Richard Louis Ratliff
RATLIFF, RICHARD LOUIS Richard Louis Ratliff of Field Township Had Remarkable Record. Died Early Today, Funeral Saturday Afternoon. Richard Louis Ratliff died at the family home in Field township this morning at 9 o'clock. Mr. Ratliff had been in poor health for three years. His age was 75 years. Mr. Ratliff was one of the grand old men of Jefferson County, and was held in the highest respect by all who knew him in Field township and elsewhere. He had a record for faithful, consecrated Christian service equaled by few men, and had been a member of the Zion M. E. Church for 50 years, and had taught the Bible class of that church a like period. He was a deep student of the Bible, and was recognized as one of the most successful and efficient teachers of the Bible to be found anywhere. A man of deep religious convictions, his life was an inspiration to all who knew him, and he accepted an outstanding position in the church and the community of which he was a part. He was a successful farmer, and taught school seven years, being a very efficient instructor and a man of excellent judgment in the management of the school and directing the children in the way a capable instructor can direct them. Mr. Ratliff is survived by his widow, four sons, and one daughter. The sons are: Walter H., of Chicago; Dr. E. B., Springfield; Richard, Mt. Vernon; and Lester, and the daughter is Norma; Lester and Norma are at home. Funeral services, conducted by the Rev. M. Jackson, will be held in Hopewell M. E. Church at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, and burial will follow in the cemetery adjoining.
Source: Unknown |
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