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Jefferson County, IL



Laura Young

Mrs. Laura C. YOUNG, wife of W. L. Young, died at the family home at 314 North Washington street at noon today of consumption, after an illness extending over a period of several months.

Deceased was born in Harrison county, Ind., April 5, 1850.

She removed to this state when a young woman and settled in Farrington township in this county, where she married W. L. Young October 20, 1870.

She had been a member of the M. E. church since she was 14 years old and was a conscientious Christian woman, highly respected by all who knew her.

She was the mother of seven children, of which John, Cora, Dollie and Winnie are the survivors.

Two children died in infancy and Emory, an older son, was killed by the fall of a horse when about 16 years of age.

Mr. and Mrs. Young removed to Mt. Vernon about three years ago, the latter being an invalid the greater part of the time since that occurance.

The funeral services will be held at the M. E. church, of which congregation deceased was a member, at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The interment will be at Oakwood.

Source: Mt. Vernon Register News
Date: August 11, 1899
Submitted by: Sharlet Bigham LaBarbera - Oct 25, 1997

Note from Sandy:

Here is her gravestone photo at Oakwood

Here is her husband's gravestone photo at Oakwood.

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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