Register News - February 2, 1937
REGISTER NEWS - May 3, 1937
1937 As You Were Column 40 YEARS AGO TODAY- A little child of Dick Carpenter of Boyd was so badly scalded by the overturning of a kettle of boiling water that it died shortly after. Tom Pasley who was relieved of the position of yard engineer by the Air Line company as a part of their general plan of entrenchment has been given a similar position with an increased salary in the company's yard in St Louis. MAY 3 1937 25 YEARS AGO TODAY- For some time, a rumor that Emmerson City a place a few miles south of Waltonville,and on the C..B. & Q. has turned over a new leaf says the Waltonville Searchlight and will soon be the coal capital of southern Illinois. MAY 3 1937 20 YEARS AGO TODAY- Wm Nooner was struck on the head by a piece of metal at the car shops this morning and death resulted. The May Queen contest was started and a most lively interest was manifest in the first day's voting. MAY 3 1937 15 YEARS AGO TODAY- The city council has granted a permit to Mrs Sadie Bastin a permit to erect a two story apartment house at the corner of Harrison and 10th street. The marriage of GEORGE GRANT and MISS KATHERINE NEWBERRY has just been announced. The marriage occurred in Mt. Vernon Ind. on Jan. 2. MAY 3 1937 10 YEARS AGO TODAY- A new administration assumed the reins of the city government last night and with the exception of the fire department, new men hold every office in Mt. Vernon. Mrs Ettie Brookman died very suddenly about noon today at the home of her son John Brookman on 13th street. MAY 3 1937 5 YEARS AGO TODAY- Mr and Mrs Marsh Ingram, who are ill at their home on S. 9th st., show no change in their condition. Mr Ingram suffered a paralytic stroke some time ago and has never recovered. The five aldermen chosen at the recent city election, were sworn in last night and assumed the duties of office. ANNOUNCMENTS Announcement of marriage of Robert Hottenson of Opdyke and Katheleen Simmons of East St. Louis has been made. Mrs Hottenson is a former resident of thi city. Mr Hottenson is connected with the Paul Schuze Biscuit company. They will make their home in this city. CHARGING DESERTION, FRANK TROUT FILED SUIT AGAINST JOSEPHINE TROUT FOR A DIVORCE IN THIS COUNTY ON SATURDAY.IN OFFICE OF HARLEY WARREN CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT. MRS TROUT IS NOT AT THE PRESENT TIME A RESIDENT OF MT VERNON THE BILL OF COMPLAINT SAYING SHE NOW LIVES IN OR NEAR ST LOUIS MO. MR AND MRS TROUT WERE MARRIED JULY 24 1926 AND LIVED TOGETHER ON OR ABOUT JULY 15, 1931 ACCORDING TO THE BILL OF COMPLAINT. THE PLAINTIFF IS REPRESENTED BY ATTORNEY HASSEL SMITH. FOUR HURT WHEN CARS CRASH NEAR INA SUNDAY P.M. Four persons two from Mt Vernon and two from Marion were injured,none fatally about two o'clock when the two automobiles crashed near the Dee and Carter test oil well about a mile north of Ina. Miss Grace Page, daughter of Orvel Page was most seriously injured receiving facial cuts and badly injured knees. The others sustained only minor bruises. The Mt Vernon car was driven by Roy Hanley and Miss Page were the only two occupants of the Studebaker sedan, while two Marion boys, Kenneth Mills and Eddie Miller were in the other car. Witnesses said that the Marion car had stopped on the highway near the test well location and the Mt Vernon auto struck it from behind. Hanley applied the brakes but the slippery conditions of the pavement made it impossible to avert a collison. Damage to the Studebaker was estimated at $200 while the Marion car was not damaged badly. MT VERNON HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT WINS GOLF MEET Paul Smith, Mt Vernon student captured first place in the district golf tournament at the Mt. Vernon Country Club Saturday afternoon. As a result will probably compete in the state tournament at Champaign on May 14th. OPEN CLEANERS BUSINESS TODAY John T. Culligan and Harold T. Stapleton of Milwaukee Wis. today announced the opening of a new cleaning establishment, the Vogue, on east Main street. It was formly occupied by Paris Cleaners. They are open for business today. Eighty workers start today on McClellan Road. With about eighty men transferred from two WPA projects closed down Saturday, reporting this morning to the preliminary work preparatory to surfacing 21 miles of farm to market roads in Mc Clellan township, got underway this morning according to WPA officals. The projects closed were roads in Bald Hill and Blissville townships. Marking the seventh Jefferson county township bond issue road project in operation, the specifications call for a traffic bound surface over the entie 21 miles, to be surfaced with either crushed rock or gravel. Total expense of the project will be $110,000. NEWTON BROWN who for past several years has held a position at the Rackaway Drug company, left today for Belleville where he will be employed as pharmist by the Kaysing Drug store. His family will remain in Mt. Vernon for a few weeks, before leaving for Belleville to make their home. The 16th annual meeting of the Mt Vernon Chamber of Commerce will be held at Hotel Emmerson on Tuesday May 11th. Speakers will be Hon. Charles Ward of Chicago. Banquet to follow after the meeting. TOO MUCH RAIN PROVING BAD FOR APPLE BLOSSOMS. WEATHER-CLOUDY,SHOWERS PROBABLE TONIGHT AND TUESDAY, NOT MUCH CHANGE IN TEMPATURE. ADVERTISEMENT
For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer