the descendants of Samuel BOYER was held at Navarre Park, in Toledo on August 3, 1911, with Pres. O. P. BOYER presiding. In spite of the rain which did not clear up until about 3:00 p.m. there were 42 in attendance. Considerable regret was expressed by all at the absence of Secretary J. H. BOYER and Oscar F. RABBE was elected temporary secretary.

After dinner was served in the spacious shelter house a business meeting was held at which O. P. BOYER and J. H. BOYER were re-elected president and secretary respectively. Letters were read from J. H. BOYER, or Texico, IL, and Tom and May BOYER of Allegy, Mich., expressing regret at being unable to be present. It was decided to hold the next reunion at the residence of Mr. and Mrs Harvey SMITH, at Bellevue, O., on Thursday, August 22, 1912.

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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