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Jefferson County, IL


Unmarked Graves

Source: Fred Justice

Submitted By: Cindy Ford

This information on Unmarked Graves was compiled by Fred Justice in 1975, he gained this information from Death Records from Jefferson County which go back to 1877.

Please note that there are many variations of spelling in both individuals names and also the cemetery names they have been typed up as they were from his book.

I have also noticed that there are several that are now marked but I have left this as he had it so if you find someone listed as being Unmarked they may actually have a marker in place at this time which you can check this by looking at the Cemetery Listings for Jefferson County but this is a great source for those who do not.

NAME                    BIRTH    DEATH          CEMETERY

Kabat, Julia            1907    12-30-1908      St. Barbara
Kabot, Mary A. Inf.     1936    9-25-1936       St. Barbara
Kaiser, Michael Inf.    1925    10-29-1925      Wells Chapel
Karch, Clarissa         1862    11-5-1937       Oakwood
Karch, Inf. D.          1944    6-1-1944        Oakwood
Karch, Minnie           1857    12-24-1879      MP-Twp.
Karsh, Geo. A.          1852    1919            Oakwood
Kaus, John              1856    3-9-1930        Ebenezer
Kawava, Leo Inf.        1925    11-6-1925       St. Barbara
Kearney, Jessy          1853    5-5-1928        Flint
Kearns, Angus Inf.      1902    5-20-1902       W. Salem
Kearns, Wm. A.          1868    2-17-1914       Oakwood
Keef, Norma D. Inf.     1928    7-2-1928        Hams Grove
Keefe, Martha R.        1850    2-28-1943       Williams
Keele, Enoch            1860    5-15-1933       E. Hickory Hill
Keen, Bettie L. Inf.    1929    5-7-1929        Lowery (FA)
Keen, Inf. D.           1937    6-26-1937       Smith
Keen, Wm.               1877    10-25-1878      Pleasant Grove
Keif, Bertha G.         1883    1-9-1949        Oakwood
Keif, Betty E.          1927    3-2-1928        Oakwood
Keip, Inf. S.           1939    1-29-1939       Oakwood
Keip, Ruby              1898    3-3-1939        Oakwood
Kell, Myra              1868    10-24-1908      E. Hickory Hill
Kell, Sarah E.          1857    4-2-1938        Gilead
Kell, Wm. E.            1859    1-16-1878       Jordan Chapel
Keller, Abraham         1841    4-25-1928       County Farm
Keller, Geo. E.         1872    3-5-1948        Oakwood
Keller, Inf.            1905    8-17-1905       S. Hickory Hill
Keller, Inf. D.         1928    12-17-1928      Knob Prairie
Keller, Mary A.         1930    6-28-1931       Knob Prairie
Keller, Melvadean       1927    5-10-1928       W. Salem
Kelley, Arthur P.       1884    2-3-1922        Oakwood
Kelley, David J.                1916            County Farm
Kelley, Felix G.        1870    10-25-1922      Oakwood
Kelley, Ina             1901    3-14-1902       Fitzgerrell
Kelley, Ivan L.         1895    6-25-1943       Fitzgerrell
Kelley, Lee             1883    3-5-1908        Blackoak Ridge
Kelley, Martha J.       1862    5-6-1947        Fitzgerrell
Kelley, Minerva C.      1854    1-5-1922        Hickory Hill
Kelley, Mrs. Jerry E.   1855    3-17-1933       Oakwood
Kelley, Paul E. Inf.    1927    11-26-1927      Fitzgerrell
Kelley, Prudence        1845    2-22-1913       Knob Prairie
Kelley, Russell         1915    1916            S. Hickory Hill
Kelley, Sarah J.        1860    7-2-1929        Oakwood
Kelley, Welby           1877    12-18-1887      Hickory Hill
Kelley, Wm. T.          1874    2-26-1943       Fitzgerrell
Kelly, Beulah F. Inf.   1925    10-1-1925       Fitzgerrell
Kelly, Eva A. Inf.      1945    1-9-1945        Opdyke
Kelly, Robert C.        1899    7-5-1925        Abner
Kempe, Phillip          1849    1-7-1934        Mt. Catherine
Kemper, Nancy D.        1861    12-5-1933       Reynolds
Kendall, Cora B.        1876    1-11-1940       Wells Chapel
Kenedy, Martha          1836    4-12-1904       Blackoak Ridge
Kennedy, Inf. S.        1940    12-9-1940       Oakwood
Kennedy, Robert R.      1867    10-24-1940      Oakwood
Kennedy, Ruth K.        1909    4-2-1945        Kirk
Kent, Arnold L.         1916    7-7-1923        Opdyke
Kent, Dora E.           1863    1-6-1943        Opdyke
Kent, Lelia             1889    1912            No Mention   
Kern, Joseph W.         1859    2-23-1937       Opdyke
Kidd, John D. Inf.      1922    9-11-1922       County Farm
Kiel, Harriet E.        1856    3-26-1939       W. Salem
Kimble, Ben             1878    14-16-1930      County Farm
Kimble, John D.         1866    5-11-1934       Hopewell
Kincaid, Anna           1849    8-15-1928       Union Chapel
Kincaid, Ralph          1912    2-13-1922       Union Chapel
Kincaide, Priscilla     1885    7-20-1907       Union Chapel
Kinchbow, John D.       1904    7-18-1905       Ebenezer
Kinchbow, John P.       1835    4-8-1909        Oakwood
Kinchbow, Mrs.          1864    1-3-1906        No Mention
Kincheloe, Louisa G.    1872    4-11-1937       Oakwood
King, Andey             1880    11-8-1881       Atkinson
King, Bertha F.         1879    5-12-1941       E. Salem
King, Chas. G.          1848    1918            Boyd
King, Chas. H. Inf.     1916    1916            Oakwood
King, Earl L.           1906    3-30-1921       E. Hickory Hill
King, Eva A.            1893    1919            Pace
King, Hallie            1891    1-28-1920       S. Hickory Hill
King, Harold B. Inf.    1937    7-9-1937        W. Salem
King, Inf. D.           1944    10-24-1944      Oakwood
King, Lucretia          1817    3-6-1882        Salem
King, Mary F.           1851    2-5-1942        W. Salem
King, Nelda L.          1920    8-29-1923       Hickory Hill
King, Norma E.          1892    1928            No Mention
King, Peter             1869    12-2-1888       Rightnowar
King, Rosa D.           1865    3-10-1879       Union
King, Saniel            1820    12-25-1888      Rightnowar
King, Vechel Inf.       1932    9-7-1932        S. Hickory Hill
King, Vina R.           1898    1-17-1910       Knob Prairie
Kinison, Ellen R.       1889    1919            Oakwood
Kinison, Josiah C.      1858    10-4-1937       Oakwood
Kinison, Larry D. Inf.  1938    10-6-1938       Oakwood
Kinison, Matilda        1825    2-15-1903       Lowery Hill
Kinison, Sarah V.       1865    8-24-1938       Oakwood
Kipe, Doris L.          1929    10-10-1931      Oakwood
Kipkendall, Martha A.   1857    4-6-1934        Sugar Camp
Kirk, Alice             1872    11-23-1938      Kirk
Kirk, Alva R.           1903    1917            Cub Prairie
Kirk, Chas.             1850    5-22-1935       Kirk
Kirk, John L.           1858    6-11-1933       Kirk
Kirk, Libbie            1883    1-11-1889       Kirk
Kirk, Loretta Inf.      1923    10-18-1923      Abner
Kirk, Ponivan           1914    1919            Kirk
Kirk, Samantha          1852    6-20-1937       Kirk
Kirk, Sarah F.          1875    1919            Kirk
Kirk, Theo. D.          1901    1919            Kirk
Kirk, W. F.             1854    7-8-1932        Kirk
Kirkpatrick, Wm.        1868    4-15-1930       Knob Prairie
Kirr, Lourana M.        1874    3-10-1931       Cub Prairie
Kiss, Douglas B. Inf.   1948    8-10-1948       Oakwood
Kiss, Inf. S.           1946    6-18-1946       Oakwood
Kissel, Catherine       1876    10-18-1930      Oakdale
Kite, James A.          1877    10-28-1947      Oakwood
Kite, Jasper L.         1868    7-26-1923       Oakwood
Kite, Levina            1853    1919            Williams
Kite, Mary E.           1880    12-10-1944      Oakwood
Kite, Tandas E.         1927    2-2-1929        Oakwood
Klamp, Harmon           1840    7-7-1902        St. Catherine
Klampt, Cora M.         1901    2-17-1920       Mt. Catherine
Klebba, Inf. D.         1937    1-25-1937       Mt. Zion
Klinker, Eliza S.       1836    1919            Oakwood
Klinker, Euphania I.    1868    10-25-1949      Kirk
Klissman, Mary B.       1861    10-21-1902      St. Barbara
Kloffer, Carl G.        1842    12-12-1906      Pleasant Hill
Klough, Jack Inf.       1926    3-27-1926       Oakwood
Kluck, Linda K.         1946    11-29-1949      Oakwood
Knapper, Genieve        1912    7-10-1936       Oakwood
Kniffen, David N.       1924    9-18-1925       Pleasant Hill
Kniffen, John W.        1921    10-12-1925      Pleasant Hill
Kniffen, Leroy          1924    1925            No Mention
Kniffen, Mary E.        1871    2-15-1922       Oakwood
Kniffen, Thelma N.      1937    5-2-1939        Hams Grove
Kniffen, Viola          1861    12-17-1907      Arnold
Knight, Isabel          1859    12-20-1939      Pleasant Hill
Knight, Oscar           1891    7-21-1904       Pleasant Grove
Knomes, Minnie          1904    1-25-1905       Jef. Co.
Knowles, Annanias       1843    6-4-1929        Smith
Knowles, Francis M.     1848    11-11-1939      Knowles
Knowles, Harriet E.     1848    12-30-1928      Smith
Knowles, Martin         1837    2-5-1929        Knowles
Knowls, John A.         1878    6-14-1909       New Hope (PE)
Knox, Inf. D.           1937    7-6-1937        Woodlawn
Knox, John T.           1854    1-3-1925        Union
Knox, Sarilda           1839    8-27-1879       Reynolds
Kolinsky, Rosa          1838    1-26-1929       Dryden
Kollinski, Frank        1833    1-21-1923       Dryden
Koons, Della A.         1874    3-31-1934       Oakwood
Kowalski, Annie         1839    12-5-1925       St. Barbara
Kowalski, Bertha        1872    5-25-1933       Woodlawn
Kowalski, Marie         1848    12-22-1914      Woodlawn
Kowalski, Mary          1861    10-21-1902      St. Barbara
Kowalski, Otto J.       1880    8-24-1945       Woodlawn
Kramer, Herold K. Inf.  1923    11-23-1923      W. Salem
Krueger, Chas.          1864    8-13-1933       Pleasant Grove
Krutsinger, Ida G.      1879    11-12-1949      Oakwood
Kurl, Alice D.          1862    7-9-1932        Atkinson
Kurl, Wm. A.            1861    12-6-1932       E. Hickory Hill
Kussman, Andrew         1858    1916            County Farm

Lacey, John O.          1850    2-7-1927        Woodlawn
Laffoon, Miriam M.      1844    12-10-1939      Reynolds
Laird, David            1845    1-13-1927       Oakwood
Laird, Emeline          1821    4-10-1881       Minson
Laird, Frank            1891    7-13-1935       Laird
Laird, Louis            1902    9-27-1903       Laird
Laird, Martha           1852    6-6-1921        Minson
Lallor, Albert H.       1872    7-28-1904       No Mention 
Lambert, Thomas D.      1873    5-10-1915       No Mention
Lamont, Wm.             1876    11-2-1878       Jef. Co.
Lampp, Rela N. Inf.     1931    4-2-1931        Smith
Lance, Celia            1842    9-2-1939        Antioch
Lance, Clarence A.              9-3-1902        Antioch
Lance, Hanna            1882    3-13-1907       Ohio
Lance, Inf. D.          1923    5-7-1923        Antioch
Lance, R.               1841    3-4-1920        Antioch
Lancey, Harry           1885    11-30-1903      W. Salem
Lancy, Thomas           1855    8-14-1889       Union
Land, John W.           1852    3-1-1906        Pace
Landrun, Henry          1804    1-5-1879        County Farm
Lane, Asberry           1838    3-30-1906       Blackoak Ridge
Lane, Ethel             1890    11-8-1924       Pleasant Grove
Lane, Inf. S.           1925    2-19-1925       E. Hickory Hill
Lane, Inf. S.           1932    11-28-1932      Knob Prairie
Lane, John V.           1832    9-20-1912       Harmony
Lane, Lewis R.          1855    3-20-1930       E. Hickory Hill
Lane, Lulu M. Inf.      1908    1-18-1908       No Mention   
Lane, Mary F.           1916    7-3-1939        E. Hickory Hill
Lane, Myrtle M.         1869    2-11-1945       Oakdale
Lane, Nancy J.          1820    7-15-1903       Blackoak Ridge
Lane, Semerimus         1859    1-28-1928       E. Hickory Hill
Lane, Shelia J. Inf.    1949    2-28-1949       Bethel
Lane, Vaneta            1923    8-29-1928       E. Hickory Hill
Lane, Virgil E. Jr.Inf. 1932    4-6-1932        W. Salem
Laneve, Inf.            1911    12-3-1911       Ebenezer
Langreb, Edgar          1906    10-28-1909      Marissa Ill.
Langreb, Wm. N.         1903    10-7-1904       Old Shiloh
Lantz, Virginia L.      1914    4-30-1942       Oakwood
Lappin, Milton Inf.     1937    4-6-1937        Abner
Largent, Inf.           1908    2-17-1908       No Mention
Larly, Dorris E. Inf.   1932    5-16-1932       Laird
Larson, Antone          1869    8-21-1947       Mt. Catherine
Larson, Bessie          1878    1-25-1944       Mt. Catherine
Lathan, Maree           1906    1-27-1910       Sursa
Lathrop, Laura          1857    11-5-1914       Opdyke
Latta, Cora B.          1905    6-24-1947       Bethel
Latta, John M.          1844    8-21-1929       Old Union
Latta, Malinda A.       1872    6-30-1879       Pleasant Hill
Latta, Maud Inf.        1905    2-23-1905       Harmony
Latta, Rebecca J.       1886    5-25-1890       Union
Lattoe, Albert H.       1872    7-28-1904       No Mention
Latty, Son              1880    4-17-1881       Pleasant Hill
Laur, Harold Inf.       1917    1917            Bald Hill
Laur, Inf. D.           1922    7-4-1922        Abner
Laur, Lawrence          1914    10-16-1920      Dryden
Laurence, Alex W.       1848    8-28-1936       Oakwood
Laverty, Wm. V.         1868    1918            Union Chapel
Lawe, Inf. S.           1928    1-27-1928       Old Union
Lawrence, Cordelia      1875    3-17-1940       Oakwood
Lawrence, Marie Inf.    1906    3-31-1906       Oakwood
Lawrence, Robert Inf.   1928    8-14-1928       Pleasant Hill
Lawson, Aaron           1838    1919            Flint
Lawson, Allen F.        1833    9-30-1910       Old Union
Lawson, Inf.            1924    2-23-1924       Oakwood
Lawson, Inf. S.         1925    1-11-1925       Oakwood
Lawson, John B.         1835    2-15-1906       Flint
Lawson, Martha          1863    1918            Oakwood
Lay, Wm.                1875    10-9-1938       Oakwood
Leach, Levi             1852    7-10-1928       Arnold
Leach, Sarah            1842    1919            W. Salem
Leavitt, Hattie         1875    1919            St. Marys
Lee, Bernice            1857    1-31-1942       W. Salem
Lee, Castella           1902    4-6-1903        Old Union
Lee, Clarence G.        1925    9-2-1925        Wolf Prairie
Lee, Dorothy            1915    3-22-1920       Knob Prairie
Lee, Ernestine          1907    8-26-1908       Old Union
Lee, Lewis E.           1921    4-9-1922        Oakwood
Lee, M. F.              1919    2-16-1922       Oakwood
Lee, Mary               1879    11-2-1928       Oakwood
Lee, Milton E.          1864    12-9-1932       Kirk
Lee, Nancy              1839    3-4-1903        Gilbert
Lee, Thomas             1868    4-12-1888       Gilbert
Lee, Velma F.           1884    8-31-1915       Knob Prairie
Lee, Walter             1882    5-7-1907        Knob Prairie
Lee, Wm. S.             1904    8-6-1907        Gilbert
Leech, Harry C.         1891    4-10-1892       Arnold
Leech, James            1849    2-3-1882        Round Knowl
Leech, Lucy E.          1889    3-6-1892        Jef. Co.
Leemke, Theo. F.        1860    5-6-1933        Cochran
Leffler, Cholotta J.    1923    8-14-1923       Oakwood
Leffler, Clifford E.    1923    8-6-1923        Oakwood
Leffler, Inf.           1918    1918            Oakwood
Leffler, Stanley        1921    10-14-1922      Oakwood
Lehman, Casper P.       1856    1-3-1936        Atkinson
Lemar, Herold D.        1923    3-3-1924        Laird
Lemay, Alien W.         1877    2-16-1935       Oakwood
Lemay, Norris A.        1857    3-30-1922       Oakwood
Lemay, Wm. E.           1909    6-22-1924       Oakwood
Lemmons, Elsey          1812    11-23-1880      Pleasant Hill
Lemmons, James E.       1918    2-26-1920       Dryden
Lemmons, Thomas         1878    8-13-1879       Pleasant Hill
Lemon, Leta J.          1902    1916            Hickory Hill
Lemons, Cecelia A. Inf. 1939    5-26-1939       Dryden
Lemons, Flora B. Inf.   1933    7-26-1933       Oakwood
Lemons, Frank           1860    5-12-1937       W. Salem
Lemons, James N.        1928    12-30-1929      Dryden
Lemons, Jane            1879    3-18-1914       Dryden
Lemons, Jane            1849    2-2-1934        S. Hickory Hill
Lemons, Robert L.       1917    12-8-1921       Dryden
Lemons, Robert R.       1847    1917            S. Hickory Hill
Lemons, Roy Inf.        1918    1918            Dryden
Lemons, Sarah M.        1859    12-15-1939      Knob Prairie
Lemons, Wilbur R. Inf.  1942    5-19-1942       Dryden
Lemons, Willie          1920    3-29-1932       Dryden
Lengfelder, Henry W.    1877    10-15-1949      Oakwood
Lenington, Amanda T.    1856    7-15-1932       W. Salem
Lenington, Harriet E.   1869    3-2-1937        Gilbert
Lenington, James F.     1866    2-9-1940        Gilbert
Lennington, Asa         1877    8-24-1878       BL-Twp.
Lenord, Oliver          1828    10-4-1904       Fitzgerrell
Lentz, Maisey           1813    2-1-1813        BL-Twp.
Leonard, Inf. D.        1878    9-12-1878       Abner
Leonard, Malinda A.     1859    1919            Abner
Leuszler, Ralph S.              9-25-1938       County Farm
Leuty, Doke             1863    3-8-1932        Harmony
Leuty, J. S.            1862    1-7-1943        Harmony
Leuty, Lillie W.        1865    1-5-1949        Simmons
Levandaski, Frances     1855    11-15-1935      St. Barbara
Lewis, Fannie           1881    6-29-1930       Oakwood
Lewis, Inf.             1925    1-4-1925        Jordan Chapel
Lewis, Thomas           1820    1880            Mt. Catherine
Lietzke, Chas. H.       1867    5-10-1941       St. Catherine
Lighette, Orie C. Inf.  1907    8-6-1907        Flint
Ligon, Daniel G.        1841    1916            Kirk
Like, Lemora            1884    2-16-1903       Round Knowl
Liles, Bobbie           1914    12-22-1949      Abner
Linder, Eunice          1865    5-3-1928        Woodlawn
Lindsey, Bobby L.       1928    8-4-1931        Oakwood
Lindsey, Gertrude       1901    6-5-1935        Oakwood
Lindsey, James          1818    8-27-1902       Sursa
Lingo, Annie            1852    1-23-1931       Abner
Lingo, Laura L. Inf.    1939    6-20-1939       Abner
Lingo, Wm. F.           1933    7-17-1934       Abner
Linn, Betty C. Inf.     1927    12-21-1927      Pleasant Grove
Linn, Theo. F.          1889    12-1-1933       Oakwood
Linville, Georgia H.    1864    8-29-1931       W. Salem
Linville, Mamie         1909    2-24-1945       Opdyke
Lisenby, James A.       1899    1919            Sursa
Lisenby, Mattie F.      1887    1-20-1921       E. Salem
Lisenby, Rose E.        1870    7-21-1942       Sursa
Lisenby, Verda M.       1893    1917            Oakwood
Lisenby, Wm. P.         1895    12-6-1925       Sursa
Litterall, Sarah M.     1848    7-23-1921       Woodlawn
Little, Mable M.        1891    1-24-1907       Oakwood
Littrell, Newton        1867    5-17-1905       Panther Fork
Littrell, Venia         1881    3-9-1905        Panther Fork
Lively, Margaret        1842    12-15-1931      Pleasant Grove
Livengood, John A.      1866    4-12-1942       W. Salem
Livesay, Hilda Inf.     1930    5-7-1930        E. Hickory Hill
Livingston, Pearl       1888    2-13-1931       Oakwood
Livsley, Edwin          1836    8-3-1911        Oakwood
Loarts, Leslie          1861    12-6-1938       Oakwood
Locey, Nora H.          1872    7-28-1949       Bethel
Locher, Chas. B.        1874    4-26-1937       Cub Prairie
Lockard, Louis N.       1864    7-17-1940       Boyd
Locke, August           1839    3-30-1924       Sursa
Locke, Wm. E.           1879    5-14-1944       Sursa
Lockeby, Inf. S.        1847    7-6-1847        Webber Twp.
Locker, Edward          1868    1918            Wolf Prairie
Lockett, Fred           1885    1-2-1929        Oakwood
Logan, Lillie           1887    3-9-1891        Hickory Hill
Logan, Luther L.        1860    7-13-1936       E. Hickory Hill
Logan, Margaret R.      1835    1918            E. Hickory Hill
Logan, Rosa             1887    3-12-1891       Hickory Hill
Logsdon, Chas. M.       1915    3-23-1933       Knob Prairie
Loker, Edna F. Inf.     1936    10-11-1936      Wells Chapel
Loman, Grace            1890    12-18-1912      Abner
Loman, Guy Inf.         1918    1918            Abner
Loman, Harry A. Inf.    1902    3-1-1902        S. Hickory Hill
Loman, Sarah A.         1838    5-5-1909        S. Hickory Hill
Loman, Wilce C.         1898    2-19-1930       E. Hickory Hill
Loman, Wm. R. Inf.      1910    5-10-1910       Antioch
Lomax, Inf.             1903    1-26-1904       Sursa
Lommon, John S.         1858    8-22-1879       Pleasant Hill
Long, Alice             1880    1-2-1904        Fouts
Long, Geo. D.           1922    8-27-1925       Oakwood
Long, Inf. Inf. D.      1879    5-24-1879       Woodlawn
Long, James C.          1832    7-31-1905       Oakwood
Long, Johnson P.        1870    2-20-1940       Oakwood
Long, Julia             1864    6-16-1941       Oakwood
Long, Pheba A.          1838    4-6-1902        Oakwood
Long, Rebecca J.        1862    12-5-1927       Oakwood
Long, Tom               1868    1918            Ebenezer
Loss, John W.           1862    4-5-1935        W. Salem
Loucke, Howard L.       1931    5-25-1945       Dryden
Loucks, Arthur          1917    10-9-1925       Dryden
Loucks, Drery           1906    5-28-1910       Youngblood
Loucks, Elizabeth       1934    2-15-1938       Ward
Loucks, Helen M. Inf.   1918    1918            Youngblood
Lough, Elizabeth        1934    7-9-1938        Oakwood
Louis, Mary             1851    4-21-1928       Oakwood
Louth, Eunice S.        1870    5-9-1946        Oakwood
Love, O. B.             1915    7-29-1934       County Farm
Love, Pearl             1894    11-20-1921      Oakwood
Love, Susan M.          1836    3-5-1910        Gilead
Loven, Thomas           1873    8-22-1879       Sugar Camp
Lovin, Andrew J.        1848    12-11-1906      Sugar Camp
Lovin, Anna M.          1903    3-23-1905       Sugar Camp
Lovin, Benj. F.         1866    12-31-1909      Sugar Camp
Lovin, Martha           1822    1882            No Mention
Lovin, Martha           1850    7-19-1915       Smith
Lovin, Perry            1843    3-3-1931        Oakwood
Lovin, Sarah A.         1857    6-10-1882       Sugar Camp
Lowell, Louis           1839    1919            Old Union
Lowery, Barbara J.      1935    3-5-1937        Oakwood
Lowery, Chas. E. Inf.   1930    12-25-1930      Oakwood
Lowery, Emory Inf.      1915    2-12-1915       Bonnie
Lowery, Inf. S.         1917    1917            S. Hickory Hill
Lowery, Isabelle        1861    4-3-1933        E. Hickory Hill
Lowery, Jackson         1872    10-20-1925      Oakwood
Lowery, Minnie          1881    10-18-1904      Hams Grove
Lowery, Nancy           1806    11-2-1880       Sugar Camp
Lowery, Nancy           1844    6-16-1937       Lowery Hill
Lowery, Nettie O.       1895    11-13-1934      Oakwood
Lowery, Patricia A. Inf.1947    12-7-1947       Lowery
Lowery, Robert J.       1938    5-20-1939       Oakwood
Lowery, Ronald R. Inf.  1935    12-15-1935      Oakwood
Lowery, Sally Inf.      1906    4-10-1906       Lowery Hill
Lowery, Thomas          1836    1-26-1904       Lowery Hill
Lowry, Amna             1890    6-14-1928       W. Salem
Lowry, Clara V.         1883    10-22-1903      Lowery Hill
Lowry, Inf. D.          1922    1-29-1922       Pleasant Hill
Lowry, Mary A.          1901    5-19-1902       Panther Fork
Lowry, Ruthie J. Inf.   1920    5-11-1920       Kirk
Lowry, Wm. P.           1858    10-31-1924      Oakwood
Ludington, Helen T.     1865    11-10-1944      Bethel
Luke, Geo. V.           1857    6-21-1930       Mt. Zion (FA)
Luppin, Wm. Inf.        1902    4-8-1902        E. Hickory Hill
Lusby, Inf. D.          1918    1918            Oakwood
Lush, Martha E.         1887    12-13-1934      Woodlawn
Luther, Tennessee       1894    8-1-1911        Mt. Olive
Luttrell, Myrtle        1902    4-2-1904        Perdue
Lyaas, E.               1877    6-9-1903        Union Chapel
Lyals, Jacob            1842    5-25-1902       New Hope (PE)
Lyerla, Henry J.        1849    6-26-1938       Oakwood
Lyerla, Roseanna        1852    7-10-1948       Oakwood
Lyle, Mary E. Inf.      1935    2-13-1935       Oakwood
Lyle, Ray E.            1924    4-8-1926        Oakwood
Lyler, Alva             1892    1-20-1909       Old Union
Lyles, Inf.             1905    2-13-1905       Belle Rive
Lynch, Chas. F.         1859    3-29-1940       Oakwood
Lynch, Cora E. Inf.     1940    3-7-1940        S. Hickory Hill
Lynch, Lou L.           1896    1919            Cub Prairie
Lynn, Doris E.          1909    1919            Pleasant Grove
Lyons, Henry C.         1860    6-11-1945       Oakwood
Lyons, Jennie           1870    7-17-1938       Oakwood

Mabry, Ida V.           1876    6-20-1948       Oakwood
Mabry, Myrtle           1885    12-9-1930       Oakwood
Mace, Mary K.           1852    6-18-1936       Smith
Mack, John HH.          1886    3-29-1946       Oakwood
Mack, Mary K.           1884    12-12-1936      Oakwood
Maddox, Gracie          1893    6-15-1904       Fitzgerrell
Maddox, Jane            1821    2-3-1905        Opdyke
Maddox, Rhoda A.        1844    8-27-1921       Oakwood
Madsen, Warren A.       1918    2-10-1925       Oakwood
Mager, Lige D.          1854    7-29-1930       Woodlawn
Mahaffey, Leona         1869    12-2-1921       Oakwood
Mahan, Benj. J.         1925    2-8-1926        Hickory Hill
Mahan, Edna Inf.        1924    3-31-1924       Hickory Hill
Malcom, Charley         1919    2-25-1920       New Hope (PE)
Malone, Col             1878    7-11-1944       Oakwood
Malone, Daniel          1873    1946            No Mention
Malone, John B. Inf.    1881    10-2-1881       No Mention
Malone, Millie          1850    2-13-1923       Pace
Malone, Ruth            1899    5-31-1902       W. Salem
Malone, Stella          1890    11-11-1926      W. Salem
Malone, Wm.             1883    6-11-1931       W. Salem
Malott, Bessie          1894    1919            Mt. Catherine
Malott, James T.        1888    1919            Mt. Catherine
Mance, Arthur E.        1900    9-25-1921       New Hope
Mandrell, Elvis H.      1875    12-7-1921       Old Union
Mandrell, James         1895    11-20-1908      Mt. Catherine
Mandrell, John H.       1908    1918            Old Union
Mandrell, May B.        1878    12-25-1920      Old Union
Mandrell, Sarah         1839    11-22-1921      Rightnowar
Mandrell, Soloman       1845    9-10-1911       Pisgah
Manley, Harriet L.      1879    12-15-1915      Gaston
Manley, Harriet L.      1862    1918            Gaston
Manley, Inf. S.         1920    7-26-1920       Oakwood
Mann, Myrtle            1901    2-25-1922       Minson
Mannen, Jerome S.       1871    8-9-1932        Knob Prairie
Mannen, Joseph H.       1840    4-4-1927        Knob Prairie
Mannen, Martha E.       1849    1919            Oakwood
Mannen, Mary J.         1855    3-16-1923       Knob Prairie
Mannen, Roy             1893    3-18-1933       Knob Prairie
Mannen, Thomas E.       1872    5-6-1912        Knob Prairie
Marcrum, John H.        1869    12-30-1920      Little Grove
Marcum, Clarence        1899    1919            Little Grove
Marcum, Donald E. Inf.  1932    6-2-1932        Gilead
Marcum, Ella M.         1869    11-19-1937      Gilead
Marcum, Florence        1893    9-13-1906       Little Grove
Marcum, Mary E.         1859    12-10-1931      Little Grove
Markham, Iva Inf.       1916    1916            County Farm
Marks, Paul M. Inf.     1947    4-1-1947        Oakwood
Marlin, Maggie F.       1874    3-6-1882        No Mention
Marlow, Alice B.        1873    10-18-1925      Harmony
Marlow, Caroline        1850    2-2-1933        S. Hickory Hill
Marlow, Catherine       1854    1-19-1923       Blackoak Ridge
Marlow, Edward O.       1870    10-25-1928      Harmony
Marlow, Ella            1867    1-30-1903       Blackoak Ridge
Marlow, Fern            1916    1917            No Mention
Marlow, Frances         1829    1-25-1908       E. Salem
Marlow, Harriet         1832    1-4-1911        Mt. Olive
Marlow, Inf. S.         1885    8-14-1885       Opdyke
Marlow, Ira E.          1914    1917            No Mention
Marlow, James R.        1895    1-28-1904       Blackoak Ridge
Marlow, Larry E. Inf.   1947    12-24-1947      Boyd
Marlow, Lotta           1903    5-2-1912        Blackoak Ridge
Marlow, Nancy J.        1845    4-7-1882        Hickory Hill
Marlow, Priscilla       1834    12-23-1883      Blackoak Ridge
Marlow, R. Robert       1896    4-11-1904       Blackoak Ridge
Marlow, Susie           1874    6-25-1941       Oakwood
Marlow, Willard A.      1877    11-27-1933      Oakwood
Marlow, Willie E.       1865    1942            No Mention
Marsh, Ellihue          1894    1-24-1913       E. Hickory Hill
Marsh, Eugene Inf.      1904    4-7-1904        Hickory Hill
Marsh, John             1867    1919            E. Hickory Hill
Marshall, Ella          1867    2-28-1949       Panther Fork
Marshall, Fannie        1892    3-8-1934        Oakwood
Marshall, Nick          1884    1-6-1942        Oakwood
Marshall, Robert W.     1932    12-20-1933      Hams Grove
Marteeny, Anna R.       1875    12-10-1943      Boyd
Marteeny, Elizah H.     1856    1-1-1939        Oakwood
Marteeny, Ida L.        1856    12-15-1925      Oakwood
Marteeny, Roy Inf.      1880    1880            No Mention
Martin, Alvin           1904    4-27-1905       W. Salem
Martin, Ben             1909    2-28-1912       Dryden
Martin, Catherine       1823    2-4-1906        Oakwood
Martin, Donald          1930    6-8-1949        W. Salem
Martin, Earnest R.      1890    1918            Oakwood
Martin, Elizabeth       1844    4-11-1914       S. Hickory Hill
Martin, Goldie M. Inf.  1946    9-16-1946       Flint
Martin, Helen M.        1918    2-6-1920        W. Salem
Martin, Inf.            1903    2-6-1903        Old Baptist
Martin, Inf.            1904    1-28-1904       E. Salem
Martin, Inf. S.         1923    11-4-1923       Oakwood
Martin, John E.         1872    4-10-1945       Oakwood
Martin, Joseph          1882    7-11-1943       Oakwood
Martin, Leni C.         1855    10-3-1933       Oakwood
Martin, Mable E.        1889    3-1-1944        Flint
Martin, Marley          1894    1916            Union Chapel
Martin, Melvin R.       1932    9-15-1945       W. Salem
Martin, Mollie          1915    10-30-1942      Abner
Martin, Myrl I.         1905    1-22-1942       Knob Prairie
Martin, Sarah J.        1861    5-3-1945        Oakwood
Martin, Sharon K. Inf.  1942    3-21-1942       Abner
Martin, Susan A.        1855    11-14-1906      Union Chapel
Martin, Virginia        1869    5-7-1945        Bethel
Martin, Vona F.         1904    1-6-1941        Minson
Martin, Willard L.      1871    12-8-1890       New Hope (PE)
Martin, Willis          1847    2-7-1920        Union Chapel
Martin, Winfield K.Inf. 1940    1-25-1940       Mt. Catherine
Martiner, Wayne B. Inf. 1913    1-1-1913        Flint
Maski, Albert           1869    5-26-1926       County Farm
Masters, Ermine         1896    4-8-1914        Knob Prairie
Masters, Jacob B.       1884    4-5-1914        Knob Prairie
Masters, Monroe         1892    1-14-1914       Knob Prairie
Masters, Theo.          1907    1916            Gilbert
Masters, Wm. M.         1829    12-30-1833      Knob Prairie
Mateer, Susan A.        1899    1-25-1903       No Mention
Mathews, Cora E.        1873    7-18-1932       W. Salem
Mathews, Elston         1892    5-26-1930       Mt. Zion (FA)
Mathews, Henry A.       1862    4-28-1944       Oakwood
Mathews, John           1867    11-22-1948      Oakwood
Mathews, Lawrence E.    1924    11-1-1924       Oakwood
Mathews, Mary E.        1865    2-17-1940       Old Union
Mathewson, Norman       1856    4-4-1935        Knob Prairie
Mathis, Joe             1878    6-23-1938       W. Salem
Mathis, Raymond D.      1894    4-9-1949        Oakwood
Mathius, Mary           1860    8-2-1903        Atkinson
Mathus, Agnus           1877    10-3-1931       W. Salem
Mathus, Bertha          1878    8-1-1942        Wolf Prairie
Mathus, Chas. Jr. Inf.  1924    8-27-1924       Hickory Hill
Mathus, Inf. S.         1917    1917            Oakwood
Mathus, Paul Inf.       1921    1-29-1921       S. Hickory Hill
Matthews, Chas. M.      1866    7-13-1936       W. Salem
Mattox, Chas. E. Inf.   1903    12-14-1903      Hopewell
Mattox, James E.        1846    4-14-1921       Woodlawn
Maulding, Clarence E.   1880    10-11-1881      No Mention
Maulding, Elizabeth O.  1874    4-29-1880       No Mention
Maulding, James         1828    1-9-1882        New Hope (PE)
Maulding, Martha J.     1872    7-13-194        Mt. Olive
Maulding, Zachariah     1837    11-10-1906      W. Salem
Maurer, Inf.            1917    1917            Oakwood
Maxey, Elizabeth R.     1843    5-25-1921       Oakdale
Maxey, Harriet          1827    1-18-1904       Harmony
Maxey, Jessie V.        1892    11-27-1906      Pleasant Grove
Maxey, John             1852    4-27-1889       Union
Maxey, Susan J.         1863    9-16-1941       Oakwood
Maxey, Van              1836    9-27-1906       No Mention
Maxey, Winnie           1895    7-26-1902       Oakdale
Maxey, Wm. T.           1834    2-17-1908       Pleasant Grove
Maxfield, Inf. D.       1890    12-26-1890      Jordan Chapel
May, Lennie             1861    2-12-1910       Oakwood
May, Lucinda            1810    12-27-1881      Salem
May, Nora               1882    5-27-1883       Slade
Mayau, Alonzo           1880    1884            EL-Twp.
Mayberry, James E. Inf. 1929    6-26-1929       W. Salem
Mayer, Frank A.         1873    9-27-1938       Sursa
Mayfield, Eliza P.      1849    5-2-1933        W. Salem
Mayfield, Inf. S.       1937    12-19-1937      W. Salem
Maynor, Crafton Inf.    1908    11-11-1908      Harmony
Maynor, Frank           1903    4-19-1904       Woodlawn
Maynor, Lou             1879    12-12-1937      Woodlawn
Maynor, Mary J.         1843    9-8-1903        Opdyke
Maynor, Myrtle          1901    12-19-1920      Woodlawn
Maynor, Priscilla       1855    4-27-1923       W. Salem
Maynor, Wm.             1844    6-2-1925        W. Salem
Mays, Blanch            1916    9-6-1923        Shiloh
Mays, Emma J.           1861    8-5-1920        Old Shiloh
Mayse, Leve G.          1854    9-5-1920        Old Shiloh
McAdoo, Donald W. Inf.  1940    12-23-1940      Bethel
McAdoo, James E. Inf.   1938    8-28-1938       Bethel
McAlister, Mary E.      1900    2-3-1933        Oakwood
McAllister, John        1849    1919            Pleasant Grove
McAtee, Laura A.        1850    5-9-1933        Knob Prairie
McBrian, Chris. C.      1843    10-11-1921      Cub Prairie
McBride, Annie          1867    7-18-1905       Oakwood
McBride, Blanche        1906    7-18-1907       Kirk
McBride, Thomas H.      1835    1916            Oakwood
McCabe, Anthony                 12-25-1932      Little Grove
McCambridge, Arthur     1930    1-12-1931       W. Salem
McCandrew, Mary M.      1910    7-12-1948       Gerald (SG)
McCann, Chas. A.        1873    1918            New Hope (SG)
McCann, Lewis C.        1850    4-27-1881       New Hope (SG)
McCann, Wm. O.          1876    9-20-1949       New Hope (SG)
McCarter, Jackie L. Inf.1949    2-23-1949       Oakwood
McCauley, Rosella M.    1964    3-19-1929       Oakwood
McCauley, Rosemary      1927    3-26-1932       Oakwood
McClure, Chester H.     1862    6-26-1943       W. Salem
McClure, Emma J. Inf.   1930    5-19-1930       W. Salem
McConnaughay, Geo.      1843    1-8-1903        Baldhill Twp.
McConnaughay, Inf.      1915    2-22-1915       At Home
McConnaughay, John F.   1919    3-21-1940       Boyd
McConnaughay, Margaret L.1885   10-11-1949      Lowery (FA)
McConnaughay, Nancy A.  1850    9-29-1934       McCounnaughay
McConnoha, Alva Inf.    1903    6-10-1903       Panther Fork
McCool, Harry           1888    5-30-1931       Oakwood
McCord, Lucy A.         1820    5-8-1884        Mt. Olive
McCormack, Benj.        1858    12-15-1880      Ebenezer
McCormack, Ella         1858    12-25-1881      Pleasant Hill
McCormick, Annie        1867    8-3-1880        At Home
McCormick, Edward       1870    9-7-1880        At Home
McCormick, John F.      1919    3-21-1940       Boyd
McCormick, L. N.        1854    8-19-1938       Pleasant Hill
McCormick, Lewis J.     1861    10-25-1947      Pleasant Hill
McCormick, Mary A.      1865    1-12-1940       Pleasant Hill
McCormick, Patrick      1871    8-9-1881        At Home
McCormick, Rachel E.    1860    10-6-1920       Pleasant Hill
McCosinck, Tennessee    1831    12-25-1911      Pleasant Hill
McCowan, Nancy M.       1839    11-17-1910      Woodlawn
McCowen, Orvil          1906    5-9-1913        Knob Prairie
McCoy, Donald           1856    8-30-1931       Opdyke
McCoy, Earl D.          1904    7-1-1911        Sugar Camp
McCoy, Geo. Inf.        1921    12-30-1921      Oakwood
McCoy, Gladys E.        1901    5-24-1938       Oakwood
McCoy, James            1883    6-13-1907       Pleasant Hill
McCoy, Nancy R.         1838    9-7-1924        E. Hickory Hill
McCoy, W. C.            1869    4-3-1929        Cub Prairie
McCoy, Wm. U.           1931    5-2-1932        Oakwood
McCrane, Meda           1863    11-7-1933       Gilead
McCrary, Hannah J.      1888    1918            Gilead
McCraw, Owen C.         1865    12-6-1949       Bethel
McCullum, John O.       1881    9-28-1931       Oakwood
McDaniel, Minnie A.     1869    12-7-1879       Simmons
McDermott, Claudia V.   1895    3-3-1946        Oakwood
McDonald, Bobbe L. Inf. 1929    11-1-1929       Oakwood
McDonald, Donal Inf.    1920    3-30-1920       Pace
McDonald, Jackie L. Inf.1926    10-22-1926      Oakwood
McElroy, Eldora         1877    7-6-1945        Oakwood
McElvain, Archey L.Inf. 1937    10-18-1937      Atkinson
McElvain, Harold D.Inf. 1937    9-30-1937       Atkinson
McFarland, John H.              1-8-            Shiloh   1877-1919
McFarland, Wm. H. Inf.          12-31-          Shiloh   1877-1919
McFarlane, Parker       1901    1918            Panther Fork
McGhee, Bobby J. Inf.   1934    11-25-1934      Mt. Catherine
McGhee, Inf. S.         1939    4-12-1939       W. Salem
McGill, Geo. R.         1923    3-10-1924       Oakwood
McGinnis, Abram E.      1870    4-17-1934       Knowles
McGinnis, Della         1873    10-10-1935      Knowles
McGinnis, Elijah        1802    1880            Locust Grove
McGlin, Charlie Inf.    1905    7-29-1905       County Farm
McGuire, Everett        1903    9-14-1923       E. Hickory Hill
McGuire, Mary S.        1879    1922            Oakwood
McKee, Charlie E.       1917    11-14-1921      Opdyke
McKee, John R.          1872    8-7-1906        Round Knowl
McKee, John R.          1901    4-3-1907        S. Hickory Hill
McKee, Lawrence Jr.Inf. 1925    8-27-1925       Opdyke
McKee, Thomas           1830    1-24-1926       Opdyke
McKelvy, John T.        1827    4-15-1903       Fouts

McKenry, Inf.           1920    11-12-1920      Blackoak Ridge
McKenry, Inf.           1924    12-20-1924      Oakdale
McKettric, Inf. D.      1932    6-18-1932       County Farm
McKimgers, James        1848    11-26-1912      Locust Grove
McKiness, Ruth L.       1917    3-14-1939       W. Salem
McKinney, Butler        1836    7-2-1911        Old Union
McKinney, Inf.          1945    10-14-1945      Oakwood
McKinney, Lena          1876    1-13-1904       Old Union
McKinney, Louis O.      1912    11-14-1943      E. Salem
McKinney, Martha E.     1868    3-22-1940       Simmons
McKinney, Matie E.      1841    7-10-1906       Abner
McKinney, Reed          1873    6-4-1906        Old Union
McKowan, Hattie B.      1882    1919            Hopewell
McLain, Inf. S.         1925    11-22-1925      Cub Prairie
McLaughlin, Addison L.  1870    4-15-1922       Minson
McLaughlin, Dan W.      1923    1-1-1941        W. Salem
McLaughlin, Don R. Jr.  1921    1-4-1921        Oakwood
McLaughlin, Elizabeth   1861    9-3-1943        W. Salem
McLaughlin, Hezekiah    1859    1-11-1940       W. Salem
McLaughlin, Hiram       1855    12-22-1936      W. Salem
McLaughlin, John W.     1848    6-7-1915        Wolf Prairie
McLaughlin, John W.     1861    4-23-1921       Oakwood
McLaughlin, Sarena M.   1863    4-22-1939       W. Salem
McLaughlin, Wm. E.      1931    4-9-1935        Woodlawn
McLeaf, Etta            1879    11-24-1905      Woodlawn
McLeaf, Nellie Inf.     1902    1-16-1902       Woodlawn
McLeland, Clara F.      1895    2-15-1924       Oakwood
McMabor, Geo. W.        1834    7-7-1902        Sugar Camp
McMackin, Harriet J.    1856    2-23-1948       Oakwood
McMaham, Morth          1842    4-8-1920        Sugar Camp
McMeekin, Geo.          1840    6-21-1910       Opdyke
McMeen, Albert          1869    1879            Pleasant Grove
McMeen, Albert          1876    8-21-1878       Pleasant Grove
McMeen, Ellen C.        1858    2-21-1944       W. Salem
McMeen, Frances         1847    1916            Antioch
McMeen, James           1843    12-7-1878       Pleasant Hill
McMeen, Joseph D.       1833    1919            Pleasant Grove
McMeen, L.              1871    9-18-1879       Pleasant Grove
McMeen, Mary E.         1858    6-7-1933        Pleasant Grove
McMeen, Samuel J.       1844    10-24-1910      W. Salem
McMeen, Theodocia       1861    3-22-1946       Pleasant Grove
McMeen, Wilson L.       1847    5-28-1921       Pleasant Grove
McMicken, Edgar A. Inf. 1903    10-18-1903      Belle Rive 
McMillan, Mary          1845    1916            Woodlawn
McNail, Chas. F.        1876    1919            Minson
McNale, Carrie B.       1859    11-1-1913       Opdyke
McNeil, Herman          1831    3-16-1903       Gilead
McNeil, Rosco           1884    1-19-1909       Little Grove
McNew, Albert N.        1856    3-21-1935       Arnold
McNew, Inf.             1905    1-27-1905       Hams Grove
McNew, Martha A.        1846    2-14-1878       Do-Twp.
McNutt, Demos F.        1893    1917            Hopewell
McPherson, Laura E.     1855    4-8-1944        W. Salem
McPherson, Thomas       1850    2-1-1924        W. Salem
McReynolds, Belle       1860    6-5-1936        Flint
McReynolds, Inf.        1909    7-13-1909       Oakwood
McReynolds, James M.    1865    7-27-1939       Flint
McReynolds, Levada Inf. 1921    9-25-1921       Oakwood
McReynolds, Levetto Inf.1921    9-29-1921       Oakwood
McSeler, Barton         1899    9-8-1902        New Hope (PE)
McYntire, Neva M. Inf.  1949    2-11-1949       Bethel
Meador, Inf.            1911    2-3-1911        Panther Fork
Meador, Wm. C.          1850    10-2-1923       Pleasant Grove
Meador, Wm. P.          1883    8-4-1930        Panther Fork
Meadow, Bethel          1841    1-20-1881       No Mention
Meadows, Elizabeth A.   1938    12-6-1941       Boyd
Meadows, Nancy R. Inf.  1948    6-4-1948        Boyd
Meadows, Roy C.         1915    1916            Woodlawn
Meadows, Thomas J.      1874    8-4-1933        Boyd
Medcalf, Mrs. J. M.     1847    5-6-1902        Oakwood
Medders, Inf. S.        1923    9-6-1923        Opdyke
Medders, Maggie A.      1871    9-8-1940        Medders
Medders, Vivian L.      1901    9-30-1930       Opdyke
Meisner, Bertha E.      1876    10-18-1946      Oakwood
Meloon, Eleanor E.      1927    9-3-1928        Oakwood
Meltebarger, Barbara E. 1849    7-27-1925       Woodlawn
Meltebarger, John L.    1838    7-26-1922       Woodlawn
Melton, Elyah           1856    5-30-1914       Pleasant Hill
Melton, Fred N.         1884    10-27-1925      New Hope
Melton, Inf. D.         1945    7-27-1945       W. Salem
Melton, James C.        1856    9-20-1879       Gilead
Melton, Laura E.        1868    9-17-1913       Arnold
Mendenall,              1821    3-12-1902       S. Hickory Hill
Mendenhall, Kenneth W.  1925    6-22-1949       Pleasant Hill
Menzer, Harl G.         1904    6-12-1905       Oakwood
Merchel, Julius A. Inf. 1949    9-11-1949       E. Salem
Meredith, Archia M.     1910    12-2-1949       Oakwood
Meredith, Geo.          1855    3-19-1934       Oakwood
Meredith, Golden H.     1894    2-15-1910       Opdyke
Meredith, Inf. S.       1918    1918            Oakwood
Meridith, James R.      1894    11-12-1926      Oakwood
Meridth, Andrew         1894    9-12-1940       Oakwood
Merrideth, Marion       1904    10-20-1905      Blackoak Ridge
Merriman, Dorothy D.Inf.1932    8-11-1932       S. Hickory Hill
Merriman, Georgia C.Inf.1931    8-5-1931        W. Salem
Merriman, Hattie A.Inf. 1916    1916            Wolf Prairie
Merritt, Florence J.    1862    4-28-1902       Williams
Merritt, Wm. R.         1817    1918            E. Salem
Metaberger,             1861    1-27-1879       Woodlawn
Metcalf, James M.       1886    8-29-1942       Oakwood
Meteberger, Wm.         1817    5-7-1878        Woodlawn
Metten, Howard W.       1910    9-18-1949       Oakwood
Meyer, Elizabeth Inf.   1926    1926            Hickory Hill
Meyer, Lena K. Inf.     1910    10-24-1910      Hams Grove
Meyers, Everett R.      1933    1936            No Mention
Mezo, Audry H. Inf.     1938    9-29-1938       W. Salem
Mezo, Doris M. Inf.     1938    12-6-1938       Oakwood
Mezo, Emeline           1827    9-28-1907       Old Baptist
Mezo, Inf. D.           1932    6-23-1932       County Farm
Mezo, Shaeman           1962    12-24-1932      Ward
Michason, Richey        1864    7-12-1939       Oakwood
Michelson, Chas. E.     1845    9-24-1905       Enfield
Mick, Isom M.           1888    1918            W. Salem
Mick, Jane              1856    1-1-1924        W. Salem
Mick, Lucy              1895    1918            Oakwood
Mick, Sarah E.          1914    1916            Oakwood
Mick, Virginia M.       1923    2-1-1924        W. Salem
Mick, Wm.               1901    4-9-1902        Old Union
Mikolojygak, Victor     1902    4-7-1926        Atkinson
Milam, Ellan            1875    6-29-1922       Oakwood
Milaszewski, Mary       1826    3-9-1902        St. Barbara
Miles, Mary J.          1839    8-6-1924        Sursa
Miles, Reeves           1828    3-11-1908       Oakwood
Milgate, Wm. J.         1871    5-28-1947       W. Salem
Miller, Benj. F.        1851    1-2-1879        New Hope (PE)
Miller, Chas. F.        1872    9-11-1942       Opdyke
Miller, Clarence A.     1900    11-11-1928      W. Salem
Miller, Ella V.         1895    6-19-1942       W. Salem
Miller, Florence        1905    2-2-1924        Oakwood
Miller, Flossie Inf.    1917    1917            Oakwood
Miller, Geo.            1871    5-11-1926       Oakwood
Miller, Harriet         1820    1-7-1879        New Hope (PE)
Miller, Inf.            1911    4-8-1911        No Mention
Miller, Inf.            1910    12-4-1910       Harmony
Miller, Inf. D.         1918    1918            Abner
Miller, John            1842    1916            Cub Prairie
Miller, John R.         1927    9-7-1938        W. Salem
Miller, Lyle F.         1897    4-27-1903       Hopewell
Miller, Oral A.         1909    8-28-1921       Gilead
Miller, Quinton Inf.    1921    11-1-1921       E. Hickory Hill
Miller, Robert W.       1931    3-27-1932       Gaston
Miller, Ruth J.         1863    1-13-1929       W. Salem
Miller, Samantha M.     1847    3-23-1930       Mt. Olive
Miller, Silva S.        1880    10-7-1881       Woodlawn
Miller, Wellington      1849    7-29-1934       Woodlawn
Miller, Wm. D.          1867    12-23-1945      Bethel
Miller, Wm. H.          1855    11-6-1935       Oakwood
Miller, Wm. L.          1853    11-21-1920      W. Salem
Milliner, Dan N.        1847    2-5-1922        Wolf Prairie
Milliner, Julius C.     1876    2-28-1943       S. Hickory Hill
Millinor, John          1851    3-22-1905       S. Hickory Hill
Million, Fredrick M.    1883    10-1-1883       No Mention
Milloshewski, Lawrence  1850    2-21-1921       St. Barbara
Mills, Edgar C.         1846    11-24-1906      Old Union
Mills, Lamar C.         1872    5-15-1945       Opdyke
Mills, Thomas J.        1844    6-17-1930       W. Salem
Milner, David           1856    6-14-1924       Pleasant Grove
Milt, Ella Inf.         1905    1-6-1905        Sursa
Milton, Chas. H.        1903    12-5-1907       Flint
Milton, Ida             1869    5-29-1949       Hopewell
Milton, Inf.            1905    6-12-1905       Dryden
Milton, Jessie L.       1854    1880            Little Grove
Milton, Laura           1842    1-12-1908       Salem
Milton, Lavada G.       1888    11-11-1907      New Hope
Milton, Martha J.       1840    6-28-1932       New Hope (PE)
Milton, Sarah E.        1859    1917            Flint
Minor, Adelaide         1842    12-15-1904      Hopewell
Minor, Claude E.        1885    12-12-1904      Salem
Minor, Helen G.         1901    8-1-1925        W. Salem
Minor, Inf.             1924    11-13-1924      Old Union
Minor, Inf. S.          1928    1-5-1928        Old Shiloh
Minor, Inf. S.          1930    8-4-1930        Union Chapel
Minor, May              1868    7-28-1932       Pleasant Hill
Minor, Susie M. Inf.    1937    2-19-1937       Harmony
Minson, Wm. Sr.         1804    5-19-1882       Bald Hill
Minton, John            1850    2-12-1925       Knob Prairie
Mitchel, Dorothy M.     1924    11-3-1926       Old Shiloh
Mitchell, Benj. W.      1852    6-12-1923       Pleasant Grove
Mitchell, Charlotte A.J.1849    8-20-           Pleasant Grove  1920-1929
Mitchell, Eliza A.      1859    9-22-1948       Oakwood
Mitchell, Inf.          1946    12-31-1946      Pleasant Hill
Mitchell, John S.       1877    8-31-1922       Oakwood
Mitchell, Marion C.     1873    9-11-1938       Oakwood
Mitchell, Mary E.       1862    2-8-1937        S. Hickory Hill
Mitchell, Sarah E.      1852    12-18-1920      Oakwood
Mitchell, Sarah J.      1841    2-8-1923        Pleasant Grove
Mix, Leona              1892    7-15-1941       Oakwood
Mobley, Alex.           1839    3-7-1912        Opdyke
Modglin, Cooper         1885    11-20-1886      Woodlawn
Modglin, Inf. S.        1882    3-28-1882       Woodlawn
Modglin, Martha J.      1861    3-18-1933       Mt. Catherine
Modglin, Vernor E. Inf. 1921    11-4-1921       Mt. Catherine
Monday, Hiram           1899    1-7-1922        Hopewell
Monday, Millie E. Inf.  1921    3-14-1921       Atkinson
Monical, Helen M. Inf.  1922    8-6-1922        Oakwood
Monical, Inf. S.        1920    6-3-1920        Oakwood
Monical, John M.        1911    12-17-1938      Oakwood
Monical, Marion         1918    4-18-1929       Oakwood
Monroe, Inf. D.         1903    1-21-1903       New Hope (SG)
Moodey, Alice           1860    10-22-1879      Shiloh
Moodey, James           1833    8-23-1879       Pleasant Hill
Moody, Alva V.          1885    12-29-1946      Oakwood
Mooney, David J.        1871    2-8-1943        E. Salem
Mooney, Inf. S.         1935    8-2-1935        Pleasant Hill
Mooney, James H.        1865    1-30-1940       Pleasant Hill
Moore, Alma             1900    1-14-1906       Mt. Olive
Moore, Bert             1908    1-1-1913        Mt. Olive
Moore, Bertha S.        1885    2-3-1945        Oakwood
Moore, Carroll F.       1910    5-16-1928       Jordan Chapel
Moore, Catherine        1846    3-25-1920       Hams Grove
Moore, David P. Inf.    1946    1-23-1946       W. Salem
Moore, Delphia A.       1811    12-14-1903      Gilead
Moore, Dixie L.         1932    2-9-1935        Woodlawn
Moore, Donald R.        1922    1937            No Mention
Moore, Edward A. Inf.   1920    6-3-1920        Opdyke
Moore, Francina         1845    1917            W. Salem
Moore, Frank            1871    1-25-1940       Oakwood
Moore, Geo. R.          1854    2-7-1908        Gilead
Moore, Guy              1901    7-17-1934       Hams Grove
Moore, Helen B.         1915    1917            Mt. Olive
Moore, Ida M.           1876    11-18-1913      Mt. Olive
Moore, Inf. D.          1937    9-1-1937        Oakwood
Moore, Inf. S.          1930    9-22-1930       W. Salem
Moore, Inf. S.          1919    1919            New Shiloh
Moore, Jacklen Inf.     1837    11-17-1837      Oakwood
Moore, Jerry Inf.       1937    11-16-1937      Oakwood
Moore, Jesse A.         1841    6-23-1929       Opdyke
Moore, John M.          1831    4-5-1907        Arnold
Moore, Laura C.         1861    7-29-1880       Opdyke
Moore, Lillian C.       1920    6-2-1921        W. Salem
Moore, Lillie D.        1874    1-19-1941       E. Hickory Hill
Moore, Loyd A. Inf.     1919    1919            Oakwood
Moore, Martha E.        1865    5-2-1937        Woodlawn
Moore, Martha M.        1846    12-20-1877      Pleasant Hill
Moore, Mary             1869    9-1-1937        Oakwood
Moore, Mary A.          1827    1-19-1926       Minson
Moore, Mary J.          1858    3-31-1920       Oakwood
Moore, Minnie           1891    4-22-1910       Little Grove
Moore, Minnie J.        1869    5-11-1944       Woodlawn
Moore, Minnie L.        1878    5-3-1943        Oakwood
Moore, Nancy            1811    5-21-1878       SG-Twp.
Moore, Neal Inf.        1918    1918            Opdyke
Moore, Paul Inf.        1911    6-24-1911       Mt. Olive
Moore, Shirley J.       1937    11-29-1938      Woodlawn
Moore, Valerina A.      1939    6-29-1940       Bethel
Moore, Walter M.        1923    7-12-1940       Mt. Olive
Moore, Wilda J.         1909    6-17-1911       Opdyke
Moore, Wm. A. Inf.      1921    1-9-1921        Woodlawn
Moore, Wm. T.           1858    10-14-1933      Little Grove
Moreland, Donald R.     1922    8-2-1937        W. Salem
Moreland, Hershal M.    1879    3-2-1937        Kirk
Moreland, Ira V.        1871    5-10-1920       No Mention
Moreland, John M.       1832    1916            Pace
Moreland, Lucinda       1864    8-15-1944       Kirk
Moreland, Mary E.       1834    6-27-1920       Oakwood
Moreland, Neil          1896    5-19-1947       W. Salem
Morescu, Mahulda J.     1854    1880            Wells Chapel
Morgan, Albert J.       1869    5-14-1944       Oakwood
Morgan, Amanda U. Inf.  1879    1879            Mt. Catherine
Morgan, Daniel Inf.     1878    1-13-1878       BL-Twp.
Morgan, Deloris M. Inf. 1940    12-24-1940      S. Hickory Hill
Morgan, Elender Inf.    1922    6-22-1922       Oakwood
Morgan, Ella I.         1883    2-28-1941       Oakwood
Morgan, Etta L.         1904    3-20-1929       W. Salem
Morgan, Frances C.      1863    8-20-1938       Woodlawn
Morgan, Geo. F.         1850    6-25-1922       Cub Prairie
Morgan, Geo. I.         1893    11-28-1938      Cub Prairie
Morgan, Inf. D.         1930    11-17-1930      Hopewell
Morgan, Inf. S.         1932    8-2-1932        Hopewell
Morgan, John            1865    1-28-1902       Grothroff
Morgan, John            1916    1917            Hickory Hill
Morgan, John W.         1878    3-30-1879       Salem
Morgan, John W.         1888    8-20-1943       W. Salem
Morgan, Lucille         1915    9-25-1940       Hopewell
Morgan, Lynda D. Inf.   1949    9-12-1949       Woodlawn
Morgan, Lyscle L.       1898    1-29-1939       W. Salem
Morgan, Maggie          1885    1917            Hickory Hill
Morgan, Margarite Inf.  1928    3-9-1928        County
Morgan, Martha A.       1915    1916            W. Salem
Morgan, Martha E.       1902    2-27-1932       Hopewell
Morgan, Mary A. C.      1861    2-16-1880       MC-Twp.
Morgan, Max W. Inf.     1919    1919            Oakwood
Morgan, Melvina E.      1856    10-26-1942      Williams
Morgan, Melvina E.      1856    12-31-1942      Wolf Prairie
Morgan, Minerva R.      1881    1-29-1929       W. Salem
Morgan, Nancy A.        1842    1916            Oakwood
Morgan, Orlia           1881    3-17-1890       Bethel
Morgan, Rilda B.        1868    3-23-1936       Oakwood
Morgan, Robert N.       1849    6-28-1931       Wolf Prairie
Morgan, Sillis R.       1852    6-7-1930        W. Salem
Morgan, Wm. B.          1845    6-24-1930       Pisgah
Morissett, Hattie       1893    4-23-1926       Oakwood
Morlan, Alice L.        1927    10-19-1928      Sursa
Morlan, Ida N. Inf.     1937    1-19-1937       Sursa
Morlan, Laura Inf.      1924    3-22-1924       Woodlawn
Morlan, Lulu H. Inf.    1916    1916            Woodlawn
Morlan, Thelma M. Inf.  1922    3-15-1922       Woodlawn
Morris, Esmon E.        1881    2-19-1906       Old Baptist
Morris, Ethel Inf.      1891    1-29-1891       Blackoak Ridge
Morris, Margaret        1903    12-23-1936      Oakwood
Morris, Martha A.       1865    10-26-1940      Williams
Morris, May Inf.        1956    6-23-1956       Williams
Morris, Michael R. Inf. 1939    4-17-1939       Williams
Morris, Thomas L.       1862    3-26-1923       Williams
Morrison, John J.       1865    1-7-1882        Bald Hill
Morrison, Wm. H.        1853    4-28-1927       Oakwood
Morse, Edward W.        1836    1916            Oakwood
Morton, Connie M.       1928    12-29-1936      Oakwood
Morton, Donald L. Inf.  1945    3-16-1945       Opdyke
Morton, Fannie          1895    11-29-1936      Oakwood
Morton, Nazerine        1915    1918            Old Union
Morton, Robert L.       1888    1937            No Mention
Moss, Dortha E.         1913    2-29-1928       Oakwood
Moss, Ella M. Inf.      1931    3-23-1931       New Shiloh
Moss, Halleck M.        1897    8-11-1935       Oakwood
Moss, L. B.             1853    9-11-1939       W. Salem
Muckleroy, Geo. W.      1850    1919            W. Salem
Mullen, John W.         1837    12-2-1881       Old Shiloh
Mullen, Sylvester J.    1866    5-21-1931       Little Grove
Mullens, Creola Inf.    1947    3-15-1947       Bethel
Mullian, Robert H.      1884    6-10-1924       Old Union
Mullinax, Barbara J.    1858    6-4-1939        Kirk
Mullinax, Edward        1916    1917            Hopewell
Mullinax, Ora M.        1914    1918            Pleasant Grove
Mulvaney, Inf. D.       1939    1-5-1939        Private
Mulvaney, Ronald G.     1940    6-19-1941       Oakwood
Mulvaney, Samuel H.     1861    4-16-1932       Oak Grove
Murkin, John L.         1852    11-14-1933      Oakwood
Murphy, Arthur P. Inf.  1937    1-20-1937       Oakwood
Murphy, Frank           1880    12-7-1947       Bethel
Murphy, Inf. D.         1937    8-24-1937       Oakwood
Murphy, John                    12-26-          W. Salem   1940-1949
Murphy, Loyd            1881    3-10-1941       Pleasant Hill
Murphy, Moscoe          1913    8-22-1933       W. Salem
Murphy, Raymond T.      1901    10-29-1902      Salem
Murphy, Robert          1845    7-1-1922        W. Salem
Murphy, Sarah L.        1844    12-12-1920      W. Salem
Murphy, Thomas J.       1850    3-20-1878       Do-Twp.
Murrey, John H.         1850    9-25-1928       Williams
Murry, Mary             1865    2-29-1912       Oakwood
Myau, Alonzo            1880    6-3-1884        EP-Twp.
Myer, Johanna E.        1843    1919            St. Marys
Myers, Andrew L.        1884    4-14-1884       Jef. Co.
