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Jefferson County, IL


Unmarked Graves

Source: Fred Justice

Submitted By: Cindy Ford

This information on Unmarked Graves was compiled by Fred Justice in 1975, he gained this information from Death Records from Jefferson County which go back to 1877.

Please note that there are many variations of spelling in both individuals names and also the cemetery names they have been typed up as they were from his book.

I have also noticed that there are several that are now marked but I have left this as he had it so if you find someone listed as being Unmarked they may actually have a marker in place at this time which you can check this by looking at the Cemetery Listings for Jefferson County but this is a great source for those who do not.

NAME                    BIRTH    DEATH          CEMETERY

Faas, Augusta           1860    8-10-1934       Opdyke
Faas, Frederick A.      1846    1912            No Mention
Faas, John K.           1833    11-24-1934      Blackoak Ridge
Fagan, Donald R. Inf.   1935    6-10-1935       Knob Prairie
Fagan, John W.          1854    2-28-1934       Knob Prairie
Fairchild, Alice        1855    7-12-1878       Bl-Twp.
Fairchild, August L.    1938    5-30-1938       Knob Prairie
Fairchild, Eliza J.     1861    5-5-1944        Knob Prairie
Fairchild, Grace        1884    8-6-1885        Gilbert
Fairchild, Inf.         1907    12-14-1907      Knob Prairie
Fairchild, Jerry L.Inf. 1947    11-30-1947      Knob Prairie
Fairchild, Nellie Inf.  1909    3-27-1909       Knob Prairie
Fairchild, Orval J.     1939    9-10-1942       Knob Prairie
Fairchild, Sarah E.     1845    1-20-1882       Gilbert
Fairchild, Wm. M.       1916    12-18-1939      Knob Prairie
Falba, Christian        1883    8-4-1922        Oakwood
Fallbert, Inf. S.       1921    11-7-1921       Pace
Falley, Isabel          1900    12-8-1902       Falley
Falley, Martha          1880    3-31-1910       Falley
Falley, Vivian Inf.     1915    10-20-1915      Falley
Fally, J. J.            1875    3-24-1938       Fally Farm
Fancher, Clyde O.       1901    12-28-1906      Pleasant Grove
Fancher, Willis M.      1859    1918            No Mention
Fannon, Maria           1903    12-21-1906      New Hope (PE)
Farley, Inf. S.         1946    5-9-1946        Pleasant Grove
Farlow, Cora B. Inf.    1878    9-18-1878       Hams Grove
Farlow, F. M.           1879    8-1-1882        Hams Grove
Farmer, Harrison E.     1874    1918            Oakwood
Farmer, Inf. S.         1926    6-28-1926       Old Union
Farmer, Inf. S.         1934    12-14-1934      Old Shiloh
Farmer, Martha J.       1841    1889            Opdyke
Farmer, Mary E.         1836    1-2-1908        S. Hickory Hill
Farmer, Rosa L.         1919    12-18-1934      Old Shiloh
Farr, Inf. S.           1934    8-6-1934        Oakwood
Farr, Ruth              1904    5-8-1948        Oakwood
Farrell, Jennie         1877    11-13-1880      No Mention
Farrell, John           1871    11-15-1880      No Mention
Farris, Inf. D.         1937    5-13-1937       Pleasant Grove
Farris, John            1851    12-18-1936      Oakwood
Farris, Malvira         1848    11-12-1935      Oakwood
Farthing, Curtis M.     1859    1934            No Mention
Farthing, Inf. D. Twins 1942    1-16-1942       Oakwood
Farthing, James E.      1844    3-24-1927       S. Hickory Hill
Farthing, Milton A.     1827    6-27-1903       S. Hickory Hill
Farthing, Miss          1867    1-9-1907        County Farm
Farthing, Myrtle        1877    11-25-1935      S. Hickory Hill
Farthing, Nancy         1889    3-10-1934       Knob Prairie
Farthing, Stinc         1883    12-25-1902      S. Hickory Hill
Farthing, Wm.           1857    3-22-1883       S. Hickory Hill
Farthing, Wm. E.        1878    5-30-1949       Kirk
Faucher, Harriet E.     1836    9-30-1920       Pleasant Grove
Faught, Inf. D.         1940    4-8-1940        Woodlawn
Faulkner, Virginia R.   1935    12-28-1935      Mt. Zion (FA)
Fearheiley, Frances R.  1890    10-6-1939       Oakwood
Fee, Tilda Inf. S.      1880    4-4-1880        Pleasant Hill
Felker, Herbert W.      1919    10-12-1941      W. Salem
Felker, Inf. D.         1921    11-16-1921      Old Union
Felkins, John           1961    10-19-1925      Little Grove
Felkins, Susan M.       1841    2-28-1884       Little Grove
Fenoglio, Chas. Inf.    1924    3-8-1924        St. Marys
Ferby, J. H.            1867    4-30-1902       Old Union
Fergerson, John         1805    5-12-1878       Woodlawn
Fergerson, M. E.        1866    8-30-1889       Woodlawn
Ferguson, Ashel L.      1867    8-31-1915       Woodlawn
Ferguson, Elvira E.     1848    7-16-1934       Woodlawn
Ferguson, Henry M.      1858    12-7-1939       Woodlawn
Ferguson, James B.      1860    4-17-1934       Mt. Catherine
Ferguson, James N.      1860    4-8-1943        Woodlawn
Ferguson, Martha        1862    7-19-1940       Woodlawn
Ferguson, Mary E.       1861    4-8-1902        Mt. Zion (BL)
Ferguson, Mary E.       1865    2-27-1903       Woodlawn
Ferguson, Riley Inf.    1928    5-31-1928       Runnels (SH)
Ferguson, Rosa S.       1867    11-7-1925       W. Salem
Ferguson, Samuel J.     1850    11-14-1932      Woodlawn
Fico, Margaret          1920    5-3-1928        Abner
Fields, Arthur R. Inf.  1943    10-1-1943       W. Salem
Fields, Chas. N.        1876    7-26-1879       Gilead
Fields, Earnest         1912    1919            Oakwood
Fields, H. P.           1847    4-10-1933       Antioch
Fields, Inf. D.         1931    11-14-1931      E. Salem
Fields, Inf. S.         1932    11-14-1932      E. Salem
Fields, Nettie          1864    5-27-1931       Oakwood
Fields, Priscillay      1857    4-6-1925        Antioch
Fields, Rex L. Inf.     1921    2-27-1921       Oakwood
Fields, Rufus           1844    1-15-1914       Panther Fork
Fields, Wm. E. Inf.     1881    2-9-1881        Simmons
Fillmore, Millard       1856    2-28-1879       FI-Twp.
Finch, Byron            1874    5-4-1935        W. Salem
Fink, Inf.              1928    9-24-1928       Oakwood
Finney, Mary J.         1854    1937            No Mention
Fircke, Joseph          1883    3-9-1946        Bethel
Fisher, Bruce           1882    1-4-1935        Oakwood
Fisher, Inf. S.         1880    8-7-1880        Fouts
Fisher, Josephine       1876    1-5-1945        Old Shiloh
Fisher, Ronald G. Inf.  1943    7-14-1943       Sugar Camp
Fitts, Oliver C.        1847    8-24-1921       Fitzgerrell
Fitzgerrald, Bell M.    1927    4-1-1927        Oakwood
Fitzgerrell, Barbara A. 1934    3-24-1934       SG-Twp.
Fitzgerrell, Lavera Inf.1939    9-13-1939       Kirk
Fitzgerrell, Logan      1834    1-2-1879        Knowles
Fitzgerrell, Martha L.  1936    8-31-1936       Oakwood
Flagg, Golden           1915    3-14-1941       Oakwood
Flanagan, Margaret M.   1921    9-29-1921       Old Shiloh
Flanagan, Rose E.       1896    1-29-1930       Mt. Catherine
Flanagan, Samuel K.     1854    7-29-1940       Woodlawn
Flanagan, Thomas J.     1861    2-11-1941       Bethel
Flanigan, Edward W.     1938    8-6-1939        Old Shiloh
Flanigan, G. J.         1859    8-29-1932       New Hope (PE)
Flanigan, H. F.         1895    1919            Boyd
Flanigan, Lillie E.     1858    10-31-1935      Oakwood
Flanigan, Mrs. Hue      1849    5-9-1891        Pleasant Grove
Flanigan, Nettie M.     1865    8-2-1921        Pleasant Grove
Flanigan, Virginia B.   1921    3-6-1921        Pleasant Grove
Flanigan, W. H.         1857    3-15-1949       Old Shiloh
Flannagan, Elza B.      1874    2-11-1944       Mt. Catherine
Flannigan, Clarence     1901    6-5-1911        Harmony
Flannigan, Henry L.     1897    3-19-1931       Oakwood
Flannigan, Inf. D.      1934    7-18-1934       Oakwood
Flannigan, Laura        1875    4-17-1933       Mt. Catherine
Flannigan, Moses M.     1865    8-10-1944       Oakwood
Flannigan, Virginia A.  1870    12-25-19        Oakwood
Fleehart, Eveline L.    1917    1918            Oakwood
Fleehart, Louisa P.     1913    1916            Oakwood
Fleener, Inf. S.        1947    5-19-1947       Oakwood
Fleener, Leona          1868    7-17-1938       Opdyke
Fleener, Phillis A.     1935    1935            No Mention
Fleener, Richard E.     1932    12-26-1932      Oakwood
Fleener, Vivian I.      1919    5-13-1924       Oakwood
Fletcher, Joseph W.     1848    1917            New Hope

Fletcher, Lawrence R.   1943    2-6-1943        Oakwood
Flick, Jerome B.        1833    1916            Woodlawn
Flint, Lydia D. Inf.    1880    11-3-1880       Union
Flowers, Elijah H.      1856    10-12-1933      Pleasant Hill
Floyd, Inf. D.          1940    8-29-1940       Oakwood
Fly, Alma K.            1857    3-3-1939        Oakwood
Fly, Amy L.             1869    6-3-1936        Oakwood
Foley, Geo.             1877    1-28-1939       Gilead
Ford, Albert H.         1847    1919            W. Salem
Ford, Geo. Inf.         1911    3-16-1911       Williams
Ford, Hayne             1881    3-24-1936       Wolf Prairie
Ford, Jeptha C.         1865    6-27-1928       Rightnowar
Ford, Manda E.          1854    1939            Wolf Prairie
Ford, Nancy             1846    6-14-1922       S. Hickory Hill
Ford, Sarah             1857    5-7-1878        Williams
Forrester, Mike F.      1879    10-2-1943       Bethel
Fortag, Vaccent         1904    1916            Mt. Zion (BL)
Foster, Adelia C.       1849    8-14-1923       Opdyke
Foster, Alice B.        1857    1-1-1943        Oakwood
Foster, Donelle J.      1928    1-8-1939        Oakwood
Foster, Dorothy E. Inf. 1921    10-10-1921      Gilead
Foster, Edwin A. Inf.   1938    10-8-1938       Pleasant Grove
Foster, Elizabeth       1865    5-21-1936       E. Salem
Foster, Eva W.          1860    1-8-1934        Pleasant Grove
Foster, Ida             1886    1916            County Farm
Foster, Maranda         1859    1916            Mt. Zion (FA)
Foster, Nancy C.        1855    3-15-1924       Oakwood
Foster, Nellie M.       1880    10-25-1948      Oakwood
Foster, Nettie E. Inf.  1890    2-8-1890        Opdyke
Foster, Nettie G.       1862    1918            Pleasant Grove
Foster, Thomas E.       1885    11-2-1945       Pleasant Grove
Foutch, Albert          1879    6-18-1904       W. Salem
Foutch, Anna            1886    2-18-1924       Pleasant Hill
Foutch, H. E.           1854    9-20-1923       Gaston
Foutch, J. D.           1858    1-23-1932       Gaston
Foutch, John            1837    8-1-1906        Little Grove
Foutch, Mahala L.       1846    11-16-1905      Little Grove
Foutch, Rebecca         1832    3-31-1923       Gaston
Foutch, Wm. D.          1817    6-6-1881        Little Grove
Fouts, David A.         1872    2-1-1935        Fouts
Fouts, Lemon A.         1870    3-29-1941       Fouts
Fowler, Chas. J.                5-21-1935       Oakwood
Fowler, Dicy V. Inf.    1905    7-13-1905       Oakwood
Fowler, Rebecca E.      1841    9-5-1933        Flint
Fowler, Sarah N.        1862    12-14-1945      New Hope (SG)
Fox, Emily              1861    10-15-1936      Wells Chapel
Fox, Inf. S.            1924    5-30-1924       W. Salem
Fox, J. Riley           1852    3-11-1925       W. Salem
Fox, J. W.              1859    12-10-1934      Wells Chapel
Fox, James M.           1850    10-10-1929      Taylor
Fox, John R.            1911    10-7-1937       Oakwood
Fox, Martha             1826    1-16-1882       Mt. Zion (BL)
Fox, Mary C.            1853    7-29-1936       Green
Fox, Merl C. Inf.       1933    12-18-1933      W. Salem
Fox, Priscilla Inf.     1915    2-12-1915       No Mention
Fox, Warren E.          1898    1-12-1929       Wells Chapel
Francis, Inf. D.        1927    5-9-1927        Old Union
Francis, Mary Inf.      1889    9-23-1889       Union
Francis, Oscar R. Inf.  1917    1917            Old Union
Franklin, Inf.          1917    1917            St. Marys
Fraser, Harry           1886    12-23-1909      Salem
Frazier, Andrew F.      1843    2-23-1904       S. Hickory Hill
Frazier, Marselia F.    1927    8-11-1927       Sugar Camp
Frazier, Mary A.        1833    4-4-1906        Union Chapel
Freaney, John R.        1877    3-27-1943       St. Marys
Fred, Effie             1893    10-21-1911      Knob Prairie
Fred, Harley            1879    12-16-1886      Gilbert
Fred, Martha            1866    1-30-1907       Knob Prairie
Fred, Polly             1865    7-30-1914       Knob Prairie
Fredrick, Dicey         1848    12-31-1924      E. Hickory Hill
Free, Chas. M.          1873    1-21-1943       W. Salem
Freeman, Barbara E.     1842    5-25-1878       Hams Grove
Freeman, Mrs. Phillip   1829    3-13-190        Oakwood
French, Albion T.       1860    4-7-1940        New Home
French, Amanda J.       1859    12-23-1943      Lowery (FA)
French, Elizabeth       1840    1919            Oakwood
French, Eva J.          1867    8-16-1945       Harmony
Freshwater, Sallie A.   1872    11-2-1923       Old Union
Freund, Inf. S.         1919    1919            Oakwood
Freund, Inf. S.         1937    8-5-1937        Oakwood
Friar, Harriet E.       1865    1-11-1944       Hams Grove
Friar, Virginia M. Inf. 1934    12-14-1934      Hams Grove
Friend, Benj. F.        1872    3-19-1942       E. Hickory Hill
Friend, Edward Inf.     1906    5-26-1906       Mt. Olive
Friend, Franklin G.     1906    9-13-1907       Oakwood
Fritsch, Math H.        1908    7-15-1912       St. Barbara
Fritts, Thelma E.       1916    1919            Pleasant Hill
Fritzpatrick, Jennie M. 1887    1-6-1944        Flint
Frizzell, Eliza J.      1818    2-1-1908        Old Union
Frost, Dora J.          1858    5-4-1943        Pleasant Grove
Frost, Inf. S.          1926    6-30-1926       Field Township
Frost, Martha M.        1872    1879            Pleasant Grove
Frost, Martha M.        1872    10-17-1879      Pleasant Grove
Frost, Robert           1849    8-9-1926        County Farm
Frost, Samuel O.        1865    7-2-1902        Pleasant Grove
Fry, David              1833    8-6-1904        E. Hickory Hill
Fry, Edd                1890    11-12-1936      Mt. Zion (FA)
Fry, Florena            1864    1-2-1927        Mt. Zion (FA)
Fry, Inf.               1917    1917            Mt. Zion
Fry, Inf. D.            1921    3-27-1921       No Mention
Fry, Inf. D.            1936    1-4-1936        Williams
Fry, Inf. S.            1919    1919            Opdyke
Fry, Nettie             1868    3-2-1929        Kirk
Fry, Ollie J.           1873    7-6-1932        Smith
Fry, Thomas E.          1875    11-25-1949      Oakwood
Frye, Bonnie I. Inf.    1941    4-28-1941       Oakwood
Frymire,                1835    5-10-1928       Sursa
Fryor, Inf. S.          1929    2-18-1929       Pleasant Grove
Fuller, Caroline V.     1940    2-24-1941       Mt. Catherine
Fuller, Grace           1885    8-14-1886       Old Shiloh
Fuller, Inez            1878    4-14-1879       Pleasant Grove
Fuller, Levi E.         1871    7-13-1911       Mt. Catherine
Fuller, Maurrace        1910    1-28-1935       Mt. Catherine
Fuller, Sarah           1844    10-31-1920      Mt. Catherine
Fuller, Sarah M.        1870    11-7-1937       Mt. Catherine
Fuller, Wm. H.          1868    4-1-1934        Mt. Catherine
Fuquay, Joseph          1832    3-23-1908       Gibson City
Furgeson, Francis L.    1842    12-15-1935      W. Salem
Furgeson, Lucinda L.    1841    1930            No Mention
Furgeson, Malinda A.    1844    1-6-1920        Oakwood
Furgeson, Sarah J.      1856    1-6-1929        Pleasant Hill
Fyke, Inf. S.                   10-10-          Woodlawn
Fyke, John W.           1866    4-28-1935       Jordan Chapel
Fyke, Lester            1880    8-27-1881       No Mention
Fyke, Thula             1886    10-4-1931       Jordan Chapel

Gaddis, Lucy L.         1870    5-20-1949       Minson
Gaddy, Geo.             1853    2-19-1932       W. Salem
Gadville, Anton J.      1874    8-4-1930        St. Marys
Gadville, Verchel       1878    10-23-1943      St. Marys
Gail, Fred              1871    11-1-1921       Knob Prairie
Gajewski, Adolph        1852    5-18-1934       Bald Hill
Gajewski, Barbra        1854    4-17-1935       St. Barbara
Galbraith, Eliza J.     1848    4-27-1934       Pleasant Grove
Galvin, Martin          1861    4-10-1949       Oakwood
Galvin, Mary            1863    7-28-1905       Oakwood
Gambrial, Inf. S.       1919    1919            Oakwood
Gammon, Inf. S.         1925    6-14-1925       Oakwood
Gammon, Medora J.       1865    1944            No Mention
Gammon, Vernon B.       1896    12-14-1924      Oakwood
Ganenor, Mahulda M.     1844    4-1-1903        Garrison
Gannon, Elizabeth V.    1865    3-16-1935       Oakwood
Gano, Rena              1878    12-20-1883      Opdyke
Gardner, Harry E.       1923    3-16-1924       Old Shiloh
Gardner, John E. Inf.   1907    7-10-1907       E. Hickory Hill
Garee, Thomas G.        1861    3-21-1906       Jordan Chapel
Garren, Eddie           1877    8-10-1878       Little Grove
Garren, Harrell A. Inf. 1905    2-27-1905       Little Grove
Garren, Inf. D.         1878    8-2-1878        Little Grove
Garren, Inf. D.         1877    8-2-1877        Little Grove
Garren, James E. Inf.   1880    1880            Little Grove
Garren, Mary E.         1868    2-2-1940        Little Grove
Garrett, Margaret E.    1844    12-23-1922      Laird
Garrison, Criswell M.   1923    7-6-1923        Pleasant Grove
Garrison, David L.      1846    7-6-1920        Pace
Garrison, Drucilla P.   1880    11-9-1943       Bethel
Garrison, Earl          1882    9-15-1883       Sursa
Garrison, Geo.          1869    10-4-1948       Oakwood
Garrison, Inf. S.       1878    10-2-1878       Atkinson
Garrison, Inf. S.       1931    10-21-1931      Oakwood
Garrison, Inf. S.       1941    10-24-1941      Mt. Zion (FA)
Garrison, Inf. S.       1944    1-7-1944        Mt. Zion (FA)
Garrison, Isaac V.      1848    5-14-1935       Atkinson
Garrison, James         1843    2-21-1910       No Mention
Garrison, Jimmy L. Inf. 1941    1-18-1941       Little Grove
Garrison, Laura E.      1871    4-6-1949        Oakwood
Garrison, Lydia         1850    12-23-1941      W. Salem
Garrison, Mary P.       1822    6-5-1878        Hopewell
Garrison, Minnie A.     1869    12-22-1940      E. Salem
Garrison, Nathan        1858    11-12-1942      New Home
Garrison, Phylis J.     1903    12-13-1933      Pleasant Grove
Garrison, Sarah L.      1860    1916            Pace
Garrison, Thomas E.     1889    4-15-1890       Atkinson
Garrison, Verna C.      1891    6-30-1905       Atkinson
Garrison, Wm. D.        1832    4-5-1887        Sursa
Garroson, G. O.         1870    10-2-1943       E. Salem
Garvin, Inf. S.         1932    11-26-1932      Union Chapel
Garvin, John D.         1885    1-28-1946       W. Salem
Gascow, Mary            1834    1919            Hams Grove
Gaskies, Jesse H.       1900    12-1-1946       Mt. Catherine
Gaskill, Joshua O.      1816    11-22-1881      Woodlawn
Gaskill, Martha A.      1877    7-22-1879       Woodlawn
Gaskins, Louisa C.      1866    4-27-1945       Mt. Catherine
Gassett, Isaac W.       1845    5-12-1912       Mt. Olive
Gaston, Carla L. Inf.   1945    1-2-1945        Oakwood
Gaston, James H.        1853    5-5-1932        Woodlawn
Gaston, John W.         1849    5-16-1936       McConnaway
Gautz, Sam S.           1881    1-29-1926       Oakwood
Gavett, Dorma M. Inf.   1926    10-5-1926       Oakwood
Gavett, Ronald L.       1932    6-17-1933       Oakwood
Gawer, Josephine        1896    9-28-1927       Oakwood
Gay, Katie L.           1891    10-1-1947       Bethel
Gay, Marieta L.         1920    3-13-1935       Pace
Gay, Rachel L.          1861    5-30-1934       Pace
Gee, Elzina J.          1850    1-5-1935        Oakwood
Geiger, Leiha M.        1932    1-1-1933        W. Salem
Gentle, Leon            1914    10-6-1915       Mt. Olive
Gentle, Levi            1914    10-1-1915       No Mention
Gentle, Oscar Inf.      1914    5-12-1914       Mt. Olive
Gentry, Anita Inf.      1928    3-9-1928        County Farm
George, Anna L.         1895    6-17-1940       Union Chapel
George, Bertha          1927    6-20-1928       County Farm
George, Ellis R. Inf.   1917    1917            Boyd
George, Homer Jr. Inf.  1924    11-5-1924       Oakwood
George, James E.        1929    7-28-1931       Oakwood
George, Thomas          1826    5-22-1910       Gaston
George, Willie          1902    7-22-1929       Oakwood
Gepner, Elzada          1896    7-26-1927       Kirk
Gepner, Inf. Twins      1927    7-26-1927       Kirk
Gerig, Cora             1865    5-16-1931       Pleasant Grove
Gersbacher, Eva F.      1894    6-12-1948       Kirk
Gersbacher, Leander L.  1872    8-12-           Oakwood
Gibbs, Rex J. Inf.      1935    6-3-1935        Oakwood
Gibson, Cecil N.        1890    1-2-1945        Oakwood
Gibson, Dee M.          1868    9-11-1936       Bethel
Gibson, Grace           1892    12-25-1907      Oakwood
Gibson, Inf.            1917    1917            Gilbert
Gibson, Inf. S.         1916    1916            Gilbert
Gibson, Mary            1831    12-18-1905      Oakwood
Gibson, W. R.           1854    9-7-1925        Bald Hill
Gifford, Harold M.      1903    12-22-1904      Salem
Gilbert, Abigail        1832    3-11-1917       Sursa
Gilbert, Ida F.         1902    1-27-1913       Rightnowar
Gilbert, Ira W.         1846    7-10-1911       Knob Prairie
Gilbert, Mary A. Inf.   1923    1-22-1923       Knob Prairie
Gilbert, Robert H.      1871    7-16-1945       Knob Prairie
Giles, Chas. M.         1864    1-15-1846       Sursa
Gill, Benj.             1848    2-2-1920        Smith
Gill, Prince            1844    8-2-1935        Sprouse (GP)
Gillam, Hulda J.        1874    8-22-1947       Jordan Chapel
Gillan, Inf. D.         1930    12-12-1930      S. Hickory Hill
Gillham, Frank          1860    3-31-1944       W. Salem
Gillick, Hugh H.        1867    5-16-1942       E. Hickory Hill
Gillis, Louis R.        1896    9-5-1923        Oakwood
Gillis, Richard G.      1862    1-30-1935       Oakwood
Gilmore, Morgan J.      1883    1-11-1931       Oakwood
Gish, Jessie C.         1870    9-6-1949        Bethel
Givens, Laura M.        1880    11-18-1929      Oakwood
Glasco, Glen J. Inf.    1934    3-26-1934       S. Hickory Hill
Glasco, Sarah           1843    2-22-1930       W. Salem
Glenn, Inf. D.          1947    3-29-1947       Oakwood
Glover, Geo. W.         1869    12-26-1922      Oakwood
Glover, Ina             1872    4-27-1924       Oakwood
Glover, Inf. S.         1924    10-17-1924      Oakwood
Glover, Iva P.          1902    9-15-1920       Pleasant Grove
Glover, James W.                1-1-1938        Oakwood
Goddard, Alberta        1893    2-18-1922       Oakwood
Goddard, Benj. F.       1858    1-22-1930       W. Salem
Goddard, Henry F.       1873    9-7-1946        Hams Grove
Good, Leah              1868    6-11-1932       W. Salem
Goodlow, Irvin          1862    12-24-1925      Old Union
Goodrich, Mary          1839    6-26-1921       Oakwood
Goodwin, James C.       1859    9-11-1940       Oakwood
Goosetree, Glen A.      1947    12-11-1948      W. Salem
Gorden, Geo. W.         1857    3-9-1929        W. Salem
Gordon, Anna E.         1860    5-25-1942       Jordan Chapel
Gordon, Bert            1873    8-21-1948       Oakwood
Gordon, Bettie B.       1879    2-27-1935       Wolf Prairie
Gordon, Chas. E.        1869    4-10-1935       Oakwood
Gordon, Inf. S.         1933    4-16-1933       Oakwood
Gordon, Irvin H.        1916    3-27-1921       Oakwood
Gordon, Jesse F.        1888    4-28-1946       Oakwood
Gordon, Minnie M.       1873    12-5-1943       Pleasant Grove
Gorham, Relia P.        1889    12-30-1927      Oakwood
Gossage, Inf. S.        1926    11-5-1926       Oakwood
Gossett, John           1833    1-17-1923       Ebenezer
Gowler, Harry L.        1903    6-2-1941        Blackoak Ridge
Gowler, Margaret A.     1849    3-23-1925       E. Hickory Hill
Gowler, Wm. H.          1842    1-19-1926       Atkinson
Graham, Alvin B.        1868    5-8-1937        Bethel
Graham, Bobbie G.       1926    11-2-1927       Antioch
Graham, Ella            1919    1-28-1920       Old Union
Graham, Ralph R. Inf.   1921    11-24-1921      Old Union
Grant, Della E.         1862    5-15-1931       Pleasant Grove
Grant, Jack C.          1905    4-28-1933       Oakwood
Grant, Jepthia S.       1882    1-10-1943       Bethel
Grant, Myrtle M.        1875    1-9-1947        Oakwood
Grant, Robert A. Inf.   1941    10-4-1941       New Shiloh
Grant, U. L.            1944    7-13-1925       Pleasant Grove
Grant, W. S.            1885    6-12-1920       Pleasant Grove
Grapen, Phillip         1869    8-21-1949       Pleasant Grove
Gray, Clara J.          1913    9-5-1948        Oakwood
Gray, Inf.              1945    4-2-1945        Oakwood
Gray, Inf. D.           1937    4-8-1937        Mt. Olive
Gray, Inf. S.           1932    9-12-1932       Oakwood
Gray, Jennie            1856    1-20-1945       Wolf Prairie
Gray, Mary R.           1828    6-22-1923       Wolf Prairie
Green, Bessie M.        1902    10-23-1920      Kirk
Green, Ellis M.         1831    3-21-1923       Mt. Olive
Green, Evelyn           1897    10-31-1928      Oakwood
Green, Floyd            1880    12-23-1922      Knob Prairie
Green, Glen L.          1918    2-5-1920        Union Chapel
Green, Inf. D.          1921    10-28-1921      Old Union
Green, Inf. D.          1924    5-5-1924        No Mention
Green, Inf. D.          1931    3-11-1931       Mt. Olive
Green, Inf. S.          1934    2-8-1934        E. Hickory Hill
Green, James E.         1873    9-16-1943       Mt. Olive
Green, Jim W.           1857    5-27-1934       Mt. Olive
Green, Lewis            1852    9-23-1940       Shelton (PE)
Green, Lucy J. Inf.     1928    8-12-1928       Knob Prairie
Green, Millard L.       1935    10-15-1938      Antioch
Green, Millie           1847    12-26-1930      Mt. Olive
Green, Minerva          1839    3-13-1922       Mt. Olive
Green, Nancy            1848    9-28-1941       Boyd
Green, Rosier           1882    12-8-1933       Mt. Olive
Green, Shelly           1929    1-14-1929       Blackoak Ridge
Green, Thomas G.                9-18-           Knob Prairie
Green, Wm. M.           1872    10-5-1942       Taylor (BL)
Greene, Aline           1910    4-5-1936        E. Salem
Greene, Gerald D.       1935    8-2-1945        E. Hickory Hill
Greens, Victoria D. Inf.1942    10-18-1942      Bethel
Greenwalt, Geo. C.      1877    6-7-1935        Harmony
Greenwalt, Larry Inf.   1945    2-10-1945       Oakwood
Greer, Rebecca R.       1846    8-1-1920        Pleasant Hill
Greer, Ullie C.         1856    5-7-1939        Bethel
Greer, Wm. F.           1871    7-5-1943        Old Shiloh
Gregory, Alice H.       1862    1-31-1934       Oakwood
Gregory, Bettie Inf.    1922    3-15-1922       Oakwood
Gregory, Chas. C.       1857    1-27-1944       Mt. Zion (FA)
Gregory, Effir B.       1888    1-12-1946       Bethel
Gregory, Elbert G.      1904    3-4-1926        Mt. Zion (FA)
Gregory, Henry          1864    2-9-1942        Bethel
Gregory, James O.       1884    9-19-1941       E. Salem
Gregory, Sarah A.       1873    12-25-1936      Mt. Zion (FA)
Gregory, Wm. E.         1882    3-10-1949       Bethel
Griffen, Bennie M. Inf. 1945    9-2-1945        Oakwood
Griffith, Mansfield M.  193     7-13-193        Oakwood
Grigsby, Inf. S.        1933    4-11-1933       County Farm
Grimes, Inf. S.         1935    10-2-1935       W. Salem
Grimes, Morton R.       1886    1-12-1939       W. Salem
Grisamore, Martha J.    1848    6-14-1936       Fouts
Grissom, Emma           1857    12-12-1940      Woodlawn
Grissom, Jacob          1837    10-12-1934      County Farm
Grizzow, Eugene P.      1871    8-8-1939        Pleasant Grove
Grorge, Wm.                     9-3-1921        Woodlawn
Grose, Susan A.         1870    2-28-1931       Mt. Olive
Grothoff, Inf. S.       1926    10-27-1926      Opdyke
Groves, Harriet O.      1832    1-6-1926        Oakwood
Groves, Lula            1892    5-5-1942        Oakwood
Groves, Sarah E.        1877    5-27-1949       Knob Prairie
Gullett, John N.        1851    9-6-1928        W. Salem
Gulley, Ella J.         1897    2-21-1944       Fouts
Gunther, Robert H.      1888    6-20-1923       Oakwood
Guthrie, Inf. D.        1921    7-31-1921       Oakwood
Guthrie, Inf. S.        1922    9-26-1922       Oakwood
Guthrie, Johnnie        1875    7-5-1937        W. Salem
Guthrie, Laura B.       1855    1-11-1923       Pace
Guthrie, Lucista        1840    4-11-1924       W. Salem
Guthrie, Mary A.        1893    12-14-1948      Oakwood
Guyman, Inf. S.         1920    4-28-1920       W. Salem

Hackler, Mable A.       1921    2-16-1923       Pleasant Grove
Hagan, Elmer J.         1924    8-4-1925        Blackoak Ridge
Haggard, Inf. D.        1928    8-24-1928       County Farm
Hagger, Clint           1910    6-9-1911        Knob Prairie
Hails, Cloreen S.       1855    1-2-1940        Pisgah
Hails, J. W.            1860    11-30-1939      Union Chapel
Hails, Mary A.          1848    9-4-1923        Union Chapel
Hails, Mary E.          1866    2-22-1939       Union Chapel
Hails, Mathew A.        1859    9-8-1938        W. Salem
Hails, Minnie E.        1866    10-29-1923      Fouts
Hails, Zadok C.         1856    12-28-1935      Pisgah
Haines, Wm. O.          1848    12-26-1929      Oakwood
Haines, Wm. W.          1867    6-3-1949        Panther Fork
Halbrooks, Clyde T.     1879    9-19-1931       E. Hickory Hill
Halbrooks, Frank B.     1866    7-1-1944        Oakwood
Halbrooks, Lila C.      1842    1-26-1908       Mt. Zion (FA)
Hale, Adaline           1855    4-17-1930       Kirk
Hale, Chas. E.          1846    5-25-1929       Cub Prairie
Hale, Elvina K. Inf.    1936    4-8-1936        Cub Prairie
Hale, Inf. S.           1921    11-22-1921      Cub Prairie
Hale, John D.           1842    9-7-1923        Kirk
Hale, John H.           1860    1-27-1938       Kirk
Hale, Nancy L.          1883    2-16-1927       Cub Prairie
Hale, Ruby E. Inf.      1907    8-2-1907        Sursa
Hale, Thomas W. Inf.    1939    4-17-1939       Kirk
Hale, Warren H.         1922    3-10-1923       Cub Prairie
Hale, Wm.               1861    1-16-1879       SG-Twp.
Hale, Wm.               1816    11-15-1880      DO-Twp.
Hales, Lavisa           1886    3-18-1888       No Mention
Haley, Dela M.          1900    2-6-1903        Hopewell
Haley, Morris           1876    11-13-1903      Hopewell
Haley, Roda C.          1854    8-3-1940        Hopewell
Halin, Jerry M.         1899    7-3-1926        Oakwood
Hall, Amy C.            1877    10-27-1908      Knob Prairie
Hall, Andy              1872    9-25-1942       Knob Prairie
Hall, Anna B.           1864    6-26-1903       Mt. Zion (FA)
Hall, Earl E.           1913    11-12-1922      Oakwood
Hall, Eva L. Inf.       1927    2-16-1927       Woodlawn
Hall, Isaac             1842    6-2-1914        Knob Prairie
Hall, Leland H.         1919    1-6-1921        Oakwood
Hall, Martha J.         1841    3-25-1926       Knob Prairie
Hall, Mary              1837    4-28-1913       Opdyke
Hall, Mary C.           1897    12-5-1930       New Hope (PE)
Hall, Mary E.           1864    12-27-1932      Ward
Hall, Moses N.          1854    10-9-1935       Ward
Hall, Prudence R.       1866    12-18-1946      Panther Fork
Hall, Rosa              1875    9-20-1931       Oakwood
Hall, Roy B. Inf.       1880    1-5-1880        Pleasant Grove

Hall, Samuel L.         1858    1-5-1946        Panther Fork
Hall, Sarah A.          1850    1918            Knob Prairie
Hall, Wm. H.            1874    7-23-1940       W. Salem
Hall, Wm. W.            1878    7-12-1880       Cub Prairie
Halland, Thomas R. Inf. 1834    8-2-1834        Oakwood
Hallinger, Wm. W.       1892    8-6-1920        Oakwood
Halloway, Wm. O.        1892    1918            Mt. Catherine
Hallowell, Samuel N.    1854    3-29-1936       Oakwood
Ham, Bernadine          1877    3-22-1902       Oakwood
Ham, Helena A.          1848    10-14-1922      Oakwood
Ham, Joel               1851    1916            Hams Grove
Ham, Maranda E.         1838    1917            No Mention
Ham, O. M. D.           1840    3-13-1921       Oakwood
Ham, Orley T.           1868    1921            Opdyke
Ham, Susan A. E.        1879    10-7-1902       Hams Grove
Hamblen, Elza C.        1876    5-8-1943        Old Shiloh
Hamblen, Inf. S.        1883    3-21-1883       Mc-Twp.
Hamblin, Harry          1886    1916            Woodlawn
Hamblin, Isaac          1865    1-11-1887       Hickory Hill
Hamilton, Chas. F. Inf. 1888    5-23-1888       Reynolds
Hamilton, Ellen M.      1848    3-14-1912       Knob Prairie
Hamilton, Frances J.Inf.1933    1-14-1933       Knob Prairie
Hamilton, Inf.          1914    10-6-1914       Dryden
Hamilton, Irl Inf.      1914    9-26-1914       S. Hickory Hill
Hamilton, Luberta       1889    11-7-1938       Bethel
Hamilton, Opal R.       1920    5-8-1921        Oakwood
Hamilton, Orange        1849    4-3-1933        Knob Prairie
Hamilton, Robert R.     1875    6-5-1939        Oakwood
Hamlin, Breeda          1909    9-14-1910       Davenport
Hamlin, Carrie T.       1892    12-15-1943      E. Salem
Hamlin, James D.        1911    3-15-1947       Knob Prairie
Hamlin, Jaunita         1911    1916            Knob Prairie
Hamlin, Joseph          1848    9-7-1887        Gilbert
Hamlin, Lillie B. Inf.  1933    12-3-1933       Pace
Hamlin, Martha C.       1841    5-21-1931       Pleasant Grove
Hamlin, Martha E.       1880    4-10-1926       Rightnowar
Hamlin, Warrick W.              8-4-1925        Oakwood
Hammer, Dorthy L.       1922    3-6-1940        Oakwood
Hammond, John           1859    8-15-1932       Knob Prairie
Hammond, Mary           1857    7-23-1912       Knob Prairie
Hamner, Vivian M.       1920    5-28-1938       Oakwood
Hamon, Ollie M.         1878    7-21-1938       Kirk
Hampton, Carl B.        1913    1917            Opdyke
Hampton, Chas. L.       1913    1917            Opdyke
Hampton, Mable W.       1904    1-6-1942        Opdyke
Hampton, Vern           1902    12-18-1943      Opdyke
Hamrick, Melvina        1845    1918            Wolf Prairie
Hand, Albert L.         1872    6-15-1936       Oakwood
Handley, Prudie E.      1885    8-11-1926       Cub Prairie
Haney, Mary A.          1869    10-14-1886      E. Hickory Hill
Haney, Oran O.          1868    10-16-1880      Opdyke
Hanley, Chas. V.        1868    4-16-1930       Cub Prairie
Hanley, Virgil          1907    11-16-1911      Cub Prairie
Hanna, Arnold C.        1925    8-20-1928       Old Baptist
Hansen, Pearl           1883    10-7-1948       Kirk
Harden, Inf. S.         1944    3-21-1944       Bethel
Hardin, Inf. D.         1942    10-19-1942      Bethel
Hardyman, Thomas        1863    4-23-1836       Pleasant Hill
Hargert, Inf. D.        1904    1-15-1904       On Farm
Hargis, Inf. S.         1932    11-17-1932      Pleasant Hill
Harlan, Albert          1866    10-16-1935      County Farm
Harlow, Arthur G.       1930    10-28-1931      Pleasant Hill
Harlow, Arthur R.       1887    9-10-1932       E. Salem
Harlow, Chas. H.        1880    1-19-1940       Kirk
Harlow, Emily           1855    2-22-1904       Salem
Harlow, Emma J.         1863    7-26-1929       E. Salem
Harlow, Henry I.        1851    7-6-1947        E. Salem
Harlow, Inf. S.         1936    6-8-1936        E. Salem
Harlow, Inf. S.         1949    8-4-1949        E. Salem
Harlow, Judy K.         1942    5-19-1943       Pleasant Hill
Harlow, Martha J.       1869    5-4-1945        Harmony
Harlow, Mary            1835    1-18-1903       E. Salem
Harlow, Naoh H.         1841    1-25-1933       Pleasant Hill
Harlow, Nona S.         1910    5-9-1934        E. Salem
Harlow, Rinda P.        1937    5-9-1945        E. Salem
Harlow, Sevina          1836    9-12-1920       Hickory Hill
Harlow, Thomas J.       1850    12-28-1939      E. Hickory Hill
Harlow, Wm. E.          1869    12-10-1942      Harmony
Harlow, Wm. H.          1863    2-11-1942       Pleasant Hill
Harmen, Wm.             1836    1916            Kirk
Harmon, Armona L.       1928    5-8-1936        Wolf Prairie
Harmon, Inf. D.         1938    7-10-1938       Oakwood
Harmon, Kathlen M. Inf. 1937    5-16-1937       Oakwood
Harmon, Louie E.        1884    12-26-1886      Chapel
Harp, Alison D. Inf.    1925    12-8-1925       S. Hickory Hill
Harper, Inf.            1907    6-20-1907       Old Baptist
Harpole, Agnes J.       1844    11-10-1933      Pleasant Grove
Harpole, Chas.          1875    3-9-1921        Old Union
Harpole, Freddie A.     1877    9-27-1878       Jef. Co.
Harpole, Geo. T.        1855    1-31-1941       Sursa
Harpole, Gertrude E.    1883    1-27-1916       Old Union
Harpole, Mary J.        1866    7-31-1935       Wolf Prairie
Harpool, Henry H.       1842    9-25-1925       Sursa
Harpoole, Rosa          1874    4-24-1944       Sursa
Harris, Ameda Inf.      1879    10-5-1879       New Hope (PE)
Harris, Clara B. Inf.   1941    5-6-1941        Gilbert
Harris, Elizabeth       1840    6-12-1935       Hope (SG)
Harris, Elnora V.       1856    12-25-1940      Union Chapel
Harris, Franklin D.     1939    7-15-1940       Gilbert
Harris, James F.        1891    9-7-1948        Oakland
Harris, James Inf.      1883    2-16-1883       Ward
Harris, James W.        1877    10-29-1878      Pleasant Grove
Harris, Lemuel          1867    1-2-1885        Bald Hill
Harris, Loyd Inf.       1932    1932            No Mention
Harris, Martha A.       1869    12-26-1948      Hope (SG)
Harris, Mattie          1905    10-14-1947      Bethel
Harris, Nathan          1902    2-2-1902        Old Union
Harris, Ola Inf.        1909    2-2-1909        New Hope (SG)
Harris, Pearl Inf.      1932    9-16-1932       Union Chapel
Harris, W. C.           1852    7-26-1941       Union Chapel
Harrison, Eunice J.     1895    1-15-1946       Bethel
Harrison, Josephine     1866    4-18-1942       Jordan Chapel
Harshbarger, Victor F.  1941    11-30-1941      W. Salem
Hart, Bertha            1885    10-14-1922      Oakwood
Hart, Glada M.          1930    1-8-1945        Knob Prairie
Hart, Glen T.           1925    12-22-1935      Knob Prairie
Hart, Orpha A. Inf.     1918    1918            Knob Prairie
Hartley, Ella           1878    1-15-1937       Dryden
Hartley, Martha L.      1851    2-26-1933       Gilead
Hartley, Sarah T.       1853    3-21-1907       Dryden
Hartman, Anthony        1880    6-17-1931       St. Marys
Hartter, Hanna          1845    1-12-1915       Little Grove
Harvel, Inf. S.         1927    1-4-1927        Kirk
Harvey, Catherine       1859    9-24-1944       Mt. Catherine
Harvey, Chas. H. Inf.   1902    8-9-1902        Kirk
Harvey, Edward A.       1889    9-19-1935       Pleasant Hill
Harvey, Grace V.        1907    8-3-1910        Woodlawn
Harvey, Hiram B.        1864    10-14-1942      Pleasant Hill
Harvey, John            1798    9-11-1886       Hopewell
Harvey, Kate            1831    7-7-1909        Mt. Catherine
Harvey, Lucy A.         1846    12-24-1886      Antioch
Harvey, Mary M. E.      1864    5-11-1947       Mt. Catherine
Harvey, Rebecca         1852    7-16-1881       No Mention
Haslip, Tennessee       1860    5-25-1878       Mt. Zion
Hatfield, Feriba        1823    4-18-1881       No Mention
Hatfield, Freddie L.    1944    3-24-1944       Oakwood
Hatfield, Inf. D.       1922    11-14-1922      Oakwood
Hatfield, Katie         1851    12-12-1902      Sursa
Hatfield, Wash          1848    1916            Sursa
Hathington, Donald      1906    3-12-1909       Bald Hill
Hauss, H. M.            1870    4-11-1906       Woodlawn
Haward, Mattie          1875    10-27-1926      Oakwood
Hawker, W. M.           1850    6-11-1924       Pleasant Hill
Hawkins, Adline         1853    8-5-1923        Antioch
Hawkins, B. J.          1851    1-26-1944       Pleasant Hill
Hawkins, Burrell        1881    7-24-1948       Antioch
Hawkins, Celia          1851    4-30-1942       Antioch
Hawkins, Cora Inf.      1885    1-20-1885       No Mention
Hawkins, Eliza          1818    3-30-1906       Antioch
Hawkins, Harvey         1840    12-20-1907      Woodlawn
Hawkins, Joseph         1825    4-5-1912        Antioch
Hawkins, Lucinda H.     1851    1-16-1929       Pleasant Hill
Hawkins, Marie B.       1894    2-15-1914       Pleasant Hill
Hawkins, Mary L.        1947    8-4-1949        E. Salem
Hawkins, Moses D.       1853    7-2-1936        Antioch
Hawkins, Nan J.         1857    4-6-1923        Antioch
Hawkins, Oliver         1850    11-1-1923       Antioch
Hawkins, Phebe          1872    1-30-1884       Mudy
Hawkins, Pleasant E.    1862    6-27-1949       Oakwood
Hawkins, Richard W.     1938    5-26-1941       W. Salem
Hawkins, Roy W.         1901    10-16-1907      Pleasant Hill
Hawkins, Sanfred L.     1858    12-11-1938      Antioch
Hawkins, Zenas M.       1888    2-26-1911       Antioch
Hay, Elizabeth M. Inf.  1905    7-12-1905       Pleasant Hill
Hayden, John W.         1853    2-19-1920       Oakwood
Hayes, A. T.            1897    11-30-1937      Antioch
Hayes, Alvin C.         1878    3-29-1939       S. Hickory Hill
Hayes, Arlie D.         1934    1-5-1935        Pleasant Grove
Hayes, Bobby C. Inf.    1931    2-10-1931       S. Hickory Hill
Hayes, Chas. Inf.       1923    6-20-1923       Mt. Catherine
Hayes, Doris G.         1913    5-20-1921       Oakwood
Hayes, Dorthy E.        1919    2-28-1948       Kirk
Hayes, Fay L.           1925    11-27-1934      W. Salem
Hayes, Inf.             1904    12-28-1904      S. Hickory Hill
Hayes, Inf.             1910    9-28-1910       Sursa
Hayes, Inf. S.          1921    9-3-1921        Oakwood
Hayes, Inf. S.          1923    7-31-1923       Atkinson
Hayes, James L. Inf.    1937    11-24-1937      S. Hickory Hill
Hayes, Jonnie C.        1900    4-13-1942       Pleasant Grove
Hayes, Josephine        1873    8-27-1889       Cub Prairie
Hayes, Julia            1874    8-10-1946       Cub Prairie
Hayes, Larry L. Inf.    1943    9-21-1943       Kirk
Hayes, Larry L. Inf.    1947    3-8-1947        S. Hickory Hill
Hayes, Lizzie           1848    1880            SG-Twp.
Hayes, Martha           1883    5-26-1904       Cub Prairie
Hayes, Peggy S. Inf.    1941    3-20-1941       S. Hickory Hill
Hayes, Perry F.         1895    1916            Kirk
Hayes, Stephen A.       1860    4-6-1939        Flint
Hayes, Thomas F.        1875    2-20-1945       Kirk
Hayes, Wm. T. Inf.      1934    12-9-1934       Bethel
Hayne, Margaret         1841    1880            Mt. Zion (FA)
Haynes, Ida M.          1871    9-25-1937       Oakwood
Haynes, Inf. S.         1932    9-29-1932       W. Salem
Haynes, Matilda J.      1841    6-11-1928       W. Salem
Haynes, Oliver          1863    9-23-1947       Bethel
Hays, Bulah M.          1924    2-19-1925       Hopewell
Hays, Edwin             1844    8-20-1889       No Mention
Hays, Inf. S.           1881    2-23-1881       SG-Twp.
Hays, Inf. S.           1879    7-27-1879       Pleasant Hill
Hays, Wm. D.            1876    7-20-1886       Gilbert
Hayse, Arthur           1882    1-10-1944       Kirk
Hayse, Calvin H.        1908    1918            Kirk
Hayse, Corine           1923    3-16-1924       Williams
Hayse, Dollie           1894    3-28-1923       Williams
Hayse, Ettie A. Inf.    1904    2-13-1904       Mt. Pleasant
Hayse, Fair E.          1863    8-17-1944       Cub Prairie
Hayse, Geo. W.          1847    10-14-1927      S. Hickory Hill
Hayse, Inf. D.          1934    3-24-1934       Cub Prairie
Hayse, Inf. S.          1917    1917            S. Hickory Hill
Hayse, John L.          1863    1917            S. Hickory Hill
Hayse, Mary E.          1847    1917            Fitzgerrell
Hayse, Morton E.        1888    2-15-1920       Williams
Hayse, Newitt           1824    5-23-1904       Cub Prairie
Hayse, Nicholas N.      1857    6-16-1944       Fitzgerrell
Hayse, Wm. L. Inf.      1936    8-15-1936       Woodlawn
Hazelton, John          1872    6-24-1922       Bethel
Headley, Geo. W.        1851    11-25-1930      Oakwood
Headley, Henry          1857    1-21-1878       Arnold
Heather, Stella Inf.    1902    2-7-1902        Cockrum
Heathering, Donald      1906    3-12-1909       Sheller
Heck, David P.          1826    3-23-1925       Sugar Camp
Heck, Malissa           1960    6-6-1932        Sugar Camp
Heck, Mariah            1830    10-8-1879       Sugar Camp
Heck, Wm. M.            1845    6-26-1936       Sugar Camp
Heel, Mary              1892    3-30-1907       Oakwood
Heil, Jennie M.         1895    3-29-1935       Oakwood
Heilman, Mollie         1858    2-21-1931       Oakwood
Heilman, Victor         1863    4-9-1937        Oakwood
Heilmanns, Mollie E.    1869    9-2-1925        Oakwood
Helm, Henrietta         1874    5-18-1928       Oakwood
Helm, Henry             1860    1-10-1933       W. Salem
Helm, James E.          1872    1-13-1945       Oakwood
Helm, Josiah            1834    10-30-1922      Oakwood
Helms, Sally            1879    5-23-1921       Oakwood
Helms, Tabitha          1866    1-19-1881       Woodlawn
Helms, Wm.              1885    9-14-1907       No Mention
Henderson, Samps        1904    1-6-1923        Oakwood
Hendrick, Jesse F. Inf. 1902    12-11-1902      No Mention
Henlay, Inf. S.         1920    9-4-1920        Old Union
Henley, Inf. D.         1928    12-25-1928      Oakwood
Henley, Louie           1893    12-31-1948      Oakwood
Henley, Many            1892    12-7-1903       Old Baptist
Henley, Ray Jr, Inf.    1924    3-23-1924       Oakwood
Henn, Ida               1878    1-25-1949       Oakwood
Henn, Wm.               1874    1-16-1941       Oakwood
Henry, Anna             1854    8-5-1933        Oakwood
Henry, Belle            1872    5-2-1930        Woodlawn
Henry, Caroline         1850    4-16-1927       Wolf Prairie
Henry, Chris            1836    1-16-1915       Mt. Olive
Henry, Fred T.          1880    1-23-1939       Oakwood
Henry, Gwendolyn        1916    11-21-1920      Oakwood
Henry, Inf.             1911    3-2-1911        W. Salem
Henry, Inf. S.          1920    10-27-1920      Hickory Hill
Henry, Ivy Inf.         1914    8-8-1914        Mt. Olive
Henry, John             1868    6-19-1935       Woodlawn
Henry, Joseph           1820    2-5-1904        E. Hickory Hill
Henry, Malissa J.       1839    5-11-1908       Salem
Henry, Margaret E. Inf. 1823    11-1-1823       Oakwood
Henry, Pearl E.         1887    7-25-1938       Oakwood
Henry, Ruby V.          1909    9-14-1910       Blackoak Ridge
Henry, Sarah A.         1864    5-15-1949       Mt. Olive
Henry, Thomas           1841    1-12-1929       E. Salem
Henry, Wm. A.           1886    12-29-1933      Oakwood
Hensley, Della M.       1875    4-7-1938        W. Salem
Henson, Wm. A.          1848    1917            Kirk
Herald, Ralph           1900    11-20-1902      E. Hickory Hill
Herod, Roy              1903    1917            S. Hickory Hill
Herold, Hazel           1906    5-27-1931       E. Hickory Hill
Hertenstein, Elizabeth  1860    12-8-1946       St. Marys
Hertenstein, Eunice N.  1886    5-4-1920        Blackoak Ridge
Hertenstein, Evert E.   1919    2-10-1920       Flint
Hertenstein, Herman Jr. 1939    4-6-1939        Flint
Hess, Mottie            1872    1918            Smith
Hester, Chas. M.        1932    1-4-1933        Oakwood
Hester, Inez M.         1885    1938            No Mention
Hester, James M.        1868    4-14-1929       Oakwood
Hester, James R. Inf.           2-7-            Hickory Hill
Hester, Jin H.          1844    10-29-1902      EP-Twp.
Hester, John E.         1869    9-7-1948        Abner
Hester, Thomas G.       1898    1939            No Mention
Hester, Wilma C.        1921    6-13-1923       Smith
Hester, Wm. W.          1886    6-7-1934        S. Hickory Hill
Hestwood, Catherine W.  1859    1925            No Mention
Hestwood, Vera P.       1898    5-5-1921        Oakwood
Hetherington, Eva       1875    4-14-1930       Bald Hill
Hibbits, Victor G.      1887    7-6-1938        Mt. Zion (FA)
Hich, John N.           1852    7-31-1939       Boyd
Hickey, Jerry A. Inf.   1933    5-24-1933       Union Chapel
Hickle, Chancey         1891    4-5-1932        E. Hickory Hill
Hicks, Albert           1842    4-20-1931       Old Union
Hicks, Angeline         1839    10-21-1925      Pace
Hicks, Arvine           1846    12-16-1933      Old Union
Hicks, Benj. F. Inf.    1937    6-21-1937       Oakwood
Hicks, Clarence W.      1937    6-23-1938       Old Shiloh
Hicks, Donna S.         1944    10-7-1945       Old Shiloh
Hicks, Elsie J. Inf.    1918    1918            Old Union
Hicks, Jake             1874    1919            Old Union
Hicks, James H.         1841    6-22-1926       Woodlawn
Hicks, John A.          1874    11-1-1926       Foutch
Hicks, John T.          1848    4-16-1934       Woodlawn
Hicks, Joseph           1855    12-7-1934       Old Baptist
Hicks, Laura S.         1855    5-28-1940       Fitzgerrell
Hicks, Lilly Inf.       1879    5-14-1879       No Mention
Hicks, Marthy L. Inf.   1916    1916            Old Union
Hicks, Mary E.          1880    1917            S. Hickory Hill
Hicks, Mildred M.       1925    10-22-1926      Old Union
Hicks, Nancy C.         1825    8-16-1924       Woodlawn
Hicks, Roger Inf.       1944    12-7-1944       W. Salem
Hicks, Sada P.          1896    10-28-1935      Kirk
Hicks, Sarah B.         1874    4-4-1947        W. Salem
Hicks, Stanley O. Inf.  1919    1919            Old Union
Hicks, Violet V.        1906    12-16-1912      Woodlawn
Hicks, Wesley L. Inf.   1918    1918            Old Union
Higginson, John J.      1881    3-23-1925       W. Salem
High, Bessie A.         1860    1-21-1943       Boyd
Highsmith,                      4-1-1850        Williams
Highsmith, Amanda F.    1826    1-18-1881       Williams
Highsmith, Annarella    1915    5-12-1915       Williams
Highsmith, Cinda L.     1854    6-27-1906       Williams
Highsmith, H. Curtis    1895    5-25-1941       E. Hickory Hill
Highsmith, Hige         1837    8-13-1909       No Mention
Highsmith, Lewis M.     1859    11-8-1904       E. Hickory Hill
Highsmith, Mrs.         1837    12-18-1908      No Mention
Highsmith, Vivian A.    1903    4-19-1903       Old Orchard
Highsmith, Walter C.    1885    4-28-1941       Williams
Highsmith, Wayne Inf.   1910    2-21-1910       Williams
Hill, Allene            1902    2-12-1907       Oakwood
Hill, Charley           1875    3-2-1938        Oakwood
Hill, Eli E.            1861    11-16-1932      Little Grove
Hill, Elizabeth         1899    2-22-1907       Oakwood
Hill, Evylin L. Inf.    1930    8-11-1930       Atkinson
Hill, Ida M. Inf.       1878    9-18-1878       Little Grove
Hill, Jewel A. Inf.     1920    2-22-1920       Mt. Catherine
Hill, John              1882    12-18-1945      Bethel
Hill, Julia W.          1825    2-6-1906        Oakwood
Hill, Sarah J.          1836    5-11-1904       Dryden
Hill, Wm.               1896    7-8-1947        Oakwood
Hill, Wm. R.            1861    1932            No Mention
Hindman, Alice          1906    5-26-1912       Oakwood
Hinman, Earl E.         1891    12-23-1908      No Mention
Hinman, Ella            1857    4-18-1906       Oakwood
Hintz, Bervitte         1842    10-27-1929      Oakwood
Hirons, Sidney          1850    6-12-1910       Knob Prairie
Histor, Mary J.         1847    12-28-1923      New Shiloh
Hitchcock, Anna         1844    9-5-1912        Oakwood
Hobbs, Edward T.        1864    10-1-1939       Oakwood
Hobbs, Fred A.          1881    9-21-1933       Chapel (RO)
Hobbs, Inf. D.          1928    6-24-1928       County Farm
Hobbs, Maggie           1888    11-24-1936      Jordan Chapel
Hobbs, Wm. R.           1878    4-19-1936       Jordan Chapel
Hock, Clyde H.          1910    9-22-1949       Oakwood
Hodge, Clarence E.I.    1902    7-3-1902        Abner
Hodge, Dora F.          1899    1919            Opdyke
Hodge, Francis M. Inf.  1922    6-26-1922       Knob Prairie
Hodge, Inf.             1906    2-12-1906       Knob Prairie
Hodge, Inf. S.          1934    2-24-1934       W. Salem
Hodge, Inf. S.          1935    1-9-1935        W. Salem
Hodge, James W.         1890    4-16-1940       Knob Prairie
Hodge, Lloyd C.         1900    12-26-1941      Abner
Hodge, Lou              1883    12-16-1943      Hams Grove
Hodge, Sarah            1857    10-13-1879      SG-Twp.
Hodges, Jinsa C.        1850    7-25-1926       Boyd
Hodges, John J.         1842    5-16-1927       Boyd
Hoffman, Iva W.         1888    5-16-1921       Oakwood
Hoffman, John K, Inf.   1927    8-22-1927       St. Marys
Hoffman, Lillie         1889    11-4-1905       Oakwood
Hoffman, Luca A.        1848    1917            Oakwood
Hogan, Anna L.          1915    1916            Oakwood
Hogshead, Harry W. Inf. 1936    5-18-1936       Woodlawn
Hogue, Arva A.          1902    6-17-1921       Oakwood
Hogue, Eliza            1823    9-12-1908       Belle Rive
Hogue, Marshall E.      1854    2-25-1927       Woodlawn
Hogue, Mary             1862    6-1-1904        Oakwood
Hogue, Russell L.       1924    1-28-1925       Oakwood
Hoit, Chas. E.          1849    5-19-1935       Oakwood
Hoit, Eliza S.          1898    5-3-1920        Oakwood
Hoit, John A. Inf.      1916    1916            W. Salem
Hoit, Sarah A.          1851    1934            No Mention
Holabeck, Elizabeth     1885    2-12-1937       Oakwood
Holabeck, Gus Sr.       1867    12-16-1940      Oakwood
Holcomb, Thomas         1898    9-14-1924       Oakwood
Holland, Arie M.        1821    5-8-1907        New Hope (PE)
Holland, Arlina Inf.    1902    8-20-1902       Laird
Holland, Douglas C.     1861    1-22-1926       Oakwood
Hollaway, Eliza         1855    12-26-1932      McConnaughay
Hollinger, Inf.         1911    6-13-1911       Oakwood
Hollingsworth           1901    5-21-1902       Oakwood
Holloway, Andrew J.     1851    7-3-1920        McConnaughay
Holloway, Clara B.      1901    8-19-1902       Mt. Zion
Holloway, Inf.          1901    8-9-1902        Kirk
Holloway, Inf. S.       1921    5-21-1921       No Mention
Holloway, Inf. S.       1927    3-15-1927       Sursa
Holloway, James M.      1846    12-4-1922       McConnaughay
Holloway, John C.       1935    3-24-1923       S. Hickory Hill
Holloway, John L.       1895    8-8-1948        Mt. Zion (FA)
Holloway, Martha        1874    1-16-1945       S. Hickory Hill
Holmes, Ethel           1882    7-17-1908       New Hope
Holtsclaw, John H.      1864    11-29-1902      Pleasant Grove
Holtsclaw, Nettie       1867    1-4-1925        Pleasant Grove
Holtsclaw, T. J.        1862    7-25-1947       Pleasant Grove
Hood, Pearl A. Inf.     1944    2-2-1944        Oakwood
Hood, Rex B. Inf.       1945    4-21-1945       Oakwood
Hoofer, Pauline Inf.    1926    9-17-1926       Abner
Hooper, Cynthia L.      1871    5-23-1946       Sursa
Hoover, Phebia A.       1880    9-10-1937       Bethel
Hopkins, Dorris J. Inf. 1931    4-19-1931       Wolf Prairie
Hopkins, James W. Inf.  1927    8-7-1927        Opdyke
Hopkins, Phoeba A.      1858    3-22-1928       New Hope (PE)
Hopper, Blanche L.      1909    3-24-1910       Hopewell
Hopper, C. C.           1862    4-21-1922       Smith
Hopper, James R.        1845    1916            Smith
Hopper, John            1847    2-12-1883       Hams Grove
Hopper, W. J.           1862    5-13-1920       Ebenezer
Hopper, Wm. O.          1856    1917            Smith
Hopwood, Mary A.        1866    5-23-1942       Sursa
Horning, Nettie         1858    3-9-1942        Oakwood
Horton, Inf. S.         1925    4-28-1925       Opdyke
Horton, Manerva         1852    5-12-1936       Woodlawn
Horton, Orvel P. Inf.   1927    10-11-1927      Locust Grove
Horton, Pauline B.      1902    10-15-1906      Woodlawn
Horton, Wm.             1848    3-29-1904       Woodlawn
Houghland, Nellie       1919    8-22-1949       Boyd
House, Lydia V.         1856    1-3-1944        Oakwood
Houseley, Ruby B.       1903    7-12-1934       Oakwood
Houseworth, Lee         1909    2-1-1910        New Hope (PE)
Houston, Emma           1872    5-17-1943       W. Salem
Howard, Belle           1861    12-3-1883       Opdyke
Howard, Belle           1863    9-14-1949       Jordan Chapel
Howard, Clara B.        1890    7-10-1909       Antioch
Howard, Ignatius        1844    2-22-1921       Antioch
Howard, Mary            1866    4-28-1905       Oakwood
Howard, Pearl Inf.      1914    1-27-1914       Antioch
Howard, Samuel M.               7-18-           Kirk
Howard, Simes           1840    8-17-1881       FI-Twp.
Howard, Simon           1813    10-3-1903       Opdyke
Howard, Thelma R. Inf.  1929    2-18-1929       E. Hickory Hill
Howard, Thomas E.       1852    1917            Opdyke
Howe, Grant I. Inf.     1916    1916            Mt. Zion (BL)
Howell, Chas. C. Inf.   1920    11-22-1920      Blackoak Ridge
Howell, Claud W.        1875    1-15-1936       E. Hickory Hill
Howell, Claude L.       1937    6-25-1941       Blackoak Ridge
Howell, Fred            1870    8-28-1937       County Farm
Howell, Inf. S.         1924    10-6-1924       I. O. O. F.
Howell, Joe             1870    4-24-1914       Blackoak Ridge
Howell, Lavona          1887    10-7-1888       No Mention
Howell, Mary A.         1862    2-5-1941        Blackoak Ridge
Howell, Mary F.         1868    1-3-1946        Blackoak Ridge
Howell, Opal G.         1901    8-1-1944        Oakwood
Howell, Unida           1899    8-24-1910       Blackoak Ridge
Howell, Willie          1910    7-1-1911        Mt. Olive
Howell, Wm.                     9-16-1936       County Farm
Hoyt, Nancy J.          1851    2-16-1939       Gilead
Hubbard, Addie          1873    6-30-1881       Woodlawn
Hubert, Earnest G. Inf. 1903    8-30-1903       Gilbert
Hubert, Inf. S.         1902    5-24-1902       Knob Prairie
Hudson, Chas.           1867    5-23-1907       Salem
Hudson, Ellnur V.       1895    10-3-1902       W. Salem
Hudson, Martha S.       1860    12-1-1930       Pleasant Grove
Hudson, Norma           1924    4-21-1925       Pleasant Grove
Hudson, Thomas          1854    1-21-1925       Pleasant Grove
Huebner, Peter Inf.     1936    2-20-1936       Union Chapel
Huebuer, Catherine      1857    11-26-1944      Union Chapel
Huff, Arthur R. Inf.    1924    3-21-1924       E. Hickory Hill
Huff, Laura V.          1864    2-2-1921        Wells Chapel
Huffien, Melvida J.     1864    4-6-1928        Knob Prairie
Huffine, Nancy J.       1861    5-13-1941       W. Salem
Huffstutler, Catherine J. Inf.  9-28-           Boyd
Huffstutler, Elex.      1843    12-29-1923      Oakwood
Huffstutler, Myrtle R.  1907    9-27-1937       Boyd
Huffstutler, Thomas     1886    1-28-1924       Sugar Camp
Hughes, Charlie         1875    11-26-1947      Bethel
Hughes, Dela            1904    3-10-1942       New Hope (SG)
Hughes, Hazel           1902    2-15-1904       E. Hickory Hill
Hughes, Inf. D.         1921    2-27-1921       E. Hickory Hill
Hughes, Leslie A.       1898    4-22-1904       Sursa
Hughes, Sarah L.        1865    1-18-1944       Hams Grove
Hughey, Isaac           1883    4-22-1915       Belle Rive
Hughey, John B.         1880    2-5-1941        Kirk
Hughey, John S.         1869    12-10-1941      Flint
Hughey, Mrs. Frank      1879    1-17-1909       Oakwood
Hughey, Price S. Inf.   1816    1816            Kirk
Hughey, Robert T. Jr.   1921    11-23-1921      Cub Prairie
Hughey, Samuel Jr. Inf. 1930    6-18-1930       Kirk
Hughey, Thomas N.       1882    3-26-1932       Opdyke
Hulbert, Anna B.        1908    5-3-1929        Knob Prairie
Humble, Sarah A.        1852    8-3-1941        Harmony
Humphrey, Eva H.        1897    11-7-1924       Old Union
Humphrey, Lena B.       1886    6-24-1906       Old Shiloh
Humphrey, Mary A.       1834    6-10-1926       Old Shiloh
Hungate, Inf. S.        1944    12-26-1944      Oakwood
Hungate, Rodney E. Inf. 1945    8-29-1945       Oakwood
Hunsinger, Henry        1839    8-20-1920       Oakwood
Hunsinger, Martha       1839    10-11-1922      Oakwood
Hunt, C. E.             1860    1-29-1947       Harmony
Hunt, Catherine         1836    1-16-1908       No Mention
Hunt, John              1857    7-4-1947        Oakwood
Hunter, Amiah           1837    12-8-1905       Oakwood
Hunter, Edward          1905    2-10-1934       Cub Prairie
Hunter, Lauvica         1863    2-28-1937       Oakwood
Hunter, Margaret A.     1878    4-10-1879       Arnold
Hunter, Samuel          1858    1918            Mt. Zion (BL)
Hurst, Inf. S.          1938    10-2-1938       Kirk
Hurst, Orville R.       1900    8-12-1941       Flint
Huston, Inf. D.         1938    1-30-1938       E. Salem
Huston, Josephine       1852    6-12-1926       Pleasant Grove
Huston, L. G.           1827    6-25-1903       Pleasant Grove
Huston, Schuyler        1875    3-13-1949       E. Salem
Huston, Wm.             1840    7-26-1904       No Mention
Hutchcraft, W. H.       1859    7-25-1884       Opdyke
Hutchison, Elizabeth    1861    12-6-1939       Oakwood
Hutchison, Elvira L.    1874    7-30-1921       Oakwood
Hutchison, Inf. S.      1921    11-29-1921      W. Salem
Hutchison, Inf. S.      1940    11-6-1940       W. Salem
Hutchison, John F.      1852    2-2-1934        Sursa
Hutchison, Mahala       1861    3-25-1908       New Hope (PE)
Hutchison, Nannie       1860    2-5-1936        W. Salem
Hutchison, Susan        1868    11-22-1923      Atkinson
Hutchison, Walter R.    1860    1-27-1935       Oakwood
Hutchison, Wm. H.       1864    5-13-1934       W. Salem
Hutosn, Ira Inf.        1902    8-25-1902       E. Hickory Hill
Hutsell, Litsey         1844    1-15-1929       Oakwood
Hyde, Wm. F.            1862    1-23-1904       Woodlawn
Ihmels, Charley         1888    7-18-1910       Laird
Ilberry, Wilma J. Inf.  1832    6-3-1932        W. Salem
Ilbery, Leroy J.        1931    9-9-1932        W. Salem
Ilbery, Walter W.       1893    9-26-1947       Bethel
Ing, Garfield           1882    5-17-1902       Salem
Ing, Inf. D.            1932    12-3-1932       Round Knowl
Ingles, Martha A.       1825    12-3-1905       Mt. Olive
Inglett, Aubrey         1894    11-7-1910       Knob Prairie
Ingram, Alice           1906    2-4-1920        Woodlawn
Ingram, Earl R. Inf.    1923    8-8-1923        Gilead
Ingram, Eva M.          1923    7-31-1923       Gilead
Ingram, Inf. S.         1879    1-21-1879       Pleasant Hill
Ingram, Joseph          1884    2-22-1905       Pleasant Grove
Ingram, Mahala          1855    4-15-1935       Old Shiloh
Ingram, Milton E. Inf.  1880    7-4-1880        Sugar Camp
Ingram, Winfield S.     1847    6-4-1904        Locust Grove
Ingram, Wm. M.          1849    1-2-1934        Old Shiloh
Irvan, Elizabeth B.     1838    1-31-1903       Opdyke
Irvan, Shedrick         1836    4-8-1879        Pleasant Grove
Irvin, Cynthia A.       1830    1918            Oakwood
Irvin, Frank            1867    8-27-1944       Opdyke
Irvin, Inf. S.          1917    1917            Oakwood
Irvin, Noble            1899    6-26-1937       E. Hickory Hill
Isaac, Inf. S.          1946    10-21-1946      Oakwood
Isham, Merl             1899    8-8-1902        W. Salem
Isom, Louisiana         1862    3-27-1932       Ward
Isom, Roy               1922    8-26-1923       Knob Prairie
Issac, Lucille R. Inf.  1916    1916            Opdyke
Ivens, Rebecca          1861    6-20-1881       No Mention
Ivenson, Inf. S.        1923    12-18-1923      Oakwood
Ivy, Flora J. Inf.      1941    9-8-1941        Oakwood
Jackson, Amos           1892    5-24-1941       W. Salem
Jackson, Dora L.        1867    3-14-1941       County Farm
Jackson, Erline         1885    3-28-1934       Oakwood
Jackson, Etta J.        1875    12-31-1945      E. Hickory Hill
Jackson, Geo. W.        1847    6-24-1880       Pleasant Hill
Jackson, Harry L.       1912    10-5-1939       Oakwood
Jackson, Inf.           1912    4-16-1912       Old Union
Jackson, Julia          1882    12-20-1947      Oakwood
Jackson, Lawrence E.    1934    2-18-1943       Oakdale
Jackson, Louisa         1845    5-11-1903       Salem
Jackson, Lydia B.       1884    3-27-1942       W. Salem
Jackson, Mary           1812    7-17-1886       EP-Twp.
Jackson, Meda F.        1876    4-23-1912       Oakwood
Jackson, Rachel E.      1855    2-13-1937       Woodlawn
Jackson, Samuel         1889    1916            Woodlawn
Jackson, Samuel M.      1855    1-26-1937       Woodlawn
Jackson, Thomas L.      1842    2-26-1927       Oakwood
Jackson, Wm. E.         1838    10-25-1911      Oakwood
Jacobs, Nancy A.        1851    3-23-1910       Mt. Zion (BL)
Jacobs, Sterling B.     1857    11-30-1928      Oakwood

Jamerson, Clifford      1905    7-20-1931       Oakwood
Jamerson, Delia A.      1901    2-28-1931       Sursa
Jamerson, Paul M.       1901    1-28-1948       Oakwood
Jamerson, Wm. H.        1917    5-12-1927       Oakwood
Jansen, Alma J.         1862    12-4-1937       E. Hickory Hill
Jansen, Gerhard H.      1848    12-31-1915      Bluford
Jansen, Kathern E.      1857    3-20-1929       W. Salem
Jared, Anna             1853    8-21-1940       Williams
Jay, Roxy A. Inf.       1940    6-20-1940       W. Salem
Jay, Stephen            1849    1-4-1879        Mt. Zion
Jeffrey, Inf. S.        1897    6-20-1897       FA-Twp.
Jeffries, John E.       1879    11-23-1903      Wells Chapel
Jeffries, Laura         1840    1916            Wells Chapel
Jeffries, Pauline L.    1917    1918            Cub Prairie
Jeffries, Sarah E.      1860    7-14-1888       Gilbert
Jeffries, Tennie E.     1889    4-15-1934       Cub Prairie
Jenkins, Anna           1859    1-28-1891       Opdyke
Jenkins, Earl M.        1910    6-10-1925       Mt. Zion
Jenkins, Inf.           1912    12-19-1912      Bald Hill
Jenkins, Isabell        1873    9-28-1936       Arnold
Jenkins, Jacob Inf.     1922    7-2-1922        Bald Hill
Jenkins, Mary E.        1846    5-4-1882        DO-Twp.
Jenkins, Sarah K.       1870    2-20-1941       Bethel
Jennings, Harrison      1859    2-14-1939       Pleasant Hill
Jennings, James                 6-8-            Pleasant Hill
Jester, Inf. S.         1921    8-21-1921       Oakwood
Jimmerson, Nancy E.     1864    10-10-1947      W. Salem
Jimmerson, Susie A.     1854    5-3-1931        Old Baptist
Jimmerson, Thomas       1854    1-26-1938       County Farm
Jines, Bertha M.        1885    2-27-1920       Hickory Hill
Jines, Betty J.         1926    10-6-1927       W. Salem
Jines, Edith            1854    2-6-1934        W. Salem
Jines, Inf. S.          1922    10-27-1922      Opdyke
Jines, Joe H.           1848    9-20-1934       W. Salem
Jines, Mary             1849    8-3-1878        FA-Twp.
Jines, Samuel J.        1863    8-25-1948       Lowry Hill
Jinkins, Joseph         1866    6-29-1933       Arnold
John, Edith             1885    4-4-1910        W. Salem
Johnson, Acel C.        1865    1919            W. Salem
Johnson, Ada            1894    6-23-1940       Bethel
Johnson, Alva (AD)      1908    8-2-1935        Boyd
Johnson, Alva C.        1847    1-7-1935        Oakwood
Johnson, Anna T.        1914    10-7-1915       W. Salem
Johnson, Annie          1853    9-17-1923       Fouts
Johnson, Belle          1886    2-4-1925        Oakwood
Johnson, Ben            1893    12-27-1942      Oakwood
Johnson, C. F.          1838    1917            Hopewell
Johnson, Catherine      1848    10-8-1925       Bald Hill
Johnson, Chas.          1848    3-12-1910       Wells Chapel
Johnson, Clinton R.     1938    4-4-1940        W. Salem
Johnson, Dale           1909    8-19-1928       Pleasant Hill
Johnson, David          1855    12-9-1932       Knob Prairie
Johnson, Dickey R. Inf. 1937    6-6-1937        W. Salem
Johnson, Edgar S.       1875    10-31-1942      Bethel
Johnson, Eldon          1881    1916            Oakwood
Johnson, Elzina         1872    6-3-1890        Knowles
Johnson, Ethel          1898    11-27-1943      Oakwood
Johnson, Eugene J.      1915    7-3-1939        W. Salem
Johnson, Florence B.    1858    12-9-1932       Fitzgerrell
Johnson, Fred K.        1907    5-14-1908       Hams Grove
Johnson, Geo. A.        1971    12-25-1924      Flint
Johnson, Geo. D.        1853    10-8-1934       Oakwood
Johnson, Gertrude B.    1886    1946            No Mention
Johnson, Hazel N.       1892    7-14-1935       W. Salem
Johnson, Huston         1849    1919            Fouts
Johnson, Ichabod H.     1871    9-3-1945        Mt. Zion (BL)
Johnson, Ida M.         1880    9-20-1945       Flint
Johnson, Inf. S.        1882    5-9-1882        SG-Twp.
Johnson, Inf. S.        1923    1-21-1923       Williams
Johnson, Jackey T. Inf. 1942    1-17-1942       W. Salem
Johnson, James          1887    11-1-1891       No Mention
Johnson, James B.       1832    1909            No Mention
Johnson, James H.       1870    4-2-1940        Bethel
Johnson, James H.       1859    1-17-1942       W. Salem
Johnson, James T.       1844    9-15-1926       Oakwood
Johnson, John H.        1832    4-16-1928       Bald Hill
Johnson, Lora           1894    1-6-1920        Union
Johnson, Louisa         1855    4-1-1932        Knob Prairie
Johnson, Louvina        1836    8-1-1907        Green
Johnson, Ludy E. Inf.   1879    10-4-1879       Blackoak Ridge
Johnson, Lugnus         1923    9-21-1924       Oakwood
Johnson, Lydia A.       1867    5-12-1936       Knob Prairie
Johnson, Malissa C.     1869    1-18-1920       Union
Johnson, Marion         1846    11-30-1931      Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Martha         1850    9-19-1907       Mt. Zion (BL)
Johnson, Mary           1843    7-24-1878       Bald Hill
Johnson, Mary           1858    7-27-1936       Woodlawn
Johnson, Mary A.        1845    1916            Wolf Prairie
Johnson, Mary A.        1859    7-31-1929       Emanuel Chapel (BH)
Johnson, Mary A.        1868    3-20-1934       Little Grove
Johnson, Mary L. Inf.   1925    2-4-1925        Oakwood
Johnson, Morris C.              1917            W. Salem
Johnson, Nannie Inf.    1889    10-30-1889      Knowles
Johnson, Nicholis W.    1852    11-12-1949      Fitzgerrell
Johnson, Ona            1855    9-22-1910       Mt. Zion
Johnson, Otto W.        1879    1918            Mt. Zion (FA)
Johnson, Peter          1859    9-13-1944       Opdyke
Johnson, Rhoda I.       1936    7-20-1938       W. Salem
Johnson, Rita M. Inf.   1949    9-17-1949       Mt. Zion (FA)
Johnson, Robert L.      1884    2-25-1923       Bald Hill
Johnson, Roberta        1897    4-17-1937       Bethel
Johnson, Rosa L.        1929    5-28-1931       Hickory Hill
Johnson, Roy R.         1903    1-10-1946       Oakwood
Johnson, Sadie          1904    1917            W. Salem
Johnson, Sallie         1878    5-3-1930        Gilead
Johnson, Sarah          1860    6-7-1943        Knob Prairie
Johnson, Talitha        1859    10-10-1931      Bald Hill
Johnson, Thelma A. Inf. 1947    9-5-1947        Oakwood
Johnson, Theron N.      1867    9-8-1911        Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Thomas         1872    8-9-1907        Old Union
Johnson, Walter A.      1930    1-10-1931       W. Salem
Johnson, Wesley Inf.    1878    5-5-1878        BH-Twp.
Johnson, Wm. F.         1817    12-8-1902       Hopewell
Johnson, Wm. H.         1860    8-27-1922       Gilbert
Johnston, Edna C.       1866    12-20-1947      Kirk
Johnston, Mary E.       1852    11-25-1938      S. Hickory Hill
Johnston, Neal          1896    2-28-1943       Kirk
Johnston, Wm. A.        1836    10-21-1924      Kirk
Jolley, Inf. D.         1927    11-1-1927       Pleasant Hill
Jones, Alberta Inf.     1922    1-30-1922       Oakwood
Jones, Ben              1900    12-14-1946      Bethel
Jones, Bernice Inf.     1928    12-9-1928       Oakwood
Jones, Bernis R.        1918    10-30-1920      Wolf Prairie
Jones, Bertha M.        1901    10-5-1915       Opdyke
Jones, Beulah M. Inf.   1924    4-27-1924       Opdyke
Jones, Cely             1877    9-4-1878        MP-Twp.
Jones, Clarence E.      1905    1924            W. Salem
Jones, Dorris T. J.     1871    10-28-1946      Harmony
Jones, Edna C.          1865    1919            W. Salem
Jones, Effie            1859    5-10-1939       W. Salem
Jones, Elmer            1878    9-9-1879        Shiloh
Jones, Elvia W.         1921    2-5-1923        Oakwood
Jones, Geo. H.          1852    2-16-1930       W. Salem
Jones, Geo. W.          1853    2-5-1902        Salem
Jones, Georgia L.       1911    12-16-1921      Opdyke
Jones, Inf.             1915    6-10-1915       No Mention
Jones, Inf.             1913    3-19-1913       Knob Prairie
Jones, Inf. S.          1886    9-13-1886       Opdyke
Jones, Inf. S. Twins    1937    4-10-1937       Grothroff
Jones, James W.         1836    1912            No Mention
Jones, Jesse B.         1900    11-15-1944      Oakwood
Jones, Jesse T.         1889    5-24-1949       Bethel
Jones, Loren B.         1934    5-9-1942        Grothroff
Jones, Louisa A.        1865    4-1-            Gilead
Jones, Louvina          1840    8-5-1911        Opdyke
Jones, Maggie           1891    6-4-1910        Grothroff
Jones, Mammie F.        1898    10-20-1921      Pace
Jones, Mary             1886    3-2-1908        Arnold
Jones, Matilda J.       1859    7-1-1935        Knowles
Jones, Minnie M.        1878    1-2-1935        Flint
Jones, Nancy E.         1836    1918            Oakwood
Jones, Nathaniel Inf.   1906    10-3-1906       Union
Jones, Olive D.         1875    1-28-1880       Opdyke
Jones, Robert L.        1899    6-15-1944       Oakwood
Jones, Roosevelt        1917    7-14-1948       Oakwood
Jones, Rosetta S.       1895    2-20-1905       Little Grove
Jones, Ruth A.          1897    6-5-1924        Chapel
Jones, Sarah            1860    1-2-1946        Boyd
Jones, Sidney Inf.      1923    2-5-1923        Oakwood
Jones, Taylor           1884    12-1-1903       Williams
Jones, Thomas E.        1850    3-8-1904        Oakwood
Jones, Wade R. Inf.     1841    1-15-1841       S. Hickory Hill
Jones, Wilson Inf.      1903    5-23-1903       Old Union
Jones, Wm.              1891    3-24-1931       Chapel
Jordan, James E.        1854    5-16-1928       E. Hickory Hill
Joy, Arthur P.          1903    1-10-1923       Abner
Joy, Chas. M.           1907    7-1-1931        Abner
Joy, Samuel C.          1887    2-8-1937        Abner
Judd, Chas. H.          1836    5-10-1909       Oakwood
Jumper, Margaret J.     1832    1919            Knob Prairie

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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