Noteworthy among the enterprising and successful business men of Jefferson county is John D. Hirons, cashier of the Farmers' Bank of Waltonville. The great-grandson of John Hirons who settled in Jefferson county, Illinois, in 1829, he comes of substantial pioneer stock, and is numbered among the native born citizens of the county, his birth having occurred near Waltonville, July 25, 1879, on the farm of his father, the late Sidney T. Hirons. His paternal grandfather, Benjamin L. Hirons, was born in Ohio, and came to Jefferson county, Illinois, with his parents in 1829. He subsequently purchased government land in the vicinity of Waltonville, at one dollar and twenty-five cents an acre, and in course of time became one of the large landholders of this part of the county, and a most prosperous farmer. He died at Waltonville, Illinois, in the year 1891, and his widow, whose maiden name was Emily Place, afterwards married a Mr. Gilbert and is now living, a bright and active woman of four score and four years. Sidney T. Hirons, the father of John D. Hirons, spent his entire life of sixty years in Jefferson county, his birth occurring in 1850 and his death in June, 1910. He married Susan Dodds, who is still living, and to them four children were born, as follows: Mrs. Ruth Davis; John D., the special subject of this brief sketch; Hughs, living on the parental farm, one and one-half miles east of Waltonville; and Euterpe, wife of Ray Mannen. Receiving his elementary education in the common schools of his native district, John D. Hirons afterwards continued his studies for a time at the McKendree College, in Lebanon, Illinois. Having acquired a thorough knowledge of agriculture during his youthful days, he afterwards followed farming for awhile, and from 1903 until 1907 was engaged in mercantile business in Waltonville. In the latter year the Farmers' Bank of Waltonville was organized by the farmers of the community, and Mr. Hirons accepted a position as cashier of the institution, an office for which he is admirably qualified, and, in which he has since served most efficiently and satisfactorily. The officers of the bank are men of integrity and worth, and include the following named officers and directors: President, T. H. Mannen; vice president, Dr. J. W. Jeffries; cashier, John D. Hirons; assistant cashier, W. J. Gilbert. The directors are as follows: J. F. Allen, H. P. Daniels, W. J. Gilbert, Jarret McCowan, Henry Pero, T. H. Mannen, J. D. Dodds, H. H. Davis, J. W. Jeffries, W. R. Shurtz and John F. Walker, The bank has a capital stock of fifteen thousand dollars, its list of stockholders comprising about forty-five of the leading farmers of this section of Jefferson county, with an individual liability of five hundred thousand dollars. On April 14, 1903, Mr. Hirons was united in marriage with Lela McConaughey, of Waltonville, a daughter of Andrew J. McConaughey, and into their pleasant home two children have made their advent, namely: Lucille, born February 5, 1904, and Margaret, born December 9, 1905. Fraternally Mr. Hirons is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and of the Modern Woodmen of America. Source: History of Southern Illinois George Washington Smith, M. A. VOLUME I - III ILLUSTRATEDTHE LEWIS PUBLISHING COMPANY CHICAGO AND NEW YORK 1912 Page 1237 - 1238 Submitted by Robert W. Loman |
For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer