Eva Snyder
Funeral services will be held at the Mitchell Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. Eva Snyder, 88, who died Saturday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Pearl Robinson Bandy. Rev. Williams Sims will officiate, with interment in Hopewell Cemetery in Jefferson county. The body will lie in state at the Mitchell Funeral Home. Mrs. Snyder, who lived in Franklin county most of her life, had been ill for two years. She was the widow of Philo Snyder. She was a member of the Benton Methodist Church, and of Rebecca lodge 664. In addition to Mrs. Bandy she leaves two children, Claude and Ora Snyder of Benton, and three sisters: Mrs. Cora Finley, Mrs. Pearl Steel and Mrs. Russel Leonard, all of LaPorte, Ind.
Source: Benton Evening News |
For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer