Mount Vernon Daily Register, Mount Vernon, IL - Monday 12 January 1914
MISSING 28 YEARS FOUND IN KANSAS George BUTLER who has been missing from his home in this county for 28 years has been located in Scott City, Kansas through a letter he has written to his brother Robert BUTLER of Belle Rive. Without any notice to his family one night he left home and his movements were so carefully guarded that no trace of him could be found. A great deal of time was spent in trying to find the missing boy and his disappearance being so complete that he has for years been regarded as dead. When Robert BUTLER received the letter from the missing brother it seemed almost like a message from the spirit world, so long had the brother been away and for so many years believed dead. When he left home he finally located in Bloomington, IL, where he was married and lived for 14 years. Concluding that the west offered better opportunities he drifted to Scott City, Kansas and settled on a farm. He has a family of eight boys and is doing well. P. W. WHITE and Miss Pearl DAVIS of this city are cousins of the missing man, who is now about 50 years old. The Daily Register - Saturday, January 24, 1914 John SPROUSE, charged with an assault to murder the family of Frances RIGHTNOWER by dynamiting their home, was found guilty of the charge by the jury that had his case. The jury was out only a short time and it is reported that a conviction of the charge was reached on the first ballot. The evidence showed that the home of Frances RIGHTNOWAR, in McClellan Township, was blown up by dynamite on August 28, 1913. It was also brought out that the defendant had on numerous occasions made threats against the RIGHTNOWER family. Frances RIGHTNOWER was the father-in-law to SPROUSE, and because his daughter got a divorce from the defendant he seemed to be very much put out over the affair. When the jury brought in their verdict the defendant sat unmoved when he learned what it was and he was absolutely emotionless. The evidence upon which a conclusion was reached was circumstantial. His attorney made a motion for a new trial which will be disposed of later. The Daily Register - Wednesday, January 28, 1914 PUBLICATION NOTICE - State of Illinois, Jefferson County, as, County Court of Jefferson County to the March Term A.D. 1914. B. W. G. ELKINS, Administrator of the estate of Martha CALDWELL Deceased, vs. John PUFFER, Wallace PUFFER, Samuel PUFFER, Mary PUFFER RILEY, Eddie PUFFER, Jane WATTS, J. Leaton BATES, Mary Rose NEWBY, Laura J. JACKSON, Rachael M. HARGRAVE, Francis M. BATES, Sarah HART, John W. BATES, Sidney CROZIER, Elizabeth FAULKNER, Geneva KIMMEL, Charles E. CURRY, Hazel MOONEY, Goodman CALDWELL, Emon M. STOVER, Kindred STORMENT, Edna ROUPE, Sumner STORMENT, Walter LAIRD, S. F. LAIRD, Ross SHELL, Pearl I. GLASS et al - Petition to sell Real Estate to pay debts. Affidavit of the non-residence of Ross SHELL one of the defendants above named having been filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County Court of Jefferson County, notice is hereby given to the said Ross SHELL that the said Plaintiff B. W. G. Elkins administrator of the estate of Martha CALDWELL Deceased has filed his petition in the said County Court of Jefferson County for an order to sell the premises belonging to the Estate of the said deceased, or so much of it as may be needed to pay the debts of said deceased and described as follows, to wit: North half lot No. 3, and the South half of lot No. 4 in Block No. 4 in the village of Rome, in the County of Jefferson and State of Illinois and that a summons has been issued out of said Court against you, returnable at the March term A.D. 1914 of said Court to be holden on the 2nd day of March A.D. 1914, at the Court House in Mt. Vernon in Jefferson County Illinois. Now, unless you, the said Ross SHELL shall personally be and appear before said County Court of Jefferson County, on the first day of a term thereof, to be holden at Mt. Vernon in said county, on the 2nd day of March 1914, and complainant's petition filed therein, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed, and a decree entered against you according to the prayer of said bill. Dated at Mt. Vernon, Illinois, January 27th, 1914 John G. YOUNG, Clerk. The Daily Register - Wednesday, January 28, 1914 P. K. CROSNO of Arthur, visited his son Ed CROSNO and family a part of last week. G. G. DALBY Jr., is building a new addition to his house. Wm. JUMPER is building a new barn. Mrs. Henry LEONARD is finishing winter term of school in the Dareville District. Valentine ALLEN has been writing for the court this past week. Wm. DALBY is doing the carpenter work on his brother Gabe's home. Harl HILL has moved his saw mill on the WILBANKS land and is sawing lumber for them. W. K. DALBY, tax collector, has the tax books and is now ready to gather in the taxes. The DOBBS brothers have been threshing peas here the past week. Eld. Marion BOWLES preached at the Oak Grove School-house Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis MILES are here from South Dakota where they have been working in the asylum since their marriage a few months ago. Mrs. MILES was formerly Mable MANEECE daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George MANEECE. Chas. WINN and wife who he shot and killed and then committed suicide in East St. Louis last week were brought here last Saturday and buried in the Old Baptist Cemetery near Winfield in Horse Prairie. Mrs. WINN was formerly Miss Lizzie DUDLEY and was raised near Sheller where her parents still live but she has lived in East St. Louis since her marriage. I notice in last weeks Register that people had forgotten the name of the man that was condemned to be hung and the scaffold built in Mt. Vernon so long ago and a kindred rode to the capitol and got a pardon for him. Your correspondent having lived all her life in less than a mile of the place where the murder was committed can give you the names. The man that was to hang was named BRADLEY and the man he killed was named King BRADLEY. He rode up in front of King's home and called him to the door and shot him as there was no cemetery near, KING was buried in the woods on the William ABNEY farm. He was the first person buried in what is now the beautiful Abner Cemetery which is a large well kept burying ground with a neat steel fence around it and many nice monuments placed over graves. The forest has all been cleared away. Just on the north side stands the Elk Prairie town house. The Daily Register - April 1, 1914 LOGANSVILLE - Antonio ANTONOVINSKY, Michael MOR___NEISKI, Josef JAYJENJAWJIMSKI, Martin ___AJAMBOLINSKY and several others who have unspellable and unpronounceable names are becoming alarmed over the immigration bill. SHILOH - Mr. and Mrs. Edward HOLMES, who have been visiting here for two weeks, left Monday and will visit in Mt. Vernon, Benton and Bluford till April 15 when they will go to Quincy, where they will enter the Soldier's Home for an indefinite period. Miss Amy CATES, of Keens, is the guest of her uncle, D. P. EGBERT. BLUFORD - Helen BARTON spent Saturday with her grandparents, Mt. and Mrs. W. H. BARTON. Mrs. R. C. CRAWFORD, of Champaign, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. BARTON. The Daily Register - April 24, 1914 GOOD HOMES FOUND FOR JACKSON CHILDREN Through the aid of the newspapers of the city, P. W. WHITE, administrator of the Oliver JACKSON children, good homes have been found for the five children. The 4 year old girl and the 6 year old boy were taken to Mr. and Mrs. M. M. STANLEY in Dodds Township; and the 9 year old boy was taken by Ben ADAMS in the same neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. RICE, of this city, have taken the 9 year old girl; and the 14 year old boy is living with Frank AYERS of Iuka. The children seem to be well satisfied and if everything is satisfactory they will be legally adopted by the people who have taken them. |
For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer