Mt. Vernon Daily Register - Saturday, January 24, 1920
72 births and 14 deaths were reported to City Clerk, Walter C. WESTCOTT for December.
CULLINS, Adron and wife, son DEATHS:
LIVINGSTON, Elnora, operation for febroid tumor of uterus Mt. Vernon Daily Register - Tuesday, February 24, 1920
BIRTHS AND DEATHS FOR LAST MONTH - BIRTHS: STOKES, Oscar and wife, dauFISHER, Walter E. and wife, son JONES, Walter C. and wife, son RUTHERFORD, Harold and wife, dau WIELT, Edward and wife, son BEPPLER, Wm. and wife, son WILSON, Walding I. and wife, dau LOAKA, Charles Edward and wife, son WILSON, Ernest A. and wife, son HAYSE, R. WILSON and wife, son ISAAC, Wm. Dallas and wife, son REYNOLDS, Robert L. and wife, son RILEY, Ira Oliver and wife, dau MODERT, Alsan W. and wife, son DEATHS:
KNIFFEN, Esther, chronic bronchitis
Mt. Vernon Daily Register, Thursday, April 15, 1920 BIRTHS AND DEATHS FOR LAST MONTH BIRTHS: STONECIPHER, J. Roger and wife, sonHOWARD, Harold H. and wife, dau FORD, Harry and wife, dau SHELTON, Claude and wife, dau CAPPS, Clyde N. and wife, twin dau WHOBERY, William H. and wife, dau CARPENTER, Abe and wife, dau MOORE, Morton and wife, son SHELTON, John and wife, dau OWENS, Logan and wife, son LEMAY, Chas. W. and wife, dau HILL, Ross and wife, dau DICKERSON, Harry and wife, son DEATHS:
COLLINS, John M., mitral regurgitation Mt. Vernon Register News - Wednesday, September 1, 1920 Mrs. F. COLLINS of Mt. Vernon is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rush COCHRAN. Their grand-daughter, Bernadeen DODSIN, and grandson, Freddie DODSIN, of Mt. Vernon, are also visiting them. Miss Olive Monroe, daughter of J. J. MONROE, was "sweet sixteen" last Friday. The occasion was celebrated by a splendid and lavish dinner, and a large crowd. Amond these was her brother, J. O. MONROE and family. He is the editor of the "Collinsville Harold". Her brother, Raymond and family of Brazil, Ind., was also present, and her sister, Ruth of Alton. Her sister, Floy of Colorado, could not be present and her sister, Mrs. Blanche HESTER, who was compelled to attend the teachers' institute on that day. We hope our cousin, Olive, will have many more birthdays and birthday dinners. But the trouble is that after a girl gets to be "sweet sixteen" she quits having birthdays which proves that Ella Wheeler WILCOX was mistaken when she said that "maidens are not wise." The following will convince you that we are running to vers libre, the new style of poetry:
Dave GODDARD has quit the spring,
Infact, its really fun; Our sister, Vera Fay TURNER, who is a traveling saleslady and was operated on for gallstones the 18th day of August at Bainerd, Minn., writes that she is much improved. For two nights after the operation her life being in the balance and three consecutive telegrams had left us in suspense, but a letter in her own handwriting is reassuring. The Mt. Vernon Register News - Wednesday, September 1, 1920 SPRING GARDEN - The Mayor and Poet of The Ananias Club The readers of The News who have been reading our items in The Ina Observer for the past two years are familiar with the Ananias Club on the Spring Garden store porch. It was named after Ananias of the Bible who, with his wife told that monitary lie and fell down dead. The club, for the most part, is composed of gentlemen of leasure who are seeking the truth but fail to find it. "Dad" WARRING is, and has been its honored president for many years. It was he who made Spring Garden famous by that immortal statement that The Ananias Club on the store porch is the only place he ever struck, where a man can refuse to work and yet be respected. No doubt, this is because the motto of the club is "Thrift, Industry and Truthfulness". Bill CARROLL is the life long secretary of the club and has greatly endeared himself to the members by his droll wit and unexpected repartee. Bill has led a life of single blessedness for 50 years, and was unable to hide behind a wife's petticoat during the World War. However, he was exempted on the ground that he had no wife to support him and no doubt, his age and the fact taht he had not developed his third set of teeth also figured in his exemption. Bill is a Jeffersonian-Jacksonian-Wilsonian Democrat while "Dad" WARRING, an esteemed old soldier is a Republican of The Lodge Oligarchy. Sometimes Bill and "Dad" seek to enlighten the club by discussing the political issues of the day. Indeed, it would be worth any statesman's time and money to come down off of his perch and sit at their feet and incline his off-ear to the discussion. Bill has a great regard for the truth, with its variations, and has been delighted to find that the hot-air condenser and wind-stacker of The Mayor Hugh WILLIAMS and Dr. Tom GLAZEBROOKS is identical with the alembic of his imagination. The club was disappointed at its last meeting by the absence of Henry PUCKETT. But we assured the members that he was becoming a better Ananias man every day; for recently he told us that he had just dug a hill of sweet potatoes which contained fourteen potatoes, and I believe he said, each one was large enough to make a mess. We also told the club that we enjoyed our visit with Henry before and after attending with him, The Democratic Central Committee meeting at Mt. Vernon; for he entertained us in a Democratic Ananias manner. Dave PUCKETT's abscense was felt by the club till the secretary produced a letter from him which stated that he was present in heart, though absent in body. Dave is the man who made butter and molasses famous. He wrote he was pushing this compound to a finish and expected to use it successfully in the present campaign by confusing Republican activities and by balling up The Lodge Iligarchy sentiment. Bill FITZGERALD occupied his accustomed seat and was conspicuous because he was wearing that famous necktie which fascinated the old lady instead of the girl. Tom DAVENPORT reported that he had recently received a letter from "The Old Maid" and she stated that she had been waiting for him all summer under the shade of the old apple tree. His brother, "Rufh" added, that since Tom had received the letter he did not sleep as soundly as he used to or snore as loudly. On that glorius occasion of out last meeting Leonard CRISE turned over to "Dad" TAYLOR his tape which had measured 1550 mules in the month of March and resulted in the purchase of one span. "Dad" TAYLOR desired the possession of the tape measure to measure Nancy HALL sweet potatoes with, for hereafter he will sell them by the foot instaed of by the bushel. John SULLIVAN who witnessed the transaction declared vehemently that the innovation of "Dad" was just another scheme of profiteering added to the many of the present democrating administration. "Dad" TAYLOR retorted, with the decision of a democrat, that Brother SULLIVAN's declaration would in no wise hinder him from selling Nancy HALL sweet potatoes by the foot. Just before the club adjourned by repeating the proverb,"All liars should have good memories," and by singing, "The truth be with us till we meet again,"we were compelled to recite the poem, the parody of "Mary's Lamb," which we are reproducing.
Mary had a William goat,
Hugh WILLIAMS is the goat-man
Just like he handed uncle "Ted," It is needless to say that this parody brought down the house or rather the porch. Mt. Vernon Register News - Thursday September 20, 1920 MT. VERNON PAPERS CONSOLIDATED - Single Independent Paper Will Be Issued The Mt. Vernon Register and The Mt. Vernon News have been consolidated and will hereafter be published as a single newspaper to be known as the Mt. Vernon Register-News. The consolidation was effected by a merger of the two publishing corporations and the formation of The Mt. Vernon Register-News Company. All stock in the new corporation is held by Norman J. SUGG and Edwin RACKAWAY, both of whom will be connected with the publication, Mr. SUGG as manager and Mr. RACKAWAY as editor. The new paper will be conducted along strictly non-partisan lines with a fair and square deal for all political parties and candidates for office and special favors for none. Both of the men who hold the stock in the new publishing company are newspaper men and nothing else and will devote all of their time and efforts to giving Mt. Vernon the best newspaper in Southern Illinois. The consolidation which has beed made here is what has been happening in the last two years in all parts of the country. The tremendous increase in prices, along all lines especially the enormous increases in the price of paper have hit the newspaper industry harder probably than any industry in the country. The result is that thousands of newspapers have been force to make consolidations. The result of such a consolidation in Mt. Vernon will be that instead of having two newspapers engaged in fierce competition, and forced to economize and cut down at every possible point on plans for development Mt. Vernon can have one strong daily paper that will be close to the metropolitan class. Ambitious plans have been made for The Mt. Vernon Register-News. The people of Mt. Vernon and the business men of this city have loyally supported the two newspapers published here in the past and will continue loyally to support the consolidated publication. They are entitled to reward for this and the reward that they will receive if the plans that have been formulated are carried out is that this city will have a newspaper that stands unquestionably at the head of its class, a paper that will stand out as the livest newspaper in Southern Illinois and by so doing establish the fact beyond question that Mt. Vernon is the livest city in Southern Illinois. Every city, especially every small city is judged by the newspapers it maintains to a large extent and it is desired that a paper of such high class shall be issued here that every citizen of this city will be proud to see the name Mt. Vernon at the head of the paper. To accomplish this it will be necessary to make expenditures on a scale not previously attempted here and which would have been impossible for a newspaper forced to meet competition in its own town. The newspaper business has developed to such an extent in recent years the amount of capital invested has become so great and the overhead expenses so heavy that many cities of 50,000 and even 75,000 people have but a single newspaper. The city of St. Louis now has but a single morning newspaper and the great city of Chicago has but two morning newspaper where but a few years ago there were four. When these facts are considered it can easily be seen that Mt. Vernon and Jefferson County is not a large enough field for two strong daily newspapers, but it is a large enough field for one great newspaper, for one newspaper that will stand out distinctively as the leading newspaper of Southern Illinois. The new paper will start with a subscription list of close to 7,000 subscribers of The Daily Register-News and the remainder to the weekly Register-News. Figured on the basis of five readers to each paper it means more than 20,000readers of the daily issue alone. The paper will cover Jefferson County like a blanket and will reach into adjoining counties for it will be more than a local newspaper. The new Mt. Vernon paper will be the only newspaper outside of Chicago and possibly one or two of the largest cities in the northern part of the state with daily news dispatches supplied by two telegraph news services. The world famous Associated Press news will be published daily in this paper and also the dispatches of the great and enterprising International News service. With reports received from both of these news services the world news, the national news, the state news, the political news, all of the news of the day will be covered in a manner more thorough and complete than ever before attempted in a city the size of Mt. Vernon. Other newspapers in Southern Illinois have the Associated Press daily report and other newspapers have the report of the International News but the Mt. Vernon Register-News is the only paper in this section that will give the readers the reports of two great news services every day. This is to be done in order that all kinds of news may be covered and that the paper may be made so attractive that it will reach out and go into homes in all directions from Mt. Vernon. By so doing it will extend the trade territory of Mt. Vernon and be the greatest advertisement this city could possible have. In addition to this great daily wire news service the paper will cover the local field in a more thorough going manner than ever before attempted. As city editor it will have J. Frank BOGAN, a newspaper man of year's experience and unquestioned ability who needs no introduction to the people of Mt. Vernon. He will have ample assistance and every effort will be made to cover the local news of the day in the most thorough and complete manner. A distinctive feature of The Mt. Vernon Register-News will go its feature pages, special articles and cuts as supplied by the News Enterprise Association, a service which supplies the largest dailies of the country with their special features. Pictures and articles of special interest to women readers will be published daily. There will be cartoons and comic features, something to appeal to every reader. The news of the whole of Jefferson County is to be handled in a most comprehensible way. Correspondents will be obtained in every town in the county and in every community in the county and the news will be reported in as much detail from the whole county as are the happenings about the public square in Mt. Vernon. Mt. Vernon in itself could not support such a newspaper as in planned here but this great county can, and The Mt. Vernon Register-News will cover Jefferson County giving recognition to the news from every part of the county and the needs and desires of every part of the county without discrimination. A very large percent of the readers of this paper are farmers and special attention will be given to all news concerning farm developments. While the farmer is as much interested in the general news of the day as any other citizen and the women and children on the farms enjoy the special features, comic, etc. that are to go published the same as all others there are many items of news that are of great interest to those engaged in agriculture and special attention is to be given to news of this sort. There are but a few of the plans for the newspaper all of them made with a single end of making this publication a welcome daily visitor in every home in Jefferson County. The Register-News wants to be something more than a mere newspaper. It wants to be the personal friends and companion of every family in the county. There are also statements by business men: Judge Conrad SCHUL, Sam CASEY, George W. HOWARD, David MILLER, Maurice J. SEED, Judge Albert WATSON, Secretary of State L. L. EMMERSON, Walter C. WESTCOTT, G. Gale GILBERT, George L. ORE, G. F. M. WARD, J. J. BAKER, W. C. ARTHURS, G. K. JOHNSON, Max WIESENBACHER, Judge William T. PACE, William SEBEL, Vol E. RICHARDSON, Charles R. KELLER, Rufus GRANT, Bernard CARP, and Judge William H. GREEN Mt. Vernon Register-News - Wednesday, September 29, 1920
THE REGISTER HAD BUT TWO EDITORS FOR 36 YEARS - The "Mt. Vernon Register" was established in 1884 by Morris EMMERSON and a remarkable feature of its most successful life as a newspaper is that during 36 years it had but two editors and each of these served for a period of 18 years. Mr. EMMERSON who came here from Albion where he had conducted "The Albion Journal" and started "The Register", sold out after 18 years to Maurice J. SEED who since September 1, 1902 has been the editor of "The Register" and for exactly fifteen years following the owner and publisher as well. Both of these newspaper men were of the highest class and had a great influence during their period of service. In Mt. Vernon, always standing for the things that they believed to be for the best interest of the city from a moral standpoint first and from a business stand point next and doing their full share in the upbuilding of the city. The "Mt. Vernon Register" was in a way the successor of an earlier day newspaper "The Mt. Vernon Exponet", which was established here in 1878 by Edward HITCHCOCK but when Morris EMMERSON purchased "The Exponent" in 1884 he changed the name and started as a new publication. During all the years of its existence "The Mt. Vernon Register" has been a Republican newspaper and consistantly supported Republican national, state and local tickets. Conducted first as a weekly it became a daily in 1892 and has been published continuously since, having a record of never having missed a publication despite a move or two and a fire until the recent strike of printers. The history of the life and growth of "The Mt. Vernon Register" is largely the story of the work of three men who have given their best efforts to make it a paper of which the people of Mt. Vernon were proud. These men were Morris EMMERSON, founder and first publisher; Maurice J. SEED, for 18 years the editor and for the greatest part of that time the sole owner and Norman J. SUGG, who since the incorporation of "The Mt. Vernon Register" Company on September 1, 1917 has been the business manager. Each of these three has played an important and distinctive part in developing what upon its birth in 1884 was a struggling little country weekly into a modern daily paper with a circulation in excess of three thousand copies daily and with a reputation that extends all over this section of the state. Morris EMMERSON recognized as one of the ablest newspaper men who was ever connected with the press of this city, and who since leaving Mt. Vernon has enjoyed great success in other places built upon a solid and firm foundation. He gave 18 years of his best efforts to the upbuilding of the paper, never forgetting the cardinal principal that if the newspaper is to grow, the town must grow first and seeking to push "The Register" ahead first by pushing Mt. Vernon ahead. When in 1902 Mr. EMMERSON disposed of "The Register" to Maurice J. SEED he had built up a disirable business property a small but successful paper that has started on the road to success provided. It had a strong hand to direct its course. That Mr. SEED was equal to this need is not questioned by any one familiar with the history of newspaper developments in Mt. Vernon. Under his direction the progess made by "The Register" was steadily forward. At the time he acquired the paper and became owner, publisher and editor in 1902 it had only the simple early day equipment of the country printing office. Under Mr. SEED's direction and administration, entirely new and completely modern equipment for the paper had been installed throughout. He made "The Register" keep step with the march of progress in the newspaper business during his long and successful career as its directing head, and in fact was usually just a few steps in advance of the parade of progress so far as most newspapers in this part of the state were concerned. Assuming the duties of directing both the editorial and business affairs of "The Register", Mr. SEED worked for years and under a heavy strain but has no regret for his efforts and being a real newspaperman had his greatest satisfaction in seeing the paper which he was editing, grow and prosper and become yearly a more important factor in the life of the community. February 28, 1914 was an important date in the life of "The Register", for on that day the paper moved to the handsome building at Main and Twelfth Streets, constructed by Mr. SEED especially for a newspaper office, a splendid building, unquestionably the finest and most attractive home that any newspaper in this section of the state can boast. Mr. SEED spent much of his time in planning this building and in watching the construction work and many of the features of the plant have been found most satisfactory, and which have been copied in other similar buildings were his own suggestions to the builders drawn from his experience as an active newspaperman. A few years after "The Register" entered its new home another important development, the incorporation of the "The Mt. Vernon Register" Company, occurred. The new corporation acquired Mr. SEED's interest in the property except the building and has since conducted the affairs of "The Register" with Mr. SEED, who continued as editor as president of the company and Norman J. SUGG, who had become the business manager a year and a half previously as secretary and treasurer. Mr. SUGG although connected with the paper a shorter period of time than Mr. EMMERSON or Mr. SEED who had preceded him as business managers made record breaking gains in all departments during his time at the helm, the paper showing astonishing gains in circulation, volume of advertising business and in other lines under his capable direction. "The Register" during its long successful and honorable life has enjoyed an excellent reputation among the people of this city and county and has been a credit to the community. Consistently and at all times it has taken a firm stand on the moral side on public questions and in favor of everything that looked toward the upbuilding of Mt. Vernon in a business way. "The Register" some years ago became something more than a local newspaper acquiring a wire report, the splendid news report of the International News Service, which provided the readers with all of the world news of the day as well as all of the local news. More recently "The Register" contracted with the Newspaper Enterprise Association, an organization serving metropolitan papers of the country with special features of the highest type and the acquisition of this service has added greatly to the appearance of the paper and to the enjoyment of its many readers. All sorts of modern equipment has been installed by "The Register" including two linotype machines one of the very largest and latest model, a high speed - Goss Comet press that prints at the rate of 3, 500 complete papers an hour from a huge roll. A sterotyping outfit with which the paper makes its own cuts and many other of the latest devices in the industry. From the struggling little weekly paper of 1884 to the modern "Daily Register" is a long stride forward and that progress is the story to a large extent of the work of the work of the three men Morris EMMERSON, Maurice J. SEED and Norman H. SUGG. Mt. Vernon Register-News - Wednesday, September 29, 1920
MT. VERNON NEWS WAS ESTABLISHED FIFTY YEARS AGO The Mt. Vernon News was established as a weekly paper in 1871 and has been published continuously under different managements since that date. In point of continuous publication, it is the oldest newspaper in Jefferson County, several earlier day papers having gone out of business. Upon its establishment by L. F. TROMLY, "The News" was a Republican newspaper but became a Democratic paper in 1873, when purchased by C. L. HAYES, and has been the official organ of the Democratic party in Jefferson County for nearly fifty years. In 1878 "The News" changed hands, becoming the property of C. A. KELLER, who transferred it to H. H. SIMMONS. Under Mr. SIMMONS' excellent ten years management, the paper gained steadily in popular favor and political influence. In January, 1887, Simmons sold the paper to John W. GREAR, who later sold an interest to J. F. BOGAN. In 1890, J. J. BAKER bought BOGAN's interest in the paper, and it was conducted by GREAR and BAKER until 1892. Mr. BAKER, who came here to take the foremanship of the office acquired an interest in the paper in 1892 as stated above, an interest which he has retained down to the present time. Mr. BAKER was for many years the business manager, first as a part owner and later under the corporation. During the many years he was devoted to newspaper work in Mt. Vernon he was most successful building up "The Mt. Vernon News" and the "Mt. Vernon Daily News", which was established under his direction in 1891. Mr. BAKER continued actively at the helm of "The News" for many years and continued as a stockholder and director of the paper after retiring from active newspaper work, to devote his entire time to his duties as postmaster. R. F. PACE for a time owned an interest in the paper, it being conducted by the firm of PACE and BAKER. In 1895 Wm. T. SUMNER purchased PACE's interest and the paper was conducted until September, 1901, by the firm of SUMNER and BAKER. These years were among the most successful in the history of the paper. With Mr. SUMNER in charge of the editorial work and Mr. BAKER in charge of the business affairs the paper enjoyed greater prosperity than at any time during its previous career. They made a great combination, and the paper gained a wide reputation that was something more than local because of the great ability of Mr. SUMNER as editor. He had a genius for newspaper work that was much noted and his clever, humorous comments on the news of the day, political, business and social events in Mt. Vernon, were a feature of "The News" that caused it to be widely read and greatly increased the influence and circulation of the paper. Among the many men who have been connected with the various newspapers of Mt. Vernon none has enjoyed a wider reputation or more popularity than Mr. SUMNER. The most successful combination of SUMNER and BAKER was broken up in September, 1901, when the illness which resulted soon after in his untimely death, compelled Mr. SUMNER to sell his interst in the paper and abandon a profession for which he was so well qualified. The Mt. Vernon News Company, the corporation which has controlled the paper for the last twenty years, was then organized. The incorporators were Dr. Walter WATSON, C. H. PATTON, C. R. KELLER, J. J. BAKER, W. H. GREEN and E. V. VAUGHN, with Dr. WATSON as president, Judge GREEN as vice-president and J. J. BAKER as secretary and treasurer. Joe V. BAUGH was the editor and later became a director and stockholder in the paper. He continued in this capacity until his death. Dr. Walter WATSON was for many years the president of the publishing company and no small amount of the success of the paper during the years that followed was due to wise council and advice on all business affairs. Judge W. H. GREEN served for many years as vice-president of the company and upon the retirement of Dr. WATSON he became the president by unanimous vote of the directors, a position which he has filled with great success. During the entire life of the corporation it had but two presidents, Dr. WATSON and Judge GREEN. It has also had but two persons to fill the office of secretary-treasurer, J. J. BAKER holding this position for many years. Upon his retirement from the active connection with the business management of the company he was succeeded by Edwin RACKAWAY. Following the death of Mr. BAUGH a number of different persons were connected with the editorial department of the paper, and more recently W. Duff PIERCY, his brilliant talents adding much to the attractiveness of the paper and to its influence throughtout the county and this section of the state was editor. Senator, in addiction to his work as editor, acquired a considerable interest in the paper and was most sincerely interested in its welfare at all times. Senator PIERCY's ability as a writer, fearlessness as an editor and strong personality are too recent in the minds of people of this county to need extended comment. He continued his work as editor until it was cut short by his untimely death in 1918 in the very flower of his usefulness. In 1913 a reorganization of the business affairs of the company took place when J. J. BAKER, who for about 30 years had been the active manager of the business affairs, retired from active connection with the paper, although continuing as a director and assisting with advice on matters of policy that were of great assistance because of his long career as an active newspaper man. Upon the retirement of Mr. BAKER, Edwin RACKAWAY, who had acquired a financial interest in the paper, became the business manager of the paper, and upon the untimely death of Senator W. Duff PIERCY he became the editor in 1918, Charles J. THOMPSON becoming the business manager. Such is a brief account of the long and successful history of the "Mt. Vernon News". Established in the fall of 1871 as a struggling small town country weekly, it steadily climbed the ladder, developing and growning as Mt. Vernon and Jefferson County grew and developed and keeping pace with all developments in the newspaper business. Old style equipment gradually gave way to new and more modern types of equipment. Years ago the use of hand set types was abandoned and a linotype machine installed. Some years later a second machine of this type was acquired. Old styles of presses were abandoned and a modern web press, a Goss Comet printing from huge rolls of paper, was installed. Important developments were also made in the news department. For many years a purely local paper, "The News" some years ago contracted with the United Press Association for a telephone report of the world news of the day, thus giving both the local and home news to the readers. During the recent war "The News" became a member of the Associated Press, an organization of more than one thousand newspapers banded together for the purpose of obtaining and distributing the news of the day, and was able to publish the same news dispatches that are published in metropolitan newspapers. At the time the consolidation which means one bigger and better paper for Mt. Vernon was affected through the purchase of all stock in the company, the officers and stockholders of the corporation publishing "The News" as follows: President, W. H. GREEN; vice-president, Charles J. THOMPSON; secretary-treasurer, Edwin RACKAWAY; directors and stockholders, J. J. BAKER, Sam CASEY, Frank E. PATTON, Mrs. W. Duff PIERCY, Kirby SMITH, Walter RACKAWAY and Dr. S. A. THOMPSON. Mt. Vernon Register News - Thursday, September 30, 1920 A suit for annulment of marriage has been brought by Van Cleave NEWTON against Edith NEWTON. The bill alleges they were married in Davenport, Iowa and that the defendant was known to Mr. NEWTON at that time as a single woman. It is further stated in the bill that after their marriage he learned his wife had been married to Benjamin COX, who is still living, and that she claimed she had been legally divorced from her former husband. The bill alleges that if the divorce had been obtained as stated by the woman it had been but two months prior to the date of the marriage with Mr. NEWTON, and that the last marriage was invalid under the laws of Illinois. The bill asks that the marriage be annulled because of the conditions set up in the bill. It is said Mrs. NEWTON, or COX, is now in Franklin County. Judge Wm. H. GREEN represents Mr. NEWTON. Mt. Vernon Register News - Thursday, September 30, 1920
Emery WHITE and wife, a daughter Deaths: Louis WIELT, mitral reguritationInfant of Chas. and Elizabeth ESTES, valvular heart lesion from birth Clarence Marvin SMITH, cholera infantium Mt. Vernon Register News - Thursday, October 14, 1920 J. V. BRUCE of RFD 10, Mt. Vernon, has shown the Register-News a copy of the "Mt. Vernon Jeffersonian", Volume 3, Number 1, November 4, 1853. "The Jeffersonian" was the first paper published in Jefferson County, and was started by the late John S. BOGAN, father of the city editor of the Register-News, who was a printer in his early life, and who came from Washington, D.C., and settled in Grand Prairie Township. The paper is in an excellent state of preservation. The paper contains considerable miscellaneous news and advertising of various kinds. Professional cards show the following names: Downing BAUGH, Attorney and Counselor at Law; R. Fox WINGATE, Attorney at Law and solicitor in chancery; Richard S. NELSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law; William H. GREEN, brother of the late Dr. W. Duff GREEN. Attorney and Counselor at Law; Wm. A. THOMAS, Attorney at Law; F. D. PRESTON, Attorney at Law. Physicians advertised in those days, and the advertisements of Dr. John C. GRAY and others appear in the columns of the "Jeffersonian". Denny A. ROBINSON, constable advertises his business as a collector and an official. John R. SATTERFIELD appears in the columns as county judge and ex-officio Justice of the Peace. S. SCHANCK advertises ready made coffins, THORN & BALTZELL advertise for clean rags; L. C. MOSS resorts to advertising to obtain three brick layers and one or two carpenters, and one stonemason, promising them steady work and the highest wages. The saddling firm of L. B. ALLEN and John R. SATTERFIELD is dissolved, and continued by Mr. ALLEN who solicits public patronage. The advertisement of J. J. FLY appears. He was in the undertaking, furniture, and cabinet making business at that time. A double column display of THORN & BALTZELL calls attention to their fall and winter goods. Wm. B. THORN tells of the purchase of the Franklin House, and the change of the name to the Virginia House, and of his desire to please the public as a keeper of a first class hotel. John J. JOHNSON who was running a store, advertises for butter, feathers, etc., and J. B. TOLLE, the Miller, advertises that he will grind Monday and Thursday of each week. David H. WARREN, administrator of Meredith HAWKINS, calls on debtors to settle. E. & R. NOBLES advertise the Mt. Vernon Tin Shop and McBRIDE and JARRELL wanted one carriage maker and one wagon maker. ANDERSON & MILLS, successors to D. G. ANDERSON, offer drugs and other merchandise found in a general store. J. W. LEE, conducted a meat shop. E. H. RIDGWAY tells of dry goods, groceries and hardware. S. G. HICKS advertises a new store and new goods. Legal advertisements of various kinds appear, to which names are signed as follows: John H. WATSON, James OSBORN, H. T. PACE, Barney E. WELLS, T. B. TANNER, Robert BREEZE, Perigan T. MAXEY, Dr. POWELL, oculist, James F. FARMER, Elijah PIPER, W. J. STEPHENSON, Daniel CROSS. D. KENNY, postmaster, advertises a list of unclaimed letters. Other names appearing iin the advertising and news columns are: T. B. TANNER, Joel F. WATSON, Edward T. NOBLE, John R. ALLEN, Wm. H. CHASTAIN, P. CUMMINGS. The market report, corrected weekly by John N. JOHNSON, quotes the following prices: Gaston beans, $1 per bushel; oats, 20 cents; corn 20; wheat 65; potatoes, 20 to 30; onions, 20 to 30; flour, barrell $6 to $7; side meat, ham, bacon, 8 cents; coffee, 13 to 14 cents; sugar, 6 to 8; butter, 10 to 12; fresh lard, 7; honey in comb, 6 cents; eggs, 10 cents dozen; chickens, 75 to $1.50 dozen; pork 100 lbs $4; beef, $3.50 to $4 per 100 lbs; dry hides, 10 cents pound; green 4 cents; poultry, 8 to 16 cents per pound. Some St. Louis firms advertised merchandise of various kinds in the "Jeffersonian". "The Jeffersonian" contains much local and general news and the appointment of the Southern Illinois M. E. conference, "furnished in advance of the mail", through the courtesy of the Rev. J. H. HILL and Rev. J. Van Cleve. The former presiding elder of the district. Notwithstanding the early day in which it was printed and the many difficulties then encountered by the country newspaper man, the "Jeffersonian" was far ahead of many country weeklies of the present day, as a comparison will prove. An interesting story of the first state fair, taken from the "Alton Telegraph", appears in the "Jeffersonian. Mt. Vernon Register News - Thursday, October 21, 1920 BIRTHS AND DEATHS FOR LAST MONTH - Births and death for August were filed with City Clerk Walter C. WESTCOTT as follows: Births: Mr. and Mrs. George H. WEISHARD, a sonCharles L. KERN and wife, a son Wesley HILL and wife, a daughter Frederick Lloys KENT and wife, a son John GUNER and wife, a son Harry L. BANCROFT and wife, a girl Guy KYLES and wife, a girl Harry H. GREGORY and wife, a son Isaac SMITH and wife, a girl Deaths: John KOLOSAR, abscess of brainLevi Green MAYSE, cancer of the stomach Rosamond C. CAMPBELL, nephritis typhoid fever Sevi Caroline HARLOW, angina pectorus Clyde Wilson BRYANT, ileoscolitis Pauline Vivian VAUGHN, intestinal obstruction Eliza Laura BROOKS, rheumatism of the heart Loren Maria SEXTON, ewtero calites Martha M. BRADLEY, tuberculosis and asthma |
For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer