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Jefferson County, IL


Oak Grove School

Located in Moores Prairie Township

Far southeast corner of Moores Prairie Township, close to Sugar Camp Cemetery (added by Leslie McGuire)

Shown on map as number 132 east of Ina

Oak Grove School - 1893

Note from Leslie:
"Oak Grove School 1893 per caption on photo--found among my cousin Shirley Payne's research (long-time JCI researcher). No names are on the back of the photo copy. I do not know where she obtained the copy or who has the original. "

Oak Grove School - 1920

Note from Leslie:
My grandmother and the Pickel children are in the 1920 photo. They lived in far Southeast Jefferson County. As far Southeast as you can get and still be in Jefferson.

Submitted by: Leslie McGuire

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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