Myers, California       1855    3-6-1935        Oakwood
Myers, Clarence Inf.    1902    7-22-1902       W. Salem
Myers, Emily D.         1917    1918            No Mention
Myers, Harry            1880    8-27-1935       Oakwood
Myers, Harry D. Inf.    1879    1-1-1879        Salem
Myers, Herman E.        1922    9-16-1923       Panther Fork
Myers, Ida R.           1864    11-3-1936       W. Salem
Myers, John             1854    1-29-1925       Oakwood
Myers, Mary             1887    1-9-1934        W. Salem
Myers, Mary E.          1842    3-15-1926       Oakwood
Myers, Nancy F.         1862    10-2-1932       Panther Fork
Myser, Mary             1850    10-7-1937       Smith
Nadoliski, David A.     1931    10-2-1932       Mt. Zion (BL)
Nadoliski, Inf.         1937    9-26-1937       Mt. Zion (BL)
Nadoliski, Raymond J.   1933    9-26-1933       Mt. Zion (FA)
Nance, Albert R.        1856    1-12-1933       Bethel
Nance, Laura A.         1867    2-20-1906       Middle Fork
Napper, Inf.            1907    5-12-1907       W. Salem
Nash, Geo.              1872    10-23-1904      Kirk
Nash, Geo.              1839    6-16-1910       Old Union
Nash, Melvin R.         1885    7-19-1932       Oakwood
Nation, Lydia F.        1856    11-11-1933      Oakwood
Nation, Wm. A.          1852    7-6-1935        Oakwood
Neal, Barbara J. Inf.   1936    10-20-1936      New Hope (PE)
Neal, Chas. A.          1918    7-4-1921        Knob Prairie
Neal, Chas. W.          1923    11-13-1934      Bethel
Neal, Curley Inf.       1903    5-24-1903       Union
Neal, Dewitt T.         1910    3-9-1925        Dryden
Neal, Florence J. Inf.  1935    3-26-1935       W. Salem
Neal, Inf. S.           1939    5-5-1939        Oakwood
Neal, James W.          1858    11-18-1942      Pleasant Grove
Neal, Sarah             1867    5-13-1933       Wolf Prairie
Needles, Bertha         1816    5-28-1907       W. Salem
Neel, Clora M.          1875    9-17-1948       E. Hickory Hill
Neff, Eugene Inf.       1926    2-3-1926        Sursa
Neff, Mary F.           1894    2-28-1927       Sursa
Neihaus, Wm. F. Inf.    1922    8-21-1922       Oakwood
Nelms, B. F.            1827    1918            Little Grove
Nelson, Flora Inf.      1881    10-13-1881      Harlow
Nelson, Inf. S.         1890    3-27-1890       Salem
Nelson, John            1870    8-28-1938       E. Salem
Nelson, Otis            1894    8-26-1945       Oakwood
Nelson, Wilma C.        1920    5-16-1938       Hopewell
Nelson, Wm.             1876    1-14-1925       Oakwood
Nesmith, Van B.         1878    8-29-1879       New Hope (PE)
Neulist, Ida            1878    3-21-1882       No Mention
Newberry, Elizabeth     1851    12-27-1936      Knob Prairie
Newberry, John W. Inf.  1921    5-11-1921       Little Grove
Newberry, Warren H.     1883    6-2-1921        Little Grove
Newberry, Wm.           1876    3-22-1933       Knob Prairie
Newburry, Wm. C.        1850    3-13-1908       Knob Prairie
Newbury, Elizabeth Inf. 1902    10-6-1902       Kirk
Newbury, James H.       1843    1918            Horse Prairie
Newby, Oliver M.        1965    1939            No Mention
Newby, Wm. T.           1863    5-23-1933       Oakwood
Newcomb, Florence E.    1888    5-20-1944       Oakwood
Newcomb, Inf. S.        1944    10-1-1944       Flint
Newcomb, Paul R. Inf.   1948    9-23-1948       Bethel
Newell, Eliza L.        1864    12-3-1937       Kirk
Newell, Geo.            1841    10-25-1922      Knob Prairie
Newell, Hulda O.        1865    11-13-1939      Knob Prairie
Newell, Ichobod         1851    1-3-1910        Knob Prairie
Newell, Ida E.          1859    8-17-1939       Knob Prairie
Newell, Idelia M.       1883    1-8-1936        Knob Prairie
Newell, John            1823    2-14-1878       No Mention
Newell, Laura M.        1877    8-23-1935       Knob Prairie
Newell, Margaret        1830    1918            Knob Prairie
Newell, Nathan J.       1858    9-18-1938       Kirk
Newell, O. Lorin        1878    1-3-1904        Gilbert
Newell, Roxie M.        1898    3-29-1946       Knob Prairie
Newell, Stephen A.      1865    1935            No Mention
Newell, Wm.             1878    4-26-1945       Oakwood
Newlin, Ellen           1857    4-22-1905       E. Hickory Hill
Newlin, Esic            1850    6-21-1935       E. Hickory Hill
Newman, Eugene E.       1921    10-23-1922      Oakwood
Newman, John Inf.       1918    1918            Oakwood
Newman, Mary H.         1918    1919            E. Hickory Hill
Newton, Emily                                   No Mention   1877-1919
Newton, James C.        1874    9-27-1882       Blackoak Ridge
Newton, Joseph H.       1837    11-24-1924      Oakwood
Newton, Max Inf.        1948    10-24-1948      Opdyke
Nichols, Bryant G.      1832    3-11-1913       E. Hickory Hill
Nichols, Samuel         1850    12-20-1922      Oakwood
Nixon, Inf. S.          1946    8-28-1946       Oakwood
Nobleman, Mary A.       1836    2-8-1911        Gilead
Noll, Eugene            1853    8-18-1942       Oakwood
Noll, Martha E.         1851    3-14-1932       Oakwood
Nolta, Mary             1910    1916            W. Salem
Nooner, Effie           1881    1-21-1884       Sugar Camp
Nooner, Geo. E.         1869    10-3-1935       Oakwood
Nooner, Ona             1878    7-16-1883       Sugar Camp
Noren, Audrey A.        1906    8-29-1930       Kirk
Norman, F. E.           1870    1-4-1949        Pleasant Grove
Norman, Jehu            1853    7-5-1937        Mt. Zion (FA)
Norman, Milissa A.      1844    7-7-1926        Mt. Zion (FA)
Norris, Blanche B. Inf. 1880    9-10-1880       Knob Prairie
Norris, Geo. W. Jr.     1862    1932            Cub Prairie
Norris, Joseph D.       1850    11-3-1921       Knob Prairie
Norris, Mary J.         1856    12-17-1936      Knob Prairie
Norris, Stanley W.      1892    11-16-1939      Knob Prairie
Norris, Susine          1868    10-7-1927       Pleasant Grove
Nowland, Strauter O.    1858    10-25-1934      Knob Prairie
Nowland, Wm.            1833    1916            Knob Prairie
Nungester, Onie         1874    4-15-1936       Oakwood
Oakley, Joseph J.       1853    10-11-1936      Sursa
Oakley, Sarah A.        1855    12-16-1921      Sursa
Oakley, Wm. C.          1835    9-18-1921       Sursa
Oard, Jasper M.         1841    1917            Hickory Hill
Oathout, Homer          1907    11-10-1911      Knowles
Oathout, Inf.           1911    9-29-1911       Knowles
O'Brien, Mary A.        185     1919            Little Grove
O'Daniel, Elizabeth R.  1878    11-5-1931       W. Salem
O'Daniel, Theo. T.      1865    3-25-1949       W. Salem
Odle, Arlil T.          1901    1-8-1928        New Hope (FA)
Odle, Dollir            1905    1-11-1923       New Hope (PE)
Odout, Evert Jr.        1903    12-1-1905       Round Knowl
Odout, Henry R.         1901    5-18-1903       SG-Twp.
Offenstein, Rudolph     1868    12-30-1948      E. Hickory Hill
Oglesby, Lorena C.      1903    10-12-1931      Knob Prairie
Oins, Edith M.          1854    1904            Oakwood
Olin, Gustax A.         1869    10-12-1942      Oakwood
Olin, Winnie C.         1927    1-23-1929       Oakwood
Oliver, Charley         1866    1916            Kirk
Oliver, Edith Inf.      1923    4-8-1923        Cub Prairie
Oliver, Emmet E.        1868    1-13-1943       Mt. Zion (BL)
Oliver, Frank           1916    11-22-1927      Cub Prairie
Oliver, Grover Jr.      1937    2-26-1939       Cub Prairie
Oliver, Inf. S.         1918    1918            Cub Prairie
Oliver, Margaret E.     1854    4-19-1935       S. Hickory Hill
Oliver, Rhoda E. Inf.   1918    1918            Cub Prairie
O'Neal, Inf. S.         1940    2-19-1940       Oakwood
Oneal, John             1850    12-1-1931       W. Salem
Orchard, James          1842    6-3-1904        Fouts
Ord,                    1893    1907            W. Salem
Ord, Elsie M.           1864    4-29-1941       Woodlawn
Ord, Geo. C.            1867    4-16-1932       Wolf Prairie
Ore, Inf.               1905    9-30-1905       Sursa
Orrick, Charley C.      1876    7-7-1923        Lowery Hill
Orrick, Chas. F.        1861    2-28-1941       Oakwood
Orrick, Geo. W.         1848    2-16-1930       Opdyke
Orrick, Henry B.        1859    1-18-1902       New Hope
Orrick, John S.         1880    10-14-1943      Opdyke
Orrick, Lue M. Inf.     1904    7-31-1904       Lowery Holl
Orrick, Marie           1863    9-26-1939       Opdyke
Orrick, Mrs. Samuel     1880    8-30-1932       Lowery Hill
Orrick, Norma G. Inf.   1926    8-11-1926       Oakwood
Orrick, Rachel          1891    7-31-1907       Round Knowl
Orrick, Samuel W.       1872    8-13-1935       Lowery Hill
Orrill, Jessie          1888    12-28-1905      Little Grove
Orum, Bini              1865    2-2-1881        New Hope (PE)
Osborn, Bordman J.      1854    7-15-1928       E. Hickory Hill
Osborn, Florida A.      1861    6-13-1948       Pleasant Hill
Osborn, Helen C. Inf.   1921    1-14-1921       Union Chapel
Osborn, Ignatius C.     1860    7-3-1931        Old Shiloh
Osborn, Lafayette       1826    3-25-1878       Blackoak Ridge
Osborn, Mary C.         1871    12-31-1903      Woodlawn
Osborn, Miles A.        1857    1-17-1935       Pleasant Hill
Osborn, Olivia D.       1864    5-26-1937       Old Shiloh
Osborn, Robert          1860    12-18-1879      Family SH-Twp.
Osborn, W. B.           1852    1-8-1930        Antioch
Osborn, Wm. E.          1899    1-31-1902       Bald Hill
Oshem, Phillip          1854    10-9-1922       S. Hickory Hill
Oswald, Laura E.        1859    5-5-1936        Oakwood
Outland, Mary E.        1858    11-12-1945      Gilead
Outland, Norma J. Inf.  1931    8-27-1931       E. Hickory Hill
Overby, Clara I.        1904    7-2-1928        Lowery Hill
Overby, Geo. J.         1852    10-22-1926      Pleasant Hill
Overstreet, Inf.        1904    1-28-1904       Fitzgerrell
Overton, Anna           1889    9-29-1948       Bethel
Overton, Elizabeth      1915    1916            Oakwood
Overton, Henry          1884    4-16-1949       Oakwood
Overton, Luella         1903    8-9-1941        Oakwood
Overton, Mary J.        1867    11-26-1930      St. Marys
Overton, Wm. E.         1852    12-3-1921       New Hope (PE)
Overturf, Louella Inf.  1949    1-22-1949       Oakwood
Owen, Arthur T.         1888    5-27-1944       New Hope (SG)
Owen, Wm. L.            1866    9-8-1923        Oakwood
Owens, Bessie B. Inf.   1907    7-3-1907        Atkinson
Owens, Clara A.         1896    3-20-1914       Wolf Prairie
Owens, Edward G.        1918    8-1-1938        Hope (SG)
Owens, Geo.             1837    5-2-1926        Atkinson
Owens, Jennie           1853    8-12-1935       Oakwood
Owens, John W.          1829    2-10-1905       Wolf Prairie
Owens, Julia C.         1892    1-7-1921        Oakwood
Owens, Lucinda          1882    1883            Pleasant Grove
Owens, Margaret         1856    1-15-1879       Salem
Owens, Mary A.          1892    10-25-1912      Pleasant Hill
Owens, Stella V.        1902    3-19-1904       Pleasant Hill
Owens, Winfred Inf.     1917    1917            New Hope (SG)

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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