Located in Farrington Township.
Sheilds School
Randy Mills posted the following information about Shields High School in Farrington township on Facebook and gave me permission to add this to our website: "The Horse Creek area where I grew up was made remote by bad roads and being located at the rag-tag ends of three counties- northeast Jefferson County, far east Wayne County, and southeast Marion County. Few kids there went on to high school, causing the Jefferson County Superintendent of Schools, Rose Jansen, to form a two-year high school district in the Horse Creek area that crossed county lines. Thus came Shields High School in 1930, located at "Papertown." I've included a photo of the first class that includes one of my great uncles, Emmett Mills, in the school's first year, 1930-1931, and another of my Dad's class in 1940. He is in the top row, fourth from the right. My future stepfather, Rolla Pierce, is to Dad's right."
For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer