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Jefferson County, IL


Memorial Gardens Cemetery

Located on Rt.15 West of Mt. Vernon, IL Listing Donated By: Betty Wells.
Deaths through November 6, 1999
Betty Wells typed all birth and death dates from obits that she and her husband Gene have kept since the 1960's.

The first burial was in 1952

Photos Taken & Submitted By: Cindy Ford & Kiowana Hayes Ferguson August 12, 2004

Many volunteers have worked very hard to provide the researchers of Jefferson County a listing of Cemeteries and to provide pictures of headstones to help you in your personal research.

PLEASE DO NOT TAKE the cemetery listings and pictures that others have worked so hard to provide and add it to any other website as your own.

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Also See Additions to Listing

A-C Additions H-K Additions L-N Additions O-R Additions S-U Additions V-Z Additions

     | Salyer, Bill W.                 7-2-1928        6-6-1972
     | Sammons, Homer Hayden           9-15-1899       11-9-1972
     | Sammons, Roxie L.               2-7-1929        9-11-1999
     | Sammons, Sidney Harold          01-24-1915      09-28-1997   WWII
     | Sampson, Edwin                  4-13-1908       5-13-1993
     | Sampson, George Edward          2-14-1873       8-11-1959
Obit | Sampson, Ira E.                 1914            2003
     | Sampson, Louise V.              1928                
     | Sampson, Marjorie L.            1921
     | Sanders
     | Sanders, Beulah Shell           4-16-1921       6-2-2004 
     | Sanders, Herman C.              6-20-1916       4-6-1979
     | Sanders, Luella I.              3-19-1919       7-11-1954
     | Sandy, Aline                    1905            2003
     | Sandy, Carol J.                 1929
     | Sandy, Charles Irl              1927            1985
     | Sandy, William E.               6-3-1908        4-29-1996
     | Sapp
     | Sartin, Gertrude                3-15-1898       4-16-1982
     | Savage, Arthur 0.               9-25-1908       7-22-1986
     | Savage, Estella                 10-5-1882       10-19-1966
     | Savage, Hazel W.                1-25-1904       11-17-1984
     | Savage, Orley A.                2-2-1880        12-9-1955
     | Scarber, Delphia Irene          3-23-1913       4-13-1999
     | Scarbrough
     | Scarlett, Edgar R.              1924            2003
     | Scarlett, M. Louise             8-27-1929       4-4-1991
     | Scherer, Anna Ruth              1917            2003
     | Scherer, Frank Herbert          1897            12-19-1994
     | Scherer, Harry M.               4-25-1902       6-8-1974
     | Scherer, Mildred Bechtel        1903            05-01-1998
     | Schilling, Virginia M.          2-25-1938       1-21-1981
     | Schmidt, Carl P.                                7-10-1956
     | Schmidt, Charles Wendell        09-13-1927      7-12-1961
     | Schmidt, Claude Wood            5-18-1909       4-9-1987     WWII
     | Schmidt, Emelie A.              5-2-1935        6-23-1990
     | Schmidt, Grace                                  1-7-1976
     | Schmidt, Irene                  6-1-1925        7-13-1994
     | Schmidt, Irma L.                1-2-1903        3-19-1994
     | Schmidt, Jesse W.                               9-2-1958
     | Schmidt, Louie                  12-3-1898       4-4-1982
     | Schmidt, Louis D.               9-11-1931       7-29-1997    Korea
     | Schmidt, Sylvia Mytha           10-15-1905      6-19-1958
Obit | Schmidt, Susie                  7-4-1883        6-25-1964    
     | Schmidtke, Lydia Emily          12-2-1909       3-24-1997
     | Schmidtke, Julius               1903            1985
     | Schmittler, Blanche E.          3-23-1913       9-25-1989
     | Schnake, Georgia Faye           8-16-1917       9-7-2002 
     | Schnake, Rudolph G.             12-4-1914       1-27-1982    WWII
     | Schramm, Henry Richard          10-17-1895      9-2-1969
     | Schramm, Yetive M.              8-7-1906        2-28-1998
     | Schrum, Louis M.                10-3-1906       4-13-1982
     | Schrum, Ross H.                 4-26-1904       2-3-1980
     | Schrum, Veneta                  9-28-1908       11-21-1992
     | Schulik, Emma W.                1903            2000
     | Schulik, Paul S.                1902            6-8-1968
     | Schuster, Helen C.              9-19-1910       6-5-1982
     | Schuster, Isidor C.             6-9-1899        1-31-1979
     | Schwartz, Elizabeth D.          1914
     | Schwartz, Floyd C.,Sr.          7-10-1918       7-13-1996
     | Schwartz, Herman E.             5-26-1918       5-13-1981
     | Schwenninger, George Matthew    12-12-1915      2-10-1969    WWII
     | Scott, Baby Girl                9-26-1980       9-26-1980
Obit | Scott, Beulah                   1921
     | Scott, Charles Lewis            1-27-1920       10-5-1988
     | Scott, Clarence J.              9-19-1905       4-3-1984     WWII
     | Scott, David Leon, Jr.          10-29-1978      12-21-1978
     | Scott, Lillian R.               1925
     | Scott, Loren D.                 11-28-1920      12-3-1986                                
     | Scott, Nelda Jo                 1-5-1947        10-16-1983
     | Scott, Robert Kenneth           1-14-1913       8-5-1986
     | Scott, Theda Myra Hanna         7-18-1907       8-9-1966
     | Scott, Vera H.                  2-10-1915       8-11-2000
     | Scott, Walter R.                1939            2003
     | Scrivner, George W.             10-19-1899      11-23-1979
     | Scrivner, Iva G.                3-19-1899       7-25-1998
     | Scrivner, L. Maxine             3-20-1923       12-14-1991
     | Scrivner, Vernon E.             5-27-1921       7-29-1996
     | Seaman, Joseph Matthew          9-15-1995       9-15-1995     s/o Matthew & Miriam
     | Sechrest
     | Sechrest, Delbert Lavern        9-10-1960       5-29-1989
     | Sechrest, Opal L.               3-9-1933
     | Self, Golda M.                  1-8-1919        7-1-1995
     | Self, William Elmer             10-16-1902      2-27-1981
Obit | Sellers, Edward James           11-11-1889      11-28-1967
     | Sellers, Nancy Ann              12-8-1888       7-19-1979
     | Sendelbach, Donald R.           3-22-1935       2-22-1995
     | Sendelbach, Lillie M.           7-25-1896       10-28-1976
     | Sendelbach, Marilyn J.          1938
     | Sendelbach, William J.          6-22-1894       3-15-1973
     | Sensel, Clara Elizabeth         1917            6-19-1999
     | Sensel, William Eugene          1918            8-7-1997
     | Settles, John L., Jr.           12-23-1972      12-24-1994
     | Severns, Ernest                 3-1-1885        11-21-1958
     | Severns, Laura Della            10-28-1884      1-2-1963
     | Severs, Cecelia V.              10-22-1905      4-23-1982
     | Severs, Harvey L.               10-12-1897      7-23-1981
     | Sexton, Edgar V.                2-3-1918        7-20-1988
     | Sexton, Harriett Jane           11-28-1916      6-13-1998
     | Sexton, Luther B.               1-28-1908       1-28-1993
     | Shane, Clarence N.              1903            7-11-1970
     | Shane, Hazel M.                 1904            2001
     | Shane, Wendell B.               01-09-1972      01-07-2003
     | Shane, William Roy              4-2-1933        9-29-1999    Navy
     | Sharer, Charlotte               1929
     | Sharer, Harry Lee               8-1-1924        12-17-1995
     | Sharon, Scott Michael           6-2-1975        6-2-1975     s/o Steven & Barbara
     | Sharp, Arthur E.                7-22-1939
     | Sharp, Velma I.                 10-8-1938       5-7-1991
     | Shaw, Clara Belle Goldman       3-24-1881       1-28-1969
     | Shaw, Gladys Fern               3-21-1902       10-9-1964
     | Shaw, Mary H.                   1924
     | Shaw, Raymond R.                4-10-1899       7-7-1997
     | Shaw, Rebecca Sue               12-9-1953       4-6-1994
     | Shaw, William Bill              5-16-1921       12-21-1983
     | Sheets, Aldo V.                 12-24-1919      3-31-1997
     | Sheets, Mary E.                 1920
     | Shields, ?rda                                   1987
     | Sheilds, Fred A.                1-19-1907       9-5-1976
     | Shehorn
     | Shelby, Berneace                8-16-1911       3-23-1981
     | Sheldon, Nellie Germann         5-3-1907        9-13-1993
     | Shell, Beatrice E.              3-30-1903       3-7-1965
     | Shell, Bernie S.                1-7-1896        9-26-1980
     | Shell, Robert W.                5-28-1927       12-17-2000    WWII
     | Shelton, B. Maxine              1918
     | Shelton, Betty Jane             02-09-1924      12-14-1991
     | Shelton, Brenda J.              1949            2004
     | Shelton, Charles Hall           6-1-1908        9-1-1988
     | Shelton, Clyde D.               12-6-1938?      4-28-2003
     | Shelton, David                  8-29-1928       8-3-1997
     | Shelton, David L.               9-26-1927       6-21-1986
     | Shelton, Elwanda Nelles         1929
     | Shelton, C. Everett             7-7-1888        12-29-1971
     | Shelton, Frances Cummings       2-28-1927       12-7-2001
     | Shelton, Glen H.                4-16-1910       4-14-1987
     | Shelton, Hazel Rose             8-1-1910        4-21-1973
     | Shelton, Iva Myrtle             3-15-1890       9-17-1971
     | Shelton, John William           7-8-1886        4-10-1964
     | Shelton, John Oral              1916            2001
     | Shelton, Junior                 1947
     | Shelton, Lora Mae               4-30-1892       11-22-1977
     | Shelton, Margaret C.            1913            2004
     | Shelton, Mildred V.             1911            2000
     | Shelton, Noble W.               11-25-1911      3-19-1992
     | Shelton, Patricia L.            1930
     | Shelton, Raymond G.             11-29-1916      4-1-1989
     | Shelton, Roberta M.             2-9-1936
     | Shelton, Terry Diane            10-21-1947      12-7-1954
     | Shelton, Vivian                 1-4-1908        6-12-1976
     | Shepard, LaVerne O.             12-21-1908      7-31-1972
     | Shepherd, George Russell        4-6-1905        1-13-1982
     | Sheridan, Carrie Irene          3-12-1907       4-16-1996
     | Sheridan, Thomas Owen           2-7-1901        1-10-1973
     | Sherman, Paul F.                11-26-1928      3-31-1980     Korea
     | Shewmake, Alice M.              09-11-1910      11-13-1996
     | Shewmake, Arthur W.             01-17-1911      07-29-1985
     | Shields, Amy Marie              10-25-1983      12-22-1983
     | Shields, Doris I.               11-10-1921      10-1-1990
     | Shields, Jimmie                       1926            2002
Obit | Shields, Paul A.                1917
     | Shields, Phyllis                1927
     | Shields, Sarah  A.              7-2-1908        5-12-1987
     | Shoemaker, Anita Kay            1944            2000
     | Shoemaker, Beulah B.            7-11-1922       8-9-1991
     | Shoemaker, Kenneth R.           1-17-1920       6-30-1979
     | Shoemaker, Lois J.              1922
     | Short, Gary Michael             9-24-1962       9-26-1962
     | Short, Kevin Lee                3-27-1964       6-7-1964
     | Short, Nellie V.                8-6-1905        10-18-1991
Obit | Short, Thomas Angus             11-2-1893       12-25-1966
     | Short, Thomas, Jr.              7-25-1922       7-25-1994     WWII
     | Shouse, Earl B.                 11-3-1899       10-13-1986
     | Shouse, Grace  S.               9-4-1900        7-9-1986
     | Shrewshury, Sallie Alice        1870            2-5-1954
     | Shriver, Geraldine "Gerry"      03-21-1945      11-23-1999
     | Shumaker, Donald R.             1-17-1947       8-27-2002
     | Shumaker, Marie T.              1920
     | Shumaker, Warden W.             4-8-1917        1-31-1976
     | Shurtz, Arthur Glen             11-2-1915       10-16-1974
     | Shurtz, Frieda L.               1917
     | Shurtz, Gladys M.               1916
     | Shurtz, Katherine L.            1926
     | Shurtz, Mattie Green            Age 91          8-18-1969
     | Shurtz, Merwin Lee              10-30-1917      10-2-1990
     | Shurtz, Rutherford Lee          12-25-1876      11-2-1965
     | Shurtz, Wilbur H.               3-9-1921        8-20-1991
Obit | Sigwerth, Alverda D.            11-26-1922      12-30-1990
     | Sigwerth, Anne E.               2-6-1929        3-12-1989
     | Sigwerth, Betty T.              10-30-1921      9-13-1980
Obit | Sigwerth, Charles W.            3-16-1929       8-12-1978
Obit | Sigwerth, Delbert N.            7-24-1923       1-14-1987
     | Sigwerth, James Randy           11-15-1952
Obit | Sigwerth, John E.               12-17-1921      2-10-1986
     | Sigwerth, Mary Lou Downey       5-17-1932       3-30-1995
Obit | Sigwerth, Nepthali J.           6-7-1932        6-18-1997
Obit | Sigwerth, Raymond R.            6-29-1908       9-13-1964
Obit | Sigwerth, Sidney R.             5-22-1920       3-23-1991
     | Sigwerth, Trudas Hickle         4-8-1917        12-14-1996
     | Simelton, Baby                  2-23-1992       2-23-1992
     | Simmons
     | Simmons, Christi Anne           1949            2000
     | Simmons, Doris M.               1920
     | Simmons, Herchel J.             1913            2003
     | Simmons, James E.               1947
     | Simmons, John L.                1918            2001
     | Simmons, Louie B.               11-10-1900      10-20-1974
     | Simmons, Mura?                  1915            1987
     | Simmons, Myrtle                 7-31-1903       1-21-1998
     | Simmons, Nina Florence                          3-30-1957
     | Simmons, Opal M.                5-20-1903       3-14-1997
Obit | Simmons, S. Henry               3-16-1901       12-30-1981
     | Simmons, Tella W.               5-17-1893       12-5-1977
     | Simmons, William                9-21-1893       7-25-1979
     | Simpson, Ann H.                 2-17-1893       3-15-1981
     | Simpson, Earl L.                3-3-1895        1-27-1966
     | Simms, Evelyn P.                1914            2004
     | Simms, Lewis C.                 1907            2000
     | Sims, Clara M.                  01-11-1900      04-10-1964
     | Sims, Miles W.                  03-19-1890      12-24-1957
     | Sinclair, Wayne Scott           9-8-1917        1-22-1999
     | Sinks, Andrew J.                4-4-1904        9-28-1984
     | Sinks, Lula Mae                 9-9-1900        5-28-1965
     | Sinks, Minnie L.                5-8-1907        5-21-1992
     | Skelton, Ernest                 2-20-1913       8-18-1984
     | Skelton, James Robert           1942            2001
     | Skelton, Opal S.                12-30-1915      10-31-1987
     | Slater, George F.               10-3-1891       2-2-1979
     | Slater, Theo I.                 5-7-1895        11-30-1997
     | Slaton, Ruby J.                 7-30-1906       4-24-1980
     | Sledge, Gale                    8-4-1903        3-27-1976
     | Sledge, Lillian                 10-9-1904       1-7-1995
     | Slivka, Joe                     1-2-1887        3-25-1962
     | Slivka, Lois                    5-15-1890       11-27-1991
     | Smart, Johnetta R.              1925            2000
     | Smart, Richard F.               1928
     | Smith, Addaline                 1920            2001
     | Smith, Bernice K.               12-24-1894      10-23-1971
     | Smith, Albert W.                1906            10-7-1980
     | Smith, Allen                    1948
     | Smith, Amos F.                  4-17-1910       5-1-1973
     | Smith, Arthur                   1911            2003
     | Smith, Arthur Duane             4-16-1938       8-27-1975
     | Smith, Barbara Joyce            9-19-1930       6-29-1998
     | Smith, Brenda Kay               7-28-1951       6-1-1972
     | Smith, Charles D.               8-31-1924       8-31-1978
     | Smith, Charles Joseph           10-31-1920      7-10-1978     WWII
     | Smith, Cyril R.                 10-31-1909      1-20-1959
     | Smith, D?????                   1941
     | Smith, Danny M.                 4-27-1927       12-12-1993
     | Smith, Dennis L.                1960            2001
     | Smith, E. Maxine                1930            2001
     | Smith, Eddie R.                 1942
     | Smith, Emma E.                  10-26-1924      3-10-1982
     | Smith, Emma Jane                1924
     | Smith, Glen D.                  3-7-1905        10-20-1990
     | Smith, Harlan R.                1-18-1925       12-7-1974
     | Smith, Harriett E.              3-14-1945       7-22-1975
     | Smith, ?                        1945
     | Smith, Helen                    1912
     | Smith, Henri Anne               2-13-1931       1-9-1996
Obit | Smith, Homer R., Jr.            1924            2001
     | Smith, Homer R., Sr.            04-03-1894      01-13-1978
     | Smith, Isaac Talmage, Jr.       12-8-1922       9-25-1999     WWII
     | Smith, Iva Lillian              4-13-1882       6-25-1967
     | Smith, J. Delbert               08-10-1899      05-12-1959
     | Smith, James F.                 7-11-1938       9-7-1991
     | Smith, Janet Ann                3-15-1956       3-13-1999
     | Smith, Jerry L.                 1942
     | Smith, John E.                  7-9-1921        11-10-1983
     | Smith, Johnie O.                10-15-1916      12-30-1987
     | Smith, Joseph Roy               12-23-1913      3-7-1994
     | Smith, Juanita House            12-10-1924      1-24-1967
     | Smith, Kenneth E. C.            7-29-1905       11-19-1964
     | Smith, Leona Neldena            10-24-1927      12-16-1991
     | Smith, Louise Annettee          1924
     | Smith, Lucille Virginia         2-11-1908       6-5-1992
     | Smith, Lula A.                  9-13-1904       11-15-1986
     | Smith, Mabel M.                 7-1-1920        3-20-1977
     | Smith, Marc Duane               11-4-1951       11-1-1980
     | Smith, Mary D.                  1917            2002
     | Smith, Michael K.               1-7-1962        6-20-1992
     | Smith, Miguel Lucille           3-7-1934        6-9-1982
     | Smith, Nora Mae                 7-18-1943       5-31-1994
     | Smith, Norval                   10-14-1917      3-31-1989
     | Smith, Omar Hosea               3-13-1916       1-16-1992
Obit | Smith, Opal L.                  1918
     | Smith, Patricia Grace           3-26-1948       12-14-1997
     | Smith, Patsy L.                 1938
     | Smith, Ralph M.                 1923
     | Smith, Roger 0.                 10-10-1926      2-9-1997
Obit | Smith, Ruth Ella                9-27-1924       8-4-1999
     | Smith, Ruth Ellen               6-2-1949        12-7-1994
     | Smith, PFC. Stephen Jay         8-7-1943        10-9-1967
     | Smith, T. Hal                   3-28-1877       3-9-1960
     | Smith, Theodora E.              12-24-1895      06-10-1973
     | Smith, Vera J.                  1928
     | Smith, Vera L.                  2-29-1909       8-27-1987                   
     | Smith, Viola O.                 2-28-1924       07-28-1996
     | Smith, Whitney Elizabeth        10-3-1986       10-3-1986
     | Smith, William David            1917            9-10-1972
     | Smith, William L.               1917            2001
     | Smith, William Randall          7-27-1953       3-14-1972
     | Smith, Wilma J.                 8-30-1927       1-4-1985
     | Smith, Wilma P.                 1914            2000
     | Smoot, Robert Kenneth           2-8-1912        7-13-2000
     | Snider, Edro                    4-11-1913       1-3-1967
     | Snider, Eunice                  12-24-1908      2-8-1970
     | Snodsmith, Charlotte Sue        1947
     | Snodsmith, James Mecord         1947            2003
     | Snyder, Louise Frazier          1911            2000
     | Snyder, Lyle Eldred             1912            1990
     | Someiske, Nancy                 9-27-1935       7-23-1993
     | Soures, Gordon Lee              1-15-1904       8-24-1966
Obit | Soures, Thelma                  1909            2003
     | Southerd, Anna Mae              1929
     | Southerd, Charles Wesley        1-31-1932       10-9-1990
     | Spangler, Daniel L.             1936            2000/2
     | Spangler, Nancy J.              1943
     | Spearman, Jimmie L.             11-11-1913      4-14-1984
     | Spearman, Jimmie Lee            4-15-1965       5-30-1981
     | Spearman, Minnie B.             2-3-1919        10-8-1993
     | Spearman, Richard               1935
     | Spearman, Rosie                 1932            2002
     | Spears, Blanch H.               6-10-1903       10-16-1984
     | Spears, Cleveland T.            4-10-1897       4-8-1981
     | Speck, Benjamin A.              06-27-1895      06-13-1970
     | Speck, Cecil Grace              10-09-1902      07-07-1992
     | Spiller, Beulinda Dawn          12-1-1972       1-28-1973
     | Spiller, Elijah Marion          1910            1999
     | Spiller, Eulah I.               12-30-1906      10-21-1986
     | Spiller, Freddie A.             2-9-1903        10-9-1987
     | Spiller, Marion Duane           9-14-1971       9-14-1971
     | Spiller, Pauline                4-22-1916       3-17-1996
     | Spillman, Doris E.              7-20-1919       1-11-1996
     | Spillman, William H.            1917
     | Spink, George J. Jr.            9-9-1928        9-24-1997     Korea
     | Spink, Mary C.                  7-31-1940       6-4-2004
     | Spurlock, Adra Iva              12-1-1895       3-11-1965
     | Spurlock, Claude E.             1926            2004
     | Spurlock, M. Eileen             5-3-1921        4-5-1988
     | Spurlock, Jeanne Ann            1926
     | Spurlock, Luke S.               9-27-1916       5-23-1981
     | Spurlock, Richard               10-30-1892      2-6-1977
     | Squier, Mable M.                8-30-1907       2-20-1985
     | Squier, Robert Harold           9-23-1884       6-11-1966
     | Standerfer, Claradean           1910            2003
     | Standerfer, Guy Amos            5-23-1919       8-29-1992
     | Standerfer, Leah Evelyn         11-7-1920       8-29-1992
Obit | Standerfer, Wilburn Ernest      8-3-1907        6-12-1999
     | Stanley, Hallie J.              2-27-1914       2-12-1982
     | Staples, David Lee              3-24-1956       1-19-1997
     | Staples, Leroy                  1933            1991
     | Staples, Mary Jo                1937
     | Starkey, Dorothy E.             1917
     | Starkey, E. Reid                3-8-1912        12-30-1998
     | Starnes, Flora Juanita          4-16-1920       11-14-1991
     | Starnes, Harold Eugene          12-3-1925       8-19-1997
     | Stelzer, Victor J.              3-30-1904       4-26-1983
     | Stephenson, Lillie May          5-1-1888        9-24-1972
     | Stephenson, Ruth Alice          8-3-1931        8-20-1968
     | Stephenson, Simon Gilmore       6-9-1880        12-18-1966
     | Stevens, Andy Lester            03-10-1916      04-30-1984
Obit | Stevens, Mary E.                1921
     | Stevens, John E.                02-22-1929      04-18-1990
     | Stevenson, Charles Joseph       4-12-1910       1-19-1992
     | Stevenson, Rose Ella            1911
     | Stevenson, Sylvester, Jr.       Infant          5-24-1994
     | Stewart, Bessie M.              11-19-1919      3-21-1987
     | Stewart, Billy James            4-18-1987       4-18-1987    s/o Troy & Gina
     | Stewart, Calvin Lee             4-18-1987       4-18-1987    s/o Troy & Gina
     | Stewart, Ethel                  1917
     | Stewart, Forest P.              12-12-1912      5-23-1980
     | Stewart, Frances K.             1940            2000
     | Stewart, Hessie Belle           1-3-1882        9-29-1974
     | Stewart, John Fredrick          2-22-1897       10-21-1974
Obit | Stewart, LeRoy                  1938
     | Stewart, Lorraine                               3-11-1958
     | Stewart, Robert Parnell         6-6-1882        1-14-1955
     | Stewart, Theodore R.            1916            2000
     | Stokes, Alonzo Royce            7-12-1988       5-25-1992
     | Stokes, James H.                2-22-1934       9-23-1996
     | Stoltz, Doris Ann               1935
     | Stoltz, Melvin R.               2-2-1935        7-9-1997
     | Stone, Bobby Joe                8-27-1940       1-8-1989      Vietnam
     | Stone, Donald R.                7-19-1941       10-22-1998
     | Stone, Edward Lee               9-3-1942        1-19-1996     Vietnam
     | Stone, Elmer L.                 3-28-1901       4-11-1985
     | Stone, Florence                 9-6-1905        2-2-1998
     | Stone, Hallie Emma              5-14-1910       10-29-1992
     | Stone, Iva Eretta               2-6-1905        10-27-1997
     | Stone, Marchetta Delores        6-22-1926       2-4-1993
     | Stone, Neva                     6-30-1898       4-20-1987
     | Stone, Richard L.               10-3-1927       4-28-1994
     | Stone, Robert Edward            5-25-1908       9-3-1992  
     | Stonecipher, Charles S.         2-11-1895       1-8-1979  
     | Stonecipher, Lorraine           1906            1958
     | Stonemetz, Nelle W.             9-15-1898       9-29-1997 
     | Stonemetz, Keith N.             12-27-1898      3-7-1991  
     | Storey, Lloyd A.                12-09-1906      02-18-1963   WWII       
     | Storey, Lloyd A. Jr.            02-24-1950      07-19-1987   Vietnam
     | Storey, Margaret P.             01-17-1915      01-04-1993 
     | Story, Bertha                   4-30-1912       4-16-1994 
     | Story, Mary M.                  3-12-1909       4-9-1977  
Obit | Story, Royal                    1911
     | Story, William H.               2-26-1911       7-7-1987  
     | Stovall, George                 1-15-1905       6-21-1986
     | Stovall, Hattie                 1909            2002 
     | Stovall, Joseph N.              8-31-1937       1-1-1984  
     | Stover, Jessie Violet           2-14-1914       7-19-1991 
Obit | Stratton, Leonard E.            12-5-1899       3-13-1963       
     | Strickland, Ethel               2-1-1891        12-11-1984      
Obit | Strickland, Francis             2-18-1879       9-30-1969       
     | Strickland, Frank Lysle         10-29-1890      5-15-1975 
     | Strickland, Mary Evelyn         7-28-1919       8-8-1965        
     | Strickland, Mary M.             1921
     | Strickland, Merritt L.          1918
     | Strickland, Kenneth Paul        5-16-1914       9-16-1993 
     | Strickland, Sarah E.            8-29-1884?      6-29-1957 
     | Strickland, Stacy C.            10-23-1905      3-18-1969
     | Strothmann, Marietta A.         1933       
     | Strothmann, Robert William      8-12-1928       9-5-1996  
     | Stroud, Carrie Coralee                          12-2-1959 
     | Stroud, Clarence E.             7-27-1904       11-26-1978        
     | Stroud, Florene A.              9-13-1905       6-15-1996 
     | Stroud, James Harry             3-20-1904       3-30-1989 
     | Stroud, Rose Welch              7-10-1906       5-5-1993  
     | Stuckey, John Henry             10-24-1956      11-2-1983 
     | Stuckey, Preston Lee            2-12-1988       2-12-1988     ch/o Alma 
     | Stull, Homer F.                 3-17-1927       2-27-2003
     | Stull, Max H.                   1915            9-22-1995     Reburial
     | Stull, Ruby W.                  1920            7-27-1986     Reburial
     | Stull, Shirley J.               4-8-1925
     | Sullivan, Cordelia E.           2-18-1887       2-2-1956  
     | Sullivan, D. June               6-15-1931       10-13-1998    Talley
     | Sullivan, Hardie (Jack)         2-12-1915       3-13-1972       
     | Sullivan, John Thomas           10-4-1910       7-29-1970       
     | Sullivan, William F.            1-23-1879       12-6-1956 
     | Summers, Elsie B.                               09-19-1973  
     | Summers, Ethel Mae              12-2-1905       9-19-1978 
     | Summers, Guy M.                 9-10-1889       5-9-1983  
     | Summers, Herman L.              6-28-1906       12-18-1987        
     | Summers, Howard                 04-27-1916      10-10-1991         
     | Summers, Luella L.              7-15-1921       11-14-1996        
     | Summers, Norman                 12-1-1889       10-3-1957 
     | Summers, Rade F.                8-13-1891       6-14-1981 
     | Summers, William Foster         12-30-1915      1-28-1997 
     | Sumner, Crystal D.              10-11-1913      1-17-1977 
     | Sumner, Johnie H.               6-10-1908       12-24-1988        
     | Sumner, M. Ray                  10-2-1912       1-17-1980 
     | Sumner, Sarah Ella              7-28-1872       2-1-1975  
     | Sumner, Wilda                   1919
     | Sutton, Joseph Lee              8-19-1900       5-29-1985
     | Sutton, Verdene                 1916 
     | Swader, Jimmy G.                2-20-1936       6-20-1978 
     | Swan, Bill R.                   12-22-1925      5-1-1999  
     | Swan, Dola Faye                 11-10-1905      1-15-1959 
     | Swan, Verna Mae                 1928
     | Swan, William W.                7-13-1896       1-1-1994  
     | Swarm, Oleta M.                 2-15-1927       9-14-1984 
     | Swarm, Robert L.                9-23-1921       12-1-1995 
Obit | Sword, Charles M.               3-6-1911        12-19-1999    
     | Sword, Mary Olive               1916
     | Synder, Lyle E.                 5-29-1912       12-14-1990

     | Taber, Franklin A.              7-23-1977       11-25-1977        
     | Talbert, Jennie Reith           11-19-1896      3-6-1968        
     | Talbott, Jewell W.             
     | Talbott, William G.             8-20-07         5-30-75 
     | Talley, June Sullivan           6-15-1931       10-13-1998    June Sullivan        
     | Tate, Anna Maxine               7-3-1915
     | Tate, Anthony Wayne             1-30-1968       8-28-1973 
     | Tate, Dale S.                   3-6-1913        10-8-1984 
     | Tate, Fred Allen                1-11-1948       12-24-1993       
     | Tate, Genevieve W.              4-5-1921        9-10-1997 
     | Tate, James Hollis              6-14-1913       6-24-1988     WWII
     | Tate, J.B.                      1931 
     | Tate, Kathy Diane               6-13-1969       7-26-1991 
     | Tate, Lawrence O.               11-5-1903       7-2-1972        
     | Tate, Maxine E.                 11-8-1911       10-15-1954        
     | Taylor
     | Taylor, Adam A.                 6-15-1878       10-5-1964       
     | Taylor, Charlie B.              12-24-1939      5-28-1998 
Obit | Taylor, Clarice C.              1919            2003
     | Taylor, Daisy May Quinn         10-27-1885      7-14-1970       
     | Taylor, Florence Lee            6-11-1941       11-16-1993        
Obit | Taylor, George W.               1914
     | Taylor, Ivory Lee               2-27-1949       2-9-1992  
Obit | Taylor, James R.                1919
     | Taylor, Louise Alberta          6-17-1919       6-25-1997 
     | Taylor, Mary Sue                7-22-1941       1-31-1995 
     | Taylor, Myjaya                                  12-13-1998        
     | Taylor, Ralph                   9-27-1889       5-28-1971       
     | Taylor, Susie                   6-17-1896       11-30-1976        
     | Taylor, Sylvia H.               6-3-1903        1-3-1996  
     | Taylor, Tyisha Nicole           Infant          1-5-1982  
     | Taylor, Walter R.               9-22-1900       6-21-1967       
     | Taylor, Wilma Page              10-5-1918       7-25-1992 
     | Teal, Helen L.                  1922
     | Teal, Raleigh L.                1917
     | Telford, Jace E.                02-07-1908      09-03-1988   
     | Teltzrow, Myrtle                9-26-1901       4-5-1985  
     | Temelcoff, John W.              1916
     | Temelcoff, Opal M.              4-24-1914       5-24-1993 
Obit | Tepovich, Charlene              1930
     | Tepovich, Ellsworth             8-4-1929        1-12-2004
     | Tepovich, George                1923            2002
     | Terry, Herschel S.              1915            2001
     | Terry, Rena L.                  1914
     | Thackrey, Adrian                10-08-1897      11-09-1952 
     | Thackrey, Alta Jean             3-28-1941       10-12-1993        
     | Thackrey, John M.(Jack)         09-05-1921      11-18-1997 
     | Thackrey, Maryphede A.          04-10-1902      01-25-2001
     | Thackrey, Max T. Sr.            1937        
     | Thackrey, Tawanna Leigh         5-8-1969        1-27-1986 
     | Thatcher, Floyd Edward          10-15-1884      3-20-1967       
     | Thatcher, Helen                 6-3-1908        9-21-1990 
     | Thatcher, Kelso T.              1906            1-4-1990  
     | Thatcher, Lowell                9-22-1908       8-14-1979 
     | Thatcher, Opal                  1911            2003
     | Thatcher, Rose                  10-13-1884      1-28-1970       
     | Thomas, Carmel                  3-4-1906        5-24-1993 
     | Thomas, Gertrude                1-23-1927       1-12-1989 
     | Thomas, Mac L. Lesure           6-19-1980       6-3-1997  
     | Thomas, Myrtle M.               1-27-1903       12-16-1979        
     | Thomas, Vessie Pearl            5-29-1896       9-9-1967       
     | Thomas, W. Glen                 10-6-1900       5-13-1980 
     | Thomas, Wilbur W.               10-23-1905      8-25-1965
     | Thomason, George                5-30-1894       1-10-1983   
     | Thomason, LaVena M.             4-7-1926        5-15-1987 
     | Thomason, Ella                  5-17-1892       9-10-1980 
     | Thompson, Albert Ray            9-5-1911        6-18-1978 
     | Thompson, Andrew Joseph         5-31-1974       6-1-1974  
     | Thompson, Ann E.                1932
     | Thompson, Carl E. Sr.           8-7-1916        9-30-1999 
     | Thompson, Dora                  2-9-1893        2-27-1986 
     | Thompson, Doyet A.              12-25-1930      1-2-1998  
     | Thompson, George A.             12-14-1924      9-20-1985 
     | Thompson, George Arthur         10-21-1952      5-27-1992 
     | Thompson, Harold A.             12-30-1915      9-25-1974    Army 
     | Thompson, James H.              11-25-1916      6-18-1999 
     | Thompson, Joyce Louise          1930
     | Thompson, Justin Paul           10-19-1972      10-19-1972      
     | Thompson, Leonard Lee           10-29-1898      10-8-1983 
     | Thompson, Pauline S.            1920            2001
     | Thompson, R. Lucille            1910            2001
     | Thompson, Ray A.                8-25-1904       7-19-1995
     | Thompson, Reva Pansy            1-17-1911       2-7-1996  
     | Thompson, Rodney M.             9-20-1891       4-27-1968       
     | Thompson, Rosa E.               5-25-1896       1-1-1977  
     | Thompson, William J.            10-8-1882       1-11-1964       
     | Thomson, David                  1896            10-10-1981 
     | Thomson, Olin A.                1926            2003       
     | Thomson, Pearl B.               2-14-1901       12-17-1984 
     | Thomson, Virginia R.            1926            2001     
     | Thrailkill, DeVon               4-12-1985       3-26-1991 
     | Thrailkill, Howard D.           2-28-1928       10-24-1993     WWII
     | Thrasher        
     | Thrasher, Michael Zachary       1-20-1977       3-16-1986 
     | Thrasher, Walter I.             5-20-1928       12-2-1990 
     | Throgmorton, Clara              11-9-1900       3-29-1991 
     | Throgmorton, Harrison           5-8-1899        3-6-1963        
     | Throgmorton, Louise L.          1926            9-18-1998
     | Throgmorton, Lloyd Michael      8-21-1949       12-23-2000 
     | Throgmorton, Virgil L.          6-8-1921        6-28-1998 
     | Tibbs, Lorena Mae               2-18-1909       10-7-2000
     | Tibbs, Ray L.                   6-5-1905        9-14-1981 
     | Tice, Elmer R.                  01-17-1923      08-21-1998 
     | Tice, Imogene                   1923
     | Tice, Larry Dean                12-17-1940      09-27-1990     Reburial
     | Tindle, Cindy Diane             6-13-1957       11-14-1957        
     | Tindle, LeRoy B.                1900            5-20-1962       
     | Tindle, Nellie B.               7-3-1908        7-25-1995 
     | Tittle, Beatrice                5-16-1899       1-15-1987 
     | Tittle, Hazel (Betty)           6-24-1913       10-29-1996        
     | Tittle, Howard M.               7-10-1917       4-25-1973 
     | Tittle, J. Byford               4-11-1912       11-16-1974        
Obit | Tittle, Ollie M.                1920
     | Tober, Jean M.                  8-20-1900       3-4-1974  
     | Todd, Samuel E.                 11-26-1922      4-13-1991 
     | Toedte, Mildred L.              1917            2003
     | Toedte, Ralph Edward            11-19-1906      3-2-1988  
     | Tolbert, Carolyn Yvonne         8-27-1955       10-24-1989        
     | Tolbert, Dallondas Arrius       11-6-1977       11-8-1977
     | Tolbert, Jennie                 1896            1963/8 
     | Tolbert, John T.                2-6-1896        10-22-74        
     | Tolbert, Ruth Elizabeth         1-23-1909       1-15-1995 
     | Toney, Robert D.                1-16-1920       1-11-1994 
     | Trail, Sylvia                   9-22-1903       3-9-1984  
     | Trinei, William Oveido          11-2-1917       4-22-1968       
     | Triplett, Melvin                9-20-1917       9-9-1976  
     | Trotter, Jack Koenig            9-27-1923       9-11-1997
     | Trotter, Margaret C.            1924
     | Trout, Ruth E.                  11-29-1911      12-23-2002
     | Troutt, Arthur Glen             1-2-1906        9-1-1966        
     | Troutt, Daniel                  09-06-1869      11-10-1954        
     | Troutt, Irvin S.                4-15-1909       6-17-1960 
     | Troutt, Kathleen M.             2-2-1906        11-14-1988        
     | Troutt, Mary Jewell Hilt        6-18-1907       4-16-1994
     | Troutt, Maxine                  ?-12-1914 
     | Troutt, Matthew Daric           Infant          5-18-1982 
     | Troutt, Minnie Ann              2-3-1876        1-12-1962       
     | Troutt, Shelie Gale             11-10-1904      2-1-1956  
     | Trover, Gina L.                 1950            1986
     | Tucker, Anna                    1924
     | Tucker, Bernis                  2-10-1904       2-22-1989 
     | Tucker, Cephus                  11-11-1911      6-25-1986 
     | Tucker, Clyde R.                11-6-1915       5-23-1991 
     | Tucker, Grover W.               5-22-1920       11-25-1998        
     | Tucker, Joe Cephus Sr.          12-15-1930      9-15-2000
     | Tucker, Mayme P.                02-15-1901      04-22-1968 
     | Tucker, Norma Jean              1927            2002 
     | Tucker, Steven L.               03-19-1948      05-06-2003   Vietnam     
     | Tucker, Sumner R. Jr.           04-29-1923      09-15-1987 
     | Tucker, Sumner R. Sr.           01-09-1900      02-07-1987 
     | Tucker, Willie Mae              2-22-1941       8-9-2002
     | Tuegel, Della                   1904            2002 
     | Tuegel, Oliver J.               7-16-1902       10-29-1988
     | Turner, Bobby L.                1950
     | Turner, Brenda K.               1951            2004
     | Turner, Elatris Faith           8-23-1986       9-2-1986  
     | Turner, Enid Wyrick             12-01-1919      08-26-1998 
     | Turner, Jay L.                  07-11-1914      11-05-1960
     | Turner, Mattie C.               5-9-1904        10-19-2000 
     | Turner, Michael P.              12-20-1901      5-14-1976 
     | Turner, Wave G.                 12-31-1900      3-5-1957  
     | Tuttle, Beatrice I.             5-16-1899       1-15-1987
     | Tuttle, LaVerna                 8-29-1905       4-6-1985  
     | Tuttle, Ruby L.                 9-3-1897        1-31-1992 
     | Tyler, George S.                5-26-1901       6-29-1982 
     | Tyler, Lorena Jean              11-8-1888       5-5-1984  
     | Tyler, Mabel C.                 4-3-1903        3-11-1988 
     | Tyler, ????                     06-5-1878       10-5-1974 

     | Underwood, Dwight LeRoy         4-22-1912       1-9-1972        
     | Underwood, LeRoy                7-28-1922       9-20-1976 
     | Underwood, Nellie               2-10-1914       9-10-1984 
     | Utlaut, Harold E.               4-29-1905       11-6-1980 
     | Utlaut, Orvetta Olive           3-10-1910       1-16-1975
     | Unsure of Surname, Helen
     | Unreadable, William Bradley     9-1-1964        ?-?-2003
     | Unreadable, Ethan Tyler         5-17-1987?      ?-?-????

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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