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Jefferson County, IL


Unmarked Graves

Source: Fred Justice

Submitted By: Cindy Ford

This information on Unmarked Graves was compiled by Fred Justice in 1975, he gained this information from Death Records from Jefferson County which go back to 1877.

Please note that there are many variations of spelling in both individuals names and also the cemetery names they have been typed up as they were from his book.

I have also noticed that there are several that are now marked but I have left this as he had it so if you find someone listed as being Unmarked they may actually have a marker in place at this time which you can check this by looking at the Cemetery Listings for Jefferson County but this is a great source for those who do not.

NAME                    BIRTH    DEATH          CEMETERY

Ackley, Dorvis J. R.    1945    6-23-1945       Arnold
Acors,                  1836    8-31-1911       Fouts
Adams, Belle            1866    4-9-1922        Hams Grove
Adams, Belle            1865    7-30-1928       Atknison
Adams, Cecil M.         Infant  1917            Hams Grove 
Adams, Charley          1901    7-21-1933       W. Salem
Adams, Clinton W.       1885    1-12-1945       Kirk
Adams, Eliza J.         1859    12-18-1930      Oakwood
Adams, Hazel            Infant  9-16-1914       Oakwood
Adams, Inf. S.          1926    9-6-1926        Pace
Adams, Inf. S.          1945    8-16-1945       Old Shiloh
Adams, James            1860    3-11-1936       Hams Grove
Adams, John H.          1879    9-25-1938       Oakwood
Adams, Joseph E.        1867    7-20-1948       Bethel
Adams, Lige             1904    1-19-1932       Oakwood
Adams, Martha A.        1837    6-14-1925       Atkinson
Adams, Nancy            1818    7-31-1884       no mention
Adams, Opal             1909    2-9-1914        Hams Grove
Adams, Oscar            1888    4-1-1904        Antioch
Adams, Robert A. Inf.   1824    9-16-1824       Oakwood
Adams, Roy C.           1894    10-8-1945       Bethel
Adams, Sarah E.         1867    1-6-1934        Opdyke
Adcock, Augusta         1886    1931            No Mention
Adcock, Hershell        Infant  2-6-1912        Round Knoll
Adcock, Inf. S.         1928    5-23-1928       Round Knoll
Adcock, Infant Dau.             1916            Round Knoll
Adcock, Nancy G.        1871    11-3-1945       Atkinson
Adcock, Willoughby W.   1860    11-20-1927      Round Knoll
Addison, John G.        1842    12-6-1927       Round Knoll
Addison, Thomas         1829    5-27-1903       Oakwood
Adkins, Inf.            1925    2-18-1925       Abner
Adline, Mary            1816    11-19-1877      Simmons
Akin, Albert W.         1884    1948            No Mention
Akin, Louise            1888    10-4-1949       Bethel
Albright, Minnie        1876    3-10-1921       Oakwood
Albright, Susan D. Inf. 1922    5-17-1922       Oakwood
Albritton, Mary         1866    9-30-1945       Oakwood
Aldrich, Chas.          1835    2-13-1919       Oakwood
Aldrich, Geo.           1860    10-6-1945       Antioch
Aldrich, Rozetta        1864    2-29-1948       Antioch
Aldridge, Chas.         1851    2-7-1930        County Farm
Alexander, Geo. S.      1824    9-10-????       Black Oak Ridge
Alexander, Georgia E.   1890    9-28-1947       Union Chapel
Alexander, Inf. S.      1930    8-30-1930       County Farm
Alexander, Rudolph Inf. 1923    3-13-1923       Old Union
Alexander, Sallie       1869    2-1-1945        Oakwood
Allen, Bennett B.       1872    10-12-1948      Oakwood
Allen, Bertie           1840    8-16-1908       No Mention
Allen, Chas.            1847    8-7-1924        Hopewell
Allen, Chas.            1916    2-16-1920       Flint
Allen, Chas. E.         1867    3-25-1939       Kirk
Allen, Chas. M. Inf.    1931    9-25-1931       Hickory Hill
Allen, Eliza J.         1836    2-12-1909       Pleasant Hill
Allen, Elizabeth S.     1828    1-7-1904        Dryden
Allen, Ellen P.         1925    2-13-1926       Hopewell
Allen, Fredia C.        1911    4-12-1939       Bethel
Allen, Garril           Infant  1917            Kirk
Allen, Henry C.         1903    4-8-1904        Oakwood
Allen, Hiram R.         1823    1917            Hopewell
Allen, Inafant Son              1880            SG Twp.
Allen, Inf. S.          1927    10-11-1927      Bonnie
Allen, Inf. S.          1932    6-6-1932        Opdyke
Allen, Infant                   1-20-1903       Old Shiloh
Allen, Jacob L.         1878    2-20-1935       Flint
Allen, John A.          1867    8-20-1936       Hopewell
Allen, John H.          1848    10-4-1928       Hams Grove
Allen, John N.          1957    7-31-1930       Kirk
Allen, John R.          1841    1-21-1907       Pleasant Grove
Allen, Joseph W.        1868    12-22-1941      W. Salem
Allen, Kenith           1924    8-5-1933        Smith
Allen, Max              1902    5-21-1904       No mention
Allen, Ralph G.         1900    10-27-1934      Flint
Allen, Sam M.           1839    3-27-1902       Old Union
Allen, Samuel K.        1819    3-29-1885       West Salem
Allen, Sarah F.         1869    7-5-1945        Hopewell
Allen, Sarah M.         1887    12-12-1904      Kirk
Allen, Ulysses S.       1870    9-4-1945        Oakwood
Allen, Walter F.        1913    7-30-1933       Flint
Allen, Winnie           1834    3-25-1904       Rentchler
Allen, Winona A.        1872    1-1-1939        Bethel
Alsup, Nellie R. Inf.   1934    1-19-1934       Boyd
Ames, Mary L.           1863    1-4-1879        Hickory Hill
Ames, Nancy             1886    2-2-1887        Bald Hill
Anderson, Alfonzo       1889    4-22-1949       Bethel
Anderson, Allen         1844    4-26-1928       Ebeneezer
Anderson, Cecil W.      Infant  9-15-1904       Oakwood
Anderson, Chas. C.      1851    7-11-1931       Howell
Anderson, Daniel M.     1878    1-25-1940       Oakwood
Anderson, Frank         1852    4-7-1884        Mt. Zion
Anderson, Geo. R.       1920    9-18-1939       Oakwood
Anderson, Geo. W.       1876    1-13-1903       Sursa
Anderson, Infant                11-2-1904       Old Union
Anderson, James E. Inf. 1935    6-2-1935        Pleasant Hill
Anderson, Olan J.       1897    7-9-1911        Oakwood
Anderson, Robert L.     1941    1-15-1942       Bethel
Anderson, Sophia        1817    5-20-1903       Fitzgerrell
Anderson, Wm.           1865    9-19-1936       Oakwood
Anderson, Wm. H. Inf.   1948    7-9-1948        Pleasant Hill
Anderson, Wm. M.        1871    10-7-1936       Pleasant Hill
Angle, Marian           1815    6-4-1887        Atkinson
Anglen, Elizabeth       Unable to read dates    No mention
Apgar, Barbara L. Inf.  1931    9-17-1931       Bethel
Archer, David B.        1849    2-12-1935       W. Salem
Arendale, Paul R.       1916    10-10-1922      Oakwood
Armstrong, John         1868    8-12-1941       Oakwood
Armstrong, Preston      1860    1-31-1928       Oakwood
Armstrong, Wm. C.       1883    8-7-1949        Bethel
Arnet, Alice D.         1820    1-16-1881       Pleasant Grove
Arnet, Helen L.         Infant  1919            Pleasant Grove
Arnett, Trulia J.       1892    1933            No mention
Arning, Marie           1892    1919            Gilbert
Arnold, Allie M.        1904    9-18-1909       Arnold
Arnold, Inf.            1921    3-29-1921       W. Salem
Arnold, Ray Inf.        1924    2-8-1924        Kirk
Arstrong, John          1889    1-13-1948       Oakwood
Arteberry, John H.      1848    2-8-1903        Mt. Zion
Arterbem, (F)           1858    1-17-1881       Pleasant Hill
Ashby, Loren            1919    2-15-1920       Flint
Ashby, Martha E.        1860    9-25-1942       Hickory Hill
Ashby, Sarah F.         1868    8-9-1938        Hickory Hill
Ashby, Wm.              Infant  1918            Laird
Ashworth, Wm. F.        1886    2-25-1947       Jordan Chapel
Askew, Georgia A.       1871    9-23-1934       Old Orchard
Askew, Herman           1899    7-16-1904       New Hope
Askew, Inf.             1922    1-22-1922       Laird
Askew, James S.         1868    4-19-1922       Old Orchard
Askew, Louis C.         1926    11-3-1927       Hickory Hill
Atcheson, Perlina       1821    1918            Smith
Atchison, Belle         1868    12-22-1930      Boyd
Atchison, Bessie V.     1892    11-1-1903       Opdyke
Atchison, Effie         1897    1918            Oakwood
Atchison, Elizabeth     1844    9-29-1884       Antioch
Atchison, Infant                1-31-1911       Pace
Atchison, Infant                7-19-1912       Pace
Atchison, James I.      1889    10-15-1945      Bethel
Atchison, Jewell        1901    1902            Hams Grove
Atchison, John          1869    12-22-1884      No Mention
Atchison, Joseph        Infant  1885            Antioch
Atchison, Myria V.      1921    11-22-1922      Old Orchard
Atchison, Myrtle        1901    4-3-1903        Antioch
Atchison, Quincy        1859    6-23-1881       MP Twp.
Atchison, Ruhania       1816    11-3-1879       Rentchler
Atchison, Stephen H.    1875    11-29-1935      Old Orchard
Atchison, Thomas J.     1862    5-31-1949       Boyd
Atchison, Willie M.     1895    4-18-1925       Hams Grove
Atchison, Wm. B.        1839    1881            No Mention
Atkins, Cecilia M.      1915    12-9-1921       Oakwood
Atkins, Chas. W.        1924    7-22-1925       Knob Prairie
Atkins, Moses B.        1834    6-30-1907       Old Baptist
Atkins, Purlina         1830    12-14-1902      Old Baptist
Atkinson, Calvin D.     1827    11-16-1907      Atkinson
Atkinson, Martha J.     1852    1-19-1927       Atknison
Atkinson, Miller F.     1844    7-17-1908       Atkinson
Atkinson, Samuel R.     1866    9-14-1934       Atknison
Atwood, Chas. R.        1861    2-15-1945       Pace
Atwood, James O.        1859    4-29-1947       Pace
Ault, Willis            1855    12-12-1921      Hopewell
Austin, Austris         1868    12-3-1949       Panther Fork
Austin, Chas. O.        1896    7-3-1949        Local (MT)
Austin, Inf. S.         1925    8-8-1925        Lowery Hill
Austin, Marion G.       1917    10-24-1937      Hickory Hill
Austin, Samantha        1877    9-12-1902       No Mention
Ayers, James Inf.       1920    3-7-1920        W. Salem
Ayers, Johnson D.       1855    6-2-1928        Oakwood
Ayers, Wm. W. Inf.      1829    4-12-1829       Oakwood

Bacon, Inf. S.          1925    4-26-1925       Oakwood
Bacon, Walter H. Inf.   1924    4-7-1924        Oakwood
Bacyn, Myrtle S.        1900    6-24-1931       Oakwood
Badger, Inf. S.         1880    10-10-1881      Pleasant Grove
Badgett, Adda           1861    1-16-1932       Oakwood
Badgett, Dewie Inf.     1925    9-8-1925        Pleasant Grove
Badgett, James T.       1828    1-7-1878        Pleasant Grove
Badgett, Joel L.        1841    1918            Pleasant Grove
Badgett, John W.        1849    12-10-1937      Oakwood
Bailey, Inf.            1917    1917            Oakwood
Bailey, Inf.            1923    1-24-1923       Oakwood
Bailey, Inf. D.         1924    9-16-1924       Oakwood
Bailey, Inf. S.         1916    1916            Oakwood
Bailey, Inf. S.         1924    11-16-1924      Oakwood
Bailey, John D. Inf.    1942    5-27-1942       Oakwood
Bailey, Leslie W.       1928    2-13-1932       Kirk
Bailey, Robert M.       1938    4-6-1933        Oakwood
Bailey, Wm. M.          1882    1918            Laird
Bails, Wm.              1896    5-20-1903       Mt. Zion (Fa-)
Bain, A Walter Inf.     1906    2-13-1906       W. Salem
Bain, Inf. S.           1937    5-11-1937       W. Salem
Bain, Margaret A.       1843    3-16-1935       W. Salem
Baird, Ethel            1894    2-11-1936       Pleasant Hill
Baird, Tolphus          1867    7-28-1878       Union
Baker, Edward L.        1928    7-7-1943        Oakwood
Baker, Elizabeth L.     1862    4-11-1940       Ebenezer
Baker, Ella U.          1867    6-1-1921        Pleasant Grove
Baker, Harold C.        1925    1-24-1927       Cub Prairie
Baker, Harriet          1825    12-29-1908      Abner
Baker, Hazel G.         1897    9-26-1902       No mention
Baker, Lulu             1893    9-8-1905        Cub Prairie
Baker, Marion           1852    12-5-1923       Pleasant Hill
Baker, Mary             1847    11-30-1926      S. Hickory Hill
Baker, Sarah            1857    7-23-1940       Bethel
Baker, Sarah E.         1850    6-12-1924       Knob Prairie
Baker, Sarah M.         1835    2-9-1904        New Hope (Sg)
Baker, Susan C.         1881    10-11-1906      S. Hickory Hill
Baker, Zacaria T.       1865    1919            Oakwood
Baldrey, Edna M.        1927    1-6-1928        Flint
Baldridge, Alice        1859    1917            Pleasant Grove
Baldridge, Chas. E.     1860    7-12-1924       Gilead
Baldridge, Christina A. 1865    8-3-            Fouts
Baldridge, E. B.        1882    4-16-1922       Gilead
Baldridge, Geo. P.      1853    8-25-1922       Gilead
Baldridge, James A.     1843    1917            Mt. Catherine
Baldridge, Robert A.    1865    9-30-1948       Fouts
Baldridge, Sarah J.     1852    10-19-1931      Gilead
Baldridge, Thomas       1848    12-12-1914      Little Grove
Baldridge, Willard      1901    8-12-1902       Little Grove
Baldridge, Wm. D.       1839    9-16-1926       Fouts
Baldwin, Eli W.         1849    8-24-1937       Hopewell
Baldwin, Fred D.        1874    3-4-1944        Oakwood
Baldwin, Mary A.        1860    12-3-1935       Hopewell
Ball, Georgie A.        1905    9-9-1941        Oakwood
Ballard, Geo. W.        1834    9-11-1907       Woodlawn
Ballard, Philo          1847    7-30-1888       Woodlawn
Baltfrof, Willie        1902    4-4-1903        Old Union
Baltzell, Robert L.     1884    10-26-1945      Bethel
Banes, Albert           1904    8-10-1925       W. Salem
Banes, Sarah E.         1901    9-17-1902       W. Salem
Banks, James            1904    12-12-1920      Oakwood
Banta, Victoria         1850    3-15-1925       Williams
Barber, Clarissa        1853    9-27-1934       Jordan Chapel
Barber, M. A.           1842    6-6-1928        Jordan Chapel
Barber, Sallie E.       1858    11-8-1884       Opdyke
Bare, Daisy E. Inf.     1879    10-21-1879      Little Grove
Baretta, Lorenza Inf.   1906    4-19-1906       No mention
Barker, Inf.            1912    2-20-1912       Knob Prairie
Barker, Joe E. Inf.     1928    7-22-1928       At Home
Barman, Ada M.          1860    10-17-1924      Opdyke
Barner, David A.        1910    10-18-1942      Oakwood
Barner, David A.        1871    2-10-1946       Oakwood
Barner, Harry           1909    7-7-1942        Oakwood
Barner, Maggie          1880    8-18-1947       Oakwood
Barnes, Eli E.          1845    1-2-1925        Atkinson
Barnes, Inf. S.         1916    1916            Old Union
Barnes, Opel A. Inf.    1934    12-17-1934      E. Salem
Barnet, John            1862    4-3-1881        Knowles
Barnett, Beatrice       1865    12-20-1942      Oakwood
Barnett, Billie R. Inf. 1941    5-16-1941       Knob Prairie
Barnett, John           1853    3-29-1924       Panther Fork
Barnfield, James        1864    1918            Oakwood
Barnfield, Julia        1867    5-20-1935       Oakwood
Barnfield, M. D.        1869    12-28-1936      Union Chapel
Barnfield, Monroe       1866    10-30-1948      Union Chapel
Barnfield, Rachel       1852    1918            No mention
Barnhill, Geo.          1870    1-5-1935        Oakwood
Barrett, Carroll M.     1905    7-14-1947       Oakwood
Barrett, Samuel M.      1879    1880            Mt. Zion
Barthoff, Andrew        1844    8-6-1910        Oakwood
Bartholomew, Minnie V.  1895    6-8-1922        Oakwood
Barton, Eva V.          1861    2-16-1921       Oakwood
Barton, John G. Inf.    1921    9-24-1921       E. Hickory Hill
Barton, Leona A.        1936    5-11-1948       Atkinson
Bass, Anna              1845    1-31-1915       Little Grove
Bass, Lee A.            1915    12-29-1943      Oakwood
Bass, Maude             1894    2-6-1920        Hams Grove
Bass, Virginia C. Inf.  1921    11-1-1921       Oakwood
Bateman, Edna           1901    8-20-1926       Oakwood
Bateman, Francis R.     1873    10-21-1879      Little Grove
Bateman, Sarah          1809    4-6-1881        No mention
Bates, Fannie E.        1858    3-19-1920       Oakwood

Bates, Inf.             1909    6-26-1909       Oakwood
Bates, Mary S.          1862    2-3-1910        Atkinson
Baub, May               1912    10-14-1913      Hickory Hill
Baugh, Lillian I.       1881    2-2-1940        Old Shiloh
Baugh, Mary B.          1870    10-20-1885      Arnold
Baunngardner, Sarah E.  1921    12-19-1923      Pleasant Hill
Bauster, Harry R.       1894    9-14-1902       Old Union
Bauty, Geo. W.          1840    3-18-1910       Williams
Bayer, Bell             1880    6-15-1903       Oakwood
Bayer, Mary             1844    1-11-1933       Oakwood
Bayne, Inez             1895    2-29-1902       Locust Grove
Beadle, Francis M.      1846    1912            Gilead
Beadle, John A.         1848    9-8-1924        Gilead
Beadle, Mary A.         1850    10-7-1932       Gilead
Beadle, Mary E.         1845    4-10-1927       Gilead
Beal, Asenith           1878    11-30-1879      Pleasant Grove
Beal, Dona J. Inf.      1939    9-26-1939       Oak Grove
Beal, Elsie O. Inf.     1909    3-23-1909       At Home
Beal, Enoch M.          1852    1-12-1935       Oak Grove
Beal, Eva               1886    6-11-1928       Pleasant Hill
Beal, Ida               1880    6-19-1948       Oakwood
Beal, Inf. S.           1846    9-13-1846       Pleasant
Beal, Isabelle          1854    6-4-1936        Oak Grove
Beal, Thurston L. Inf.  1834    12-1-1834       E. Hickory Hill
Beal, Vera I.           1881    8-30-1902       No mention
Bean, Alwilda A.        1864    8-5-1940        S. Hickory Hill
Bean, Chas. E. Inf.     1903    12-12-1903      Rightnower
Bean, Chas. G.          1898    4-1-1941        Oakwood
Bean, Cora              1873    3-14-1902       S. Hickory Hill
Bean, Ezra H.           1891    3-23-1903       Abner
Bean, Inf. D.           1880    8-9-1880        No mention
Bean, John R. Inf.      1934    6-12-1934       Oakwood
Bean, John W.           1887    2-15-1939       Wolf Prairie
Bean, Martha F.         1847    12-16-1931      E. Hickory Hill
Bean, Parilee           1869    4-16-1936       S. Hickory Hill
Bean, Peter A.          1939    9-26-1881       SH-Twp.
Bean, Robert K. Inf.    1941    6-7-1941        Rightnowar
Bean, Stanton           1885    12-14-1904      Rightnower
Bean, Wm. G.            1909    12-30-1941      Oakwood
Bean, Wm. H.            1863    7-21-1947       S. Hickory Hill
Beard, Ida M.           1871    7-18-1927       Abner
Beaslay, Gene W.        1943    3-22-1944       No mention
Beasley, Chas. A.       1874    3-15-1902       Oakwood
Beasley, Chas. A.       1830    4-26-1920       Byers
Beaty, Harriet          1859    11-11-1931      Kirk
Beaty, Joseph S.        1866    4-18-1907       Kirk
Beaty, Lillie V.        1871    6-30-1949       W. Salem
Beaty, Martha J.        1866    3-2-1948        Cub Prairie
Beauford, Francis C.    1853    4-13-1928       Oakwood
Beauford, Wm.           1849    10-29-1928      Oakwood
Beck, Flora A. Inf.     1902    9-11-1902       Clark
Beck, James F.          1854    12-13-1936      Oakwood
Beckham, Elizabeth              1918            Little Grove
Beckham, Enoch A.       1908    11-25-1911      Rightnower
Beckham, Inf.           1914    3-19-1914       S. Hickory Hill
Beckham, James W.       1851    3-13-1902       S. Hickory Hill
Beckham, Mary O.        1904    4-29-1910       S. Hickory Hill
Beckham, Orval Inf.     1907    4-21-1907       S. Hickory Hill
Beckham, Russell Jr.Inf.1941    6-12-1941       Oakwood
Beckham, Stephen        1822    11-9-1879       Woodlawn
Beckley, James E. Inf.  1936    2-17-1936       W. Salem
Beckley, Louis          1847    11-21-1931      W. Salem
Bee, Lucinda            1838    6-28-1922       St. Marys
Behken, S.J.F.          1854    2-9-1915        Ebenezer
Behue, Inf.             1906    1-27-1906       No mention
Beisner, A. H.          1876    12-6-1935       Oakwood
Bell, Catherine         1887    7-7-1938        St. Marys
Bell, Dennis            1875    4-17-1949       Sursa
Bell, Floydie Inf.      1917    1917            Old Union
Bell, Hulda A.          1840    10-10-1912      Opdyke
Bell, James             1841    7-7-1906        No mention
Bell, John A.           1859    1-15-1942       Oakwood
Bell, Loren             1908    4-30-1921       St. Marys
Bell, Mary E.           1852    6-13-1935       Sursa
Bell, Robert H.         1885    1-15-1907       Old Union
Bell. Wm. E.            1867    1-20-1948       Oakwood
Benard, Natalia         1884    10-14-1908      Woodlawn
Benard, Nora E.         1931    7-2-1942        Pleasant Hill
Benard, Wm. A.          1893    1-16-1932       New Shiloh
Beniard, Leon           1877    9-17-1928       Pleasant Hill
Benjamin, Ida M. Inf.   1942    5-24-1942       Boyd
Benjamin, Roy L.        1876    2-12-1945       Mt. Catherine
Benjamin, Thelma M. Inf.1918    1918            Little Grove
Benjamin, Wm. Jr. Inf.  1936    5-11-1936       Boyd
Bennett, Effie C.       1877    1919            Mt. Zion
Bennett, Emeline        1856    8-5-1935        Antioch
Bennett, Geo. W.        1853    4-4-1920        Mt.Zion (FA)
Bennett, Geo. W.        1855    7-7-1945        Laird
Bennett, Inf. S.        1884    5-26-1884       Laird
Bennett, James O.       1890    6-24-1946       Antioch
Bennett, Jewell         1892    1919            Oakwood
Bennett, John W.        1854    1-8-1928        Antioch
Bennett, Lenia          1833    4-21-1903       E. Hickory Hill
Bennett, Matilda C.     1855    3-16-1934       W. Salem
Bennett, Saphronia A.   1873    2-4-1893        Old Shiloh
Benoit, James           1861    3-24-1940       Bethel
Benson, Nancy J.        1857    11-21-1884      Little Grove
Benton, Margaret R.     1846    1918            Oakwood
Benwood, Inf.           1912    11-28-1912      Oakwood
Beppler, Evelyn Inf.    1918    1918            Oakwood
Berg, Geo.              1877    9-17-1878       Little Grove
Berger, Martha E.       1839    7-16-1928       Hopewell
Bermon, Wm. B.          1880    5-16-1930       Oakwood
Bernard, Elizabeth H.   1840    10-22-1909      SG-Twp.
Berry, Danny W. Inf.    1945    8-17-1945       Berry (MC)
Berry, Harold B.        1924    11-21-1926      Harmony
Berry, Ila L. Inf.      1902    7-23-1902       Oakwood
Berry, Inf. D.          1924    6-21-1924       Oakwood
Berry, Luther H.        1878    12-24-1938      Bethel
Berry, Marion Inf.      1904    4-1-1904        Harmony
Berry, Matilda          1845    8-5-1924        Harmony
Berry, Susie            1870    1919            Oakwood
Bertram, Inf. D.        1941    6-26-1941       Pleasant Grove
Bertram, Martha L. Inf. 1941    6-1-1941        No mention
Bertram, Mary L. Inf.   1943    12-20-1943      Pleasant Grove
Bertsch, Henry          1844    10-31-1910      St. Marys
Bertsch, Kate N.        1876    12-9-1905       St. Marys
Bertsch, Verona H.      1861    4-2-1942        Pleasant Grove
Bertsoh, Leopold        1831    4-11-1910       St. Marys
Bethel, Donald W. Inf.  1942    8-7-1942        Cub Prairie
Bevard, Ina D.          1884    10-20-1932      Knob Prairie
Bevis, Pearl            1873    11-13-1915      Fouts
Bilby, Elizabeth        1841    2-1-1906        Old Baptist
Birdsong, John E.       1863    7-10-1884       Opdyke
Birkett, Ellen          1854    12-2-1908       Oakwood
Birkett, Nettie M.      1869    2-16-1906       Oak Grove
Birkhead, Mildred K.Inf.1942    6-19-1942       Hams Grove
Birkhead, Olin L.       1900    8-24-1903       Union
Birkheimer, Inf. S.     1940    8-31-1940       No mention
Bish, Harry B. Inf.     1886    1886            Union
Bish, Harry R.          1886    7-28-1886       Union
Bishop, Dave            1861    3-15-1935       Oakwood
Bishop, Oscar B.        1893    1-9-1924        Oakwood
Bitner, Arline Inf.     1947    11-24-1947      Oakwood
Bitner, Ella            1889    1-10-1939       Oakwood
Bitner, John            1876    1918            S. Hickory Hill
Bitner, Mary            1913    6-4-1929        W. Salem
Bittroff, Louis H.      1854    3-22-1930       Oakwood
Bittroff, Virginia M.   1855    1-1-1944        Oakwood
Black, Andrew J.        1849    9-24-1921       S. Hickory Hill
Black, Bertha M.        1889    3-11-1939       Abner
Black, Bertha M.        1889    3-11-1939       Abner
Black, Elizabeth F.     1898    10-19-1925      S. Hickory Hill
Black, Georgie          1901    4-23-1902       Old Union
Black, Glenn E. Inf.    1902    1-27-1902       Kirk
Black, James R.         1847    3-2-1927        Abner
Black, James W.         1919    4-7-1921        Black
Black, Jessie M.        1885    4-29-1939       Oakwood
Black, John R.          1857    11-23-1925      Black
Black, John W.          1875    3-23-1937       Oakwood
Black, M. D.            1825    11-26-1914      S. Hickory Hill
Black, Marie            1893    7-13-1940       Oakwood
Black, Mary L. Inf. D.  1948    3-30-1948       Oakwood
Black, Rot Inf.         1909    4-23-1909       Abner
Black, Samuel F.        1811    8-7-1885        MC.-Twp. Black
Black, Samuel S.        1865    7-6-1941        Abner
Blackard, Louise C.     1841    6-8-1922        Oakwood
Blackard, Samuel M.     1867    12-17-1938      Oakwood
Blackburn, Geo. L.      1850    1-6-1925        Shiloh
Blackwell, Audrey Inf.  1903    4-16-1903       New Hope (SG)
Blackwell, O. F.        1882    10-19-1904      New Hope (SG)
Blackwood, Cletes M.    1901    1-10-1929       Oakwood
Blag, Winnie            1880    10-21-1890      Opdyke
Blair, Laura E.         1862    1-17-1939       Oakwood
Blake, Altie            1903    11-11-1907      New Hope (PE)
Blake, Mary F.          1879    7-7-1880        New Hope (PE)
Blake, Robert S.        1881    6-2-1928        Oakwood
Blakey, Albert          1865    6-1-1908        Old Union
Blakey, Annie           1865    1-10-1921       Oakwood
Blakley, Fannie         1864    1-26-1944       Oakwood
Blakley, Lewis          1856    7-6-1933        Oakwood
Blalock, Eliza J.       1854    9-27-1915       Wolf Prairie
Blalock, Ellis          1815    1884            New Hope (PE)
Blalock, Lottie L.      1902    5-2-1947        Oakwood
Blankenship, Beverly J. 1944    9-2-1944        W. Salem
Blankenship, James E.   1863    5-28-1935       Panther Fork
Blankenship, John Inf.  1904    12-24-1904      No mention
Blankenship, Minerva    1867    4-9-1941        Panther Fork
Blanton, Ella           1876    7-13-1933       Oakwood
Blanton, Marcia J.      1865    11-27-1946      Oakdale
Blaylock, Golda A.      1900    1919            Opdyke
Blaylock, Inf. D.       1919    1919            Opdyke
Blazier, John W.        1879    1918            Dryden
Blazier, Margaret E.    1857    2-25-1909       Ward
Blazier, Mary M.        1836    9-14-1902       Ward
Bledsoe, Cecil E.       1889    2-12-1948       Oakwood
Bledsoe, Eugene E.      1867    1-19-1878       No mention
Bledsoe, Inf.           1902    9-12-1902       Oakwood
Bledsoe, Ollie D.       1860    2-16-1933       Oakwood
Bledsoe,Phil. M.        1855    6-8-1937        Oakwood
Bliss, Geo. A.          1913    7-17-1936       No mention
Bliss, Geo. C.          1875    3-26-1932       Arnold
Bliss, Gilitha          1845    3-26-1913       Hams Grove
Bliss, Leona M.         1913    4-2-1948        Oakwood
Blosser, G. W.          1843    12-27-1931      Panther Fork
Blue, Earl Jr.          1942    11-19-1945      Oakwood
Blythe, Wm. R.          1921    8-5-1923        Knob Prairie
Bobr, Helen Inf.        1918    1918            St. Marys
Bodin, Mary E.          1844    3-24-1903       S. Hickory Hill
Bodine, Ida M.          1916    1918            S. Hickory Hill
Bodine, Inf. D.         1922    7-13-1922       S. Hickory Hill
Bodine, Willie A. Inf.  1905    11-25-1905      S. Hickory Hill

Bogan, John F.          1861    12-9-1937       Oakwood
Bogan, Vesta            1867    1-6-1943        Oakwood
Boger, Doris J. Inf.    1931    4-9-1931        W. Salem
Boger, Minnie S.        1869    4-15-1948       Oakwood
Boger, Shas W.          1869    9-30-1946       Oakwood
Boggs, Hulda            1856    10-17-1929      Hams Grove
Bogue, D. B.            1840    12-27-1904      Oakwood
Boister, Harry R.       1894    10-4-1902       Union
Boker, Lydia A.         1859    5-5-1949        Pleasant Hill
Boldery, R. Elizabeth   1891    7-21-1928       Belle Rive
Bolen, Priscills A.     1871    8-7-1909        Lowery Hill
Boles, Susanna          1901    9-24-1941       Opdyke
Bollheimer, Mary C.     1862    7-24-1939       St. Marys
Bond, Eva               1869    12-7-1939       Old Shiloh
Bond, Henry P.          1898    5-23-1947       Old Shiloh
Bond, Jackson N.        1854    1-6-1939        No mention
Bond, Ollie             1876    12-17-1877      MC- Twp.
Bond, Pleasant P.       1856    2-28-1937       Harmony
Bond, Versil            1880    1-23-1881       Pleasant Grove
Bond, Virgil            1912    4-22-1922       Oakwood
Bondon, Harvey          1913    6-1-1928        Alms Home
Bonette, Grace E.       1890    9-1-1911        Cub Prairie
Bonnette, Inf. D.       1933    3-2-1933        Oakwood
Boody, Anthony          1863    5-6-1904        St. Barbara
Boohier, Armanda        1862    3-19-1905       New Hope (PE)
Book, Ellin M. Inf.     1920    10-7-1920       Oakwood
Book, Evaline           1856    5-19-1942       Cub Prairie
Book, Frances           1871    11-12-1889      Knowles
Book, Geo.              1861    3-8-1935        Cub Prairie
Book, Loyd H. Inf.      1924    12-7-1924       Knowles
Book, Mary M.           1854    12-17-1942      Smith
Book, Myrtie E.         1884    12-12-1944      Bethel
Book, Richard           1937    10-4-1949       Kirk
Book, Wm. H.            1851    11-16-1933      S. Hickory Hill
Booker, Mabel           1899    1-28-1907       Gilead
Boone, Frances J.       1916    1917            Pleasant Grove
Borman, Sarah A.        1835    11-20-1908      Opdyke
Borrett, Jim            1849    2-8-1930        Old Baptist
Borscus, Sarah L.       1854    10-22-          Salem
Boss, Elizabeth         1858    7-21-1927       County
Boster, Helen           1868    4-2-1933        W. Salem
Boster, Soloman         1826    12-8-1886       Sugar Camp
Boston, Inf.            1917    1917            Old Union
Boswell, Alston Inf.    1874    1-4-1874        Bald Hill
Boswell, Della          1875    9-23-1944       Oakwood
Boswell, Elizabeth S.   1850    8-27-1926       Oakwood
Boswell, Georgia Inf.   1804    2-1-1804        Abner
Boswell, Inf.           1910    10-24-1910      Knob Prairie
Boswell, Inf.           1907    4-26-1907       Dryden
Boswell, Inf. D.        1880    1-4-1881        New Hope (PE)
Boswell, Mary           1860    1881            Reynolds
Boswell, Minnie         1878    10-2-1879       No mention
Boswell, Richard E.Inf. 1930    5-30-1930       Oakwood
Boswell, Richard F.     1857    7-3-1943        Oakwood
Boswell, Richard M.     1859    3-24-1907       Knob Prairie
Bothem, Jennie L.       1903    2-27-1905       Woodlawn
Boudinot, John L.       1889    5-11-1941       New Hope (PE)
Boudinot, Mollie E.     1861    1919            Oakwood
Bourland, Gale A. Inf.  1926    1-31-1926       Reynolds
Bourland, Sarah M.      1846    2-18-1887       Reynolds
Bowers, John H. Inf.    1947    12-28-1947      Oakwood
Bowman, Feo.            1859    12-3-1938       County Farm
Boycan, Lillie Inf.     1902    2-3-1902        Mt. Zion
Boyd, Inf. S.           1921    1-18-1921       Oakwood
Boyd, Lucy              1854    7-12-1947       Oakwood
Boyd, Mary E. Inf.      1936    12-10-1936      Oakwood
Boyd, Richard W.        1846    4-22-1922       Oakwood
Boyd, Walter            1880    4-27-1936       Oakwood
Boyee, Artha U.         1918    1-1-1920        Hams Grove
Boykin, Mills Inf.                              Mt. Zion
Boykin, Mills Inf.      1920    4-8-1920        Mt. Zion (FA)
Boykin, Sarah J.        1866    3-11-1947       Mt. Zion (FA)
Boykin, Virginia G.     1847    2-12-1930       Mt. Zion (FA)
Boykin, Wanda I. Inf.   1933    5-30-1933       Mt. Zion (FA)
Boykin, Wm. A.          1865    3-9-1947        Mt. Zion (FA)
Boyle, Estella          1883    1917            Oakwood
Boyle, Joseph P.        1875    1-10-1946       Oakwood
Brack, Cain             1819    4-7-1905        Mt. Zion
Braddy, Chas. E.        1867    3-23-1939       Oakwood
Braddy, Goldie M.       1896    1-13-1934       Oakwood
Braddy, Inf. D.         1943    3-21-1943       Mt. Zion (FA)
Braddy, Jasper          1843    4-19-1905       Mt. Zion (FA)
Braddy, Julia A.        1856    7-19-1944       Oakwood
Braddy, Lewis           1914    5-22-1933       Mt. Zion (FA)
Braddy, Martha          1844    7-2-1897        Oakwood

Braddy, Mary L.         1857    10-5-1934       Sugar Camp
Braddy, Rufus H.        1877    4-13-1928       Mt. Zion (FA)
Braden, John T.         1856    8-6-1937        Knob Prairie
Bradenburg, Jeannine S.         3-8-1919        Oakwood
Brader, Wm. O. Inf.     1925    8-30-1925       Knob Prairie
Bradford, Benj. F.      1808    9-6-1878        Pace
Bradford, Bertha E.     1883    2-16-1920       Oakwood
Bradford, Caroline      1895    8-19-1914       Bradford
Bradford, Elizabeth Inf.1879    10-24-1879      No mention
Bradford, Geo. E. Inf.  1921    10-25-1921      E. Hickory Hill
Bradford, Inf. S.       1923    1-10-1923       E. Hickory Hill
Bradford, James O. Inf. 1937    11-1-1937       New Home
Bradford, Ludia         1868    4-16-1945       Bethel
Bradford, Martha        1871    8-1-1928        W. Salem
Bradford, Martha D.     1830    1917            Williams
Bradford, Minnie E.     1868    9-18-1883       Jordan Chapel
Bradford, Norman Inf.   1842    4-6-1842        Pleasant Grove
Bradford, Ray L.        1913    6-30-1924       Bradford (Bluford)
Bradford, Wm.           1869    8-9-1931        W. Salem
Bradley, Ben            1856    3-18-1933       Oakwood
Bradley, Elizabeth      1836    6-12-1934       W. Salem
Bradley, Inf.           1890    3-14-1890       Rightnowar
Bradley, Martha M.      1860    10-16-1920      Oakland
Bradshaw, Chas. Inf.    1878    1-12-1878       Hams Grove
Brady, Anna L.          1849    1-22-1905       Mt. Zion (BL)
Braiden, Dirucia        1859    12-2-1890       Rightnowar
Brake, Inf.             1917    1917            Oakwood
Brake, Inf. D.          1924    11-29-1924      Oakwood
Branson, Dilliard T.    1863    12-4-1940       New Home
Branson, Madison        1901    11-10-1902      House
Branson, Miss           1872    4-14-1879       DO-Twp.
Branson, Oscar D.       1894    1918            E. Hickory Hill
Brasfield, Ada M.       1855    7-25-1944       Oakwood
Bravard, Barbara E. Inf.1934    2-2-1934        Knob Prairie
Bravard, Bettie F.      1931    1-24-1933       Knob Prairie
Bravard, Chas. T.       1932    2-13-1933       Knob Prairie
Bravard, Clara P.       1911    4-7-1934        Knob Prairie
Bravard, Inf.           1911    10-21-1911      Knob Prairie
Bravard, Joseph L.      1916    1917            Knob Prairie
Bravard, Lawrence E.    1933    1-30-1935       Knob Prairie
Bravard, Mary E.        1886    3-18-1940       Knob Prairie
Bravard, Myrtlr C.      1903    4-24-1945       Knob Prairie
Bravard, Ruby W.        1882    11-28-1910      Knob Prairie
Breeze, Chas. L.        1868    10-30-1920      Old Union
Breeze, David           1888    9-21-1889       No mention
Breeze, Geo.            1857    1902            No mention
Breeze, Geo. A.         1884    2-28-1910       Fouch
Breeze, Jonathan        1827    8-10-1913       Fouts
Breeze, Kermet Inf.     1910    7-27-1910       Fouts
Breeze, Nellie A.       1872    4-12-1948       Little Grove
Breeze, Olive M.        1892    5-8-1924        Little Grove
Breeze, Tiney H. Inf.   1915    12-31-1915      No mention
Brendel, Stella G. Inf. 1939    11-29-1933      St. Marys
Brennen, Harry J.       1883    9-7-1933        County Farm
Brenton, James E.       1905    5-19-1948       Harmony
Bresley, James N.       1885    6-8-1928        Kirk
Brewer, Benj. F.        1865    2-5-1878        Opdyke
Brewer, Benson          1855    1-21-1878       Opdyke
Brewer, Catherine Inf.  1921    9-4-1921        Oakwood
Brewer, Cora M.         1877    1-30-1923       Sursa
Brewer, Geo. S.         1848    1878            Hams Grove
Brewer, Louis J.        1877    10-1-1921       Oakwood
Brewer, Lovina          1822    2-7-1878        Hams Grove
Brickley, Franklin T.   1906    12-6-1906       Athome
Brickley, Raymond       1877    1-19-1904       Oakwood
Bridges, Mary A.        1842    3-21-1922       Mt. Catherine
Briesaker, Inf. S.      1918    1918            Kirk
Bristol, Benj.          1843    3-25-1926       Opdyke
Bristol, John T.        1875    10-5-1949       Opdyke
Britton, Geo.           1846    7-4-1911        Hickory Hill
Britton, Inf.           1914    4-8-1914        No mention
Britton, John           1841    1-9-1905        No mention
Britton, Mattie         1870    3-7-1930        Kirk
Britton, Warren W. Inf. 1922    7-3-1922        Oakwood
Brixey, Joanna Inf.     1878    9-19-1878       Rightnowar
Brohier, Amanda         1861    3-19-1905       New Hope
Bromeir, Leurie         1878    6-2-1909        Abner
Brooker, Leroy          1845    2-22-1907       Oakwood
Brookman, Albert Inf.   1904    7-22-1904       Oakdale
Brookman, Chester O.    1909    4-23-1920       Atkinson
Brookman, David         1860    7-4-1932        Harmony
Brookman, Doris L.      1939    2-20-1940       Old Shiloh
Brookman, Ethel         1896    1918            Union Chapel
Brookman, Jereed M. Inf.1939    3-6-1939        Union Chapel
Brookman, John H.       1900    4-11-1938       Oakdale
Brookman, John H. Jr.   1923    4-24-1928       Oakdale
Brookman, Marilyn F.    1943    12-15-1943      Old Shiloh
Brookman, Mary E.       1848    3-9-1908        No mention
Brookman, Ruby I. Inf.  1934    11-9-1934       Hickory Hill
Brookman, Ruth L. Inf.  1925    9-14-1925       Oakdale
Brookman, S. W.         1865    3-10-1946       Panther Fork
Brookman, Valentine     1833    9-11-1910       Atkinson
Brooks, Ann             1829    2-28-1879       New Hope
Brooks, Mable           1899    1-28-1907       Gilead
Brooks, Sarah           1859    3-8-1920        Opdyke
Broughel, Lawrence J.   1859    2-5-1934        St. Marys
Brougher, Mamie         1888    3-3-1942        Opdyke
Browder, John M.        1849    3-25-1902       Old Union
Browder, Sadie          1895    11-17-1931      Old Union
Browder, Wm. O.         1882    3-15-1920       Oakwood
Browley, Libba          1874    8-14-1902       Little Grove
Brown, Anna B.          1865    1-19-1944       Old Shiloh
Brown, Bertha M.        1871    9-19-1938       Oakwood
Brown, Caroline         1837    5-6-1880        No mention
Brown, Cecil            1903    12-8-1930       Harmony
Brown, Chas. M.         1856    2-27-1920       E. Hickory Hill
Brown, Chas. W.         1867    2-8-1940        Oakwood
Brown, Clyde W. Inf.    1924    4-14-1924       Wolf Prairie
Brown, Dalbert          1920    7-3-1923        Fouts
Brown, Donald G. Inf.   1931    7-17-1931       W. Salem
Brown, E. M.            1871    8-2-1949        Wolf Prairie
Brown, Edward T.        1871    10-18-1948      Oakwood
Brown, Estells          1917    1-19-1920       Old Union
Brown, Geo.             1891    2-2-1892        Woodlawn
Brown, Geo. S.          1839    12-28-1910      No mention
Brown, Halsey C.        1872    6-17-1911       Wolf Prairie
Brown, Hulda J.         1866    4-9-1925        Harmony
Brown, Inf.             1910    11-9-1910       Sursa
Brown, Inf. D.          1919    1919            W. Salem
Brown, Inf. S.          1920    12-25-1920      Old Union
Brown, Inf. S.          1921    10-21-1921      Old Union
Brown, Jasper W.        1880    9-5-1881        Pleasant Hill
Brown, John Inf.        1878    8-28-1878       Pleasant Grove
Brown, John W. Inf.     1848    4-25-1848       Oakwood
Brown, Joseph F.        1886    1918            Hickory Hill
Brown, Lillian          1897    10-22-1922      Old Union
Brown, Mary             1833    3-2-1922        Williams
Brown, Mary A.          1878    3-21-1947       Wolf Prairie
Brown, Melvin F.        1865    3-10-1939       Union Chapel
Brown, Nana B. Inf.     1909    12-29-1909      Wiggington
Brown, Nancy A.         1838    7-16-1927       Oakwood
Brown, Nancy J.         1852    10-22-1935      Cub Prairie
Brown, Nellie B.        1897    3-26-1945       Oakwood
Brown, Pattie M. Inf.   1886    10-30-1886      Minson
Brown, Piety S.         1835    1919            Union Chapel
Brown, Rode C.          1868    7-15-1936       Opdyke
Brown, Russell          1825    3-7-1907        Opdyke
Brown, Thomas E.        1859    7-16-1926       Oakwood
Brown, Wm. H.           1905    1-13-1922       Cub Prairie
Brown, Wm. H. Inf.      1906    9-19-1906       Old Union
Brown, Wm. M.           1848    7-6-1925        Old Union
Brown, Ziba A.          1880    7-10-1942       Black
Bruce, Commodore        1861    10-15-1881      Pleasant Grove
Bruce, Harriet          1844    7-16-1929       E. Hickory Hill
Bruce, Hattie M. Inf.   1889    7-8-1889        Salem
Bruce, Ignatius         1824    1-18-1905       Pleasant Grove
Bruce, Inf. D.          1879    2-3-1879        Sursa
Bruce, Inf. D.          1879    12-23-1879      RO-Twp.
Bruce, Jennie M.        1871    10-28-1944      E. Hickory Hill
Bruce, Laura A.         1869    8-24-1936       E. Hickory Hill
Bruce, Martha S.        1864    11-8-1932       Boyd
Bruce, Pearl            1882    3-9-1884        Pleasant Grove
Bruce, Sophenia         1852    7-6-1905        Oakdale
Bruce, Wm. M.           1859    6-2-1934        Boyd
Bruggen, Anna E. Inf.   1931    6-4-1931        Flint
Bruggen, Anna T.        1860    7-11-1941       Flint
Bruggen, Franklin J.    1892    6-11-1947       Flint
Bruin, John             1871    6-19-1942       Bethel
Brumley, Geo. W.        1883    7-18-1948       E. Hickory Hill
Bruner, Mary A.         1852    1919            Oakwood
Bryan, Alva Inf.        1908    2-19-1908       Hickory Hill
Bryan, Chas.            1888    5-24-1908       Hickory Hill
Bryan, Lavinna E.       1890    2-22-1920       Oakwood
Bryan, Wm. E. Inf.      1880    5-5-1880        Sursa
Bryant, Eliza E.        1848    1918            Sursa
Bryant, Mary A.         1808    7-9-1881        RO-Twp.
Bryant, Roseta          1919    12-18-1920      Panther Fork
Bryant, Ruth E.         1937    5-7-1941        Oakwood
Bryden, Inf.            1903    7-1-1903        Pace
Brydon, Caroline E.     1842    6-6-1914        Lowery Hill
Buchanan, Lacy Inf.     1913    7-18-1913       Pace
Buchanan, Linda K. Inf. 1942    8-10-1942       Oakwood
Buchanan, Tracy Inf.    1913    7-19-1913       Pace
Buck, Andrew Inf.       1902    10-8-1902       No mention
Buckham, M. C.          1897    4-23-1903       Oakwood
Buckley, Lonny Inf.     1933    8-3-1933        St. Marys
Buescher, Kathleen D.   1949    2-2-1949        Hopewell
Bufkin, Ida M.          1867    10-29-1943      Sursa
Buford, Ervie           1901    1-3-1903        Sursa
Buhling, Richard        1875    6-2-1905        Williams
Bullard, Arrilla        1870    12-12-1940      Abner
Bullard, W. F.          1855    7-21-1932       Union Chapel
Bullock, Benj. R.       1876    4-23-1942       W. Salem
Bullock, Elizabeth M.   1827    5-20-1879       Salem
Bullock, Geo. E.        1868    1934            No mention
Bullock, Inf. D.        1945    4-23-1945       W. Salem
Bullock, James F.       1876    6-15-1920       Pace
Bullock, James R.       1838    4-18-1880       Pleasanr Grove
Bullock, John           1880    2-14-1946       W. Salem
Bullock, Sarah E.       1857    1-8-1921        Pace
Bumpus, Dollie E.       1923    12-9-1924       Smith
Bumpus, Elizabeth       1836    6-8-1922        Hams Grove
Bumpus, Henry A.        1867    2-4-1949        Bethel
Bumpus, Lora E.         1893    3-23-1941       Oakwood
Bumpus, Nancy E.        1884    8-21-1947       Hams Grove
Bumpus, Nelson H.       1918    9-19-1921       Hams Grove
Bumpus, Wm. H.          1873    8-29-1879       Round Knowl
Bumpus, Wm. S. Jr.      1836    1917            No mention
Bundy, Effie C. Inf.    1920    12-10-1920      E. Hickory Hill
Bundy, Robert E.        1912    9-23-1925       Mt. Olive
Bundy, Ruby W.          1834    7-6-1939        Opdyke
Burge, Freddie Inf.     1881    4-3-1881        No mention
Burge, Idabelle         1872    5-13-1944       Antioch
Burgess, Minerva        1840    12-18-1915      Wells Chapel
Burgess, Nancy L.       1881    1-27-1930       Wells Chapel
Burgin, Joel H.         1853    9-26-1946       Laird
Burk, Francis L.        1879    9-16-1879       Pleasant Grove
Burk, Franklin          1865    11-30-1879      No mention
Burk, James E.          1925    6-3-1939        S. Hickory Hill
Burk, Jewell Inf.       1923    10-14-1923      S. Hickory Hill
Burke, Alvis B.         1861    6-6-1944        Bethel
Burke, Inf. S.          1924    9-8-1924        Oakwood
Burkhart, John H.       1858    5-20-1931       St. Marys
Burnes, Nancy J.        1827    5-16-1908       Blackoak Ridge
Burnett, Chas.          1864    5-11-1920       Oakwood
Burnett, Inf. S.        1934    5-7-1934        Oakwood
Burnett, Kenith         1909    8-8-1928        Oakwood
Burnett, Mathew S.      1833    1880            Locust Grove
Burnett, Raymond Inf.   1902    11-17-1902      W. Salem
Burnett, Sam.           1827    5-16-1908       Blackoak Ridge
Burnett, Sidney T. Jr.  1944    8-11-1949       W. Salem
Burns, James W.         1861    4-25-1931       Oakwood
Burns, Maranda E.       1856    12-27-1938      Union Chapel
Burns, Mary L.          1866    11-3-1933       Oakwood
Burns, Morgan           1849    12-28-1932      Pleasant Hill
Burrell, Wm.            1877    8-3-1878        Pleasant Grove
Burroughs, Mark         1828    5-3-1905        Oakwood
Burton, Ben             1883    10-19-1914      Pleasant Hill
Burton, Chas. W.        1867    12-31-1905      Bald Hill
Burton, Elvira C. Inf.  1924    2-8-1924        Boyd
Burton, Hattie B. Inf.  1885    8-23-1885       Pleasant Holl
Burton, Joel            1863    11-1-1881       Panther Fork
Burton, John            1814    6-26-1879       Mt. Zion
Burton, Louis           1857    2-26-1938       Oakwood
Burton, Louisa          1866    3-14-1881       Simmons
Burton, Louisa          1841    12-4-1924       Oakwood
Burton, Mary            1859    3-26-1937       S. Hickory Hill
Burton, Velvia          1915    1917            Pace
Burton, Willie          1893    5-29-1899       Mt. Olive
Burton, Wm. R.          1902    8-21-1904       Williams
Burwell, Orlena         1859    8-15-1939       Oakwood
Burwell, Paul Inf.      1922    12-6-1922       W. Salem
Burwell, Wm. H.         1851    3-21-1923       Oakwood
Busch, Everett M.       1870    12-6-1946       Pleasant Grove
Bushong, Andrew         1868    3-15-1929       Pisgah
Bushong, Anna           1871    10-24-1920      Pisgah
Bushong, Gary A.        1933    11-8-1948       Bethel
Bushong, John H.        1878    1-5-1882        BL-Twp.
Bushong, Melissa        1852    11-8-1881       Mt. Zion (BL)
Butler, Ann             1849    10-31-1884      No mention
Butler, Chas. E.        1871    11-27-1904      Opdyke
Butler, Mary E.         1855    4-23-1908       W. Salem
Butler, Mary F.         1886    3-23-1937       Panther Fork
Butler, Sittie          1869    2-9-1925        E. Hickory Hill
Butler, Thomas          1844    3-20-1879       Blackoak Ridge
Butterfield, James S.   1841    6-30-1910       Fouts               See Butterfield, John S.
Butts, Mary E.          1863    7-5-1946        Oakland
Butz, Geo. W.           1881    9-25-1937       Oakwood
Byard, Inf. D.          1935    3-29-1935       Pleasant Grove
Byard, Oscar J.         1844    1881            No mention
Byars, Ben              1885    4-24-1940       Oakdale
Byars, Inf. S.          1928    1-19-1928       Pace
Byars, Lillian E.       1885    1-10-1946       Wells Chapel
Byars, Pearl Inf.       1917    1917            Wells Chapel
Bybee, Jesse A.         1876    4-24-1948       Bethel
Bybee, Nettie           1872    3-19-1931       Old Union
Byby, Mrs.              1875    8-16-1905       Near Mt. V.
Byers, Charlie          1863    2-16-1924       Oakwood
Byers, Charlotte        1865    1916            Oakwood
Byers, Inf. S.          1949    12-17-1949      Oakwood
Byers, Mandy M.         1901    11-17-1902      Wells Chapel
Byles, Louisa           1833    1-2-1907        Lowery Hill

Cable, Frank            1860    6-15-1908       No mention
Caborn, Thomas A.       1878    4-20-1938       Oakwood
Cain, Jimmie D.         1938    4-25-1939       Oakwood
Cain, Maud              1897    2-9-1935        Oakwood
Cain, Walter M. Inf.    1929    5-30-1929       Knob Prairie
Calalasure, Ramus       1872    1-26-1878       Opdyke
Caldwell, Alfred D.     1851    8-7-1925        Jordan Chapel
Caldwell, Belton K.Inf. 1942    12-30-1942      Oakwood
Caldwell, Frances       1855    1-28-1938       Pleasant Hill
Caldwell, Harley F.     1918    1919            Jordan Chapel
Caldwell, Henry T.      1855    4-21-1930       Pleasant Hill
Caldwell, Malinda       1816    4-11-1879       Ebeneezer
Caldwell, Margarette E. 1856    3-2-1928        Ebeneezer
Caldwell, Martha H.     1852    9-7-1878        Pleasant Hill
Caldwell, Neal Inf.     1924    10-11-1924      Jordan Chapel
Caldwell, Susan A.      1860    6-20-1925       Jordan Chapel
Caldwell, Wm. A.        1868    9-1-1878        Jordan Chapel
Callahan, John          1868    1919            Oakwood
Callais, Anna           1858    9-14-1908       New Hope (PE)
Cameron, Alvy           1901    9-5-1902        Sursa
Cameron, Chas. F.       1893    5-3-1905        Locust Grove
Cameron, Dolly          1881    8-11-1886       Mt. Zion (FA)
Cameron, Earl           1886    5-29-1908       Blackoak Ridge
Cameron, Emma L.        1886    8-30-1939       E. Hickory Hill
Cameron, Inf.           1917    1917            Pleasant Grove
Cameron, John           1853    1917            Mt. Catherine
Cameron, Rodney D. Inf. 1943    9-28-1943       E. Hickory Hill
Campbell, Algustay M.   1923    4-15-1945       Pace
Campbell, Enoch R.      1924    7-7-1939        Howell (CA)
Campbell, Inf. S.       1921    12-19-1921      Oakwood
Campbell, Marshall      1840    12-12-1904      Old Union
Campbell, Robert R.     1860    9-28-1939       Fouts
Campbell, Thomas J.     1865    6-23-1937       Howell (CA)
Cannon, Jerald F.       1917    1918            Mem. Gardens?
Cannon, Kemmeth L. Inf. 1946    11-29-1946      Bethel
Capp, Van. Inf.         1898    9-2-1898        No Mention
Capps, James H.         1855    11-9-1945       Woodlawn
Capps, Jesse K.         1916    9-28-1935       W. Salem
Capps, Mona E.          1855    3-7-1939        Oakwood
Capps, Raymond L.       1918    1919            W. Salem
Capps, Ruth A.          1917    1918            W. Salem
Carigan, Mary J.        1941    1-18-1921       Old Union
Carl, James             1841    7-17-1919       Blackoak Ridge
Carlisle, John W.       1850    2-14-1925       Oakwood
Carlton, Donna K. Inf.  1937    9-24-1937       W. Salem
Carlton, Inf. D.        1918    1918            Sursa
Carlton, Wm. D.         1933    8-22-1935       W. Salem
Carlton, Wm. W.         1939    12-15-1940      W. Salem
Carmichael, Hiram       1863    12-6-1944       W. Salem
Carnahan, James R.      1868    3-14-1944       Wolf Prairie
Carnahan, Patsy D. Inf. 1937    6-5-1937        Oakwood
Caroline, Lucrenday     1884    2-13-1903       Gilead
Carpenter, Claude C.    1874    2-3-1949        Bethel
Carpenter, Frank        1874    2-16-1945       Ebenezer
Carpenter, Gladys       1844    12-3-1879       Hopewell
Carpenter, Hattie       1869    1880            FI-Twp.
Carpenter, Inf. D.      1939    4-3-1939        Oakwood
Carpenter, Ira G.       1824    2-16-1887       Gilead
Carpenter, Lucinda C.   1865    12-10-1937      Little Grove
Carpenter, Victor       1859    9-10-1929       Little Grove
Carr, Eva               1887    2-19-1932       W. Salem
Carr, Frederick T.      1924    6-7-1930        Oakwood
Carr, Minerva           1889    3-30-1937       Oakwood
Carrall, Comleta        1922    6-27-1923       Cub Prairie
Carrigan, Michael       1857    3-27-1937       Old Union
Carroll, Chas. W.       1847    4-15-1927       Woodlawn
Carroll, Ella           1877    10-24-1879      SG-Twp.
Carroll, Ellen          1878    10-18-1880      SG-Twp.
Carroll, Florence Inf.  1921    3-25-1921       Oakwood
Carroll, Joseph F. Inf. 1886    3-21-1886       SG-Twp.
Carroll, Landis M.      1840    9-10-1921       Smith
Carroll, Malcomb        1922    5-24-1937       Cub Prairie
Carroll, McGrey         1879    4-18-1881       DO-Twp.
Carson, Erma            1930    12-17-1938      W. Salem
Carson, Inf.            1921    8-21-1921       Oakwood
Carson, Lillie A.       1864    8-27-1949       Oakdale
Carson, Maey R.         1926    7-12-1928       W. Salem
Carson, Sarah I.        1861    4-20-1930       Gilead
Carson, Sylvester C.    1904    6-1-1936        W. Salem
Carson, Wm. W.          1810    12-5-1886       Mc-Twp.
Carter, Geo. G. Inf.    1928    5-22-1928       Old Union
Carter, Gretrude M.Inf. 1925    9-14-1925       Kirk
Carter, Inf. S.         1921    2-20-1921       Oakwood
Carter, James M.        1849    12-21-1920      Blackoak Ridge
Carter, Joseph H.       1831    2-19-1879       Mt. Zion (BL)
Carter, Mariah A.       1849    5-29-1902       Mt. Zion
Carter, Robert          1886    12-20-1948      W. Salem
Carter, Wesley Inf.     1908    10-26-1908      Old Union
Caruthers, Allen J.     1875    7-16-1933       Oakwood
Carver, Minnie M.       1915    11-28-1947      Bethel
Carver, Paul Inf.       1909    6-8-1909        No Mention
Casada, Inf. S.         1929    11-3-1929       Hickory Hill
Casada, Mary            1911    10-1-1934       E. Hickory Hill
Casada, Millard         1921    10-21-1923      Hickory Hill
Case, Morton            1864    2-18-1905       Oakdale
Casey, Floyd Inf.       1902    4-25-1902       Hams Grove
Casey, Helen M. Inf.    1935    9-21-1935       Knowles
Casey, Inf. S.          1924    5-31-1924       Knowles
Casey, Isaac M.         1836    9-12-1908       Oakwood
Casey, Margaret         1861    9-5-1948        Mt. Catherine
Casey, Mariah           1876    5-26-1879       Pleasant Grove
Casey, Samuel A.        1861    12-15-1942      Mt. Catherine
Casey, Stephen D.       1858    7-29-1931       Mt. Catherine
Casey, Vernice Inf.     1930    9-26-1930       Hams Grove
Cash, Albert            1875    7-4-1944        Flint
Cash, Rhuby             1909    1917            S. Hickory Hill
Cash, Wm.               1881    10-15-1902      W. Salem
Caswell, Mariah J.      1825    1916            Oakwood
Cates, Arthur A.        1884    7-17-1937       Oakwood
Cates, Delbert L.Jr.    1938    10-18-1938      Kirk
Cates, Ephraim F.       1870    4-30-1947       Lowery Hill
Cates, Inf.             1915    4-21-1915       Kirk
Cates, Inf. D.          1905    11-23-1905      Jef. Co.
Cates, Marie            1882    8-2-1902        Oakwood
Cates, Rebecca J.       1852    6-7-1916        Shelton
Catron, Jesse M.        1860    4-27-1945       Oakwood
Cavender, Mary A.       1850    8-31-1936       County Farm
Cavender, Wm. J.        1824    2-6-1880        No Mention
Cevert, Louisa          1841    12-24-1877      E. Hickory Hill
Chaffin, Mary E.        1859    1-1-1933        Sursa
Chaffin, Wm. A.         1863    10-23-1936      County Farm
Chalfant, W. V. B.      1859    1-11-1879       Ward
Chambers, Wm. J.        1863    3-20-1880       No Mention
Chambliss, Erma T.      1901    9-26-1949       Oakwood
Chambliss, Grant L.     1911    11-9-1926       Harmony
Chambliss, Hazel D.     1937    12-5-1937       Harmony
Chambliss, Inf. D.      1884    1-10-1884       Clark Farm
Chambliss, Inf. S.      1925    8-23-1925       Harmony
Chambliss, Inf. S.      1932    6-6-1932        Harmony
Chambliss, Joseph J.    1846    1-1-1935        Clark
Chambliss, Laura        1851    2-20-1907       Clark Farm
Chambliss, Lyddie       1874    1916            S. Hickory Hill
Chambliss, Milton E.    1918    4-2-1921        Harmony
Chambliss, Virgil H.    1911    2-4-1941        Oakdale
Chambliss, Wm. D.       1863    8-22-1944       Harmony
Chamness,               1913    8-19-1914       Woodlawn
Chamness, John H.       1877    7-13-1939       Old Shiloh
Chamness, Ray           1903    2-11-1904       Woodlawn
Chamness, Wiley B.      1840    1-26-1924       Woodlawn
Champ, Amanda           1855    7-25-1935       Woodlawn
Champ, Anna E.          1875    12-2-1925       Woodlawn
Champ, Ben P.           1865    7-4-1948        Woodlawn
Champ, Eva M.           1867    9-29-1915       Woodlawn
Champ, Gladys           1919    1-9-1920        Mt. Catherine
Champ, Glen J.          1896    1-29-1903       Woodlawn
Champ, Grant            1917    1919            Mt. Catherine
Champ, Inf. D.          1929    6-21-1929       Mt. Catherine
Champ, Seymour          1868    12-7-1923       Woodlawn
Champ, Wm.              1829    4-5-1905        Mt. Catherine
Champ, Zillia           1867    6-15-1902       No Mention
Chance, Emily O.        1845    12-7-1925       Oakwood
Chaney, Tildy           1849    2-16-1908       Flint
Chapman, Henry F.       1869    4-6-1944        Boyd
Chapman, Inf. S.        1944    2-16-1944       W. Salem
Chapman, Inf. S.        1944    6-18-1944       St. Marys
Chapman, James L.       1861    1938            Ebenezer
Chapman, Martha E.      1853    1919            County Farm
Chapman, Mary                   9-8-1933        County Farm
Chapman, Obediah Jr.    1942    12-30-1942      St. Marys
Chapman, Walter         1892    1918            Cub Prairie
Charles, Mary J. Inf.   1941    12-5-1941       Old Shiloh
Charlton, Shadrock S.   1855    7-29-1920       Pleasant Grove
Chase, Howard I.        1905    3-8-1922        Oakwood
Chastain, Mary J.       1849    1-10-1925       Hopewell
Chavers, Elijah         1869    7-13-1939       Oakwood
Chavers, Mary E.        1868    5-30-1936       Oakwood
Chavous, David A.       1912    10-26-1914      Old Union
Chavous, Hugh           1907    1916            Old Union
Chelf, Harold L. Inf.   1936    5-29-1936       Rome Twp.
Cherry, Artemissa       1842    8-8-1880        Duncan
Chesney, Alex.          1883    3-21-1886       SG-Twp.
Chesney, Edward R.      1910    5-18-1942       Abner
Chesney, Geo. I.        1916    1918            Abner
Chesney, Larkin         1817    3-12-1886       SG-Twp.
Chesney, Mary E.        1883    4-27-1940       Abner
Chilton, Inf. S.        1882    8-26-1882       Clark Farm
Chilton, John W.        1847    1-8-1879        E. Hickory Hill
Chizk, Goldie E.        1915    1916            Oakwood
Chizk, Inf. S.          1920    5-5-1920        Oakwood
Chrisman, Billy G.      1935    6-12-1945       Oakwood
Christian, Charity      1810    3-30-1887       No Mention
Christoff, Inf. D.      1947    8-19-1947       Opdyke
Churchill, Wilber       1882    6-6-1902        Opdyke
Claborn, Dorris L.      1918    11-1-1920       Jordan Chapel
Claborn, Mjiey          1880    8-20-1881       RO-Twp.
Clampet, Dwight Inf.    1885    8-12-1885       Bald Hill
Clampet, Inf.           1904    11-2-1904       Old Baptist
Clampet, Inf.           1912    5-30-1912       Knob Prairie
Clark, Chas. F.         1872    3-21-1902       Flint
Clark, Chas. S.         1858    3-28-1944       Oakwood
Clark, Dicy M.          1879    10-3-1934       Oakwood
Clark, Earl             1896    1917            FA-Twp.
Clark, Edith            1885    2-2-1902        Antioch
Clark, Ernest D. Inf.   1928    1-12-1928       Oakwood
Clark, Florence         1889    12-10-1921      Old Union
Clark, Gary Inf.        1940    4-17-1940       Private
Clark, Geo. Walter      1877    8-30-1945       Oakwood
Clark, Gladys           1901    7-27-1903       No Mention
Clark, James M.         1811    3-21-1904       Clark Family
Clark, Joseph F.        1831    10-28-1904      Harmony
Clark, Joseph R. Inf.   1942    2-15-1942       Old Shiloh
Clark, Marion C. Inf.   1927    6-13-1927       Mt. Catherine
Clark, Martha           1839    5-20-1908       Mt. Zion (FA)
Clark, Mary             1856    3-10-1943       Old Shiloh
Clark, Mildred          1915    1916            Cub Prairie
Clark, Nellie           1880    8-14-1881       Sursa
Clark, Rosa O.          1886    1919            Pleasant Hill
Clark, Thomas B.        1875    2-1-1944        Old Baptist
Clark, Thomas J.        1833    4-1-1907        Knob Prairie
Clark, Vernor R.        1917    1918            Cub Prairie
Clase, Wallace          1845    3-25-1905       S. Hickory Hill
Clay, Amelia A.         1842    1916            Old Union
Clay, Jennie            1858    10-28-1936      Sursa
Clayborn, Carl Inf.     1886    5-24-1886       Jordan Chapel
Clayborn, Elizabeth J.  1827    1911            No Mention
Clayborne, Pearl        1886    1918            Jordan Chapel
Claybourn, Inf.         1921    12-22-1921      Jordan Chapel
Claybourne, Margaret A.M.1854   2-11-192        Pleasant Hill
Clayton, Alex.          1906    7-28-1941       Oakwood
Clegg, Daisy            1878    9-1-1925        Oakwood
Clemens, Inf.           1909    2-5-1909        No Mention
Clemer, Franky          1876    1881            New Hope
Clemins, Mary A.        1867    4-15-1940       Old Orchard
Clemmens, Inf.          1909    2-5-1909        No Mention
Clemmens, James H. Inf. 1908    6-3-1908        Clemens
Clenton, Lemuel         1877    6-14-1879       Union
Cleveland, Ruby I.      1900    1900            Oakwood
Cliftion, Jane          1876    1919            Williams
Clifton, Henry          1899    5-30-1907       Williams
Clifton, Jesse          1845    4-15-1915       Williams
Clifton, Lawrence       1911    8-21-1948       Williams
Clifton, Raymond C.Inf. 1910    11-25-1910      Williams
Clinton, Delia A.       1859    1949            No Mention
Clinton, Francis        1842    4-23-1888       No Mention
Clinton, Lemuel         1877    1879            Union
Clinton, Margaret E.    1854    1-12-1902       Kirk
Clinton, Melinda J.     1836    2-5-1905        Arnold
Clinton, Rufus M.       1849    12-2-1935       Kirk
Cloyd, Bettie J. Inf.   1940    4-1-1940        W. Salem
Cloyd, Doris L.         1929    4-16-1930       Oakwood
Cloyd, Inf. D.          1925    8-20-1925       Oakwood
Cloyd, Raymond W.       1916    1917            No Mention
Cloyd, Sarah E.         1880    3-21-1906       Oakwood
Cluck, Wm. A.           1880    4-1-1947        Old Union
Cluster, Grissie A.     1868    6-13-1889       Mt. Zion (BL)
Coates, Stanley         1891    14-28-1938      Mt. Catherine
Coats, Harriet B.       1845    2-15-1935       Mt. Catherine
Coats, J. W.            1844    4-6-1931        Oakwood
Coats, Melvine F.       1854    2-11-1937       Oakwood
Cobb, Inez E.           1869    4-20-1940       Little Grove
Cobb, John R.           1865    2-16-1949       Little Grove
Cobbel, Inf. S.         1945    1-27-1945       Oakwood
Coberly, Barbara S.Inf. 1941    8-5-1941        W. Salem
Coberly, Elizabeth      1840    1918            Oakwood
Coberly, Inf. D.        1930    4-3-1930        Salem
Coberly, James          1860    5-9-1928        W. Salem
Coberly, Melvinia Inf.  1926    2-11-1926       W. Salem
Cochran, Chris C.       1865    3-24-1941       New Hope (SG)
Cochran, Hiram          1835    3-11-1880       Mt. Zion (FA)
Cochrane, Everett Z.    1903    1918            New Hope
Cochrane, Oscar         1874    2-29-1936       Cochrane (MP)
Cochrum, Inf. D.        1922    9-8-1923        Pace
Cockran, John H.        1860    7-10-1923       Pace
Cockran, Mary J.T. Inf. 1918    1918            Pace
Cockrum, Inf. S.        1933    1-19-1933       Pleasant Hill
Cockrum, Julia A.       1844    1919            New Hope (SG)
Cockrum, Leaeta         1913    1-19-1933       Pleasant Hill
Cockrum, Susan          1854    11-27-1921      New Hope (SG)
Coff, Anna              1832    12-17-1880      No Mention
Coffel, Margaret F.Inf. 1881    8-9-1881        Bald Hill
Coffman, Edward L.      1867    12-31-1947      Kirk
Coffman, Hayell         1899    1-19-1903       Abner
Coffman, Joseph         1844    11-4-1936       E. Hickory Hill
Coffman, Marinda E.     1847    1-22-1937       Oakdale
Cofield, Minnie         1871    2-10-1937       Oakwood
Cohlmeyer, Henry W.     1847    1919            Hopewell
Cole, Benj. F.          1862    3-12-1946       Shelton (PE)
Cole, Malinda           1818    2-1-1882        Gilead
Cole, Marian            1840    4-8-1914        Shelton
Colee, Benj. J.         1831    2-6-1904        Shelton
Coleman, Beulah         1888    2-6-1907        Shelton
Coleman, Cora A.        1858    11-28-1932      Oakwood
Coleman, Lulu           1884    12-31-1910      No Mention
Coleman, Maria E.       1850    3-5-1937        W. Salem
Collins, Adelia J.      1860    11-8-1938       New Hope (SG)
Collins, Ellen E.       1868    4-6-1925        Opdyke
Collins, Emma           1883    10-23-1933      Sugar Camp
Collins, Inf.           1913    1-29-1913       Belle Rive
Collins, John E. B.     1854    7-2-1937        Opdyke
Collins, Lucinda        1838    1-29-1906       Pleasant Grove
Collins, Mary           1876    12-27-1877      Wolf Prairie
Collins, Ralph T. Inf.  1903    9-13-1903       Hickory Hill
Collins, Sarah E.       1860    2-13-1929       Old Orchard
Collins, Wilton Inf.    1914    4-5-1914        Knowles
Collins, Wm. C.         1881    7-25-1934       Opdyke
Collison, Tom A. Jr.    1917    1918            Oakwood
Coloway, Inf.           1906    4-5-1906        Old Union
Columbus, Chris                 1-15-           Hickory Hill
Colun, Geofrey Inf.     1889    5-14-1889       Salem
Combs, Dewitt S.        1860    3-4-1923        Opdyke
Combs, Louis G.         1847    11-9-1941       Woodlawn
Combs, Nancy            1833    4-3-1903        No Mention
Compton, Clyde C.       1931    1-13-1932       E. Salem
Compton, Hallie Inf.    1920    2-13-1920       Oakwood
Compton, Inf. D.        1946    12-31-1946      Union Chapel
Compton, John W.        1858    1917            Oakwood
Comstock, Inf.          1879    10-29-1879      County Farm
Connally, Archibald     1799    9-25-1878       Smith
Connaway, James J.      1843    1917            No Mention
Connaway, Nora          1867    7-25-1938       Pleasant Hill
Connaway, Robert J.     1847    1-15-1928       Pleasant Hill
Conner, Geo. W.         1844    1918            Salem
Conner, John            1918    1919            Knob Prairie
Conner, Sarah C.        1845    12-19-1931      Knob Prairie
Connors, John           1875    10-22-1941      Woodlawn
Connoway, Oliver H.     1847    2-16-1932       Pleasant Hill
Conway, Inf. D.         1880    1-13-1880       Jordan Chapel
Cook, Chas.             1855    5-18-1932       County Farm
Cook, Fern H.           1905    2-20-1945       Oakwood
Cook, Inf. S.           1933    9-18-1933       Oakwood
Cook, Inf. S.           1947    2-18-1947       Kirk
Cook, Lewis             1857    7-7-1938        Oakwood
Cook, Mae               1885    10-29-1914      Dryden
Cook, Mildred A. Inf.   1945    11-19-1945      Oakwood
Cook, Nancy A.          1868    5-15-1932       Oakwood
Cook, Ralph D.          1884    3-1-1941        Opdyke
Cook, Ruby Z.           1943    11-19-1945      Oakwood
Cook, Wm. H.            1868    11-24-1926      Oakwood
Cooksey, Mary A.        1872    1-7-1936        Oakwood
Cooley, Moline          1918    12-11-1921      Knob Prairie
Coombs, Elizabeth A.    1865    2-16-1935       Woodlawn
Coon, Leonard H.        1871    8-19-1946       W. Salem
Cooper, Calvin          1852    9-14-1924       Oakwood
Cooper, Cora E.         1868    12-29-1938      Wells Chapel
Cooper, Delbert H.      1875    11-16-1942      Harmony
Cooper, Donald W. Inf.  1939    2-9-1939        Oak Grove
Cooper, Doris L.        1932    1-22-1933       Pleasant Hill
Cooper, Earl Inf.       1949    9-22-1949       W. Salem
Cooper, Eugene          1875    6-18-1927       Oakwood
Cooper, Inf. S.         1881    11-11-1881      SH-Twp.
Cooper, Jesse H.        1907    12-29-1932      Pleasant Hill
Cooper, John H. Inf.    1940    2-20-1940       Oak Grove (FI)
Cooper, John M.         1850    10-17-1931      E. Salem
Cooper, Matilda         1819    2-26-1903       Harmony
Cooper, Nadine          1922    9-10-1923       Wells Chapel
Cooper, Pruda           1879    8-3-1908        Salem
Cooper, Ronnie Inf.     1947    6-26-1947       Oak Grove
Cooper, Thomas C.       1879    2-11-1938       Oakwood
Cooper, Wm. C.          1814    11-2-1889       Salem
Cooper, Wm. H.          1887    4-4-1937        Pleasant Hill
Cooprider, Cornelia     1834    7-23-1908       No Mention
Cope, Alice L.          1864    2-12-1946       McConnaughay
Copple, Chas.           1878    10-28-1906      Little Grove
Copple, Chas.           1890    4-5-1907        Little Grove
Copple, Daisy           1879    1917            Little Grove
Copple, Francis Inf.    1944    3-21-1944       Boyd
Copple, Frank Inf.      1944    3-21-1944       Boyd
Copple, Harvey H.       1851    1939            No Mention
Copple, Inf. D.         1934    2-16-1934       Gilead
Copple, Inf. S.         1922    9-14-1922       Little Grove
Copple, J. H.           1859    7-26-1947       Little Grove
Copple, Joseph          1866    2-14-1908       No Mention
Copple, Loyd            1905    1-9-1906        Little Grove
Copple, Mary D.         1867    1-3-1948        Gilead
Copple, Myron R. Inf.   1948    2-3-1948        Boyd
Copple, Sena            1865    1-4-1909        Little Grove
Copple, Willis          1881    3-25-1884       Little Grove
Corder, Jennie L.R.Inf. 1934    4-10-1934       Pleasant Grove
Corder, Jennie M.       1910    1-7-1949        W. Salem
Corn, Martha            1838    3-25-1909       Knob Prairie
Cornelius, Anderson     1848    6-24-1925       Oakwood
Cornelius, Grace A.     1873    1916            Opdyke
Corners, Ida            1870    12-13-1870      Gilead
Corners, John Inf.      1904    8-25-1904       No Mention
Cornstubble, Flora      1909    2-3-1914        Mt. Zion (FA)
Cornstubble, Lela E.    1875    9-3-1927        Union Chapel
Corowell, Samuel F.     1876    8-6-1881        Hickory Hill
Correll, Billie R.Inf.  1931    6-16-1931       New Shiloh
Correll, Celesta        1918    1919            Cub Prairie
Correll, Chas.          1867    5-7-1903        Fitzgerrell
Correll, Edith V.       1910    1919            Ebenezer
Correll, S.             1877    1880            Pleasant Hill
Correll, Sophia         1851    4-6-1909        Ebenezer
Corsere, Artia          1919    8-1-1920        St. Marys
Corsere, Tony           1819    8-4-1920        St. Marys
Corum, Lizzie           1846    1916            Old Union
Cotton, Elijah          1879    9-26-1936       Oakwood
Cotton, James           1855    6-15-1923       Oakwood
Cowger, Mary S.         1862    9-28-1948       Oakwood
Cowger, Vermont         1848    5-8-1935        Oakwood
Cowger, W. A.           1860    2-8-1920        Oakwood
Cowger, Walter J. Inf.  1934    5-8-1934        Oakwood
Cowhorn, Fairy Inf.     1903    12-13-1903      Mt. Zion (FA)
Cox, Alice V.           1861    11-23-1940      Hope (SG)
Cox, Charlie A.         1859    9-3-1934        Hope (SG)
Cox, Eliza              1898    12-13-1926      Opdyke
Cox, Emma L. Inf.       1920    12-29-1920      Old Union
Cox, Gertrude           1901    3-14-1924       Hope
Cox, Harriet            1816    3-3-1902        Old Shiloh
Cox, Inf. D.            1935    9-29-1935       Cremated
Cox, Jerry E.Inf.       1934    6-23-1934       Little Grove
Cox, Roseline           1849    1918            Little Grove
Cozart, Clarence M.     1900    8-14-1940       W. Salem
Crackel, Inf.           1905    2-12-1905       Oakwood
Crane, Bernard N. Inf.  1925    9-6-1925        Boyd
Crane, Christina        1850    1-22-1930       Boyd
Crane, Ralph G.         1885    1-21-1906       Little Grove
Cravens, Isaac J.       1883    3-10-1949       Pleasant Grove
Crawford, Elizabeth M.  1866    4-4-1936        Laird
Crawford, Jane          1825    12-3-1880       SG-Twp.
Crawford, Louisa        1858    8-7-1889        Rentchler
Crawford, Oslia         1878    1-7-1878        PE-Twp.
Crawford, Peggy         1859    11-13-1879      Knowles
Crawford, Richard       1834    10-6-1907       Hopewell
Creek, Terry E. Inf.    1949    11-1-1949       Oakwood
Creek, Wm. H. Inf.      1935    8-13-1935       W. Salem
Creel, Gladys I.        1909    1919            Mt. Zion (BL)
Creel, James L.         1853    7-18-1936       Jordan Chapel
Cremeens, Nancy A.      1873    11-27-1944      Bethel
Crenshaw, Frank A.      1919    6-6-1921        Oakwood
Crews, Ann              1871    4-13-1880       Old Orchard
Crews, Richard H.       1874    9-28-1938       Oakwood
Crews, Simon P.         1844    9-5-1881        Woodlawn
Crider, Chas.           1867    8-8-1941        Knob Prairie
Crider, Everett E. Jr.  1916    5-19-194        Oakwood
Crider, Finis E.        1819    1-21-1881       Union
Crider, Jennie W.       1895    5-7-1914        Oakwood
Crider, Minnie V. V.    1938    3-10-1939       Oakwood
Crider, W. M.           1852    1916            Oakwood
Crimes, John Inf.       1929    10-14-1929      County Farm
Crise, Daniel C.        1816    11-17-1816      Hams Grove
Crise, Joseph A.        1857    1879            Hams Grove
Crise, Leonard          1855    4-30-1943       Oakwood
Criswell, Anna          1883    2-29-1940       Mt. Catherine
Criswell, Caroline      1858    1911            No Mention
Crockett, Albert        1882    1889            Woodlawn
Crooker, Maryette L.    1846    12-14-1921      Oakwood
Crosnoe, Inf. S.        1924    7-29-1924       Cub Prairie
Crosnoe, Windland       1862    12-31-1937      Mt. Zion (FA)
Cross, Lee W. Inf.      1930    2-20-1930       Oakwood
Cross, Louisa           1842    5-26-1889       Opdyke
Cross, Rosier L. Jr.    1925    8-10-1925       Oakwood
Cross, Zachariah        1832    3-10-1909       Opdyke
Crouch, Harriet L.      1851    3-10-1934       New Hope (PE)
Crouch, Rose C.         1891    5-11-1939       Bethel
Crouch, Susie E.        1930    3-30-1931       New Hope (PE)
Crow, Joseph A.         1857    2-12-1879       Hopewell
Crowder, Chas. H.       1888    10-26-1906      Oakwood
Crowder, Fern           1817    2-4-1920        Oakwood
Crowder, James A.       1871    12-19-1933      Arnold
Crowder, James E.       1931    5-27-1946       Bethel
Crowder, John B.        1834    8-11-1907       Oakwood
Crowder, Minnie         1883    8-29-1932       Oakwood
Crowford, Mary C. Inf.  1946    6-22-1946       Oakwood
Cruzen, Andrew B. Inf.  1939    8-16-1939       Jeff. Co.
Cruzen, Angus B. Inf.   1939    9-6-1939        W. Salem
Cuberly, Lucy           1861    10-24-1881      Pleasant Hill
Culli, Zelma I. M. Inf. 1912    4-21-1912       Woodlawn
Cullins, Herschell J.   1916    1918            Antiock
Culman, Adlantie        1850    11-26-1920      Blackoak Ridge
Cummings, Arthur O.     1877    6-9-1915        Oakwood
Cummings, Hanna         1877    11-26-1885      No Mention
Cummings, John V.       1840    3-28-1920       Union Chapel
Cummings, Knox W. Inf.  1923    8-14-1923       Old Orchard
Cummings, Lizzie        1872    6-21-1932       Jordan Chapel
Cummings, Margaret E.   1860    10-14-1940      Union Chapel
Cummins, Audrey L.      1920    9-12-1925       Mt. Olive
Cummins, W. D.          1862    6-29-1931       Jordan Chapel
Cundiff, Ellen W.       1854    1-6-1947        Old Shiloh
Cundiff, John P.        1871    12-8-1938       Old Shiloh
Cunio, Plummer          1873    6-5-1886        Opdyke
Cunningham, Wm. H.      1840    1-5-1920        Ward
Curley, Inf. S.         1932    11-11-1932      County Farm
Curren, Inf. S.         1924    3-4-1924        Oakwood
Curren, Nora            1879    3-8-1924        Oakwood
Curtis, Albert          1858    1917            Pace
Curtis, Aleta V.        1925    1-8-1927        Oakwood
Curtis, Wm. N.          1876    3-16-1947       W. Salem
Cutright, Inf.          1913    6-26-1913       No Mention
Czerwinski, Annie       1871    5-2-1940        St. Barbara
Dabbs, Edward H.        1857    5-26-1905       Salem
Dagg, Bill P. Inf.      1941    2-14-1941       Oakwood
Dagg, Donald D.         1930    3-7-1931        Oakwood
Dagg, Inf.              1937    6-15-1937       Oakwood
Dagg, Inf. D.           1921    11-3-1921       Oakwood
Dagg, Melba J.          1934    5-27-1935       Oakwood
Dagg, Nora D. Inf.      1929    5-19-1929       Oakwood
Dagg, Richard S. Inf.   1920    11-22-1920      Oakwood
Dailey, Wm. H.          1870    4-29-1930       Pace
Dain, Donald E.         1922    3-25-1924       Old Union
Dain, Wm. E.            1866    1-23-1925       Old Union
Daine, Wm. I.           1908    3-8-1909        Old Union
Dalby, Ernest B.        1896    10-17-1932      New Shiloh
Dalby, Inf.             1904    2-13-1904       Abner
Dalby, Margaret         1900    8-16-1902       Smith
Dalby, Margaret Inf.    1902    8-9-1902        Kirk
Dalby, Med              1881    4-7-1904        Knob Prairie
Dalby, Tillman Y.       1987    9-30-1902       Abner
Dale, Alfert            1896    8-9-1907        Opdyke
Dale, Charity           1884    1-18-1920       S. Hickory Hill
Dale, D                 1919    10-7-1920       Oakwood
Dale, Hanna R.                  7-2-            Wolf Prairie
Dale, Hannah R.         1825    7-2-1909        Wolf Prairie
Dale, Inf.              1907    3-7-1907        No Mention
Dale, Inf. D.           1929    12-31-1929      Opdyke
Dale, Roy O.            1903    12-10-1910      Hickory Hill
Dale, Sarah A.          1843    3-27-1912       Blackoak Ridge
Dale, Zilpha            1900    5-14-1933       Oakwood
Daley, Mel              1881    4-7-1904        Knob Prairie
Dalton, Raymond M.      1910    10-29-1940      Oakwood
Damitz, Lewis E.        1880    12-5-1945       W. Salem
Dana, Antoine           1877    1-1-1879        Woodlawn
Dana, Florence          1877    1918            Oakwood
Daniel, Harriet A.      1845    8-29-1908       Pace
Daniel, Nora L.         1902    2-14-1903       Clark
Daniel, Wm. R.          1874    9-13-1878       Boyd
Daniels, Agnes          1891    4-28-1892       Oakwood
Daniels, Inf. S.        1883    1-10-1883       No Mention
Daniels, Samantha       1882    2-14-1902       Panther Fork
Danner, Mary J.         1846    4-7-1931        New Shiloh
Darasher, John W.       1869    5-24-1878       Pleasant Hill
Dare, Annie Inf.        1880    6-9-1880        No Mention
Dare, Arnold D.                 6-19-1926       County Farm
Dare, Augusta           1876    3-27-1945       Williams
Dare, Dianna J.         1943    11-30-1946      W. Salem
Dare, Geo. E.           1858    5-13-1946       W. Salem
Dare, Inf. D.           1922    10-15-1922      E. Salem
Dare, Inf. S.           1921    5-4-1921        W. Salem
Dare, Inf. S.           1941    7-25-1941       Oakwood
Dare, James E.          1924    6-18-1925       W. Salem
Dare, Lewis R.          1849    2-25-1921       S. Hickory Hill
Dare, Martin D. Inf.    1924    6-6-1924        S. Hickory Hill
Dare, Mary L.           1847    8-28-1931       S. Hickory Hill
Dare, Simeon            1840    5-23-1885       No Mention
Dare, Thomas L. Inf.    1904    8-28-1904       S. Hickory Hill
Dare, Thomas W.         1848    9-27-1921       S. Hickory Hill
Dare, Victoria C.       1860    1-22-1935       Pleasant Hill
Dare, Wm. H. Inf.       1921    11-21-1921      S. Hickory Hill
Dare, Wm. W.            1848    4-5-1894        Hickory Hill
Darling, Inf. D.        1919    1919            St. Marys
Darnell, Geo. W.        1846    4-7-1937        Kirk
Darnell, Mary L.        1872    2-26-1915       Oakwood
Darnell, Samuel D.      1864    11-16-1949      S. Hickory Hill
Darnell, Sarah J.       1840    7-29-1934       Kirk
Darnell, Sheridan E.    1866    7-26-1911       Oakwood
Dasher, John E.         1832    10-21-1908      Emanuel Church
Dasher, Johny E.        1877    12-25-1878      Minson
Davenport, Clyde Inf.   1907    7-7-1907        Opdyke
Davenport, Eliza A.     1840    3-11-1911       Opdyke
Davenport, Lizzie E.    1858    1-18-1946       Kirk
Davenport, Louisa       1850    1918            Flint
Davenport, Thomas N.    1868    8-20-1948       Kirk
Daves, Geo.             1845    2-20-1915       Mt. Olive
Davidson, Liggie        1862    12-8-1946       Oakdale
Davidson, Sarah         1858    2-2-1879        Old Union
Davidson, Virginia K.   1916    1917            W. Salem
Davis, Alex.            1836    1-17-1902       Union
Davis, Chas. S.         1846    3-14-1936       Abner
Davis, Chas. W.         1922    4-25-1945       Bethel
Davis, Clara H.         1882    12-20-1940      Oakwood
Davis, Dan              1870    4-9-1929        Oakwood
Davis, David L. Inf.    1941    2-26-1941       Oakwood
Davis, Deanna S. Inf.   1942    12-21-1942      Oakwood
Davis, Dennis H. Inf.   1942    11-4-1942       Kirk

Davis, Elizabeth E.     1863    12-1-194        Fitzgerrell
Davis, Ella             1878    2-2-1940        Oakwood
Davis, Gandy N.         1897    3-22-1941       Bethel
Davis, Hershell         1894    1917            Dryden
Davis, Inf. D.          1929    6-19-1929       Oakwood
Davis, Inf. S.          1926    2-3-1926        S. Hickory Hill
Davis, Inf. S.          1927    10-9-1927       Cub Prairie
Davis, Inf. S.          1934    12-20-1935      Black
Davis, James E.         1866    3-12-1929       Cub Prairie
Davis, John R.          1864    3-2-1936        Blackoak Ridge
Davis, John T.          1868    12-13-1931      Oakwood
Davis, Joseph C.        1842    1918            Little Grove
Davis, Lee              1895    8-5-1921        Wolf Prairie
Davis, Lucy             1875    4-21-1942       Bethel
Davis, Lucy D.          1866    7-12-1940       Little Grove
Davis, Margaret         1831    7-6-1903        Blackoak Ridge
Davis, Mary             1901    8-28-1939       Bethel
Davis, Minnie           1890    4-7-1910        Black
Davis, Minnie C.        1883    7-26-1931       Oakwood
Davis, Neva G. Inf.     1927    5-14-1927       S. Hickory Hill
Davis, Noma             1895    1916            W. Salem
Davis, Vernor Inf.      1916    1916            Wolf Prairie
Davis, Willie           1876    12-9-1924       Oakwood
Davis, Wm.              1870    4-12-1947       No Mention
Davis, Wm. H. Inf.      1925    12-11-1925      Cub Prairie
Davis, Wm. O.           1856    4-3-1937        W. Salem
Dawes, Robert A.        1932    6-14-1934       Oakwood
Dawson, Emma            1813    7-26-1871       New Hope (PE)
Day, Archie Inf.        1918    1918            Old Union
Dayton, Clara           1874    7-28-1904       E. Hickory Hill
Dean, Margaret          1834    6-21-1906       No Mention
Deck, Arthur O. Inf.    1904    4-11-1904       Belle Rive
Deck, Ethel R.          1898    1917            Oakwood
Deck, James L. Inf.     1930    7-6-1930        W. Salem
Deck, Thelma I.         1925    1-30-1927       Oakwood
Decker, Charlotte L.    1929    7-7-1930        Oakwood
Decker, Howell E.       1936    12-10-1937      Oakwood
Decker, Olive           1861    12-15-1930      Pleasant Grove
Decker, Thelma S. Inf.  1932    5-12-1932       Oakwood
Decker, Veriadine L.    1927    2-6-1929        Oakwood
Dees, Robert L.         1964    5-26-1940       S. Hickory Hill
Deichman, Kathryn C.    1854    10-15-1934      Oakwood
Delashment, Bertha      1878    6-9-1903        Delashment
Demare, Inf. D.         1942    1-8-1942        Oakwood
Dement, Wm. H.          1857    6-4-1936        Pleasant Hill
Dement, Wm. J.          1932    1-20-1933       Oakwood
Demery, Henry           1874    3-28-1934       Oakwood
Demire, James M.        1937    4-13-1940       Oakwood
Demitz, Mary            1845    1-12-1910       Wells Chapel
Dempsey, Howard Inf.    1912    7-5-1912        Dryden
Dempsey, Wm. Inf.       1912    7-5-1912        Dryden
Demyre, Ruth E.         1905    7-14-1920       Oakwood
Denbo, Regina M.        1917    1917            Oakwood
Denning, Jimmie N. Inf. 1944    12-16-1944      Oakwood
Dennis, Robert V.       1907    3-18-1908       S. Hickory Hill
Denwoodie, Pollie       1881    3-17-1903       Woodlawn
Deron, Sarah            1831    12-7-1913       Opdyke
Deselms, Inf. D.        1918    1918            Oakwood
Dethrow, Wanda D. Inf.  1944    9-7-1944        Bethel
Detty, Mrs.M.E. Runnels 1869    12-25-1933      Kirk
Devasher, Daniel M.     1866    1-22-1879       Pleasant Hill
Dewey, Louise           1876    2-20-1920       Oakwood
Dewiese, Van C.         1855    7-9-1926        Oakwood
Dewitt, Inf.            1910    11-6-1910       Bluford
Dewitt, Inf. S.         1928    5-20-1928       Oakwood
Dewitt, Laura L.        1868    4-26-1923       Opdyke
Dewvedt, John           1825    11-28-1903      Fout
Dial, Dicy M.           1874    2-14-1909       Cub Prairie
Dial, John D.           1859    10-9-1939       Cub Prairie
Dial, Lula              1895    1917            Oakwood
Dial, Sallie A.         1901    1-6-1938        Cub Prairie
Dickerson, Martha E.    1855    5-24-1909       E. Salem
Dickey, Virginia J.     1903    6-19-1943       Woodlawn
Diel, John W.           1852    11-17-1937      Woodlawn
Dienstbier, Eck         1855    9-8-1929        W. Salem
Dienstbier, Eliza       1853    2-16-1925       W. Salem
Dill, Jemima R.         1823    11-24-1920      Woodlawn
Dillingham, Clara       1903    7-2-1904        No Mention
Dillingham, Inf D.      1919    1919            Oakwood
Dillingham, Nellie      1901    7-12-1904       Oakwood
Dillingham, Thomas W.   1928    2-15-1928       Oakwood
Dillon, Elras A. Inf.   1920    2-7-1920        Oakwood
Dillon, Franklin J.     1879    6-20-1879       Woodlawn
Dinwiddie, Mary E.      1857    7-31-1944       Woodlawn
Dinwiddy, Owen          1841    9-2-1889        Union
Disschauer, August      1846    6-30-1931       Mt. Catherine
Dixon, Harold L.        1942    1-27-1947       W. Salem
Dixon, Inf. S.          1934    1-23-1934       W. Salem
Dixon, Jimmy W.         1939    1-27-1947       W. Salem
Dixon, Margaret A.      1860    11-18-1948      Woodlawn
Dixon, Wm. C.           1944    1-27-1947       W. Salem
Dobbs, Chas. E.         1868    5-21-1940       Little Grove
Dobbs, Velma A.         1897    1-27-1923       S. Hickory Hill
Dobbs, Wm. E.           1890    1919            Oakland
Dobson, Olivia          1872    1-2-1934        Oakwood
Dodds, Gilbert O.       1890    2-27-1922       Knob Prairie
Dodds, Wilburn N.       1858    11-10-1937      Knob Prairie
Dodge, Harriet          1835    9-8-1903        No Mention
Dodge, Henry R.         1910    10-13-1912      S. Hickory Hill
Dodson, Berthol T.      1904    1910            Pleasant Grove
Dodson, Charley A.      1863    3-1-1932        Little Grove
Dodson, Doris C.        1908    11-16-1909      Hopewell
Dodson, Erastus S.      1871    5-13-1928       W. Salem
Dodson, Harvey          1872    1-25-1904       Old Union
Dodson, Helen M. Inf.   1908    2-28-1908       W. Salem
Dodson, Inf.            1907    3-12-1907       Pace
Dodson, Inf. D.         1892    2-27-1892       Hopewell
Dodson, Inf. D.         1923    12-27-1923      Old Shiloh
Dodson, Isaac           1803    7-28-1878       PE-Twp.
Dodson, Jacob           1835    1880            Hopewell
Dodson, James E.        1895    3-27-1902       W. Salem
Dodson, Jerry H.        1945    1-31-1946       W. Salem
Dodson, Jim             1886    4-1-1946        Old Shiloh
Dodson, John W.         1868    9-8-1928        W. Salem
Dodson, Lois M.         1941    5-29-1949       New Shiloh
Dodson, Lottie          1877    2-6-1945        Pace
Dodson, Luther M.       1886    11-22-1937      Hopewell
Dodson, Sarah           1843    1880            Hopewell
Dodson, Sarah           1837    2-24-1909       Oak Park
Dodson, Soloman         1891    11-11-1915      Hopewell
Dolby, Benj.            1823    2-15-1879       Jef. Co.
Donaldson, Ruby         1908    6-22-1942       Bethel
Donavan, Inf. D.        1941    2-2-1941        Pleasant Grove
Donlee, Elizabeth J.    1836    2-4-1921        Knob Prairie
Donoho, Alice           1910    10-6-1911       McConnaughay
Donoho, B. Gilbert      1924    4-24-1925       Pleasant Hill
Donoho, Clayton Inf.    1904    1904            Abner
Donoho, Dora J. Inf.    1916    1916            McConnaughay
Donoho, Dorothy         1913    1916            McConnaughay
Donoho, Fern E.         1924    11-18-1936      Mt. Zion (FA)
Donoho, James A.        1835    12-2-1907       Pleasant Hill
Donoho, John R.         1938    3-2-1939        New Home
Donoho, Josephine       1855    7-13-1932       Pleasant Hill
Donoho, Julia A.        1852    10-23-1944      New Home
Donoho, Manetha         1919    6-6-1920        Wells Chapel
Donoho, Ray             1909    2-21-1912       Wells Chapel
Donoho, Roy D.          1905    12-16-1907      Wells Chapel
Donoho, Roy Inf.        1902    5-3-1902        Donoho
Donoho, Ruth E. Inf.    1929    3-5-1929        Mt. Zion (FA)
Donoho, Silbie L.       1907    9-15-1929       McConnaughay
Donoho, Wm. R. Inf.     1934    2-5-1934        New Home
Donovan, Inf.           1914    8-31-1914       S. Hickory Hill
Dornell, Inf. S.        1929    7-18-1929       Jordan Chapel
Dorris, Hanna E.        1859    12-23-1923      N. Shiloh
Doty, Samuel L.         1875    8-18-1926       Ebenezer
Doty, Samuel L.         1882    11-14-1937      Oakwood
Douglas, Doll           1888    6-7-1908        Mt. Catherine
Douglas, Inf. D.        1924    4-15-1924       Oakwood
Douglas, Jane           1848    1918            Oakwood
Douglas, Jo Ann Inf.    1936    7-16-1936       Oakwood
Doutherty, Lavina M.    1881    5-15-1902       Oakwood
Douthit, Mary E.        1862    2-7-1937        Oakwood
Downen, Geo.            1860    8-27-1909       Old Baptist
Downen, James P. Inf.   1939    2-19-1939       Harmony
Downer, Lydia           1865    1923            No Mention
Downing, Maude          1893    11-15-1925      Locust Grove
Downs, Margaret R.      1823    10-16-1908      Richview
Doyle, Edward           1853    5-4-1924        Old Union
Drake, Hazel S.         1894    1917            Wells Chapel
Drake, Mary             1857    8-7-1935        W. Salem
Drake, Wm.              1851    8-2-1925        W. Salem
Dred, Nora              1903    1919            Sugar Camp
Drenon, Emery           1877    12-26-1880      Union
Drew, Benj. F.          1893    9-15-1945       Flint
Drew, Geo.              1893    10-18-1941      Oakwood
Drew, Josephine         1860    2-26-1925       New Hope
Drew, Nora Inf.         1898    9-5-1898        No Mention
Drew, Warren S.         1875    4-13-1938       New Hope (SG)
Drgerwiecki, Samuel Inf.1923    12-31-1923      St. Barbara
Driscall, Freda         1902    9-28-1913       Oakwood
Driscoll, Eunice        1878    7-5-1929        Oakwood
Driscoll, James         1870    5-10-1948       Oakwood
Droll, Henry            1882    4-8-1885        Williams
Drummond, Lillian       1892    5-4-1929        Oakwood
Dry, John Inf.          1902    8-19-1902       Mt. Zion (FA)
Dubois, James A.        1952    9-28-1931       Woodlawn
Dubois, Mary O.         1853    6-18-1943       Woodlawn
Dubois, Nancy J.        1828    1881            Woodlawn
Dubois, Richard Inf.    1946    12-21-1946      Oakwood
Dubois, S. T.           1868    1891            Woodlawn
Duckworth, Artie        1875    8-10-1948       Oakwood
Dudley, Edith G.        1915    9-11-1938       Abner
Dudley, Roy             1892    4-8-1939        Abner
Dudley, Willmer R. Inf. 1921    10-29-1921      Abner
Dukes, James H.         1844    3-7-1910        Little Grove
Dulaney, Inf. S.        1929    4-19-1929       Oakwood
Dulaney, Jessie H.      1893    1-31-1920       Oakwood
Dulaney, Laura J.       1846    8-21-1909       Blackoak Ridge
Dulaney, Molissa E.     1855    1919            Oakwood
Dulany, Effie           1880    2-7-1914        E. Hickory Hill
Dunavan, Eliza B.       1847    5-7-1942        S. Hickory Hill
Dunavan, Eloise         1921    2-5-1942        Pleasant Grove
Dunavan, John A.        1849    1-15-1930       S. Hickory Hill
Dunavan, Shirley L. Inf.1937    4-30-1937       S. Hickory Hill
Dunbar, Arthur          1880    12-1-1920       Kirk
Dunbar, Ciris           1855    3-17-1926       Kirk
Dunbar, Elizabeth       1839    7-16-1930       Kirk
Dunbar, Henry W.        1850    1-6-1935        Kirk
Dunbar, Walter          1899    12-2-1906       Kirk
Dunbar, Wm. W. Inf.     1927    8-28-1927       Kirk
Duncan, Oliver M. Inf.  1932    2-2-1932        Pleasant Hill
Dunnian, Andrian        1820    9-4-1888        Little Grove
Duper, A. L.            1836    4-17-1878       BL-Twp.
Durham, Annie           1844    3-26-1929       Hams Grove
Duty, F. M.             1857    5-15-1932       Kirk
Dycus, Charlie          1902    4-8-1903        Minson
Dycus, Hattie J.        1868    10-25-1946      W. Salem
Dycus, Inf. S.          1948    7-8-1948        Oakwood
Dycus, James M.         1869    10-16-1941      W. Salem
Dycus, Lucy             1850    6-23-1936       Reynolds
Dycus, Millard E.       1856    6-4-1938        Woodlawn
Dye, Inf. S.            1933    2-10-1933       E. Hickory Hill
Dykes, Em. G.           1865    4-6-1943        Pleasant Hill
Dykes, Marinda A.       1865    7-17-1948       Pleasant Hill
Eaglin, John R.         1874    10-4-1922       Opdyke
Eaglin, Rhoda M.        1881    6-22-1930       Opdyke
Earls, Otto E.          1878    1-5-1880        Locust Grove
Easley, Carrie          1892    7-30-1921       Old Union
Easley, Carrie L.       1934    6-28-1935       W. Salem
Easley, Druey L.        1857    10-14-1937      W. Salem
Easley, Glenda M. Inf.  1942    11-22-1942      Old Shiloh
Easlwy, Carl M.         1928    4-9-1931        W. Salem
East, John E. Inf.      1948    6-10-1948       Sursa
Echols, Jesse D.        1838    1916            E. Hickory Hill
Echols, Mary E.         1844    1-15-1926       E. Hickory Hill
Echols, Wilford H.      1865    1-5-1935        E. Hickory Hill
Eddie,                  1872    5-18-1882       SG-Twp.
Edgington, Inf. S.      1926    3-12-1926       No Mention
Edmmons, Nancy          1849    2-6-1925        Williams
Edmondson, Clyde L.     1892    10-14-1947      Oakwood
Edmonson, Cardila       1847    1918            Oakwood
Edmonson, David O.      1927    3-6-1928        Oakwood
Edmonson, Margrate      1922    3-16-1922       Oakwood
Edwards, Chas.          1878    1917            Old Union
Edwards, Chas. Inf.     1923    4-2-1923        Oakwood
Edwards, Chas. L. Inf.  1939    9-20-1939       Dryden
Edwards, Inf.           1917    1917            W. Salem
Edwards, James H.       1843    4-21-1931       Oakwood
Edwards, John R.        1852    5-29-1936       W. Salem
Edwards, Nancy J.       1865    10-31-1940      W. Salem
Edwards, Theo. D.       1846    6-19-1903       New Hope (PE)
Edwards, Wm. S. Inf.    1906    1906            W. Salem
Egbert, Virgie Inf.     1907    12-4-1907       At Home
Eldridge, Cecil         1902    11-5-1939       Kirk
Eldridge, Logan         1851    1916            New Hope (SG)
Elkins, Geo. W.         1858    10-17-1946      Oakwood
Elkins, Sarah           1811    6-10-1878       SG-Twp.
Ellen, Lilas Inf.       1880    7-6-1880        Harlow
Eller, Clarence Inf.    1917    1917            Union Chapel
Eller, Geo. W.          1866    6-16-1933       Oakwood
Eller, Harry W. Inf.    1923    10-27-1923      Oakwood
Eller, Inf. D.          1918    1918            Oakwood
Eller, Inf. S.          1880    1880            Pleasant Grove
Eller, Rebecca J.       1861    12-7-1927       Oakwood
Eller, Richard F.       1939    5-10-1940       Oakwood
Eller, Sarah            1826    2-7-1912        Pleasant Grove
Eller, Susan                    12-25-1947      Union Chapel
Eller, Susan F.         1854    4-18-1935       Union Chapel
Eller, Thomas J.        1855    5-27-1946       Union Chapel
Eller, Wm. L.           1869    1-29-1931       Pleasant Grove
Elliot, Josie           1883    2-20-1904       Mt. Olive
Elliot, Ladonna D. Inf. 1945    11-2-1945       Bethel
Elliot, Levi            1862    12-21-1879      Jordan Chapel
Elliott, Conrad E. Inf. 1934    5-4-1934        W. Salem
Elliott, Daraliss J.    1926    2-13-1926       Oakwood
Elliott, Emery O.       1875    1942            No Mention
Elliott, Harold O.      1909    1-15-1948       Bethel
Elliott, Inf.           1921    1-12-1921       Oakwood
Elliott, Inf. D.        1925    4-12-1925       W. Salem
Elliott, Johnny M. Inf. 1943    11-11-1943      Pleasant Hill
Elliott, Lawrence M.    1896    10-11-1942      Oakwood
Elliott, Rodney G. Inf. 1933    6-27-1933       W. Salem
Ellis, Bertha           1905    9-14-1925       Oakwood
Ellis, Emery E. Inf.            5-26-           Harmony
Ellis, Inf. S.          1928    3-6-1928        Gilead
Ellis, Inf. S.          1938    9-7-1938        Harmony
Ellis, Inf. Twin        1947    4-26-1947       Harmony
Ellis, Lee D.           1935    8-5-1938        Oakwood
Ellis, Lewis            1822    2-5-1879        Mt. V. Twp.
Ellis, Lowery L.        1850    7-1-1941        Oakwood
Ellis, Margaret         1828    1-25-1878       DO-Twp.
Ellis, Mary E.          1857    8-6-1890        No Mention
Ellis, Olive F.         1861    3-1-1928        Oakwood
Ellis, Roy E.           1927    10-29-1940      Oakwood
Ellis, Warneta R. Inf.  1930    12-19-1930      Harmony
Ellison, Wm.            1863    8-28-1936       Kirk
Elliston, Ada L.        1890    3-30-1928       Dryden
Elliston, Lee           1887    10-9-1943       Oakwood
Elliston, Mable S. Inf. 1942    5-30-1942       Boyd
Elliston, Oliver P.     1868    11-9-1927       Rightnower
Elliston, Phillip N.Inf.1944    9-8-1944        Boyd
Elliston, Timothy E.Inf.1924    8-19-1924       Dryden
Elmes, Margaret E.      1845    3-1-1904        New Hope (PE)
Emmerson, Mary I.       1918    1919            Oakwood
England, Inf. S.        1941    3-8-1941        Old Shiloh
England, Sarah E.       1863    4-26-1934       Old Shiloh
England, Wm. J.         1858    4-10-1936       Old Shiloh
Engle, Lena R. Inf.     1902    8-10-1902       Opdyke
Engle, Nancy L.         1943    3-14-1944       Knob Prairie
Enlow, Mary M.          1872    4-1-1932        Kirk
Epley, Inf. S.          1941    2-4-1941        Bethel
Epperson, Billie J.     1921    11-8-1928       Oakwood
Epperson, Dorene O.     1927    4-21-1927       Oakwood
Epperson, Eugene B.     1896    4-19-1947       Oakwood
Epperson, Grace         1869    10-8-1939       Oakwood
Epperson, Pauline D.    1907    7-2-1908        Sugar Camp
Epperson, Wm. J.        1870    10-12-1945      Oakwood
Erwin, Elizabeth        1837    7-5-1903        Oakwood
Erwin, Inf. S.          1927    3-19-1927       W. Salem
Erwin, Maud             1908    6-22-1933       S. Hickory Hill
Eskew, Cora J.          1902    6-27-1923       Laird
Eskew, Howard R. Inf.   1923    1923            No Mention
Esmon, Annie M.         1876    11-12-1879      Antioch
Esmon, Chas. L.         1888    7-19-1889       Salem
Esmon, James A.         1845    3-12-1928       Flint
Esmon, Maryu Inf.       1878    12-5-1878       PE-Twp.
Esmon, Wm. R.           1870    6-2-1949        W. Salem
Esmond, Mennie          1877    8-22-1935       W. Salem
Esmond, Raymond         1904    7-25-1906       Flint
Estes, Alice            1855    1-22-1878       Arnold
Estes, Chas. Inf.       1904    1-24-1904       Oakwood
Estes, Della C.         1871    3-5-1882        Opdyke
Estes, Dora M.          1862    7-26-1934       Hope (SG)
Estes, Ina              1870    7-13-1921       Arnold
Estes, James A.         1851    1-29-1913       Arnold
Estes, Jane             1843    1918            Pace
Estes, John C.          1873    1-31-1944       Bethel
Estes, Lewis E.         1876    4-30-1948       Mt. Zion (FA)
Estes, Lucy P.          1842    4-1-1883        Miller PE-Twp.
Estes, Margarite A.     1858    6-11-1933       Pleasant Grove
Estes, Marjoria A. Inf. 1929    9-15-1929       Oakwood
Estes, Nellie           1899    1916            Arnold
Estes, Sarah E.         1860    1-14-1884       No Mention
Estes, Stella           1904    7-4-1905        Pace
Estes, Wm. W.           1893    10-30-1930      Pleasant Grove
Etheridge, Judith M.    1881    2-23-1881       Williams
Etheridge, Richard E.   1846    4-6-1925        Etheridge
Ethridge, Inf. S.       1935    6-29-1935       W. Salem
Eubanks, Daunesa Inf.   1925    7-16-1925       W. Salem
Eubanks, Richard C.     1857    4-18-1933       Woodlawn
Eubanks, Ronald L. Inf. 1936    1-6-1936        Mt. Catherine (name should be Donald L. Eubanks)
Eudaley, Julia I.       1865    1-8-1929        Oakwood
Eudaley, Sarah E.       1836    2-5-1906        Oakwood
Evans, Alva R.          1909    1916            Oakdale
Evans, Densel           1901    10-11-1915      Mt. Zion (FA)
Evans, Harriet          1841    4-5-1878        MV. Twp.
Evans, Mary J.          1858    5-12-1927       Oakwood
Exner, John             1836    10-3-1910       Woodlawn
Eyre, Albert C.         1869    1943            Oakwood
Eyre, Ellen             1842    8-28-1934       Oakwood
Eyre, Emma              1868    10-1-1942       Oakwood
Eyre, Fred              1871    9-2-1935        Oakwood

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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