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Jefferson County, IL


Knob Prairie Cemetery Tidbits

Submitted By: Dahl Shurtz -

Many volunteers have worked very hard to provide the researchers of Jefferson County a listing of Cemeteries and to provide pictures of headstones to help you in your personal research.

PLEASE DO NOT TAKE the cemetery listings and pictures that others have worked so hard to provide and add it to any other website as your own.

Thank You for understanding and respecting the work of others.

Crenshaw, Jeanette      1851            1927            Another stone 
4th wife of Clifton Quinn-d/o Elijal Merideth-Mary Jane(Livingston)Dixon

Fairchild, G.W.         1859            1941 
Fairchild,G W-stands for George Warren-s/o Eli-Sarah L(Place)-bu-new section

Fairchild, Annie E.     1861            1941
Fairchild,Annie E-nee (Smith) #2 wife of George Warren-bu new section

Fairchild, Daniel S.    1865            1931
Fairchild ,Daniel S- s/o Eli-Sarah L(Place)-new section

Fairchild, Amos E.      Aug.6,1854      Aug.10,1926
Fairchild,Amos Edmond-s/o-Edmond Amos-Luciona(McDonald)-new section

Fairchild, Amos         dates under     ground
Fairchild,Amos-should read Edmond Amos Jr-born 1825-wabash Co Ind-
married-Luciona McDonald-s/oEdmond Amos Sr-Hannah(Nessler)-new section

Fairchild, Maggie A.                    Oct.25,1885     25y2m16d w/o G.W.
Fairchild,Maggie A-nee (Gilbert) #1 George Warren Fairchild--d/o-Eli Jr-Lucy Gilbert-bu old section

Fairchild, E.W."Doc"    1867            1941
Fairchild,E W "Doc"-s/o Eli-Sarah L(Place)-old section

Fairchild, Edwin D.     1841            1922            Main Stone 
Fairchild,Edwin D-stands for Daniel-s/o Erastus-Elizabeth(Giddings)-bornJefferson Co,IL-old section

Fairchild, Jennie A.    1844            1913            Main Stone 
Fairchild,JennieA-nee(Stewart)w/o Edwin D--d/o Peter W-Hester A Stewart-old section

Fairchild, Eli          Dec.11,1823     Dec.1,1907
Fairchild,Eli-should be Eli Williamson-s/o Erastus-Elizabeth(Giddings)-old section

Fairchild, Sarah L.     Mar.8,1837      Sept.28,1875    w/o Eli
Fairchild,Sarah L-nee(Place)w/o Eli Williamson-d/o Sidney S-Rhoda(Dufur)Place-old section

Fairchild, Susan(Boswell) #3 w/o Eli Williamson Fairchild married 4-1875 - died 1882-1883 
have lost her would appreciate help

Fairchild, Dora M.      1869            1929 
Fairchild,Dora M-never married-d/o-Eli Williamson-Sarah L(Place)-old section by parents

Fairchild, Mary         Aug.3,1829      Dec.15,1890     w/o F.M.
Fairchild,Mary-nee (Booth)w/o Francis Marion Fairchild-old section

Fairchild,Francis Marion-s/o Erastus-Elizabeth(Giddings)bu old section 
near wife-born-1835-Wabash Co, Ind-bu old section

Gilbert, Alva S.        Sept.17,1886    Sept.11,1957
Alva S Gilbert--S is for Sylvester
Holloway,Anita(Gilbert)-w/o Maxey J-d/o of Alva Sylvester-Inez(Fairchild)

Gilbert, Bertha "Shurtz"Oct.3,1883      April 7,1961
Gilbert, Bertha(Shurtz) w/o Rolla Rawleigh d/o James P Shurtz-Sarah Serrena(Dufur)Shurtz
note they buried at Green-Taylor Cem

Gilbert, Inez           Dec.2,1885      Dec.7,1966 
Gilbert,Inez-nee-(Fairchild) w/o Alva Sylvester 
d/o Eli Williamson-Jeanette(Dixon)Robinson-Fairchild-Crenshaw-married-10/9/1904

Gilbert, Rolla R.       May 25,1882     May 23,1968
Gilbert,Rolla R- R is for Raleigh h/o Bertha(Shurtz)Gilbert

Laur, Maranda L.        1854            1928            w/o Benjamin
Laur, Miranda L-L is for Lutheria-w/o Benjamin M Laur
d/o Eli Williamson Fairchild-Maranda Lutheria (Haynes) Fairchild 
#1 wife of Eli Williamson Fairchild -she was Benjamin M Laur #2 wife-#1 was a Jane Bay-no data

Melvin, Dorcas M. Quinn 1900            1955 
Dorcus Martha Melvin-nee (Quinn) wife of John-d/o Clifton-Hannah Melvina(Harvey)

Newbury, S.L.           Jan.10,1861     Nov.12,1910
Newbury,SL-the SL is for Steven Logan
Newbury, Annie E is Elizabeth 'Annie'is Nee(Shurtz) 
w/o Steven Logan Newbury d/o Andrew Jackson Shurtz-Martha (McConnaughey) Shurtz 
#2 w/o Andrew Jackson Shurtz

Quinn, Clifton          1855            1945 
Clifton Quinn-s/o Samuel-Martha "Patsy" Jane(Taylor)they bu-MtZion-BlissvilleTwp
Wife # 1 Sarah A (Ward)10/13/1855-1875 Waltonville, IL md-1874-Jefferson Co,IL,
Wife # 2 Harriett C (Watts) 
Wife # 3 Hannah Melvina(Harvey)d/o Peyton Smith-Amanda Melvina(Rogers)Harvey

Quinn, Ethel            1888            1976
Ethel Quinn             8/27/1888       5/31/1976
nee (Fairchild) d/o Eli Williamson-Jeanette(Dixon)Robinson-Fairchild-Crenshaw

Quinn, Harvey C.        1884            1928
Harvey Clifton Quinn    10/3/1884       12/11/1928 
s/o Clifton-Hannah Melvina(Harvey)-note-Hannah is buried at Minson Cem

Quinn, Everett S.       Jan.22,1889     July 8,1939
Everett Samuel- Quinn   1/22/1889       8/71939     never married-s/o Clifton-Hannah Melvina(Harvey)

Shurtz, Carl H.         1886            1957 
Shurtz,Carl H-H is for Hughs-s/o Andrew Jackson Shurtz-Mary Elizabeth(Thomas)Shurtz 
#3 w/o Andrew Jackson Shurtz-note the are buried at MtZion-Blissville Twp

Shurtz, Charles Rodney  Mar.3,1933      no date 
Shurtz, Charles Rodney s/o Carl Hughs Shurtz-Georgia E (Fairchild) Shurtz

Shurtz, Frances Delphene 1888           1966 
Shurtz, Francis Deplhine-never married
d/o Andrew Jackson Shurtz-Mary Elizabeth(Thomas) Shurtz #3 w/o Andrew Jackson Shurtz

Shurtz, Georgia E.      1890            1996 
Shurtz, Georgia E is Nee (Fairchild) w/o Carl Hughs Shurtz
d/o George Warren Fairchild-Anna'Anne'(Smith)Fairchild-they are in new section

Shurtz, Hattie A.       Aug.4,1865      Sept.6,1950 
Shurtz, Hattie A is Nee (Nowland) w/o John M Shurtz

Shurtz, John M.         Sept.5,1862     May 11,1955 
Shurtz, John M-s/o Andrew Jackson Shurtz-Martha (McConnaughey) Shurtz #2 w/o Andrew Jackson Shurtz

Shurtz, Mary E.         Oct.26,1878     Mar.8,1940 
Shurtz, Mary E-E is For Elizabeth-she is Nee(Fairchild) 
w/o Robert W Shurtz d/o Eli Williamson Fairchild-Susan(Boswell)Fairchild #3 w/o Eli Williamson Fairchild

Shurtz, Minnie F.       1872            1950            Main Stone
Shurtz, Minnie F is Nee(Fairchild) w/o William Roy  
d/o Eli Williamson Fairchild-Sarah Louisa(Place) Fairchild) #2 w/o Eli Williamson Fairchild

Shurtz, Robert W.       April 24,1875   Feb.23,1940
Shurtz, Robert W s/o James P Shurtz-Sahah Serrena(Dufur)Shurtz
note they are buried at Green-Taylor Blissville Twp

Shurtz, William O.      1890            1968 
Shurtz, William O s/ o James P Shurtz-Sarah-Serrena(Dufur) Shurtz
my dates show him born 4-1887 could be a missprint as looks like stone dates are rounded off

Shurtz, William R.      1866            1934            Main Stone
Shurtz,William R-R is for Roy-s/o Andrew Jackson Shurtz-Martha (McConnaughey) 
Shurtz #2 w/o Andrew Jackson Shurtz

Shurtz, William H s/o Robert W Shurtz-Hannah(Cole Shurtz-Memorial
buried at National Cemetery Andersonville,Ga-died as prisoner of war

Taylor, J.L.            Oct.14,1843     Mar.30,1871     Co.C 32nd IL Inf.
Taylor, John L D s/o Drury Taylor-Elizabeth(DuPree) Taylor-b&d Jefferson Co old section

Taylor, Narcena P(Wells) w/o John L D Taylor-born IL-1842-md-12/11/1864 no visible marker
Thomas, Almanza R."Fred"Aug.8,1867      July 18,1890    w/o GE
Thomas, Almanza R (Fred)  #1 w/o GE-the GE is For George E Thomas-not positive where he 
is buried as he remarried a Anna Marie Fagan Nichols

Thomas, Anna M.         1859            1948
Thomas, Anna M w/o William E Thomas

Thomas, Barney H.       Aug.19,1889     Dec.30,1936
Grandson of Barney Hughes Thomas-Nancy Booth(Hargett) Thomas

Thomas, Barney Hughes Sr- s/o William P Thomas & Elizabeth(Mannen)

Thomas, Nancy B.        Nov.23,1832     Mar.27,1903
Nancy Booth Thomas -nee(Hargett)

Thomas, Wm. E.          1854            1935 
Thomas, William E s/ o Barney Hughs Thomas-Nancy Booth(Hargett) Thomas
Submitted By: Pat O'Sullivan Corona *

Roberson, Ben F.        1867            1923    
ROBERSON, Ben F.1867-1923-
Benjamin F. ROBERSON
s/o Elbert ROBERSON & Clamencia Jane HODGE
Benjamin F. ROBERSON m. 29 Jan. 1893, FCI, Cora E. BATES

Roberson, Cora E.       1872            1960    
ROBERSON, Cora E. 1872-1960- 
d/o Killabrew BATES & Malinda LEWIS.
Killabrew & Malinda BATES bur. Horse Prairie Cem. nr.
Sesser, Franklin Co. IL.

Roberson, Leslie        1901            1983    
ROBERSON, Leslie-1901-1983- 
s/o Benjamin R. ROBERSON & Cora E. BATES

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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