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Jefferson County, IL


Photo Collection

Submitted by: Submitted by: Scott A. Lee

The Belle Rive Post Office
Mamie Louise Kniffen Ham, was one of the postmasters there.

Belle Rive Sewing Club

Fannie Kniffen Vaughn standing, far right, next to her Maude Kniffen Butler Lott

Postcard sent from Belle Rive, IL in 1909
(per the postmark)
to my grgrgr grandmother, Lois Hughey,
who was then living with a daughter in Kansas City, MO.

The card reads:

"Dear Folks, Dont know any news so will just send this card broke my leads hated it as bad.

Love to all, Sallie"

Not sure if it's signed Sallie, Jollie or something else.

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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