Kiowana Hayes Ferguson decided to take on this project of
gathering information about Jefferson County Churches and their history.
She mailed letters to each church that she could find a listing or an address.
If you know of an existing church that we may have missed or a church
from days gone by, and would like to share information that you may have,
the type of information that we would like to provide:
- Year the church began
- The original organizers
- If a donation of land was given for the church and if so who donated the land
- Membership through the years
- Is the church in it's original building or location
- Pictures
- Anything that you think would be helpful or interesting for researchers.
Please send your information HERE
so we can add it. Researchers are always grateful to anyone who is willing to share information they may have.
So a huge
Thank You to Kiowana and Every Church that has been willing to share their history with us all.
For Church and Family History Research Assistance for Primitive Baptist Churches in Jefferson County, Illinois, see this website: The Primitive Baptist Library of Carthage, IL
* Denotes History is Online
** Denotes Church no longer holds service
The Methodist Church History
- Renewed Hope In Christ Church