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Jefferson County, IL



Mary (Grothoff) Riggs

Mrs. Mary Riggs Died At Her Home Near Belle Rive

Belle Rive, IL, August 31. - Mrs. Mary GROTHOFF RIGGS died August 28th, at the home of her father, west of town, after a lingering illness. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. BALL, pastor of the U.B. Church, at the Ham's Grove Baptist Church, Tuesday, and interment at the GROTHOFF Cemetery.

Mary GROTHOFF was the daughter of Lewis and Della GROTHOFF and was born February 9, 1895, died August 28, 1922, age 27y 6m 19d.

She was united in marriage May 30, 1918 to Ed RIGGS.

She was a devoted wife and daughter and loved by all who knew her. She was very patient in her affliction and expressed new hope for the future, telling her father before she passed away that she was ready to go.

She leaves to mourn her loss a father, step-mother, two brothers, other relatives and a host of friends.

Source: Mt. Vernon, IL Register News
Date: Thursday, August 31, 1922
Submitted by: Mary Zinzilieta

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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