Located in Grand Prairie Township
Clay Hill School - 8 Nov 1899
One of Jefferson County's older schools, Clay Hill, was consolidated with Grand Prarie in 1950.
The last site of the school was between Baldwin Heights and Gilead Church in Sec. 6.
It can be reached by driving south on 51 and east one mile on the first road south of the county line road. Dressed up for the camera, in this picture furnished by Mrs. Amos Watts, are: First row: Second row: Ora ratts, Willard Baldridge, Lester Telford, Amos Baldridge, teacher Charlie Lee, Willie Roper, Floyd Turner, Cecil Fisher, and Johnie Krietemeyer. Third row: Harry Baldridge, Clyde Hardy, Manley Hardy, Maud Fisher, Ethel Sanders, May Stonecipher and Dwight Hardy. Originally, the school stood one mile south of the last site, on land said to have been donated by Thomas Ratts (later James Tate's farm). Today all that remains of the school are the ruins of the cellar and cistern. How did the school get it's name? all former students agree: once you've seen the poor land there, you don't bother to ask. SOURCE: Centralia Sentinal thursday, Dec 1, 1966 pg. 17Submitted by: Floyd Turner |
For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer