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Jefferson County, IL


Unmarked Graves

Source: Fred Justice

Submitted By: Cindy Ford

This information on Unmarked Graves was compiled by Fred Justice in 1975, he gained this information from Death Records from Jefferson County which go back to 1877.

Please note that there are many variations of spelling in both individuals names and also the cemetery names they have been typed up as they were from his book.

I have also noticed that there are several that are now marked but I have left this as he had it so if you find someone listed as being Unmarked they may actually have a marker in place at this time which you can check this by looking at the Cemetery Listings for Jefferson County but this is a great source for those who do not.

NAME                    BIRTH    DEATH          CEMETERY

Pace, Albert R.         1872    5-8-1880        Salem
Pace, Anna              1869    7-1-1947        Woodlawn
Pace, Anna C.           1859    3-10-1936       Oakwood
Pace, Annie L.          1848    2-9-1930        Oakwood
Pace, Caroline E.       1856    3-11-1943       Knob Prairie
Pace, Chas. R. Inf.     1902    8-25-1902       New Hope (PE)
Pace, Chas. T.          1836    1-18-1881       Union
Pace, Faye Inf.         1934    10-10-1934      Pleasant Grove
Pace, Jasper D.         1834    3-6-1906        Pleasant Grove
Pace, Mary A.           1839    1918            Oakwood
Pace, May Inf.          1934    10-10-1934      Pleasant Grove
Pace, Meders I.         1853    2-9-1935        Oakwood
Pace, Nannie B.         1871    7-21-1945       Oakwood
Pace, Orville           1901    3-11-1947       New Hope (SG)
Pace, Sarah E.          1859    6-3-1940        W. Salem
Pace, Wm. H.            1862    10-17-1933      Woodlawn
Padget, Inf. S.         1882    1-31-1882       Simmons
Padgett, Maud           1890    7-21-1909       Gaston
Padgett, Reuben F.      1866    6-2-1945        Pleasant Hill
Page, Alice             1854    2-5-1936        Sugar Camp
Page, Arabella          1858    2-4-1928        Flint
Page, Barbara A.        1880    9-3-1945        Cub Prairie
Page, Cassie            1867    1-30-1945       Round Knowl
Page, Catherine I.      1911    2-1-1949        Bethel
Page, Elizabeth         1829    1917            Arnold
Page, Emmer L.          1882    3-1-1946        Kirk
Page, Ethel             1919    2-17-1920       Cub Prairie
Page, Geo. W.           1847    7-21-1933       Kirk
Page, James P.          1852    4-24-1881       SG-Twp.
Page, James R.          1851    5-1-1928        Flint
Page, Jemima            1847    5-10-1934       Kirk
Page, Kisiah            1853    4-21-1921       Flint
Page, Lola J.           1940    2-25-1943       Abner
Page, Mary E.           1859    1919            Oakwood
Page, Mary I. Inf.      1920    4-6-1920        Oakwood
Page, Mrs.              1875    7-2-1905        Mt. Vernon
Page, Nancy W.          1851    9-27-1930       Kirk
Page, Nellie            1835    1-21-1911       New Hope
Page, Oscar             1878    11-3-1932       Cub Prairie
Page, Ray E.            1925    11-26-1926      Pace
Page, Richard H.        1885    5-25-1940       Oakwood
Page, Robert Jr. Inf.   1927    2-15-1927       Kirk
Page, Roberta I. Inf.   1916    1916            Pace
Page, Roy B.            1884    2-18-1938       Flint
Page, Thomas D.         1865    3-29-1926       Round Knowl
Page, Violet            1915    5-14-1933       Lengfelder
Page, Wm.               1824    1881            SG-Twp.
Page, Wm.               1888    4-30-1948       Oakwood
Page, Wm. R.            1871    2-20-1934       Kirk
Pain, Aba Inf.          1879    2-20-1879       Hopewell
Palmer,                 1873    4-2-1923        Wolf Prairie
Palmer, Aline C.        1904    5-12-1937       Oakwood
Palmer, Bettie J.       1934    11-3-1935       Sursa
Palmer, Claude M.       1892    1-24-1941       Oakwood
Palmer, Edward J. Inf.  1908    1-31-1908       Oakwood
Palmer, Inf.            1928    6-22-1928       Sursa
Palmer, Inf. S.         1922    6-1-1922        Sursa
Palmer, James E.        1862    7-15-1938       Sursa
Palmer, Joseph          1869    10-4-1945       Sursa
Palmer, Mabel L. Inf.   1930    10-22-1930      Sursa
Palmer, Nancy D.        1876    8-27-1946       Oakwood
Palmer, Nancy E.        1868    6-20-1922       S. Hickory Hill
Palmer, Sarah J.        1855    5-10-1946       Sursa
Palmer, Thomas W.       1851    4-11-1926       Pace
Palmer, Vadia R. Inf.   1934    4-4-1934        Sursa
Palmer, W. Duff         1854    6-14-1902       No Mention
Palmiter, Howard Inf.   1939    9-17-1939       Sursa
Palmiter, Maggie        1869    12-8-1942       Oakwood
Panchaud, Henry         1802    5-20-1878       Hickory Hill
Pankhurst, Maxwell J.   1916    1917            W. Salem
Paradee, Catherine A.   1834    3-13-1911       No Mention
Parfitt, Survetus I.    1872    9-1-1949        Opdyke
Parker, Emmitt          1913    6-2-1933        Dryden
Parker, Joseph C.       1865    1-24-1931       Oakwood
Parker, Laura E.        1861    6-28-1942       Union Chapel
Parker, Oscar B. Inf.   1929    2-25-1929       Old Union
Parker, Wm. K.          1851    6-7-1940        Union Chapel
Parkinson, Virginia M.  1922    2-1-1925        W. Salem
Parks, John W.          1907    2-27-1910       Little Grove
Parmlee, Inf.           1906    10-30-1906      Knob Prairie
Parmley, Alice M.       1889    12-16-1934      Opdyke
Parmley, Joseph H.      1883    12-18-1930      Opdyke
Parmley, Luetta Inf.    1917    1917            Opdyke
Parmley, Nevada I. Inf. 1923    8-24-1923       Knob Prairie
Parmley, Sadie Inf.     1909    4-19-1909       Knob Prairie
Parr, Elizabeth R.      1844    11-23-1922      Smith
Parr, Inf. S.           1923    1-22-1923       Smith
Parrett, A. T. Inf.     1902    8-16-1902       Opdyke
Parrish, Inf.           1909    4-11-1909       No Mention
Parrish, Molly          1855    12-4-1880       (PE)
Parrish, Mrs. M.        1828    1-4-1878        New Hope (PE)
Parsons, Martha J.      1856    1-14-1937       W. Salem
Parsons, Martha J.      1856    1937            No Mention
Partridge, Frankie Inf. 1879    10-4-1879       Atkinson
Partridge, Hazel L.     1906    4-25-1936       Oakwood
Partridge, Mary         1844    6-4-1924        Oakdale 
Partridge, Sibby Inf.   1902    12-15-1902      Oakdale
Pasley, Alva Inf.       1878    9-14-1878       Hickory Hill
Pasley, Armeta          1838    4-12-1922       Old Orchard
Pasley, Jackie L. Inf.  1934    7-24-1934       Oakwood
Pasley, James Inf.      1933    1-19-1933       Oakwood
Pasley, Lydia A.        1879    5-18-1945       Oakwood
Pate, Lucilius G.       1827    5-10-1910       Harmony
Patoma, Elizabeth       1861    1917            Kirk
Patterson, Amgus        1904    7-11-1905       Oakwood
Patterson, Ann B. Inf.  1909    3-8-1909        E. Salem
Patterson, Carrie A.    1885    2-1-1907        Little Grove
Patterson, Elizabeth G. 1821    10-6-1890       Salem
Patterson, Harriet L.   1870    6-3-1906        S. Hickory Hill
Patterson, Henry H.     1840    8-10-1921       Sursa
Patterson, Henry W.     1862    11-7-1928       E. Salem
Patterson, Ida F.       1867    9-1-1936        E. Salem
Patterson, Inf. S.      1878    10-25-1878      Williams
Patterson, Inf. S.      1923    10-27-1923      Oakwood
Patterson, John S.      1917    11-14-1939      E. Salem
Patterson, John W.      1867    3-15-1944       Opdyke
Patterson, Raleigh H.   1916    1918            E. Salem
Patterson, Ro H. Inf.   1903    3-8-1903        Old Shiloh
Patterson, Ruby Inf.    1907    1-29-1907       Salem
Pattgen, Reta           1897    8-20-1921       Kirk
Patton, Alice A.        1859    10-18-1938      Little Grove
Patton, Carl            1888    3-17-1937       Antioch
Patton, Darrell Inf.    1948    8-25-1948       Oakwood
Patton, Helen E.        1908    6-2-1922        Hopewell
Patton, Inf. D.         1917    1917            FI-Twp.
Patton, Inf. S.         1937    2-13-1937       Oakwood
Patton, Lean            1914    10-21-1928      Hopewell
Patton, Lucy P.         1907    4-13-1908       Wells Chapel
Patton, Richard L.      1949    3-14-1949       Opdyke
Patton, Thelma E. M.    1934    11-18-1934      Oakwood
Paul, Margrete A.       1834    1919            Oakwood
Pavey, Effie            1873    8-27-1944       Oakwood
Pavey, Isabella F.      1884    2-1-1927        Oakwood
Payne, Harriet          1803    7-7-1879        Old Shiloh
Payne, Inez             1895    9-29-1902       Locust Grove
Payne, Inf. S.          1926    8-6-1926        Woodlawn
Payne, Margaret E.      1841    8-26-1904       Shiloh
Payne, Martha C.        1863    2-16-1884       Shiloh
Payne, Nancy E.         1834    3-28-1905       Old Shiloh
Peace, Thelma           1902    7-30-1942       Bethel
Pearce, Chas. Inf.      1907    8-24-1907       W. Salem
Pearce, Ida             1860    6-4-1927        Oakwood
Pearcy, Catherine       1807    2-8-1881        Locust Grove
Pearson, Joe            1876    12-2-1935       Bethel
Pearson, Tennie         1877    11-27-1930      Oakwood
Peavler, Nancy R. Inf.  1949    11-28-1949      Oakwood
Peavler, Susan J.       1851    1916            S. Hickory Hill
Peeler, Harry E.        1879    1880            Woodlawn
Pekorney, John          1864    8-21-1934       St. Barbara
Pelerson, Inf. D.       1918    1918            EP-Twp
Peltz, James H.         1914    5-11-1938       Oakwood
Peltz, Nellie           1886    1918            Oakwood
Pemberton, Alpha L.     1857    10-29-1945      Wolf Prairie
Pemberton, Clare P.     1916    1918            Oakwood
Pemerton, John A.       1855    8-13-1925       Wolf Prairie
Penn, Mary A.           1859    1-28-1946       W. Salem
People, Inf. D.         1949    8-18-1949       At Home
Peoples, Azelia Inf.    1946    8-31-1946       Oakwood
Peoples, Chas. E. Inf.  1926    1-11-1926       Oakwood
Peoples, James H.       1890    6-21-1939       Boyd
Peoples, James L.       1862    6-7-1945        Boyd
Peoples, Martha Inf.    1930    1-12-1930       Little Grove
Peoples, Michael Inf.   1943    8-7-1943        Boyd
Peoples, Wm. Inf.       1933    6-16-1933       Little Grove
Pepple, Dorothy B.      1911    2-25-1914       E. Hickory Hill
Pepple, Inf. D.         1925    3-4-1925        E. Hickory Hill
Pepple, Jesse J.        1877    11-20-1942      E. Hickory Hill
Pepple, Lillie M.       1881    2-19-1914       E. Hickory Hill
Percome, Anna           1875    11-11-1912      St. Barbara
Percome, Inf.           1902    7-30-1903       St. Barbara
Perine, Georgia         1888    7-23-1906       E. Hickory Hill
Perkins, Joyce L. Inf.  1948    2-10-1948       Harmony
Perkins, Nellie E.      1878    7-23-1947       E. Hickory Hill
Pernell, Mary A.        1867    4-19-1942       Dryden
Perry, Anna             1874    12-10-1925      New Hope
Perry, Willie D. Inf.   1917    1917            New Hope (SG)
Person, Wm. N.          1851    12-24-1913      Oak Grove
Peterson, Billy E. Inf. 1948    11-12-1948      Opdyke
Peterson, Elizabeth C.  1851    1-7-1881        Woodlawn
Peterson, Elsie M.      1907    12-31-1921      Woodlawn
Peterson, Emma J.       1867    9-18-1949       Abner
Peterson, Frank A.      1892    6-7-1946        Watson
Peterson, Inf.          1881    9-5-1881        Reynolds
Peterson, Louisa B.     1873    4-1-1939        Horse Prairie
Peterson, Wm. R.        1851    4-8-1926        Woodlawn
Peterson, Wm. T.        1844    7-11-1921       S. Hickory Hill
Pettipool, Lillian M.   1879    1918            New Hope (SG)
Pettit, Eliza C.        1849    10-8-1935       Pleasant Grove
Pettit, Roy B.          1820    3-16-1879       Pleasant Grove
Pettit, Sallie E.       1853    3-28-1928       Pleasant Grove
Pettit, Thomas W.       1879    4-9-1886        Pleasant Grove
Pettypool, Marshall A.  1862    11-5-1921       Smith
Peyton, John Inf.       1916    1916            Arnold
Phelan, Etta            1856    4-13-1879       Salem
Phelps, Bettie J. Inf.  1945    7-6-1945        Boyd
Phelps, Birdie M.       1887    3-11-1949       W. Salem
Phelps, Edward E.       1919    1-2-1921        Pace
Phelps, Geo.            1891    7-28-1935       Pace
Phelps, Inf. D.         1928    10-19-1928      Oakwood
Phelps, Inf. S.         1932    1-14-1932       Pace
Phelps, Laura           1856    1-16-1934       W. Salem
Phelps, Lucy J.         1804    6-24-1878       Pleasant Grove
Phelps, Mary E.         1913    1917            Little Grove
Phelps, Oral S.         1915    1917            Little Grove
Phelps, Orley E.        1885    1-19-1948       W. Salem
Phelps, Ruth            1924    2-1-1925        Little Grove
Phelps, Selma R. Inf.   1928    1-3-1928        S. Hickory Hill
Phelps, Silis B. Inf.   1931    12-7-1931       W. Salem
Phelps, Wm. Inf.        1902    2-21-1902       Wolf Prairie
Phillips, Billy R. Inf. 1938    4-19-1938       Old Shiloh
Phillips, Cheryle E.    1949    10-15-1949      Bethel
Phillips, Ethel M.      1919    4-1-1928        Opdyke
Phillips, Inf. D.       1940    11-26-1940      Old Shiloh
Phillips, Inf. S.       1943    2-26-1943       Opdyke

Phillips, Ivan V.       1919    2-21-1920       Opdyke
Phillips, Jinnie B.     1931    2-21-1931       W. Salem
Phillips, Joseph        1835    1-10-1907       Salem
Phillips, Lloyd         1878    8-23-1932       Oakwood
Phillips, Lola I.       1917    5-28-1945       Oakwood
Phillips, Martha C.     1854    5-26-1941       Old Shiloh
Phillips, Nancy A.      1868    3-10-1947       Sugar Camp
Phillips, Thomas S.     1946    12-16-1946      Bethel
Phillips, Wendell       1892    4-5-1905        Salem
Phillips, Winnie J.     1901    8-25-1902       Hams Grove
Phillips, Wm. B.        1860    4-19-1929       Oakwood
Pickel, Mary E.         1889    6-10-1946       Sugar Camp
Pickett, Edward         1836    5-18-1905       Oakwood
Pickett, Elizabeth Inf. 1930    10-17-1930      Kirk
Pickett, Geo. D.        1884    1918            Kirk
Pickett, Inf.           1913    10-11-1913      Old Union
Pickett, Inf. S.        1924    4-2-1924        Old Union
Pickett, James P.       1848    6-7-1879        Union
Pickett, Mary A.        1859    2-20-1931       Oakwood
Pickett, Orlando W.     1933    11-30-1934      Bethel
Pickett, Ray            1911    9-27-1934       Kirk
Pickett, Wm. A.         1852    6-29-1920       Kirk
Pierce, Charlie Inf.    1907    8-24-1907       W. Salem
Pierce, Elizabeth       1865    1917            Kirk
Pierce, Elizabeth       1879    12-22-1921      Wells Chapel
Pierce, Inf. S.         1918    1918            Oakwood
Pierce, Inf. S.         1921    1-5-1921        County Farm
Pierce, Inf. S.         1922    10-3-1922       Oakwood
Pierce, Inf. S.         1924    7-1-1924        Lowery Hill
Pierce, John Jr.        1867    1-26-1920       New Home
Pierce, Olive L.        1873    1-29-1920       New Home
Pierce, Sylvester       1844    10-20-1921      Smith
Pierce, Thomas R.       1893    2-28-1923       Round Knowl
Pierce, Walter F.       1876    10-4-1878       Old Shiloh
Piercey, Shirley Inf.   1937    3-13-1937       Boyd
Piercy, Caroline        1850    5-11-1920       Old Shiloh
Piercy, Henry           1862    10-5-1948       Boyd
Piercy, Inf.            1905    8-17-1905       Old Shiloh
Piercy, Inf. S.                 11-9-           Mt. Catherine   1920-1929
Piercy, Leona           1872    11-21-1948      Old Shiloh
Piercy, Loren R.        1897    1-2-1943        Old Shiloh
Piercy, Maggie L. Inf.  1902    12-17-1902      Locust Grove
Piercy, Mildred C. Inf. 1926    3-19-1926       Pleasant Grove
Piercy, Rachel M.       1859    4-29-1938       New Shiloh
Piercy, Sarah           1863    12-28-1902      Old Shiloh
Piercy, Sherwood        1838    1906            No Mention
Piercy, Sherwood        1853    2-2-1923        Old Shiloh
Piercy, Wm. A.          1853    5-21-1946       Pleasant Grove
Pierson, Mary J.        1855    1916            Oakwood
Pigg, Celia C.          1853    2-13-1922       Sursa
Pigg, Davis H.          1833    1905            No Mention
Pigg, Elizabeth         1844    4-15-1920       Sursa
Pigg, Eloise            1919    1-15-1923       Oakwood
Pigg, Eva L.            1885    5-13-1933       Pleasant Grove
Pigg, Gladys F.         1896    5-8-1904        Old Union
Pigg, Harvey N.         1842    11-8-1922       Sursa
Pigg, Inf. D.           1922    12-30-1922      Hopewell
Pigg, Inf. D.           1923    4-23-1923       Pleasant Grove
Pigg, Inf. D.           1933    2-23-1933       W. Salem
Pigg, James H.          1900    3-31-1932       Atkinson
Pigg, James T.          1853    10-4-1907       Hopewell
Pigg, John H.           1856    10-7-1929       Hopewell
Pigg, Judith A.         1938    2-9-1939        Oakwood
Pigg, Paul D.           1866    1-16-1947       Oakwood
Pigg, Philip Inf.       1949    2-4-1949        Oakwood
Pigg, Rebecca S. Inf.   1949    2-8-1949        Oakwood
Pigg, Roger L. Inf.     1935    5-30-1935       W. Salem
Pigg, Roy L. Inf.       1906    2-20-1906       Pleasant Grove
Pigg, Samuel D.         1899    11-29-1932      Sursa
Pigg, Wm. T.            1866    4-29-1942       Pleasant Grove
Pilson, Hudson          1898    11-25-1938      Opdyke
Pilson, Sue E.          1941    5-8-1945        Oakwood
Pilson, Thomas D.       1919    6-10-1946       Hams Grove
Piper, Austin E.        1880    9-30-1881       No Mention
Piper, Bell             1872    1-16-1878       S. Hickory Hill
Piper, Elizabeth        1832    1880            Hickory Hill
Piper, Frances A.       1875    5-5-1949        Oakwood
Piper, James R.         1868    6-4-1943        W. Salem
Piper, Mary A.          1857    5-24-1931       W. Salem
Piper, Thomas           1840    8-18-           W. Salem    1877-1919
Pitchford, Herbert      1902    12-26-1912      Abner
Pitchford, John Inf.    1902    10-11-1902      Immanuel Chapel
Pitchford, Samuel B.    1868    3-5-1910        Old Baptist
Pitman, Finley          1886    12-14-1949      Dryden
Pitman, Jackie L. Inf.  1947    2-20-1947       Bethel
Pitman, Joseph H. Inf.  1922    6-26-1922       Dryden
Pitman, Thomas          1853    6-23-1889       No Mention
Pitman, Wm.             1813    3-8-1879        S. Hickory Hill
Pittman, Ed             1891    12-14-1943      Oakwood
Pittman, Nina J. Inf.   1934    8-26-1934       S. Hickory Hill
Pletzkow, Claus H.      1854    5-15-1935       Woodlawn
Plummer, Gerttie        1867    1-2-1891        Opdyke
Plummer, Grace          1864    11-5-1924       Oakwood
Plummer, Inf. D.        1879    7-22-1879       Opdyke
Plummer, Martha E.      1841    2-10-1924       Oakwood
Plump, Emma L. Inf.     1929    7-31-1929       Oakwood
Polem, Donald T. Inf.   1910    6-26-1910       Opdyke
Polen, Calvin W.        1834    4-18-1923       Opdyke
Polen, Olive            1844    4-2-1921        Opdyke
Polk, Emily J.          1842    12-21-1933      W. Salem
Pollock, Caroline M.    1830    12-18-1907      Old Union
Pollock, James L.       1858    12-26-1937      Old Union
Polon, Lawrence A. Inf. 1906    8-29-1906       Opdyke
Poole, Addie            1879    4-11-1932       W. Salem
Poole, Chas. R.         1854    3-1-1939        Oakwood
Poole, Clara            1872    2-10-1923       W. Salem
Poole, Eva M. Inf.      1942    2-18-1942       Harmony
Poole, Hattie           1870    9-25-1946       Oakwood
Poole, Inf. D.          1941    11-1-1941       Harmony
Poole, Mary A.          1848    1922            W. Salem
Poou, Azilla            1912    6-12-1925       Oakwood
Pope, Inf. D.           1927    10-7-1927       Pace
Porkorney, Martin C.    1875    3-11-1937       Dryden
Porter, Bertha          1872    1-23-1923       Gilead
Porter, Charlotte       1904    4-22-1946       Bethel
Porter, Elizabeth H.    1840    8-29-1889       Gilead
Porter, Fred            1881    7-1-1925        Oakwood
Porter, Inf.            1924    12-6-1924       Hopewell
Porter, Inf.            1928    5-15-1928       Opdyke
Porter, James           1851    1918            Knob Prairie
Porter, Joyce J. Inf.   1934    8-20-1934       Opdyke
Porter, Leonard         1918    6-8-1932        Gilead
Porter, Lucretta        1862    2-10-1911       Smith
Porter, Margaret        1877    8-4-1924        Oakwood
Porter, Robert          1907    10-31-1939      Bethel
Porter, Sarah C.        1855    2-11-1941       Bethel
Porter, Wm.             1830    1-7-1909        New Hope (PE)
Posten, Edmund L.       1877    10-19-1905      Pleasant Grove
Posten, Janathan H.     1846    2-26-1902       SG-Twp
Poston, C. M.           1930    10-4-1931       Hickory Hill
Poston, Chas. M.        1871    11-23-1939      Jearrels (SG)
Poston, Elvira          1857    2-2-1933        Pleasant Hill
Poston, Inf. D.         1926    6-9-1926        E. Hickory Hill
Poston, John W.         1866    3-8-1939        Locust Grove
Poston, Lawrence J.     1902    12-1-1943       Oakwood
Poston, Robert          1902    5-21-1903       Gaston
Potter, Charlie         1877    9-23-1878       Pleasant Grove
Potter, Daniel L.       1875    6-16-1940       Wells Chapel
Potter, Maggie          1867    4-28-1903       Gilead
Potter, Thomas L.       1859    1933            No Mention
Potter, Violet F.       1849    10-21-1930      Union Chapel
Potts, Chas. L.         1901    1-4-1933        Oakwood
Povilious, Toney        1893    8-1-1913        No Mention
Powell, Inf. D.         1929    11-1-1929       Kirk
Powell, Larry E. Inf.   1942    12-30-1942      Black
Powell, Willie          1887    1916            Old Union
Powell, Wm. H.          1889    1-17-1947       Black
Powers, James L.        1923    9-1-1924        Oakwood
Prather, Ann            1866    4-3-1934        Pleasant Grove
Pratt, Terresa J.       1837    12-31-1915      No Mention
Presley, Geo. W.        1878    9-2-1941        Oakwood
Presley, Inf. S.        1942    8-14-1942       Kirk
Presley, Rose M. Inf.   1945    5-13-1945       Kirk
Price, C. P.            1864    6-13-1944       Oakwood
Price, Flora B.         1861    10-16-1922      Union Chapel
Price, John             186     7-19-1883       FA-Twp
Price, John             1867    3-16-1927       Oakwood
Price, Julia A.         1877    7-5-1943        Panther Fork
Price, Katherine        1852    1919            Oakwood
Prince, Geo. W.         1848    5-19-1935       Harmony
Prince, Lilly           1874    10-15-1879      Woodlawn
Prinnell, Inf. D.       1940    3-9-1940        Private
Prinnell, James M.      1855    10-12-1939      Pleasant Grove
Prinnell, Norman L. Inf.1935    12-28-1935      New Shiloh
Prinnell, Rebecca       1864    10-16-1937      Pleasant Grove
Procter, Dustman        1900    9-16-1902       Lowery Hill
Propes, Susan           1847    12-13-1934      Wells Chapel
Propes, Sylvanus        1840    12-26-1910      Hickory Hill
Prowell, Sarah H.       1872    7-19-1949       Oakwood
Pruett, Walton B.       1882    6-22-1945       Bethel
Puckett, Annie C.       1890    1918            E. Hickory Hill
Puckett, Evangeline     1925    9-2-1926        S. Hickory Hill
Puckett, Franklin N.    1816    3-28-1881       Smith
Puckett, Joseph P.      1904    2-10-1938       Cub Prairie
Puckett, Lela A.        1897    7-5-1948        Oakwood
Puckett, Omar           1903    7-6-1948        Hams Grove
Puckett, Viola          1878    12-5-1902       Kirk
Puckett, Wm. P.         1896    3-20-1926       Hams Grove
Pugh, Robert L. Inf.    1949    11-16-1949      Pleasant Hill
Pullem, Addie           1863    11-13-1880      Hickory Hill
Pulliam, Mildred G.     1882    10-5-1945       Clark (WE)
Purce, Johnnie Jr. Inf. 1935    4-5-1935        Wells Chapel
Purcell, Clean K.       1908    6-18-1909       Pleasant Hill
Purcell, D.             1921    4-29-1925       Harmony
Purcell, Floyd E. Inf.  1926    2-28-1926       Harmony
Purcell, J. M.          1853    1-16-1933       Harmony

Quenn, Mary             1870    3-29-1934       Oakwood
Quick, Eliza            1864    4-8-1886        Jordan Chapel
Quinn, Dally            1887    1917            Hickory Hill
Quinn, Effie R.         1901    2-11-1902       S. Hickory Hill
Quinn, Eliza            1961    2-1-1936        Kirk
Quinn, Harriett         1853    3-21-1878       Hickory Hill
Quinn, Harriett C.      1854    9-15-1954       Mt. Zion
Quinn, Hunie E.         1877    12-12-1879      Mt. Zion
Quinn, Martha E.        1864    4-1-1937        Bald Hill
Quinn, Wash             1813    9-1-1903        S. Hickory Hill

Rachels, Valentine      1884    4-17-1937       Hope (SG)
Rackaway, Inf. S.       1921    3-24-1921       Oakwood
Radak, Antone           1898    1916            St. Barbara
Radake, Mary            1893    11-25-1935      St. Barbara
Radake, Sally           1897    10-23-1941      St. Barbara
Radtaczyk, Richard Inf. 1932    9-24-1932       St. Barbara
Ragan, Allen S.         1863    7-9-1937        Old Union
Ragan, Carmalee Inf.    1934    9-30-1934       Sursa
Ragan, Emma D.          1916    10-27-1938      Woodlawn
Ragan, Inf. D.          1932    7-19-1932       W. Salem
Ragan, James C.         1859    2-27-1936       Pleasant Hill
Ragan, Rex E. L. Inf.   1911    10-10-1911      Old Union
Ragan, Samuel N.        1854    3-17-1926       Old Union
Railing, Bessie Inf.    1902    7-18-1902       Kirk
Rainey, Albert E.       1907    1945            No Mention
Rainey, Albert M. Jr.   1936    10-31-1936      Oakwood
Rainey, Beulah G.       1904    3-1-1909        Oakwood
Rainey, Chas. E.        1916    6-5-1922        Hickory Hill
Rainey, Inf. S.         1934    12-27-1934      B. O. Ridge
Rainey, Inf. S.         1942    7-30-1942       Oakwood
Rainey, Minnie Inf.     1905    8-15-1905       Blackoak Ridge
Rainey, Richard L. Inf. 1928    8-4-1928        Cub Prairie 
Rainey, Sarah E.        1844    5-21-1936       E. Hickory Hill
Rainey, Stella P.       1912    2-5-1915        Pace
Rainey, Wm. E. Inf.     1842    8-7-1842        St. Marys
Rains, Ruth             1907    11-24-1908      Locust Grove
Rainwater, Bessie Inf.  1914    6-15-1914       E. Hickory Hill
Rainwater, Donald L.    1947    10-12-1947      At Home
Rainy, Maud D.          1880    1-24-1902       Salem
Raley, Samuel L. Inf.   1947    5-21-1947       Kirk
Rall, Lurena            1842    1916            Oakwood
Ralston, James A.       1852    10-11-1933      Pleasant Grove
Ramseger, Inf. D.       1923    2-11-1923       Oakwood
Ramsey, Dorris L. Inf.  1932    5-3-1932        Arnold
Ramsey, Eugene          1938    8-31-1939       Arnold
Ramsey, Golrena M.      1936    9-1-1937        Arnold
Ramsey, Lulu            1886    5-25-1935       Arnold
Ramsey, Myrtle          1926    12-5-1930       Arnold
Ramsey, Wm. L.          1878    3-5-1949        Bethel
Randall, Mary           1901    12-22-1902      New Hope (PE)
Randall, Nancy A.       1868    10-23-1921      Oakwood
Randall, Thomas L.      1876    6-2-1878        Jef. Co.
Randall, Walter E.      1904    11-24-1905      Sugar Camp
Randolph, Inf. S.       1922    7-12-1922       Mt. Catherine
Randolph, John H.       1885    9-19-1932       Mt. Catherine
Randolph, Mathew        1832    1919            Antioch
Raney, Mabel K.         1906    4-22-1946       Cub Prairie 
Raney, Myrtle M. Inf.   1892    2-2-1892        Salem
Raney, Thomas D.        1830    12-4-1904       Hickory Hill
Rankin, Edward O.       1870    3-23-1948       Oakwood
Rankin, James C.        1857    8-2-1889        Hopewell
Ranmar, Elizabeth A.    1945    5-31-1945       Oakwood
Ranmar, Inf. S.         1925    3-21-1925       Hickory Hill
Rantz, John             1849    8-13-1902       Old Union
Rapp, Celesta C.        1907    6-28-1930       W. Salem
Rapp, Eliza O.          1868    11-22-1948      Pleasant Hill
Rapp, Laura F.          1872    11-15-1938      Mt. Zion (FA)
Rash, Amos E. Inf.      1926    9-6-1926        Oakwood
Rash, Harvey O.         1896    4-17-1946       St. Marys
Rash, Lois M.           1924    11-12-1927      Oakwood
Rash, Robert            1927    7-16-1929       Oakwood
Rash, Wm.               1850    12-21-1879      Marlow
Ratajczajk, Anna Inf.   1912    8-4-1912        St. Barbara
Ratajczk, Inf. D.       1842    5-3-1842        St. Barbara
Ratajezyk, Chas. Jr.    1936    3-9-1936        St. Barbara
Ratliff, Chas. A.       1850    3-12-1929       Hopewell
Ratliff, Christiana     1865    1-24-1937       Hopewell
Ratliff, Martha         1833    4-15-1880       Pleasant Grove
Ratliff, Mary A.        1857    7-5-1940        Hopewell
Ratojzyk, Mary A.       1840    2-27-1930       St. Barbara
Ratts, John H.          1858    8-21-1934       Gilead
Raum, August            1845    10-20-1909      Little Grove
Raum, Crostinna         1837    3-13-1903       Little Grove
Rayner, Richard         1856    6-2-1910        Hopewell
Read, Nellie M.         1873    1-31-1942       Oakwood
Reagin, Veata Inf.      1902    8-25-1902       Old Union
Reamy, Inf.             1905    6-29-1905       No Mention
Rector, Inf. D.         1935    8-29-1935       E. Salem
Rector, Joyce D. Inf.   1935    9-22-1935       E. Salem
Rector, Lavanna I.      1930    3-20-1935       E. Salem
Rector, Leonard Jr. Inf.1941    12-8-1941       E. Salem
Redburn, Louis          1874    12-28-1909      Mt. Zion (FA)
Redburn, Lucretia       1858    1880            Mt. Zion
Redburn, Mary J.        1850    9-10-1879       Woodlawn
Redburn, May Inf.       1907    1-15-1907       Oakdale
Redburn, Samuel M.      1872    7-11-1930       E. Hickory Hill
Redburn, Thomas A.      1842    12-16-1931      E. Hickory Hill
Reddelien, Anna M.      1845    4-11-1932       Mt. Catherine
Reddix, Dana R.         1901    2-1-1920        Blackoak Ridge
Reddix, Lulu            1882    2-21-1920       Blackoak Ridge
Reddix, Martha          1858    2-15-1911       Blackoak Ridge 
Redman, Alvin E. Inf.   1904    2-23-1904       Oakwood
Redman, Dovie E.        1869    11-24-1942      Oakwood
Redmon, Melinda         1856    9-21-1878       Jef. Co.
Rednour, Mary           1862    5-28-1937       Old Shiloh
Redtor, Alvis C.        1901    10-2-1924       Chapel
Reece, Dalby Inf.       1903    3-7-1903        W. Salem
Reece, Hiram            1893    9-29-1902       Salem
Reece, James H.         1843    8-14-1918       W. Salem
Reece, Wm. C.           1866    9-16-1941       W. Salem
Reed, Albert            1916    6-14-1940       County Farm
Reed, Channie           1850    11-29-1930      Oakwood
Reed, Daisy M. Inf.     1928    4-4-1928        Bald Hill Twp.
Reed, Delbert L.        1893    1-13-1930       Union Chapel
Reed, James E. G.       1891    7-27-1934       Woodlawn
Reed, John              1847    9-5-1905        Old Union
Reed, Linda Inf.        1928    2-12-1928       Abner
Reed, Mary M.           1950    1932            No Mention
Reed, Ora               1884    3-6-1907        S. Hickory Hill
Reed, Salom             1857    6-4-1935        Unknown
Reeker, F. W.           1860    2-1-1941        Oakwood
Rees, Bertrice M. Inf.  1925    4-2-1925        Abner
Reeves, Byford Inf.     1903    6-20-1903       Baptist
Reeves, Henry           1852    4-31-1910       Boyd
Reeves, Mary            1842    4-13-1921       Boyd
Reik, Victor            1885    10-14-1915      No Mention
Reininger, Edward G.    1876    5-26-1947       Oakwood
Reininger, Lavina       1886    4-2-1924        Cub Prairie 
Reininger, Mary         1876    2-18-1944       W. Salem
Reininger, Winnie M.    1882    12-11-1949      Sursa
Reinlein, Inf.          1927    12-21-1927      Old Union
Reinlein, Inf. D.       1927    4-22-1927       Old Union
Reinlein, Luella M.     1936    2-2-1937        Oakwood
Reratt, Marain          1849    3-3-1924        County Farm
Reynolds, Blanche       1885    8-19-1941       Knob Prairie
Reynolds, General W.    1865    11-13-1949      Abner
Reynolds, Harriet       1842    12-17-1880      Reynolds
Reynolds, Hollie        1858    10-11-1881      Reynolds
Reynolds, Inf. S.       1877    12-9-1877       Woodlawn
Reynolds, Inf. S.       1938    3-25-1938       Old Union
Reynolds, Jackson       1865    3-14-1947       Black
Reynolds, James         1822    11-22-1904      Hopewell
Reynolds, Josephine     1842    4-26-1878       RO-Twp.
Reynolds, Linda Inf.    1949    5-12-1949       Abner
Reynolds, Maude         1883    12-16-1945      Kirk
Reynolds, Norma J. Inf. 1934    1-19-1934       Old Union
Reynolds, Perry G.      1869    5-9-1878        Reynolds
Reynolds, Ray A. Inf.   1928    11-21-1928      Knob Prairie
Reynolds, Sada          1866    9-12-1881       Reynolds
Reynolds, Sarah A.      1859    4-2-1878        Reynolds
Reynolds, Willis W.     1862    9-18-1878       Hickory Hill
Rhoads, Edward E. Inf.  1926    6-18-1926       St. Marys
Rhodes, Chas.           1898    4-26-1938       County Farm
Rhodes, Nancy           1826    3-16-1881       RO-Twp.
Rhodes, Sarah           1863    4-6-1881        Kirk
Rhody, Samuel           1829    12-3-1879       No Mention
Rice, Alex.             1850    8-1-1940        Antioch
Rice, Altress           1911    11-21-1924      Pace
Rice, Dandra E. Inf.    1941    8-10-1941       Oakwood
Rice, Inf. D.           1936    9-20-1936       Pace
Rice, Sylvester         1856    4-21-1886       Mt. Zion (FA)
Rice, Wm.               1817    9-7-1879        RO-Twp.
Rich, Inf. S.           1926    7-3-1926        Oakwood
Richards, Amandy M.     1837    1916            Union Chapel
Richards, Gabe          1855    12-25-1928      Oakwood
Richards, Grandley L.   1859    5-13-1940       Atkinson
Richards, Inf. D.       1933    5-29-1933       Arnold
Richards, John H.       1884    9-3-1948        Atkinson
Richards, Keziah        1850    4-16-1880       Williams
Richards, Richard A.    1857    4-27-1936       Oakwood
Richardson,             Age     36              WE-Twp.
Richardson, Alice M.    1869    11-2-1942       Opdyke
Richardson, Austin      1858    4-24-1908       Oakwood
Richardson, Beatrice I. 1888    2-11-1946       Flint
Richardson, Dilla       1879    1880            No Mention
Richardson, Flora N.    1913    7-28-1945       Oakwood
Richardson, Geo. C.     1911    8-7-1911        Opdyke
Richardson, J. S.       1857    11-3-1921       Flint
Richardson, Wm.         1828    1-27-1909       Flint
Richeson, Augusta M.    1880    10-17-1880      Mt. Olive
Richeson, Orpha E.      1888    1-18-1913       Gilead
Richie, Gaylor          1916    10-18-1932      Oakwood
Ricker, Francis J.      1875    4-18-1910       Panther Fork
Rickfelder, Dortha      1920    12-10-1921      Hopewell
Riddle, Inf.            1910    4-1-1910        Woodlawn
Riddle, James C.        1873    7-29-1940       Mt. Zion (BL)
Riddle, L. Inf.         1918    1918            Mt. Catherine
Riddle, Mary            1880    8-18-1881       New Hope (PE)
Ridgway, Wm. H.         1853    1-11-1933       Oakwood
Riggin, Harriet L.      1851    12-4-1921       Oakwood
Riggin, Wm. H.          1845    6-19-1923       Oakwood
Riggleman, Chas. W.     1867    4-23-1939       Reynolds
Riggs, Catherine        1828    1918            Simmons
Riggs, Clisby B.        1902    1-12-1921       Hams Grove
Riggs, Eva V.           1869    1917            Hams Grove
Riggs, Jesse E.         1830    3-29-1889       No Mention
Riggs, Joseph B.        1867    12-11-1943      Hams Grove
Riggs, Mary F.          1855    6-5-1909        Hams Grove
Riggs, Thomas           1881    8-10-1884       No Mention
Rightnowar, Adam D.     1866    7-25-1940       Mt. Zion (BL)
Rightnowar, Francis M.  1850    1917            Rightnowar
Rightnowar, Geo. W.     1859    9-15-1924       Oakwood
Rightnowar, Hannah      1834    12-14-1877      No Mention
Rightnowar, Hattie M.   1886    1-9-1905        Rightnowar
Rightnowar, John        1864    1916            Rightnowar
Rightnowar, John H.     1840    12-10-1906      Rightnowar
Rightnowar, Thomas      1850    9-17-1882       No Mention
Riley, Abram            1881    6-26-1947       Oakwood
Riley, Ann              1825    1-1-1906        Pleasant Hill
Riley, Chas. W. Inf.    1912    2-19-1912       Pleasant Grove
Riley, Harry M.         1899    10-27-1949      Oakwood
Riley, Homer O. Inf.    1922    4-21-1922       Pleasant Hill
Riley, James            1840    2-6-1926        Oakwood
Riley, James G.         1920    2-5-1921        No Mention
Riley, John H.          1899    1-4-1904        Sursa
Riley, Letta            1917    1918            Oakwood
Riley, Mary J. Inf.     1937    12-15-1937      Pleasant Hill
Riley, Retha E.         1858    10-2-1936       Pleasant Hill
Riley, Tennessee        1861    11-26-1940      Oakwood
Riling, Joseph          1860    10-2-1945       W. Salem
Riling, Minnie S.       1870    3-19-1942       W. Salem
Rine, Mary F.           1855    8-12-1932       Hopewell
Rine, Wilber H.         1858    2-19-1887       Hopewell
Ripplinger, Michael     1851    6-18-1937       St. Marys
Ripplinger, Thresia     1856    2-7-1940        St. Marys
Risley, Chas. O.        1896    8-2-1902        Sugar Camp
Risley, Eva E.          1924    1-10-1944       Kirk
Risley, Margaret        1872    10-17-1879      MP-Twp.
Ritchey, Courtney       1842    7-24-1908       E. Hickory Hill
Ritchie, John W.        1882    5-9-1943        E. Hickory Hill
Ritter, Louis           1867    4-20-1937       Oakwood
Roach, Eulah            1882    9-10-1930       Oakwood
Roach, Inf. S.          1943    10-3-1943       Oakwood
Roach, Judson N.        1883    3-20-1907       Opdyke
Roach, Ross E. Inf.     1937    3-12-1937       Oakwood
Roark, Elan R.          1910    1-30-1911       Dryden
Roark, Lena M.          1910    1-17-1911       Dryden
Roberson, Catherine     1846    4-9-1903        Abner
Roberson, Dora E.       1878    11-28-1889      No Mention
Roberson, Dwight L.     1922    7-23-1922       Abner
Roberson, Ella F.       1926    7-2-1927        Abner
Roberson, Franklin J.   1918    1918            E. Salem
Roberson, Margaret E.   1860    3-6-1935        Abner
Roberson, Martha        1831    1918            S. Hickory Hill
Roberson, Robert L.     1904    8-31-1943       Abner
Roberson, Susia E.      1915    11-7-1916       Oakwood
Roberts, Evelyn Inf.    1907    7-2-1907        Oakwood
Roberts, Inf. S.        1917    1917            Pace
Roberts, Inf. S.        1934    8-18-1934       Knob Prairie
Roberts, James M.       1862    7-15-1937       S. Hickory Hill
Roberts, John Inf.      1882    1882            No Mention
Roberts, Rebecca        1844    1919            Laird
Roberts, Thomas         1842    3-18-1878       RO-Twp.
Roberts, Wayman A.      1913    3-30-1937       S. Hickory Hill
Roberts, Wayman A. Inf. 1937    4-7-1937        S. Hickory Hill
Robertson, Clare P.             1916            Oakwood
Robertson, Inf. S.      1929    4-28-1929       E. Hickory Hill
Robertson, John M.      1862    10-18-1938      Opdyke
Robertson, Louisa E.    1866    8-27-1945       Flint
Robinette, Hue A.       1855    7-25-1880       Ebenezer
Robins, Martha A.       1825    11-7-1905       Oakwood
Robins, Mary E.         1887    11-20-1902      Abner
Robinson, Andrew        1839    6-1-1926        Slade
Robinson, Anna          1883    5-2-1910        Slade
Robinson, Benj. F.      1865    10-15-1923      Knob Prairie
Robinson, Carrie O.Inf. 1904    1-3-1904        Cub Prairie 
Robinson, Catherine Inf.1903    5-24-1903       Abner
Robinson, Donald L.     1933    10-24-1934      Oakwood
Robinson, Dorothy Inf.  1912    7-5-1912        E. Hickory Hill
Robinson, Elizabeth     1841    3-17-1931       Pleasant Grove
Robinson, Emiline       1855    5-9-1931        Kirk
Robinson, Francis N.    1862    7-5-1933        Oakwood
Robinson, Glen          1905    10-13-1906      Flint
Robinson, Grace         1890    9-18-1926       Pace
Robinson, Inf.          1909    8-8-1909        W. Salem
Robinson, Inf. D.       1930    11-20-1930      Flint
Robinson, Inf. S.       1921    3-29-1921       W. Salem
Robinson, Inf. S.       1925    7-28-1925       Slade
Robinson, Inf. S.       1932    8-5-1932        W. Salem
Robinson, James         1849    4-20-1904       Old Union
Robinson, James         1879    1-7-1947        Bethel
Robinson, John A.       1874    6-3-1925        Slade
Robinson, John C.       1856    12-5-1938       Old Shiloh
Robinson, Lourain       1847    6-18-1927       Oakwood
Robinson, Lourena       1901    3-23-1903       Old Union
Robinson, Mary          1844    2-17-1905       Slade
Robinson, Mary L.       1919    2-23-1925       Woodlawn
Robinson, Nellie        1878    10-8-1879       Opdyke
Robinson, Pearl         1902    6-20-1922       Slade
Robinson, Quanta R.     1912    1919            Oakwood
Robinson, Ralph E.      1913    7-31-1930       Woodlawn
Robinson, Recil L. Inf. 1931    11-19-1931      Woodlawn
Robinson, Robert M. Inf.1936    10-15-1936      Mt. Olive
Robinson, Samuel L.     1969    8-19-1921       Slade
Robinson, Stella        1885    5-28-1902       No Mention
Robinson, Theodocia     1850    10-28-1932      Oakwood
Robinson, Thomas S.     1876    8-28-1943       W. Salem
Robinson, Wm. F.        1920    11-15-1922      Abner
Rodak, Gene             1906    11-13-1926      St. Barbara
Rodatz, Augusta         1872    11-24-1928      Woodlawn
Rodatz, Howard          1918    1919            Woodlawn
Rodatz, Julius R.       1893    2-20-1941       Woodlawn
Rodatz, Shiela K. Inf.  1949    5-29-1949       Woodlawn
Rodeston, Mrs. James    1852    9-26-1904       Pleasant Grove
Rodman, Geo. A.         1866    1-28-1940       Old Shiloh
Roeder, August          1860    11-11-1928      Oakwood
Roeder, Chas. M. Inf.   1917    1917            Pace
Roeder, Edgar T. Inf.   1914    6-1-1914        Oakwood
Roeder, Martha C.       1865    1-27-1940       Oakwood
Rogers, Adaline T.      1867    5-19-1934       Horse Prairie
Rogers, Addie M.        1884    8-28-1902       Cub Prairie 
Rogers, Alice W.        1862    12-7-1936       W. Salem
Rogers, Bobb L. Inf.    1927    9-6-1927        Kirk
Rogers, Cecil           1892    1916            Pace
Rogers, Chas.           1836    2-10-1902       Oakwood
Rogers, Donald I. Inf.  1930    8-26-1930       Kirk
Rogers, Emma            1884    11-21-1932      E. Hickory Hill
Rogers, Harvey          186     11-13-1880      No Mention
Rogers, Hazel L. Inf.   1944    12-3-1944       Oakwood
Rogers, Inf.            1908    7-24-1908       Bethel
Rogers, Isabelle C.     1860    1-26-1942       Cub Prairie 
Rogers, Jefferson L.    1888    2-9-1937        Cub Prairie 
Rogers, John L.         1869    4-17-1926       Cub Prairie 
Rogers, Joseph L.       1838    5-27-1921       Cub Prairie 
Rogers, Laura           1867    11-28-1905      Old Union
Rogers, Leatha S.       1867    6-12-1937       Oakwood
Rogers, Letha A. Inf.   1902    5-18-1902       Hickory Hill
Rogers, Lucinda H.      1861    10-10-1941      Woodlawn
Rogers, Mary E.         1859    1-20-1937       W. Salem
Rogers, Mary J.         1845    11-8-1928       Oakwood
Rogers, Ray M.          1888    1916            Pace
Rogers, Ronnie G. Inf.  1949    7-26-1949       Oakwood
Rogers, Sarah           1847    2-2-1902        Oakwood
Rogers, Stella Inf.     1909    7-11-1909       Little Grove
Rogers, Thomas          1863    4-3-1939        Bethel
Rogers, Wiley           1901    1918            Pace
Rohrer, John            1819    12-5-1885       Arnold
Rollings, Louis         1902    6-26-1933       Oakwood
Rollinson, Haskel       1913    1916            Union Chapel
Rollinson, Inf. S.      1881    9-1-1881        Christian FI-Twp.
Rollinson, Pauline S.   1908    6-21-1927       Harmony
Rollinson, Robert A.    1862    3-25-1904       Antioch
Rollison, John R.       1857    5-7-1941        Antioch
Roney, Francis A.       1870    5-27-1941       Hams Grove
Roney, Mary E.          1873    4-30-1941       Medders
Rooney, Laura           1895    9-29-1904       Atkinson
Rooney, Laura J.        1842    1-6-1910        Arnold
Roper, Margareta Inf.   1930    3-18-1930       Gilead
Roper, Mary L.          1866    7-18-1938       Old Shiloh
Rose, Erline R.         1901    7-24-1902       Oakwood
Rose, Geo. W.           1851    9-21-1924       Oakwood
Rose, Inf. S.           1922    1-9-1922        St. Marys
Rose, James E.          1881    3-3-1942        Oakwood
Rose, John W.           1877    6-13-1924       Oakwood
Rosenberger, Howard C.  1934    6-22-1942       Little Grove
Rosenberger, Larado     1878    1-17-1909       Rightnowar
Rosenberger, Lydia      1870    2-26-1949       Antioch
Rosenberger, Mary J.    1849    10-19-1934      Woodlawn
Rosetta, Stella         1895    2-20-1903       Little Grove
Ross, Isom              1862    11-29-1932      W. Salem
Ross, Marjorie A. Inf.  1934    2-26-1934       Oakwood
Ross, Mary S.           1868    1918            Lowery Hill
Ross, Orbella           1902    1919            Lowery Hill
Ross, Paul Inf.         1908    5-4-1908        Lowery Hill
Ross, Robert L.         1899    9-12-1903       Oakwood
Ross, Samuel G.         1855    1918            Lowery Hill
Roswell, Mayie          1877    2-11-1903       Oakwood
Rote, Alvey             1902    5-17-1903       Mt. Vernon
Rote, Inf. S.           1942    5-21-1942       Oakwood
Rotramel, David O.      1854    11-8-1925       Flint
Rotramel, Edward N.     1857    8-5-1902        Sugar Camp
Rough, Walter           1830    3-5-1907        Hopewell
Rough, Walter E.        1876    5-2-1949        Hopewell
Rowe, Blanche Inf.      1878    9-3-1878        PE-Twp.
Rowe, James E.          1882    12-4-1937       Horse Prairie
Rowe, Patricia J. Inf.  1932    7-10-1932       Old Baptist
Ruble, Vance            1899    9-5-1902        Little Grove
Rudolph, Marcus A.      1843    1916            New Hope
Rues, P. J.             1837    8-13-1912       No Mention
Ruffner, Inf. D.        1926    4-12-1926       Oakwood
Rummel, Virginia        1907    8-10-1925       Oakwood
Runnels, Dewey          1902    1918            Kirk
Runnels, Garry L. Inf.  1947    6-18-1947       St. Marys
Runnels, Thomas         1866    12-18-1904      Osborn
Rupard, Nellie          1855    1930            No Mention
Rush, Ada L. Inf.       1945    8-24-1945       Oakwood
Rush, Geo. M.           1866    11-28-1931      Pleasant Hill
Rush, Inf. S.           1930    6-10-1930       Oakwood
Rush, James A. Inf.     1936    9-11-1936       Oakwood
Rush, Nellie            1878    9-1-1937        Oakwood
Rush, Raymond D.        1912    4-15-1939       Oakwood
Rushing, Lucy M.        1870    11-14-1934      Knob Prairie
Rushing, Zilla          1899    1917            Knob Prairie
Russell, Abraham        1814    6-1-1912        Old Union
Russell, Anna           1843    2-23-1910       Blackoak Ridge
Russell, Carl D.        1933    3-18-1936       Wells Chapel
Russell, Inf.           1902    7-2-1902        Sursa
Russell, Inf.           1911    9-25-1911       Hopewell
Russell, Inf.           1913    6-18-1913       At Home
Russell, Lillian        1915    1916            E. Salem
Russell, Lizzie         1878    7-7-1902        Pleasant Hill
Russell, Mary A.        1862    1-12-1942       Wells Chapel
Russell, Mary L.        1851    12-11-1914      Bluford
Russell, Nina B. Inf.   1927    11-1-1927       Hopewell
Russell, Settie         1870    3-29-1947       Atkinson
Russell, Wm.            1831    5-3-1909        Blackoak Ridge
Rutherford, Adam        1874    11-16-1946      Woodlawn
Rutherford, Jerry L.    1945    9-11-1946       Oakwood
Rutherford, Martha E.   1844    11-21-1907      Old Union
Salsgiver, Martha A.    1864    8-28-1946       W. Salem
Sammons, Cecil          1900    1918            Atkinson
Sammons, David H. Inf.  1923    9-22-1923       Atkinson
Sammons, Harold T.      1912    1916            Union Chapel
Sammons, Jennie         1867    11-13-1930      Pleasant Grove
Sammons, John R.        1854    10-26-1925      Atkinson
Sammons, Mildred        1917    1-19-1943       Oakwood
Sammons, Nannie B.      1877    2-8-1907        Atkinson
Sammons, Robert L.      1873    9-8-1932        Atkinson
Sammons, Sarah          1836    3-22            Atkinson
Sammons, Thom           1891    6-9-1949        Union Chapel
Samons, Cora L.         1866    5-30-1942       Oakwood
Samons, James E.        1860    12-26-1939      Oakwood
Sampson, Inf. S.        1925    11-20-1925      Harmony
Sampson, John M. Inf.   1927    3-21-1927       Oakwood
Sampson, Samuel Jr. Inf.1927    3-10-1927       Oakwood
Sanamcey, Inf.          1903    4-29-1904       No Mention
Sanders, Bobby L. Inf.  1929    7-11-1929       W. Salem
Sanders, Elba           1845    3-12-1912       Belle Rive
Sanders, Elizabeth      1836    1917            Little Grove
Sanders, Floyd E. Inf.  1947    2-10-1947       Boyd
Sanders, Gertrude       1888    5-20-1934       Oakwood
Sanders, Grace D. Inf.  1920    10-19-1920      Little Grove
Sanders, Homer Inf.     1903    1-17-1903       Little Grove
Sanders, Howard E.      1910    1917            Oakwood
Sanders, Inez           1911    4-9-1934        Little Grove
Sanders, Inf.           1917    1917            Boyd
Sanders, John           1834    6-18-1911       Little Grove
Sanders, John M.        1857    9-22-1921       Little Grove
Sanders, Larry L.       1893    6-18-1931       Little Grove
Sanders, Margarete      1920    1-12-1922       Little Grove
Sanders, Martha         1803    6-13-1884       No Mention
Sanders, Mary           1885    10-14-1902      Little Grove
Sanders, Mary           1834    7-26-1903       Little Grove
Sanders, Mattie M.      1888    4-14-1910       Boyd
Sanders, Rebecca A.     1864    4-21-1945       Little Grove
Sanders, Sarah V.       1861    1-9-1938        Little Grove
Sapp, John E.           1868    4-19-1933       Belle Prairie Jef. Co.
Sargent, Geo.           1859    3-8-1946        Pleasant Grove
Sargent, Nancy          1864    4-5-1903        Pleasant Hill
Sartin, James R.        1933    3-14-1934       W. Salem
Sattacass,              1858    2-3-1905        Opdyke
Satterfield, Harriet            1839            No Mention
Satterfield, James E.   1869    1-21-1933       Little Grove
Satterfield, Laura L.   1849    9-7-1944        Old Union
Satterfield, Nervete    1828    4-19-1879       Pleasant Grove
Satterfield, Robert P.  1920    8-30-1922       Little Grove
Sattgast, Sarah C.      1871    4-17-1925       E. Hickory Hill
Saul, Walter            1869    12-12-1936      E. Hickory Hill
Sauthers, Virginia      1829    12-22-1902      County Farm
Savage, Emma J.         1852    6-28-1912       Oakwood
Savage, Marvin L. Inf.  1944    6-2-1944        W. Salem
Sawyer, Emma            1876    10-1-1903       Baptist
Sawyer, Henry L.        1898    8-2-1936        Oakwood
Sawyer, Inf. S.         1931    11-16-1931      Mt. Catherine
Sawyer, Lola            1897    3-9-1934        Woodlawn
Sawyer, M. C.           1857    4-16-1926       Little Grove
Sawyer, Nora            1875    4-15-1934       Simmons
Sawyer, Robert W.       1920    3-2-1921        Woodlawn
Sawyer, Vern L.         1915    7-31-1935       Cub Prairie
Sawyers, Mary           1870    8-29-1915       Simmons
Schaeffer, Amanda F.    1873    7-16-1949       Union Chapel
Schaffner, Ruby M. Inf. 1934    8-14-1934       County Farm
Schiel, Inf. S.         1926    7-6-1926        Oakwood
Schindler, Martin       1868    5-29-1927       Woodlawn
Schisler, Carrie        1856    5-9-1910        Oakwood
Schisler, John          1843    11-23-1926      Oakwood
Schlosser, Francis O.   1860    7-21-1930       Oakwood
Schlosser, Sarah        1861    11-8-1927       Oakwood
Schly, Ann M.           1832    10-12-1914      Lowery Hill
Schmidt, Chas. A. Inf.  1941    6-18-1941       Oakwood
Schmidt, Chas. P.       1839    2-7-1931        Woodlawn
Schmidt, Edward C.      1871    3-12-1934       Woodlawn
Schmidt, Henry          1855    1917            County Farm
Schmidt, Justina        1847    8-16-1933       Woodlawn
Schmitt, Franklin       1840    3-4-1920        Pleasant Grove
Schmitt, Sout C.        1843    1918            Oakwood
Schneider, Annie L. Inf.1917    1917            Pisgah
Schneider, Regnia       1841    12-12-1903      St. Barbara
Schnell, Mary M.        1902    2-20-1920       Oakwood
Schnodschmidt, John     1822    5-4-1885        Hams Grove
Schott, Elizabeth       1895    8-28-1939       Bethel
Schott, Harry           1874    8-16-1946       Oakwood
Schreck, Gloria J. Inf. 1942    9-29-1942       Oakwood
Schrum, Edward R.       1866    9-14-1942       Laird
Schrum, Inf. D.         1930    11-2-1930       Laird
Schrum, Inf. S.         1930    11-5-1930       Laird
Schuh, Arthur Sr.       1910    4-24-1949       Wolf Prairie
Schultz, Gustav         1849    1916            Woodlawn
Schuster, Herman        1854    3-21-1935       Bethel
Schwartz, Inf. S.       1926    8-24-1926       W. Salem
Schwenninger, Nathan    1861    12-14-1933      Hams Grove
Scoffi, Joe             1885    6-18-1920       Oakwood
Scott, Abraham T.       1844    4-8-1935        Pleasant Grove
Scott, Bulah M. Inf.    1903    10-3-1903       Oakdale
Scott, Delia            1842    1918            Williams
Scott, Eva C.           1866    12-15-1947      Oakwood
Scott, Guy E.           1877    11-7-1933       Etheridge
Scott, Hazel            1910    3-1-1914        Williams
Scott, Howard W. Inf.   1948    1-22-1948       Cub Prairie
Scott, Inf.             1910    5-27-1910       No Mention
Scott, Inf. S.          1920    6-15-1920       Oakwood
Scott, Inf. S.          1920    6-15-1920       Oakwood
Scott, James A.         1876    9-6-1948        Bethel
Scott, John             1888    11-28-1914      Marlow
Scott, Leona B.         1870    1-7-1941        Blackoak Ridge
Scott, Nancy L.         1850    10-25-1935      Pleasant Grove
Scott, Ramona J. Inf.   1949    4-4-1949        W. Salem
Scott, Serena F.        1847    2-18-1935       Blackoak Ridge 
Scott, Sherman          1865    4-30-1944       Blackoak Ridge
Scott, Wilma R.         1924    11-3-1935       Oakwood
Scrivner, Calvin L.     1858    12-25-1931      Opdyke 
Scrivner, John A.       1906    11-22-1908      Opdyke
Scrivner, Joseph W.     1852    1919            Opdyke
Scrivner, Leonard G.    1945    3-19-1945       Opdyke 
Scrivner, Mary A.       1867    11-16-1904      Opdyke
Scrivner, Mary E.       1881    2-2-1907        Flint
Scrivner, Ruby H.       1894    3-9-1947        Opdyke 
Scrivner, S. Inf.       1945    2-6-1945        Opdyke 
Scrivner, Sally M.      1863    7-28-1931       New Hope (PE)
Scrivner, Wesley        1851    1917            Opdyke
Scrutchfield, Eliza J.  1921    11-30-1924      Sursa
Searcy, Orickle L. Inf. 1902    9-2-1902        Opdyke
Sebra, Earl W. Inf.     1909    2-16-1909       Old Union
Sechrest, James S. Inf. 1922    10-28-1922      Hopewell
Sechrest, Maude M.      1887    10-12-1935      Pleasant Hill
Sechrest, Virgel G.     1911    3-8-1921        Pleasant Hill
Sechrest, Wm. G. Inf.   1925    10-17-1925      Hopewell
Secrets, Ramona M. Inf. 1929    2-20-1929       New Shiloh
Segwart, Henry          1875    9-3-1879        Gilbert
Self, Elnora            1903    9-30-1924       Antioch
Self, James W.          1870    2-11-1923       Antioch
Selfuth, Inf.           1914    6-14-1914       Oakwood
Sendleback, James       1861    8-26-1936       Pleasant Grove
Sendleback, Mary E.     1870    12-27-1934      Pleasant Grove
Sennett, Fieldon N.     1839    1879            Mt. Zion
Settle, Byford H.       1908    3-14-1923       Fitzgerrell
Settle, Doris           1930    7-30-1935       Kirk
Settle, Dorothy M.      1921    2-14-1923       Fitzgerrell
Settle, Oma O.          1889    3-2-1923        Fitzgerrell
Sevanson, Lorine M.     1927    1-31-1927       Abner
Severn, Armenta E.      1870    8-28-1927       Oakwood
Severns, Anna           1857    6-24-1924       Oakwood
Severs, Anna L.         1878    3-19-1880       No Mention
Seward, Margaret E.     1855    9-27-1933       Pleasant Grove
Sewell, Mary E.         1897    4-8-1906        Sugar Camp
Sexton, Lewis H.        1887    1-19-1923       Pace
Sexton, Loren M. Inf.   1920    10-3-1920       Pace
Sexton, Mary A.         1862    12-13-1886      Union
Sexton, Oren M. Inf.    1920    10-15-1920      Pace
Shacketton, Inf. D.     1931    10-19-1931      County Farm
Shaffer, Charlie E.     1873    1-19-1936       E. Salem
Shaffer, Inf. D.        1937    12-23-1937      Cub Prairie
Shanahan, Thomas P.     1869    7-8-1935        Oakwood
Shane, Albert           1878    4-13-1879       Woodlawn
Sharp, Amanda                   4-23-1922       Oakwood
Sharp, Delbert E. Inf.  1935    4-9-1935        Lowery (FA)
Sharp, Fonda Inf.       1934    2-7-1934        New Home
Sharp, John             1870    1917            Sursa
Sharp, Murel Inf.       1936    8-11-1936       Lowery (FA)
Sharp, Oscar I.         1939    3-13-1940       Lowery (FA)
Sharp, Pearl Inf.       1936    2-11-1936       Lowery (FA)
Sharp, Wanda Inf.       1934    2-5-1934        New Home
Shaw, Catherine A.      1844    7-6-1923        Oakwood
Shaw, Edwin C.          1875    5-8-1949        S. Hickory Hill
Shaw, Eva Inf.          1878    9-18-1878       Little Grove
Shaw, Frank B.          1929    2-27-1932       Oakwood
Shaw, Howard D.         1928    9-6-1936        Pleasant Hill
Shaw, Inf. S.           1941    4-22-1941       Oakwood
Shaw, Robert            1841    8-5-1906        Hickory Hill
Shehorn, A. R.          1882    9-21-1883       Hickory Hill
Shehorn, Adolphus L.    1911    1-24-1925       Oakwood
Shehorn, Inf. D.        1917    1917            On Farm
Shehorn, Manon          1856    6-13-1904       Fitzgerrell
Shehorn, Permelia       1859    3-7-1886        Hickory Hill
Sheldon, Alex.                  5-4-            Mt. Catherine
Sheldon, Belle V.       1875    2-23-1938       Fouts
Sheldon, Leroy          1886    11-14-1888      Oakwood
Sheldon, Thelma Inf.    1916    1916            Pisgah
Shell, Lou              1865    4-18-1910       Laird
Sheller, Julia E.       1865    10-9-1938       St. Barbara
Shelton, Abe W.         1893    1-10-1929       Kirk
Shelton, Albert S.      1853    11-1-1927       Oakwood
Shelton, David F.       1856    8-17-1935       Williams
Shelton, Earl H.        1907    9-19-1912       Boyd
Shelton, Ervin          1911    8-12-1912       Harmony
Shelton, Geo. B.        1834    12-24-1925      Hams Grove
Shelton, Harriet L. Inf.1933    9-11-1933       Mt. Olive
Shelton, Inf. S.        1884    1-18-1884       No Mention
Shelton, Inf. S.        1944    6-16-1944       Laird
Shelton, John Y.        1809    12-22-1879      No Mention
Shelton, Joseph W.      1855    4-2-1931        Oakwood
Shelton, Lizzie L.      1901    6-3-1936        Harmony
Shelton, Louis J.       1851    1917            Shiloh
Shelton, Louise C.      1871    9-21-1906       Harmony
Shelton, Malcolm Inf.   1906    6-22-1906       Blackoak Ridge
Shelton, Margaret J.    1861    11-15-1879      Pleasant Grove
Shelton, Marguiate N.   1857    3-28-1924       Oakwood
Shelton, Marion         1844    8-19-1844       Round Knowl
Shelton, Martha A.      1850    10-10-1921      Williams
Shelton, Mary           1837    2-24-1913       Atkinson
Shelton, Samjel         1839    11-27-1923      S. Hickory Hill
Shelton, W. M.          1842    5-27-1926       W. Salem
Shelton, Wm. I.         1866    1-6-1944        Williams
Shepherd, Wm.           1881    7-11-1908       Knob Prairie
Sheppard, Cyril D. Inf. 1931    3-31-1931       Gilead
Sherley, Frank          1879    5-24-1879       Sugar Camp
Sherley, Inf. S.        1878    7-8-1878        MP-Twp.
Sherley, Thomas J.      1858    3-29-1904       Oakwood
Sherman, Chas. M.       1834    1917            Williams
Sherman, Daniel Inf.    1881    4-25-1881       Williams
Sherman, Lytle L.       1877    12-12-1878      Williams
Shields, Almedia R.     1867    6-10-1943       W. Salem
Shields, Inf. B.        1946    8-16-1946       Oakdale
Shields, Inf. S.        1936    8-7-1936        New Home
Shields, Minnie B.      1872    8-6-1936        Pleasant Hill
Shields, Nancy          1829    2-27-1914       Oakdale
Shipley, Thomas         1870    9-19-1921       Bethel
Shipman, Thelma F.      1905    12-22-1905      Oakwood
Shirtz, Anna            1847    2-16-1921       Oakwood
Shoaff, Inf.            1940    8-31-1940       Oakwood
Shobe, Verladene Inf.   1943    1-8-1943        Oakwood
Shoemaker, Gorman T.    1893    10-12-1937      W. Salem
Shofer, Jacob           1844    7-20-1931       Union Chapel
Sholtz, Antone C.       1866    1917            Oakwood
Shores, John R.         1935    5-27-1936       Pleasant Grove
Shores, Lula F.         1881    8-27-1948       Oakwood
Short, Lassen           1860    9-17-1915       No Mention
Shreaves, Reuben        1897    9-17-1912       E. Hickory Hill
Shrum, Inf. S.          1920    1-11-1920       Laird
Shrum, Inf. S.          1923    6-9-1923        Laird
Shrum, Jacob            1846    1-21-1921       Laird
Shrum, Margaret A.      1848    1918            Laird
Shrum, Myrtle I.        1919    2-15-1936       Belle Rive
Shurley, Dica R.        1850    6-29-1902       W. Salem
Shurts, Andrew J.       1834    12-17-1903      Mt. Zion (BL)
Shurtz, Fredrick Inf.   1904    12-8-1904       Oakwood
Shurtz, James P.        1852    7-3-1932        Green
Shurtz, Pearine         1913    11-19-1915      Knob Prairie
Shurtz, Ray             1892    1917            Gilbert
Shurtz, Sarah S.        1853    9-10-1941       Green
Shurtz, Sidney P.       1892    8-27-1902       Green
Shurtz, Wm. R.          1866    5-26-1934       Knob Prairie
Sides, Josephine        1865    5-12-1940       Woodlawn
Sides, Nancy E.         1866    1-21-1930       Woodlawn
Sigmond, John           1862    7-17-1935       St. Marys
Sigmund, Henry          1823    5-16-1905       St. Marys
Sigwerth, Oneda B. Inf. 1925    9-17-1925       Mt. Zion (BL)
Sikorski, Geo.          1874    10-3-1948       Bethel
Simmins, Carol J.       1863    9-24-1944       Panther Fork
Simmons, Albert J.      1867    3-6-1943        Simmons
Simmons, Cecil R. Inf.  1930    3-7-1930        Lowery
Simmons, Chas. A.       1851    4-7-1944        Fouts
Simmons, Inf. D.        1925    9-17-1925       Panther Fork
Simmons, J. R.          1843    1-20-1929       County Farm
Simmons, John G.        1837    1-26-1920       Simmons
Simmons, Lena M.        1897    3-25-1931       Oakwood
Simmons, Martha J.      1854    10-31-1912      Kirk
Simmons, Mary E.        1870    4-9-1933        Panther Fork
Simmons, Narcissa       1837    9-23-1911       Simmons
Simmons, O. D.          1872    12-9-1934       Gilead
Simmons, Rebecca J.     1861    8-16-1948       Union Chapel
Simmons, Susan          1836    2-7-1908        Byars
Simpson, Annie          1880    10-11-1881      Hopewell
Simpson, Hazel          1877    2-8-1929        Oakwood
Simpson, James          1838    1-19-1878       Sursa
Sims, Caroline          1840    2-12-1908       Oakwood
Sims, Henry N.          1866    10-5-1910       Oakwood
Sinclair, Ellen         1852    11-11-1878      Hickory Hill
Singleton, Mae M.       1923    6-27-1924       Oakwood
Sinks, Inf. S.          1917    1917            Pace
Sinks, James L.         1865    8-20-1928       Oakwood
Sinks, Kennith R. Inf.  1930    11-18-1930      Oakwood
Sinks, Lewis E. Inf.    1926    12-8-1926       Oakwood
Sinks, Lou A. Inf.      1934    3-4-1934        Oakwood
Sinks, Melvin L.        1926    1-10-1937       W. Salem
Sinks, Raymond L.       1924    4-11-1943       Bethel
Sinks, Stella           1897    7-14-1902       W. Salem
Sinks, Thomas W. Inf.   1920    9-25-1920       Oakwood
Skinner, Inf. S.        1932    4-14-1932       Oakdale
Skinner, Surilda        1837    2-8-1906        New Hope (SG-Twp)
Skortz, John            1843    9-9-1946        St. Barbara
Slade, Anna M.          1862    1917            W. Salem
Slade, Frank            1872    3-23-1924       Oakwood
Slade, Hattie M.        1882    7-25-1883       Woodlawn
Slade, Inf. S.          1880    10-13-1880      Woodlawn
Slade, James T.         1844    9-6-1932        Woodlawn
Slade, John             1855    12-2-1928       W. Salem
Slade, Robert P.        1874    3-26-1939       Oakwood
Slaughter, Inf. S.      1881    2-12-1881       Union
Slayton, Maggie         1896    1-16-1921       Oakwood
Slayton, Mayar L.       1895    6-17-1923       Oakwood
Sledge, Burrell R.      1866    9-22-1948       Harmony
Sledge, Edward Inf.     1936    1-18-1936       Mt. Zion (FA)
Sledge, Edward Inf.     1937    12-24-1937      Harmony
Sledge, Harold D. Inf.  1937    9-28-1937       Harmony
Sledge, Joseph J.       1862    6-7-1935        Mt. Zion (FA)
Sledge, Mary J.         1858    6-15-1905       Kirk
Sledge, Ophelia J.      1848    4-1-1934        Harmony
Sledge, Velma C. Inf.   1938    5-23-1938       Harmony
Sledge, Wesley          1860    12-26-1905      Harmony
Sledge, Zeblin L.       1848    12-16-1932      Harmony
Sloat, James O.         1867    4-11-1945       Gilead
Sloat, Lydia V.         1898    1918            Gilead
Slygn, Croydon          1823    12-11-1909      Oakwood
Smabitski, F            1824    1903            No Mention
Smabitski, Martin       1828    1903            No Mention
Smallwood, Carl E.      1933    6-16-1934       Oakwood
Smallwood, Wena L. Inf. 1924    3-7-1924        Oakwood
Smart, Mary M.          1865    6-21-1937       Woodlawn
Smart, Mildred L. Inf.  1927    4-6-1927        No Mention
Smith, Ambrose          1864    7-17-1929       Harmony
Smith, Amos W.          1870    12-9-1923       Slade
Smith, Andrew J.        1861    6-9-1922        Opdyke 
Smith, Anna A.          1901    3-18-1903       Mt. Zion
Smith, Anna I.          1854    1933            No Mention
Smith, Anson            1865    6-26-1938       Smith
Smith, Augustus H.      1851    11-21-1927      Mt. Catherine 
Smith, Benj.            1843    6-3-1923        Oakwood
Smith, Benj. H.         1888    1918            Little Grove
Smith, Billy R. Inf.    1936    11-25-1936      Lowery (FA)
Smith, Bobby E. Inf.    1936    7-8-1936        Oakwood
Smith, Chancie A. Inf.  1902    5-11-1902       E. Salem
Smith, Chas. E.         1931    2-18-1932       E. Hickory Hill
Smith, Chas. S.         1907    9-17-1932       Oakwood
Smith, Clara R.         1870    9-12-1940       W. Salem
Smith, Cydine R.        1914    1916            Williams
Smith, Daniel W.        1890    2-7-1927        W. Salem
Smith, Dessie A.        1879    3-9-1938        Harmony
Smith, Dovie            1891    11-25-1938      Oakwood
Smith, E. O.            1867    10-17-1926      Slade
Smith, E. T.            1863    12-12-1947      Blackoak Ridge
Smith, Ed               1837    6-14-1922       Oakwood
Smith, Edith E.         1910    1-24-1920       Smith
Smith, Elias            1795    11-10-1889      No Mention
Smith, Elizabeth B.     1835    8-15-1930       W. Salem
Smith, Ellen J.         1840    1916            Oakwood
Smith, Ellis L.         1877    1-12-1938       Smith
Smith, Elna B.          1907    7-15-1909       Oakwood
Smith, Elsie L.         1917    7-8-1946        Cub Prairie
Smith, Emerelless       1864    4-4-1884        No Mention
Smith, Emma             1862    10-7-1926       Williams
Smith, Emma C.          1848    8-19-1923       Oakwood
Smith, Eva              1889    1918            Atkinson
Smith, Eva Inf.         1879    7-23-1879       Pleasant Hill
Smith, Evelyn Inf.      1929    3-13-1929       E. Hickory Hill
Smith, Francis M.       1915    1916            Oakwood
Smith, Geo. A.          1859    7-8-1943        Boyd
Smith, Geo. W.          1853    11-3-1936       Union Chapel
Smith, Glen H.          1906    1-10-1914       Oakwood
Smith, Harriet S.       1846    12-11-1934      Opdyke 
Smith, Henrietta        1878    7-6-1921        Oakwood
Smith, Inez Inf.        1905    12-6-1905       Smith
Smith, Inf.             1909    2-24-1909       Wolf Prairie
Smith, Inf.             1924    8-10-1924       Old Union
Smith, Inf. S.          1922    8-7-1922        Oakwood
Smith, Inf. S.          1930    2-17-1930       W. Salem
Smith, Inf. S.          1947    12-20-1947      Oakwood
Smith, James            1836    8-17-1923       Pleasant Hill
Smith, James A. Inf.    1927    12-2-1927       Pace
Smith, James E.         1860    5-4-1931        Dryden
Smith, James I.         1853    2-3-1930        Oakwood
Smith, James M.         1857    8-23-1930       Arnold 
Smith, Jennie           1877    1881            Reynolds
Smith, Jessie H.        1896    1-3-1923        Harmony
Smith, John E.          1881    10-13-1934      Sursa
Smith, John H.          1854    6-19-1942       Boyd

Smith, Kirby            1898    1918            Knob Prairie
Smith, Lavania          1869    7-14-1936       Jordan Chapel
Smith, Leroy A.         1915    1918            E. Salem
Smith, Letcher Inf.     1917    1917            Jordan Chapel 
Smith, Lewis            1835    1-25-1881       No Mention
Smith, Mable A.         1847    4-30-1915       Oakwood
Smith, Madison T.       1854    8-14-1935       Oakwood
Smith, Margrett L.      1872    2-9-1920        Oakwood
Smith, Martha E.        1868    1-5-1929        Oakwood
Smith, Mary             1837    11-24-1914      Slade
Smith, Mary             1852    1916            W. Salem
Smith, Maude            1884    7-20-1937       Sursa
Smith, Merritt C.       1904    4-14-1926       Jordan Chapel
Smith, Minnie           1880    1-14-1902       Antioch
Smith, Myrtle B.        1879    10-15-1906      Atkinson
Smith, Nannie           1868    1938            No Mention
Smith, Nettie           1871    7-20-1879       Pleasant Hill
Smith, Nettie           1876    2-15-1927       Oakwood
Smith, Patrick B.       1862    10-14-1924      Oakwood
Smith, Pearl            1905    5-5-1908        Harmony
Smith, Phay M.          1924    1-25-1925       E. Salem
Smith, Randle           1844    3-27-1910       Jordan Chapel 
Smith, Robert           1907    2-10-1908       Oakwood
Smith, Robert F.        1840    1-20-1903       Dryden
Smith, Roxie            1900    3-29-1939       Oakwood
Smith, Samuel           1857    8-21-1879       GR-Twp.
Smith, Samuel R.        1841    2-17-1908       Woodlawn
Smith, Sarah A.         1852    1-15-1928       Atkinson
Smith, Sarah A.         1898    12-14-1929      Blackoak Ridge 
Smith, Sarah M.         1874    8-9-1938        Oakwood
Smith, Sarah S.         1840    7-28-1930       Slade
Smith, Wessie K.        1902    8-8-1939        Smith
Smith, Wm. A.           1854    7-6-1942        E. Salem
Smith, Wm. A.           1826    11-24-1912      Gaston
Smith, Wm. E. Inf.      1938    4-11-1938       New Shiloh
Smith, Wm. G.           1903    1918            Oakwood
Smith, Wm. H.           1860    6-21-1938       W. Salem
Smith, Wm. H.           1847    12-12-1923      Pleasant Grove
Smith, Wm. Sr.          1810    5-11-1880       Walnut Hill
Smith, Zelma F. Inf.    1920    2-19-1920       Blackoak Ridge 
Snaders, Mary A.        1848    6-23-1921       Gilead
Sneed, Billy B.         1923    11-30-1935      W. Salem
Sneed, Ida              1880    3-20-1905       Kirk
Sneed, Inf. D.          1936    4-23-1936       Union Chapel
Sneed, Mary A.          1843    8-11-1944       E. Hickory Hill
Snider, W. H.           1845    6-12-1878       Pleasant Grove
Snodgrass, Wm. G. Inf.  1939    10-27-1939      Bethel
Snodsmith, Bulah        1898    9-23-1902       Smith
Snodsmith, Marie A.     1868    9-28-1946       Opdyke 
Snooks, Gladys M.       1903    4-5-1929        Oakwood
Snow, Eunice            1887    5-18-1932       Oakwood
Snow, Hanna             1829    1-16-1908       Little Grove
Snow, John J.           1848    2-16-1926       Mt. Catherine 
Snow, Mary F.           1873    9-2-1903        Old Union
Snow, Melvin A.         1856    12-16-1925      Oakwood
Snow, Minnie A.         1891    1917            Mt. Catherine
Snow, Sarah M.          1852    4-25-1928       Mt. Catherine 
Snow, Tempa D. Inf.     1940    3-18-1940       Harmony
Snow, Will Inf.         1911    1-11-1911       Mt. Olive
Snow, Zetta E.          1878    9-21-1908       Little Grove
Soloman, Samuel         1854    12-13-1929      Hams Grove
Somell, Rachel M.       1857    1-16-1924       Oakwood
Somers, Calvin C.       1862    1917            Oakwood
Somner, Grant Inf.      1930    12-3-1930       Harmony
Sook, Edson F.          1854    3-26-1935       Woodlawn
Sorensen, James T.      1874    8-4-1942        Woodlawn
South, Wayne A.         1919    4-1-1920        Oakwood
Southerd, Geo. E.       1864    4-22-1940       W. Salem
Southerd, Mary J. Inf.  1947    12-7-1947       Oakwood
Southward, Joe          1913    1916            Pace
Sowers, Geo. W.         1859    4-30-1938       W. Salem
Sowers, Ida C.          1861    3-14-1939       W. Salem
Spangler, Augusta T.    1850    11-16-1938      Woodlawn
Spangler, John          1855    3-25-1930       Woodlawn
Spaulding, Lue          1865    5-27-1941       Bethel
Spears, Thomas D.       1853    3-26-1879       Hickory Hill
Specks, Cora            1887    5-21-1906       Williams
Speise, Sidney B. Inf.  1927    12-16-1927      Oakwood
Spicer, Walter L. Inf.  1904    10-3-1904       Salem
Spindler, Clarence Inf. 1906    9-23-1906       Woodlawn
Spouse, Franklin        1878    1880            Lynchburg
Sprain, John            1884    9-25-1885       New Hope (SG-Twp)
Spriggs, Eleanor M.     1916    1-16-1926       Pleasant Grove
Spurling, Henry R.      1856    10-29-1936      Oakwood
Spurling, Martha        1860    8-17-1935       Oakwood
Spurlock, Franklin L.   1899    8-17-1925       Grothoff
St. Clair, Albert W.    1934    6-22-1934       Kirk
St. Clair, E. Guy       1865    1917            Oakwood
Stagers, Clyde R.       1880    7-3-1890        Bald Hill
Staley, Melvin D.       1907    12-7-1911       Blackoak Ridge
Stallings, Arthur       1887    11-13-1931      Oakwood
Stallings, Virginia E.  1925    12-1-1925       Oakwood
Standerfer, Anderson F. 1839    2-8-1902        Oakwood
Standerfer, Bernadine F.1919    7-15-192        Williams
Standerfer, Emmeline    1839    1-25-1902       Oakwood
Stanford, James T. Inf. 1948    9-10-1948       Opdyke 
Stanley, Clarence L.    1942    2-11-1942       Pleasant Hill
Stanley, John J. Inf.   1903    2-16-1903       Oakwood
Stanley, Moses M.       1856    12-13-1923      Oakwood
Starkey, Geo. Inf.      1906    11-5-1906       Mt. Olive
Starkey, Thomas S.      1868    5-4-1921        Abner
Starner, Duff Inf.      1880    5-17-1880       Williams
Starner, Rebecca        1821    1-1-1881        Williams
Starr, Inf.             1921    10-25-1921      Oakwood
Starr, Inf. D.          1919    1919            Oakwood
Starr, Inf. S.          1923    12-13-1923      Oakwood
Starr, Wm.              1883    8-16-1905       Old Union
Stater, Inf.            1941    3-14-1941       W. Salem
Stearns, Peter          1833    6-27-1902       Pleasant Grove
Steck, Louis T.         1860    11-18-1949      Knob Prairie
Steele, Helen L. Inf.   1930    8-23-1930       Lengfelder
Steele, Ronald E.       1930    2-8-1935        Cub Prairie
Stelle, Mable V.        1902    12-1-1903       Ham Co.
Stelle, Margarette E.   1853    1917            Oakwood
Stelle, Varilla B.      1875    5-9-1879        SG-Twp.
Stelmaszewski, Geo.     1916    2-23-1926       St. Barbara
Stelmazriski, Mike      1841    10-23-1928      St. Barbara
Stennett, Fieldon N.    1839    2-16-1839       Mt. Zion
Stephend, Mary J.       1847    6-3-1928        Mt. Zion (FA)
Stephens, Alva T.       1878    7-11-1936       Woodlawn
Stephenson, Inf.        1909    4-10-1909       Oakwood
Stephenson, Violet F.   1905    2-18-1905       Woodlawn
Stevens, James          1845    1-16-1928       County
Stevens, James E. Inf.  1925    10-9-1925       Oakwood
Stevens, Jennie F.      1901    1919            Woodlawn
Stevens, John W.        1865    3-28-1942       Oakwood
Stevens, Mildred        1863    12-11-1945      Woodlawn
Stevenson, Robert B.    1880    2-2-1882        No Mention
Steward, James          1848    8-8-1913        Mt. Zion (FA)
Steward, Laura Inf.     1889    12-27-1889      Blackoak Ridge
Steward, Mary A.        1857    2-9-1931        Old Shiloh
Steward, Norman         1894    2-20-1903       Williams
Steward, Susie          1883    3-20-1903       Williams
Stewart, Cecil          1894    1-23-1921       Oakwood
Stewart, Crawford       1906    4-10-1908       Oakwood
Stewart, Evelyn P.      1874    4-27-1941       Oakwood
Stewart, Fredona H.     1862    6-18-1934       Atkinson
Stewart, Harry S.       1870    5-18-1941       Oakwood
Stewart, Inf. S.        1917    1917            Oakwood
Stewart, Inf. S.        1921    1-19-1921       Oakwood
Stewart, James P.       1857    2-1-1920        Williams
Stewart, Jane           1833    10-20-1914      W. Salem
Stewart, Roy T.         1911    12-29-1911      Old Orchard
Stewart, Sarah E.       1834    1-4-1912        Williams
Stewart, Sophia         1872    11-29-1941      Oakwood
Stewart, Willie E.      1874    9-29-1918       Oakwood
Stick, Inf. S.          1918    1918            Sursa
Stigger, Chester J.     1859    7-13-1907       Union
Stillwell, Emma A.      1859    4-7-1902        Oakwood
Stirwalt, Mary E.       1865    10-26-1939      Harmony
Stirwalt, Warren        1888    7-24-1938       Harmony
Stivers, Lillian        1904    3-14-1928       E. Hickory Hill
Stoever, Mary                   2-11-1931       County Farm
Stokes, Fannie          1903    6-8-1924        Oakwood
Stokes, Roy W.          1918    2-3-1920        Pace
Stokes, Stella N. Inf.  1922    8-20-1922       Pace
Stoley, Martha E.       1824    1917            Blackoak Ridge
Stone, Betty J. Inf.    1929    8-29-1929       E. Hickory Hill
Stone, J. Edward        1882    1917            Oakwood
Stonecipher, Inf.       1911    6-5-1911        Hopewell
Stonecipher, James W.   1920    3-15-1920       Hopewell
Stonecipher, Maggie R.  1869    3-31-1905       Gilead
Stonecipher, Rosa L.    1863    8-22-1945       Fouts
Stoner, Loretta Inf.    1939    9-10-1939       Mt. Olive
Storey, Geo. W.         1869    8-27-1935       Opdyke 
Storey, Indiana         1827    10-29-1881      No Mention
Storey, Lucy            1859    10-13-1879      Blackoak Ridge
Storment, Anna          1883    1918            Gilead
Storment, Iva M.        1935    1-28-1936       Opdyke 
Storment, Millie        1875    11-11-1940      Boyd
Storment, Sidney        1872    12-15-1932      Boyd
Storment, Susa          1854    11-3-1930       Boyd
Story, Abraham          1862    10-15-1945      Opdyke 
Story, Alice E.         1860    2-4-1930        Knowles
Story, Etta             1903    6-13-1923       Oakwood
Story, Inf. D.          1929    6-9-1929        Opdyke 
Story, John A.          1866    9-7-1939        Opdyke 
Story, Joseph           1840    1-21-1915       Opdyke
Story, Lettie M.        1897    8-5-1907        Opdyke
Story, Mary             1861    4-10-1923       Opdyke 
Story, Sarah            1839    1918            Opdyke
Stout, Inf. S.          1927    9-14-1927       E. Salem
Stover, Ada             1875    2-9-1902        Little Grove
Stover, Eliza A.        1847    3-21-1931       Little Grove
Stover, Joseph P.       1849    11-24-1929      Little Grove
Stover, Lydia M.        1873    1942            No Mention
Stover, Marietta        1867    8-24-1941       Little Grove
Strabele, James Inf.    1949    3-21-1949       St. Marys
Strattan, Benj. C.      1841    9-5-1923        Oakwood
Strattan, Jane          1832    8-18-1880       No Mention
Strattin, Chas. A.      1904    3-27-1942       Oakwood
Stratton, Ada M. Inf.   1906    12-7-1906       No Mention
Stratton, David F.      1842    3-15-1926       W. Salem
Stratton, Julia M.      1833    4-18-1928       Oakwood
Straub, Grace           1892    1918            Wolf Prairie
Street, John            1840    3-25-1905       County Farm
Stringfield, Wm. J.     1873    8-4-1908        No Mention
Stroud, Elizabeth       1828    7-3-1909        Mt. Olive
Sturdevant, Winnie P.   1897    12-7-1929       Oakwood
Sugg, Anna              1871    10-15-1934      Oakwood
Sugg, Benj.             1856    11-10-1903      Old Union
Suiks, Mary             1815    1880            SG-Twp.
Sulcer, Inf. S.         1927    11-20-1927      Minson
Sulcer, James L.        1883    2-3-1887        Old Baptist
Sullivan, Clement M.    1827    9-28-1902       Salem
Sullivan, Dorothy       1929    3-1-1930        Pleasant Grove
Sullivan, Viran         1819    6-15-1903       Pleasant Grove
Sullivan, Wm.           1815    3-19-1879       CA-Twp.
Summers, Bernadine      1880    1-13-1937       Oakwood
Summers, Cora E.        1878    7-14-1921       E. Hickory
Summers, David A.       1930    5-20-1942       Bethel
Summers, Donald E. Inf. 1938    10-12-1938      Boyd
Summers, Emma S.        1861    1-24-1903       Harmony
Summers, Guy R.         1910    3-28-1911       Little Grove
Summers, Ida N.         1864    4-6-1944        Oakwood
Summers, Inf. D.        1921    8-24-1921       Oakwood
Summers, John W.        1849    9-7-1926        Oakwood
Summers, Pauline        1912    2-28-1934       Oakwood
Summers, Thomas E.      1861    3-17-1935       Opdyke 
Summers, Violet         1870    3-16-1907       W. Salem
Sumned, John            1826    5-16-1886       Atkinson
Sumner, Wm. T.          1852    4-25-1902       CA-Twp.
Suns, Inf. S.           1877    12-29-1877      Slade
Suns, Millie E.         1847    12-29-1877      Slade
Sursa, Harvey H.        1867    10-27-1938      Knob Prairie
Sutherland, Mary N.     1863    5-14-1939       Pleasant Hill
Suttle, Paul            1903    1917            Woodlawn
Sutton, John T.         1847    3-30-1921       Oakwood
Sutton, Marvin E.       1903    1939            No Mention
Sutton, Ruth            1903    8-14-1930       Oakwood
Swain, Susie            1873    8-26-1912       Sursa
Swartzlauder, Geo. W.   1859    12-8-1925       Little Grove
Sweat, Alford           1858    10-23-1913      McConnaughay
Sweat, Alice            1903    8-15-1913       McConnaugh
Sweet, Rebecca          1861    1919            Oakwood
Sweeten, Trecie         1894    1917            Kirk
Sweetin, Roy N.         1892    11-23-1908      Kirk
Swift, Martha L.        1907    10-18-1912      Oakwood
Sydes, Earl             1896    1908            Union
Sydes, Green            1895    4-25-1942       Bethel
Sydes, James L.         1866    5-10-1935       Oakwood
Sydes, Martha           1865    3-29-1925       Oakwood
Sydes, Sarah B.         1866    4-17-1926       Oakwood
Sydes, Thomas           1860    1-2-1934        Oakwood
Sydes, Verna A.         1884    3-9-1937        Bethel
Sypret, Martha          1844    1-24-1908       Old Union
Sypret, Ora D.          1884    4-29-1907       Old Union
Szularacki, Simon       1835    10-22-1927      St. Barbara
Taaka, Henry            1846    8-8-1925        Oakwood
Taake, Minnie           1859    2-25-1930       Oakwood
Taber, Cora U.          1874    11-1-1930       Old Union
Taber, Geo. W. Inf.     1902    7-22-1902       Union
Tabor, Chas. W.         1841    1918            Old Union
Tackett, James L.       1906    1918            Pleasant Grove
Tackett, Viola E.       1890    5-13-1932       Pleasant Hill
Talbert, Amanda         1859    12-9-1935       Oakwood
Talbott, Beecher        1872    6-1-1923        Little Grove
Talbott, Franiah Inf.   1881    7-31-1881       Little Grove
Talbott, Geo. E.        1866    4-26-1942       Pleasant Hill
Talbott, L. C.          1855    5-16-1882       Little Grove
Talbott, Martha         1940    1-16-1920       Little Grove
Talbott, Martha J.      1833    1917            Pleasant Hill
Talbott, Ola L.         1901    1918            Little Grove
Taliana, Paul Jr. Inf.  1928    2-3-1928        St. Marys
Talley, Sandra S. Inf.  1945    8-28-1945       Oakwood
Tandy, Jennie           1856    1918            Oakwood
Tandy, Joseph           1845    12-25-1932      Oakwood
Tankerslay, John H.     1807    11-13-1880      No Mention
Tanner, Hardwick Inf.   1905    2-14-1905       Atkinson
Tanner, Inf. S.         1945    5-8-1945        W. Salem
Tanner, Sarah A.        1832    1919            Oakwood
Tanner, Tazwell B.      1822    3-25-1881       Union
Tarwater, Robert J.     1881    7-19-1924       W. Salem
Tate, Agnes             1871    4-26-1922       Pleasant Hill
Tate, Amanda J.         1857    4-3-1923        Ebenezer
Tate, Burley N.         1880    9-4-1881        Jordan Chapel
Tate, Chas. E.          1873    7-3-1934        Pleasant Hill
Tate, Donald H. Inf.    1939    3-2-1939        W. Salem
Tate, Doshia            1875    12-27-1939      Pleasant Grove
Tate, Edna              1905    12-31-1925      Ebenezer
Tate, Ezekiel           1821    10-15-1907      Antioch
Tate, Geo.              1841    5-3-1912        Ebenezer
Tate, Harriet J.        1875    6-25-1934       Ebenezer
Tate, Inf. D.           1937    5-17-1937       No Mention
Tate, Inf. D.           1939    10-22-1939      Private
Tate, Inf. S.           1936    1-16-1936       Panther Fork
Tate, J. M.             1856    4-26-1943       Panther Fork
Tate, McIntire A. Inf.  1882    11-19-1882      No Mention
Tate, Monroe            1858    1916            Antioch
Tate, Nancy             1820    1880            Pleasant Hill
Tate, Shirley Inf.      1943    11-30-1943      Union Chapel
Taylor, Auron L. Inf.   1924    6-10-1924       Oakwood
Taylor, Carrie B.       1879    10-25-1943      Kirk
Taylor, Chester W.      1891    3-12-1940       W. Salem
Taylor, Eddie A.        1878    1879            Salem
Taylor, Elizabeth       1838    10-30-1923      Woodlawn
Taylor, Geo. H.         1859    3-11-1943       Oakwood
Taylor, Geo. W.         1861    12-4-1941       Oakwood
Taylor, Henry C. Inf.   1880    1880            Salem
Taylor, Jake            1862    4-16-1946       S. Hickory Hill
Taylor, James R.        1812    11-18-1883      Mt. Catherine
Taylor, John            1823    2-26-1879       New Hope (PE)
Taylor, John            1864    6-14-1924       Salem
Taylor, Laura A.        1804    3-14-1905       Belle Rive
Taylor, Maggie H.       1862    10-16-1932      Old Union
Taylor, Maney Inf.      1908    1-25-1908       Chapel
Taylor, Oscar           1892    8-31-1929       Oakwood
Taylor, Raymond         1906    11-16-1912      No Mention
Taylor, Reuben M.       1857    5-30-1929       County Farm
Taylor, Robert S. Jr.   1892    7-4-1911        Oakwood
Taylor, Sarah           1889    1916            Oakwood
Taylor, Sarah E.        1887    10-17-1935      County Farm
Taylor, Sebby F.        1841    2-4-1929        Cub Prairie
Taylor, Wm.             1853    2-3-1927        W. Salem
Taylor, Wm. H.          1901    9-16-1904       No Mention
Taylor, Zella G.        1905    6-25-1929       Pleasant Hill
Tchiyopolis, Inf. D.    1922    10-12-1922      Oakwood
Tedford, Helen M.       1906    7-15-1920       Shelton
Telford, Emmett Inf.    1918    1918            Little Grove
Tellrop, Ramore H. Inf. 1902    5-29-1902       Belle Rive
Temple, Mary E.         1840    1-26-1931       Pleasant Grove
Terregrossa, Joseph     1865    6-24-1943       St. Marys
Terry, Cecil            1900    3-22-1903       Salem
Terry, Delila           1839    1-17-1881       Salem
Terry, Thelma           1906    10-10-1926      Rightnowar
Tesdall, Mary           1885    1-28-1922       Pleasant Hill
Thatcher, Inf. D.       1920    10-27-1920      Pace
Thomas,                 1895    1907            No Mention
Thomas, Chas. R.        1934    1940            W. Salem
Thomas, Clyde C.        1926    12-31-1928      Oakwood
Thomas, Dora            1878    10-31-1949      Oakwood
Thomas, Elizabeth       1869    1880            Salem
Thomas, Fannie          1857    1-18-1942       Oakwood
Thomas, Henry L.        1864    3-31-1947       Bethel
Thomas, Herman T. Jr.   1948    2-24-1948       Opdyke
Thomas, Jack            1915    10-28-1935      Mt. Zion (FA)
Thomas, Larkin H.       1839    2-24-1922       Woodlawn
Thomas, Lyndell J.      1925    1-1-1929        Oakwood
Thomas, Matilda A.      1881    7-29-1943       Bethel
Thomas, Nancy B.        1833    3-27-1903       Gilbert
Thomas, Samuel          1889    1921            Oakwood
Thomas, Sarah C.        1854    6-15-1937       Woodlawn
Thomas, Shirley L. Inf. 1941    4-5-1941        Mt. Zion (FA)
Thomas, Wm. R.          1869    11-12-1936      Oakwood
Thomason, Boyc          1878    11-24-1945      Oakwood
Thomason, Cora          1886    1-2-1923        Round Knowl
Thomason, Joseph M.     1861    3-20-1934       Round Knowl
Thompson, Alfred F.     1853    4-2-1935        Mt. Catherine
Thompson, Alice         1868    7-29-1906       Little Grove
Thompson, Andrew        1870    3-21-1878       Hickory Hill
Thompson, Augusta E.    1829    1-17-1903       Oakwood
Thompson, Bessie B.     1884    6-12-1924       Oakwood
Thompson, Carry D.      1868    4-28-1949       Bethel
Thompson, Dortha I.     1849    6-22-1949       Bethel
Thompson, E. R.         1860    12-2-1947       Mt. Zion (FA)
Thompson, Emma          1847    5-31-1908       Mt. Catherine
Thompson, Essie M.      1880    1-22-1930       Mt. Catherine
Thompson, Francis M.    1953    11-29-1949      Oakwood
Thompson, Francis M.    1856    8-17-1915       Pleasant Hill
Thompson, Harry T.      1878    12-12-1878      Locust Grove
Thompson, Henry Y.      1845    5-1-1938        Mt. Catherine
Thompson, Inf. D.       1920    11-24-1920      Oakwood
Thompson, Inf. D.       1943    2-23-1943       Oakwood
Thompson, Isaac         1841    3-8-1924        Hope (SG)
Thompson, Lady R.       1892    3-18-1905       Little Grove
Thompson, Lawrence G.   1900    12-30-194       Oakwood
Thompson, Leonidas E.   1858    3-21-1936       Woodlawn
Thompson, Lula          1888    4-2-1939        Mt. Catherine
Thompson, Marlow M.     1903    2-22-           Woodlawn
Thompson, Nancy J.      1856    1-28-1938       Oakwood
Thompson, Sabra J.      1858    7-21-1930       Mt. Catherine
Thompson, Wm. G.        1832    12-9-1920       Old Union
Thompson, Yuonne Inf.   1942    2-19-1942       Oakwood
Threat, Ines W.         1873    10-20-1906      E. Salem
Threlkeld, Mildred Inf. 1908    2-14-1908       Opdyke 
Thurman, Martha J.      1828    11-16-1906      Ebenezer
Thurmond, Edward        1880    8-27-1881       RO-Twp.
Tilliman, Nannie        1867    3-7-1902        Oakwood
Timmons, Albert E. Inf. 1908    4-20-1908       Fouts
Timmons, Boy            1838    10-25-1905      Fouts
Timmons, Martha E.      1850    5-16-1879       Little Grove
Tinsley, Inf. S.        1921    11-5-1921       Dix Ill.
Tinsley, James E. Inf.  1934    9-3-1934        Boyd
Tinsley, James H.       1834    1879            No Mention
Tinsley, John T.        1864    1-16-1939       Pleasant Hill
Tinsley, Malinda E.     1866    11-14-1943      Pleasant Hill
Tinsley, Wm. W.         1869    6-6-1939        Ebenezer
Tipovich, Merlin Inf.   1928    10-26-1928      Abner
Tisch, Julius           1865    11-26-1949      Opdyke
Tish, Glenn R.          1906    4-17-1933       Oakwood
Tish, Nancy             1867    6-10-1946       Oakwood
Tittle, Lucenda A.      1865    6-28-1939       Oakwood
Tittle, Norman L. Inf.  1922    12-29-1922      Smith
Tobin, Inf. S.          1923    2-2-1923        St. Marys
Tobin, Thomas           1850    1919            St. Marys
Todd, John V.           1828    1-29-1878       SG-Twp.
Todd, Joseph H.         1875    2-14-1880       Smith
Tolbert, Eugene         1902    11-16-1935      Oakwood
Tolbert, Major J.       1899    5-7-1932        Oakwood
Tolle, Alice            1853    11-28-1947      Pleasant Grove
Tolle, James B.         1820    1880            Pleasant Grove
Tolle, Lewis C.         1846    6-1-1925        Pleasant Grove
Tolley, Beulah          1911    11-30-1936      Hams Grove
Tolley, Fred            1887    5-12-1949       Oakwood
Tolley, Inf. D.                 7-15-1931       Hams Grove
Tolley, Virgil          1907    9-8-1937        Hams Grove
Tolley, Virginia L.     1935    6-29-1936       Hams Grove
Tolley, Woodrow W.      1918    7-2-1920        Oakwood
Toney, Georgie M. Inf.  1917    1917            S. Hickory Hill
Toney, Nancy A.         1842    1-13-1878       PE-Twp.
Topping, Adeline L.     1852    12-18-1928      New Hope (PE)
Topping, Elvina A.      1847    7-24-1902       No Mention
Torum, Chas.                    10-14-1881      Woodlawn
Tout, Inf. S.           1922    1-7-1922        Sursa
Tracey, Inf. S.         1931    10-6-1931       Arnold
Tractel, Katherine E.   1861    7-24-1904       Salem
Trader, Alex. Inf.      1912    4-19-1912       St. Barbara
Trader, Joe Inf.        1912    4-18-1912       St. Barbara
Tramp, Unknown                  11-8-1925       Pleasant Hill
Treet, Jeff.            1844    12-19-1884      Williams
Trekett, Sylvanus       1851    3-18-1908       Pleasant Hill
Trenary, Inf. D.        1929    2-2-1929        Oakwood
Tribble, Evelyn Inf.    1923    8-1-1923        Oakwood
Tribble, Helen M. Inf.  1924    6-12-1924       Oakwood
Trinkle, Arley J.       1867    1916            Oakwood
Trinkle, Robert A.      1863    8-2-1949        Oakwood
Trobaugh, Inf. D.       1943    3-7-1943        Oakwood
Trobaugh, Inf. D.       1943    7-6-1943        Opdyke
Trobridge, Bettie Inf.  1933    2-7-1933        W. Salem
Tromly, Michael         1801    5-26-1878       Old Union
Trout, Inf. S.          1941    12-2-1941       Pace
Trout, Levis            1940    12-2-1941       Pace
Trout, Ralph Jr. Inf.   1922    6-20-1922       Pace
Trout, Richard Inf.     1943    7-17-1943       Pace
Trout, Wm. C.           1849    9-20-1934       Reynolds
Trout, Wm. V.           1866    1916            Woodlawn
Troutt, Chas. P.        1865    2-8-1943        Oakwood
Troutt, Edward N.       1880    8-10-1882       Reynolds 
Troutt, Einos M. Inf.   1880    7-27-1880       Reynolds 
Troutt, Eldo            1900    1917            Woodlawn
Troutt, Elsie V.        1874    6-21-1940       Woodlawn
Troutt, Harriet C.              1879            Mt. Catherine
Troutt, Henry           1886    5-6-1929        Oakwood
Troutt, Inf. D.         1937    12-21-1937      Oakwood
Troutt, James           1844    2-26-1923       Woodlawn
Troutt, Mary C.         1851    4-25-1930       Reynolds
Troutt, May L.          1871    4-7-1936        Oakwood
Troutt, Mike            1839    1917            Woodlawn
Troutt, Roy C. Inf.     1922    1-2-1922        Kirk
Trowbridge, Dan         1911    9-28-1915       Wells Chapel
Trowbridge, Lambert R.  1907    10-14-1935      W. Salem
Trowbridge, Virginia R. 1922    1-19-192        Mt. Zion (FA)
Troxtel, Mary           1830    9-1-1912        W. Salem
Troxtell, Edith M.      1927    7-25-1928       Cub Prairie
Troxtell, Freddie F.    1903    9-3-1934        Boyd
Troxtell, Geo. C.       1888    1918            W. Salem
Tryar, Gail R. Inf.     1934    8-14-1934       Hams Grove
Tuck, Louis L.          1885    8-16-1944       Oakwood
Tucker, Alva            1873    4-23-1928       Hams Grove
Tucker, Bernice Inf.    1936    7-15-1936       Oakwood
Tucker, Chas. E.        1880    9-26-1881       RO-Twp.
Tucker, Flossie         1909    7-15-1928       Hams Grove
Tucker, Inf.            1934    12-26-1934      Oakwood
Tucker, Inf. D.         1924    6-26-1924       Oakwood
Tucker, Inf. S.         1925    3-27-1925       Oakwood
Tucker, Iziah Inf.      1933    10-11-1933      Oakwood
Tucker, James Inf.      1931    10-13-1931      Bethel
Tucker, James T.        1878    2-3-1945        Oakwood
Tucker, Mazie M.        1881    2-28-1908       Hams Grove
Tucker, Mildred         1904    11-17-1905      Opdyke 
Tucker, Mona B.         1916    1918            Oakwood
Tucker, Mrs. Frank      1865    12-14-1907      Shiloh
Tucker, Rosevelt Inf.   1932    10-18-1932      Oakwood
Tucker, Wm. P.          1891    3-31-1937       Oakwood
Tuisley, Joseph E.      1890    12-14-1930      Ebenezer
Tunnel, L. F.           1856    11-18-1942      Oakwood
Tupper, Howard C.       1841    10-13-1922      Pleasant Grove
Turner, Arra            1895    1918            Old Union
Turner, Clarence        1915    1-1-1926        Old Union
Turner, Inf. D.         1945    7-27-1945       Oakwood
Turner, James           1846    9-1-1903        Simmons
Turner, John            1865    10-27-1884      No Mention
Turner, Rosia B.        1856    12-26-1943      Oakwood
Turpin, Margie A.       1922    2-26-1933       E. Hickory Hill
Tyler, Ava P.           1867    10-2-1881       Pleasant Grove
Tyler, Gracie J. Inf.   1881    9-26-1881       No Mention

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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