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Jefferson County, IL


Old Baptist Cemetery

Elk Prairie Twp.

Walked & Indexed By: Cindy Ford - May 28,2000

Photos submitted By: Cindy Ford

This cemetery is very well maintained.

See Additions to Listing

Also See Tidbits Submitted info on some of the people you will find here.

Some additions have been added through emails I have received.

     | Allen, Connie L.                        7-21-1902       11m17d d/o PW&C
     | Allen, James A.         1846            1919            Picture on Stone 
     | Allen, Mary J.          1849            1935            Picture on Stone
     | Allen, Rex B.                           5-20-1904       1y15d s/o PW&C
     | Anderson, Chas. W.      1898            1915    
     | Arnold, Norma Jean"Jeannie" 1937        1997    

     | Bailey, Joyce R.        8-5-1916        1-15-1985       
     | Bailey, Robert E.       2-22-1922       12-1-1997       
     | Barnes, Claude                          9-25-1876       21d s/o L&S
     | Barnes, Hugh            1-3-1880        2-26-1880       s/o WT&A
     | Barrett, Jim            12-27-1849      2-8-1930        
     | Barrett, Martha         12-1-1853       8-10-1937       
     | Bennett, Marie Frick    4-19-1921       8-8-1999        
     | Black, G. Lawrence      1884            1919    
     | Black, Mettie A.        1882            1960    
     | Boswell, Bertha         11-22-1885      12-21-1918      
     | Boswell, Verner E.      4-1-1887        7-6-1973        
     | Brown, Kathy D.         1-12-1956       no date 
     | Brown, Robert L.        1-9-1944        2-17-1993       
     | Bruner, Lillian O.      8-1-1895        3-9-1899        d/o JC&Eepie
     | Bruner, Marie           3-16-1900       8-9-1902        d/o JC&Eepie
     | Buchholz, Madeline Kirkpatrick 8-18-1928 no date        

     | Callaway, Vesta Hicks   5-17-1884       2-18-1910       w/o G.W.
     | Clampet, Arena          1856            1938    
     | Clampet, Charlie A.     5-14-1896       3-22-1952       
     | Clampet, Clarence L.    5-20-1909       12-2-1983       
     | Clampet, Elmer G.       1878            1970    
     | Clampet, Emma J.        1879            1952    
     | Clampet, George         1868            1931    
     | Clampet, Herbert E.     1898            1926    
     | Clampet, Infant         2-1-1917        2-1-1917        d/o Charlie & Ruby
     | Clampet, Jemima         1875            1948    
     | Clampet, Lenora         1893            1979    
     | Clampet, Martha M.      1860            1933    
     | Clampet, Robert R.      1855            1935    
     | Clampet, Ruby P.        7-4-1898        2-11-1917
     | Clampet, Sam M.         1860            1937    
     | Clampet, W.H.           1880            1953    
     | Clampet, William        2-14-1813       1-27-1876       
     | Clampit, Dialtha        11-14-1822      12-17-1922      w/o Isaac
     | Clampit, Isaac D.       10-26-1819      8-11-1901       
     | Clark, Hattie           9-26-1874       2-27-1915       w/o J.B.
     | Cockrum, Livonia        1860            1940    
     | Cockrum, T.M.           1850            1933    
     | Conlee, Leon P.         1869            1936            metal marker
     | Conlee, Zylphia V.      3-25-1872       4-18-1902       
     | Crain, Frances Pauline  12-15-1933      11-17-1992      Full Stone
     | Crain, Mary L.          1-19-1857       2-17-1942       
     | Crain, Max R.           10-24-1933      no date         Full Stone
     | Crain, Sgt.Wilford E.   11-29-1894      10-7-1918       KIA WWI buried Meuse Argonne Cemetery,France 
     | Crawford, Sarah E.                      12-12-1883      19y4m27d w/o JT
     | Crouch, John                            2-19-1891       68y11m23d
     | Crouch, John E.                         3-6-1887        19y8m28d
     | Crouch, Lucinda         11-27-1832      7-10-1906       

Obit | Dare, Oscar D.          1871            1935    
     | Dare, Sarah E.          18??            1903    
     | Derington, Minerva J.   9-28-1801       11-2-1892       w/o Edgar
     | Derrington, George W.   9-17-1832       10-10-1897      
     | Derrington, Rachel      12-31-1832      no date 
     | Derrington, Susan C.    1862            1935    
     | Derrington, Thomas B.   1856            1895    
     | Dodge, Fred             1-1-1872        2-13-1946       
     | Dodge, Henry            8-2-1880        7-3-1910        husb/o Mattie
     | Dodge, Mattie Dudley    12-22-1871      8-17-1955       
     | Dodge, Philip                           9-13-1898       66y10m20d
     | Dodge, Philip           1863            1925    
     | Dodge, William          1866            1941    
     | Downen, Ada             1872            1924    
     | Downen, Albert          1876            1937    
     | Downen, B.T.            1854            1928    
     | Downen, Clarence        6-16-1925       7-8-1925        s/o ET&CM
     | Downen, Creta M.        9-26-1889       1-21-1971       
     | Downen, Dell            1885            1972    
     | Downen, Earl H.         8-31-1887       10-11-1887      
     | Downen, Elsie           1888            1909    
Obit | Downen, Ernest T.       5-5-1890        3-6-1964        
     | Downen, Ethel           12-7-1893       6-3-1912        d/o BT&Ada
     | Downen, Ethel Hellen    9-16-1914       1-7-1918        d/o ET&CM
     | Downen, G.T.            2-14-1860       8-27-1909       
     | Downen, Harold R.       9-26-1904       1-6-1940        
     | Downen, John D.         1862            1935    
     | Downen, John W.         3-27-1881       5-31-1886       
     | Downen, Laura           1880            1967    
     | Downen, Lenard A.       11-9-1922       2-5-1998        Military Marker WWII
     | Downen, Lydia A.        1-7-1860        9-22-1892       w/o G.T.
     | Downen, Madeline L.     12-15-1914      12-8-1988       
Obit | Downen, Mildred E.      3-19-1926       no date 
     | Downen, Minerva J.      1862            1934    
     | Downen, Orion E.        9-11-1892       10-2-1902       
     | Downen, Our Mother 
     | Downen, Paul            2-4-1910        6-3-1966        s/o ET&CM
     | Downen, Sarah M.        7-6-1861        no date         w/o G.T.
     | Downen, Tim             1885            1956    
     | Downen, Willard C.      2-1-1912        10-7-1992       
     | Dudley, Alice Ruth      1904            1925    
     | Dudley, Harold P."Harl" 12-7-1911       8-25-1980       
     | Dudley, Irvin Grant     1905            1939    
     | Dudley, James F.        1880            1956    
     | Dudley, James Ulys      1909            1997            Military Marker WWII
     | Dudley, Maude Grant     1882            1958    
     | Dudley, Stella          5-8-1912        7-18-1993       
     | Dudley, William M.      4-2-1820        1-5-1892        

     | Elder, Sallie A.        2-11-1824       12-18-1891      

     | Fitzgerrell, Alleen May 1871            1891    
     | Fitzgerrell, Infant     2-21-1883       2-22-1883       s/o AJ&ME
     | Fred, Lois E.           1911            no date
     | Fred, Noble R.          1907            1972
     | Fleener, Isaac          4-20-1824       4-20-1906       
     | Fleener, Sarah          5-10-1824       6-27-1912       w/o Isaac
     | Frizzell, Nancy J.                      9-22-1875       80y8m21d w/o William
     | Frizzell, William                       2-23-1871       78y4d

     | Godwin, B. Allen        10-21-1890      3-27-1966       
     | Godwin, Ina M.          10-5-1912       3-3-1968        m. B. Allen 11-28-1951
     | Graham, Infant                          8-23-1876       s/o Wm & Mary
     | Graham, Mary E.         2-9-1858        8-18-1906       w/o William
     | Graham, Mattie          3-17-1884       5-24-1885       d/o WM. & Mary
     | Graham, William         7-4-1850        2-1-1916        
     | Green, James C.         11-30-1827      5-6-1892        
     | Green, Sarah J.         6-12-1826       11-2-1898
     | Greenhill, Gordon J.    3-29-1916       2-17-2001       Military Marker WWII       

     | Hall, Isaac C.          1885            1919    
     | Hall, Velma G.          1891            1919            w/o Isaac
     | Hamelton, Myrtle        born dead       12-31-1884      Sandstone marker
     | Hamilton, Gertie May    12-15-1896      11-23-1898      
     | Hamilton, Infant        12-31-1884      12-31-1884      
     | Hamilton, Martha E.     1863            1945    
     | Hamilton, Mary Bernice  1893            1895            d/o Dr. J.W.&A
     | Hamilton, Myrtle E.     7-10-1893       11-1-1895       
     | Hamilton, Vincent       1856            1943    
     | Hanna, Anna             1876            1971    
     | Hanna, Arnold M.        6-16-1899       7-25-1930       
     | Hanna, Carson           1925            1928            s/o WM&Anna
     | Hanna, Elzina           10-6-1852       3-4-1915        w/o L.W.H.
     | Hanna, G. Alene         9-16-1914       12-26-1987      m. Louie 11-7-1931
     | Hanna, L.W.H.           10-8-1850       12-19-1911      
Obit | Hanna, Louie B.         1-29-1911       no date 
     | Hanna, W.M.             1874            1973    
     | Hartley, Henry H.       1-30-1841       8-8-1926        
     | Hartley, Infant                         9-6-1886        s/o Wm.H&AE
     | Hartley, Joseph M.      12-3-1834       3-19-1917       Co.H 81st IL Vol. Inf.
     | Hartley, Malissa        1-1-1845        3-22-1926       w/o Henry
     | Hartley, Mary J.        11-30-1838      1-31-1924       w/o Joseph
Obit | Hayes, Edna Lou 6-21-1934 1-21-2015 w/o Charles Leffler & William R. Hayes
 | Henley, Mary L.         6-6-1892        12-7-1904        | Hensley, Jerry D.       8-11-1941       4-29-1957        | Hensley, Joyce Elaine   7-16-1942       no date  | Hicks, Earl                             2-8-1898        7m3d s/o Joseph & Mary | Hicks, Freda M.         9-13-1892       1-6-1979         | Hicks, J.L.             4-14-1887       10-18-1906      s/o Joseph & Kate Obit | Hicks, Joseph           1855            1934     | Hicks, Mary C.          1858            1931     | Hicks, Velma                            9-17-1895       d/o Joseph & Mary | Hicks, William E.       11-8-1878       4-21-1942        | Holloway, Ida Mae       12-1-1884       9-7-1939         Obit | Holloway, Pearl         10-7-1886       10-8-1971        | Inglett, Cyrena R.      3-23-1871       1-18-1915        | Inglett, George E.      11-1-1868       5-13-1950        | Ison, John              1852            1900     | Ison, Sussie            1884            1931     Obit | Jacobson, Bertha        no dates                 | Jacobson, Frank         no dates                 Obit | Jacobson, Geo.          no dates                 | Jacobson, Jay C.        10-28-1900      9-13-1905        | Jones, Bertha E.                        11-3-1899       d/o JM&PE | Jones, Elizabeth A.     3-15-1834       12-8-1889        | Jones, John E.          8-7-1885        1-27-1889        | Jones, Jonathan                         3-6-1889        Older stone 56y10m28d | Jones, Margaret L.                      3-12-1892       25y5m20d d/o J&MR | Jones, Margaret R.                      12-24-1909      71y9m2d w/o Jonathan | Jones, Martha E.                        2-25-1885       23y4m23d d/o J&MR | Junkins, James H.       12-27-1808      11-19-1894       | Junkins, Mary L.        4-12-1827       no date         w/o James H. | Kelley, Edna J.                         2-8-1891        4?y5m1d d/o J&PL | Kelley, Ellis A.        11-24-1872      8-1-1911         | Kelley, Evan B.         1866            1939     | Kelley, Lelia                           9-13-1894       20m1d s/o EB&ML | Kelley, Malinda J.      no dates                 | Kelley, Mary A.         12-12-1878      1-17-1960       w/o Ellis | Kelley, Mary I.         1871            1955     | Kelley, Matthew J.      4-10-1842       12-31-1901       | Kelley, Prudence L.     10-19-1844      no date         w/o Matthew | Kelly, Lula L.          10-26-1880      1-4-1890        d/o MJ&RL | Kimble, Frank M.        3-13-1858       11-23-1927       | Kimble, Leona B.        4-15-1870       3-12-1935        | Kirkpatrick, Callie F.  9-18-1892       11-27-1965       | Kirkpatrick, Hiram C.   1858            1889     | Kirkpatrick, Infant     B&D             1-9-1910        s/o LH&CF Obit | Kirkpatrick, Luther H.  11-6-1885       12-12-1968       | Kirkpatrick, Merritt    9-13-1933       5-4-1996        Military Marker Korea | Kirkpatrick, Myrtle Kimble 1890         1918     | Knowles, Easter         18??            19??            no dates                 | Knowles, John R.        1833            1921     | Lappin, M. Cooper       9-10-1858       2-5-1916         | Lappin, R. Adline       4-9-1869        10-6-1950        | Lawson, Ruth Barnett    9-24-1922       11-10-1962       | Loucks, David A.        1863            1929     | Loucks, Margaret J.     1868            1958            w/o David | Lusk, J.H.              1-17-1814       3-7-1883         | Lusk, Martha A.         11-25-1821      12-26-1909       | Martin, Annie                           2-24-1899       43y11m28d w/o W.T. | Martin, Barnes R.                       9-20-1865       20y 4d | Martin, Claude                          9-25-1876       21d s/o W.T.&A | Martin, David           3-30-1822       3-31-1894        | Martin, Elsberry        1841            1911            s/o J&JA | Martin, Gertie                          8-30-1875       d/o L&SE | Martin, Hugh            1-3-1880        2-26-1880       s/o W.T.&A | Martin, Infant                          12-19-1886      s/o Jas. & Augustine | Martin, John            1813            1875     | Martin, Joseph B.                       11-16-1877      30y8m Obit | Martin, Joseph Leonard  8-14-1940       11-8-1980        | Martin, Julia Ann       1822            1920            w/o John L. | Martin, Mary                            9-7-1902        76y10m23d w/o David | Martin, Moses N.                        11-28-1865      1y9m18d s/o D&M | Martin, Patricia Irene  10-2-1942       no date         m. Joseph 3-3-1961 | Matney, David           1867            1914     | Mezo, Hulda E.          1877            1927            w/o Frank | Morgan, Emma Lee        9-19-1927       no date         m. William 12-16-1950 Obit | Morgan, William Burton  1-5-1916        6-24-1981        | Mygatt, Alyce A.        7-10-1893       5-29-1992        | Mygatt, William H.      11-1-1889       11-21-1967       | Newbury, James H.       1843            1918     | Newbury, Martha A.      1842            1926     | Norris, Emily           12-18-1845      7-30-1936        | Norris, Louisa B.       1873            1939            w/o Marion | Norris, Marion          1869            1914     | Norris, Samuel          6-11-1841       4-25-1904        | Page, Eli W.            5-19-1850       1-28-1887        | Page, Mary Louisa       1-19-1857       2-17-1942       w/o Eli | Parrish, Mildred Wells  2-8-1917        6-13-1993        | Parrish, William        4-10-1914       5-31-1977        | Pearce, Mary E.                         8-3-1872        2y6m27d d/o JJ&SE | Phillips, Gladys Downen 11-11-1903      7-16-1989        | Pitchford, Wm. Alfred   1914            1918            s/o JM&FO | Pitchford, Charlie W.   8-8-1881        10-2-1929        | Pitchford, Dora L.      5-9-1872        4-24-1955        | Pitchford, Henry A.     1883            1918     | Pitchford, J.M.         no dates                        Co.E 34th IL Inf. | Pitchford, Laura E.     6-14-1852       11-6-1942        | Pitchford, Philip R.    1913            1997     | Pitchford, Samuel B.    10-11-1866      3-5-1910         | Pitchford, Stella M.    1895            1943     | Pitchford, Violet A.    2-2-1918        2-4-1918         | Pitchford, W.O.         no dates                        Back of stone Co.E 34th IL Inf. | Pitchford, Walter A.    1892            1965     | Pitchford, William Henry 3-2-1925       4-17-1983        | Pitchford, Wilma A.     1928            1967     | Porter, Arthur L.       1881            1966            Main Stone | Porter, Jemima S.       1874            1926            Main Stone | Prior, Darrel O.        10-6-1922       2-22-1983       Military Marker WWII | Prior, Darwin                           9-4-1947        Infant         | Prior, Wanda L.         3-5-1922        no date         m. Darrel 7-20-1940       | Quinn, Alberta L.       1909            1911     | Quinn, Bertha           1-12-1918       1-17-1918       d/o John & Pearl | Quinn, John B.          10-29-1885      5-31-1970        | Quinn, Opal             9-22-1923       12-10-1930      d/o John & Pearl | Quinn, Pearl            10-1-1888       6-30-1989       m. John 12-24-1907 | Quinn, Samuel           1849            1946     | Quinn, Samuel S.        10-6-1876       11-30-1940       | Quinn, Sarah E.         1854            1939     | Quinn, Sina A.          1900            1902     | Quinn, Thresa           11-26-1879      5-16-1933        | Ray, J.L.               4-19-1835       only date        | Ray, Sarah A.           2-4-1840        12-27-1913       | Reeves, Barnes                          1-13-1875       75y2m2d | Reeves, Byford                          6-22-1903       3m18d s/o S&D Obit | Reeves, Clyde W.        12-10-1913      4-28-1956        | Reeves, Cora E.         1878            1954     | Reeves, Dellie          1877            1955            Picture on stone | Reeves, Infant          1919            1919            s/o Maurice & Lula | Reeves, J.A.            1876            1957     | Reeves, James S.        12-29-1830      7-10-1911        | Reeves, Lester Dwight   7-20-1916       5-25-1917       s/o JA&CE | Reeves, Mary A.                         3-8-1877        d/o L&SE | Reeves, Rebecca A.      10-21-1853      12-13-1907      w/o James S. | Reeves, Sylvester       1867            1920            Picture on stone | Reeves, Verner G.       7-30-1898       8-9-1969         | Rentfro, Charles Glenn  9-26-1923       11-28-1973      Military Marker WWII | Rentfro, Margaret Jane  3-30-1904       7-18-1925       d/o JO&ML Wells | Robinson, Charles E.    1866            1928     | Robinson, Rachel M.     1872            1958 | Robinson, Major         12-2-1830       12-25-1908 | Robinson, Malinda       7-25-1929       no date    | Rowe, Dr. Charles                       4-3-1900        26y5m13d | Rowe, Everet E.         1882            1937     | Rowe, James H.          10-12-1849      9-14-1903       Co.D 136 Reg.IL Vol.Inf. | Rowe, Ruby P.           1888            1974     | Rowe, Sarah E.          11-7-1844       10-9-1916        | Roy, Grace O. Wells     1-27-1910       8-16-1993        | Shelton, Cole           1894            no date  | Shelton, James Frank    11-2-1922       9-26-1985       Military Marker WWII | Shelton, Juana M.       11-16-1925      4-12-1995        | Shelton, Kathryn        1897            1928     | Shoemaker, Charles E.   10-23-1921      5-9-1991        Military Marker WWII, Korea, Vietnam | Shoemaker, Elsie E.     1890            1936     | Shoemaker, Lewis A.     9-29-1854       10-27-1910       | Shoemaker, Lizzie       5-24-1857       1-17-1930       w/o Lewis  | Shoemaker, M. Elizabeth 1888            1962     | Shoemaker, Samuel E.    1882            1937     | Shoemaker, Selma C.     1914            1917     Obit | Shoemaker, Sherman H.   1883            1974     | Slater, Elmer B.        1899            1974            Military Marker WWI | Slater, Irlene H.       1900            1997            m. Elmer 11-23-1921 | Stoafer, Ceola          1922            1995            metal marker  | Sulcer, Mary E.                         12-13-1902       | Sulsar, Carrie          1885            1957     | Sulsar, Louie           1878            1972     | Thery, Ada J.           7-31-1945       no date  Obit | Thery, Eugene E.        8-1-1941        9-22-1993        | Trout, Malinda                          9-29-1870       55y11m2d w/o John | Trout, Milton                           2-3-1870        15y10m23d s/o J&M Obit | Turner, Geraldine V.    3-25-1920       no date  Obit | Turner, Orval A.        1-3-1909        2-14-1995        | Ulrey, John Wesley      11-23-1886      3-28-1957 Obit | Ulrey, Lillie Mae       5-26-1895       7-22-1972        | Ulrey, Russell Clive    12-31-1914      11-18-1925       | Unknown, Katherine Kay  Infant          1946            may be Downen from Fred Justice | Unknown, S.A.R. | Unknown J.A.W. | Unknown Father | Unknown, Mother | Unknown, O.E.D. | Unknown, J.W.D. | Unknown, J.C.C. | Unreadable,                      | Unreadable,                      | Unreadable,                      | Unreadable,             no dates                 | Unreadable,             no dates                 | Unreadable,             no dates                 | Unreadable,                                             under a Yucca | Unreadable,                                             under a Yucca | Unreadable,                                             Sandstone marker | Unreadable,                                             Sandstone marker | Unreadable, | Webb, D.R.                              11-5-1906       67y4m10d | Webb, Elnora            1-25-1854       3-26-1908       w/o Danial R. | Webb, Martha A.                         2-14-1881       33y1m14d w/o D.R. | Wells, Burtice                          11-19-1932 | Wells, Eliza Jane       9-20-1845       3-16-1924       w/o John Wm. | Wells, Fern B.          4-22-1899       2-4-1970 | Wells, F.O.             1870            1934     | Wells, Hulda            1871            1929     | Wells, Ida              1883            1961            m. Robert 3-2-1904 Obit | Wells, Jasper O.        12-4-1867       11-21-1954   | Wells, John Wm.Jonathan 3-9-1843        3-14-1923 | Wells, Leila            10-27-1923 | Wells, Mary L.          9-22-1872       3-16-1925        Obit | Wells, Robert C.        1882            1969  | Wells, Rosalie                          9-6-1925    | Wells, William C.       9-17-1875       5-27-1968 | West, Clyde E.          12-26-1897      12-26-1983       | West, Edwin             11-29-1917      no date  | West, Myrtle            10-29-1897      7-25-1983        | White, Judith Ninetta   1-7-1914        3-9-1995        m. Wm. 4-9-19?2 | White, Wm. Loyd"Tod"    9-24-1912       9-17-1999       Military Marker WWII | Whitlock, Roxie Dare    12-18-1896      2-28-1960        | Wicks, Daisy L.         12-12-187?      4-11-1888        | Wicks, John L.          1847            1924     | Wicks, Mary E.          1855            no date  | Wicks, Mary E.          1856            no date         w/o John L. | Williams, Nancy         6-4-1929        4-21-1991        | Williams, Pearl W.      11-6-1911       3-13-1938       Picture on stone  | Williams, Vernon        4-23-1908       6-23-1978       Military Marker WWII Picture on stone Obit | Willis, Ann E.          10-26-1826      4-10-1897       b. Todd Co.KY w/o Josiah | Willis, F.M.            1-18-1852       9-4-1892         | Willis, J.S.            1864            1947     | Willis, Josiah          5-18-1824       1-13-1909       b.Jackson Co.TN Removed to IL 4-1834 | Willis, Mary E.         8-20-1861       11-19-1937       | Willis, Vianner         1868            1928            w/o J.S. | Willis, William A.      2-19-1854       8-29-1931        Obit | Winn, Charles | Winn, J.A.                              6-25-1902       64y3m25d Obit | Winn, Lizzie | Winn, Luvina H.                         2-17-1909       60y1m25d w/o J.A. | Winn, Unreadable        unreadable               | Wyatt, Ethel M.         10-9-1881       11-11-1901      d/o JS&SE | Wyatt, J. Shields       1855            1926     | Wyatt, Sarah E.         1855            1941            w/o J. Shields ***The following have been added  from The Fred Justice Collection to aid in your research****
Clark, Unknown          no dates                        w/o T.B.
Clark, Infant           no dates
Darnell, Hobart L.      1900            1940
Darrington, Minerva J.  1864            1892            w/o Edgar L.
Downen, W.A.            1876            1937
Downen, Katherine       Infant          1946
Jones, May E.           1835            1888
Reeves, Wayne           Infant          1919

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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