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Jefferson County, IL


Boyd Cemetery

Est. 1907
Section 20, Rome Twp.
Indexed by Steven Mays & Tracy L.Wright - on Sep 4, 2000

Photos of Stones Contributed By: Kiowana Hayes Ferguson - May 2001

See: Additions to listing

Also See: Tidbits Submitted info on some of the people you will find here.

Many volunteers have worked very hard to provide the researchers of Jefferson County a listing of Cemeteries and to provide pictures of headstones to help you in your personal research.

PLEASE DO NOT TAKE the cemetery listings and pictures that others have worked so hard to provide and add it to any other website as your own.

Thank You for understanding and respecting the work of others.

     | Adams, Lillian V.               1-22-1918              
     | Adams, Otto E.                  1-23-1915               4-23-1977
     | Allen, Daisy                    11-18-1878              8-1973
     | Allen, Dorothy M.               2-26-1937               
     | Allen, Jerry A.                 11-11-1933              
     | Allen, Oscar                    1868                    1928
     | Alsup, Ruth                     1934                    1934
     | Atchison, Aletta Rose           11-23-1934              10-21-1992
     | Atchison, Belle                 3-29-1867               12-22-1930
     | Atchison, Beulah                4-17-1913               5-8-1974
     | Atchison, Catherine             3-4-1911                11-22-1957
     | Atchison, Charles C.            2-22-1902               5-30-1982
     | Atchison, Effie                 1879                    1949
     | Atchison, Eldora M.             4-16-1880               6-22-1970
     | Atchison, George H.             10-1-1903               1-21-1993?
Obit | Atchison, John H.               1875                    19??
     | Atchison, Robert F.             1-11-1891               3-11-1965
     | Atchison, Rose E.               9-30-1872               3-12-1941
     | Atchison, Ruth M.               7-9-1905                9-13-1980
     | Atchison, T. Jeff               12-24-1862              5-30-1949
     | Atchison, Thomas A.             10-25-1900              1-16-1981
     | Atchison, William B.            11-23-1869              6-10-1950
     | Atchison, William T.            8-21-1932               11-5-1988
     | Atchison, William               1-16-1863               7-14-1959
     | Atchison, Thomas I.             1940                    
     | Atchison, Sally J.              1957                   

     | Bacon, Adaline O.               1836                    1910
     | Barr, Edna M.                   1910                    1957
     | Barr, Frederick J.              1858                    1914
     | Barr, Jewel D.                  6-18-1906               
     | Barr, Manning G.                9-9-1885                1-1980  
     | Barr, Mary M.                   1861                    1957
     | Barr, Russell                   8-12-1906               3-6-1979
     | Barr, Wretha T.                 2-7-1884                1-1982  
     | Bateman, Charles                12-1-1881               10-9-1949
     | Bateman, Elmer                  1-14-1877               1-17-1928
     | Bateman, Gail Ann               7-30-1939               9-1-1939
     | Bateman, Jane                   1851                    1926
     | Bateman, Luther F.              10-1-1887               5-2-1954        WWI
     | Bateman, Opal                   9-23-1895               5-22-1971
     | Bateman, Vivian                 5-1-1922                1-12-2000
     | Bateman, William                1844                    1936
     | Benjamin, Carroll E.            2-27-1915               12-13-1950
     | Benjamin, Clarence I.           10-19-1881              6-28-1968
     | Benjamin, Ida F.                9-29-1881               1-7-1957
     | Benjamin, Ida May               4-23-1942               5-24-1942
     | Benjamin, James                 4-23-1945               11-28-1987
     | Benjamin, Mary E.               1-1-1877                9-30-1970 
     | Benjamin, Roy L.                11-30-1876              2-12-1945
     | Benjamin, Williard Jr.                                  5-11-1936
     | Black, Frances A.               6-16-1916               8-19-2000
     | Bozza, Cleta  (Meadows)         3-8-1903                6-1966
     | Braddy, Darryl Vernon           12-11-1966              10-18-1988
     | Braddy, R. Vernon               12-26-1920              4-25-1987
Obit | Braddy, Wilma L.                              
     | Brewer, L.B.                    1857                    1925
     | Brewer, Nancy C.                1853                    1920
     | Brown, Melvin E.                8-22-1919               6-9-1990
     | Brown, Vaunda J.                4-8-1931                11-5-1981
     | Bruce, Earl                     11-19-1888              12-4-1956       WWI
     | Bruce, James William            1859                    1934    
     | Bruce, M. Sebelle               1864                    1932
     | Bulson, Alfred C.               4-27-1888               11-17-1946
     | Bulson, Ida M.                  5-1-1883                6-29-1968
     | Bundy, Loyd A.                  1908                    1912
     | Bundy, Raliegh Oran             3-8-1883                2-9-1971
     | Bundy, Retha Pearl              4-18-1887               9-16-1969
     | Burton, Alva                    8-11-1888               5-1980
     | Burton, Arvel T.                7-11-1914               5-1-1966
     | Burton, Carroll L.              10-10-1938              10-1-1989
     | Burton, Everett A.              5-14-1908               6-10-1958
     | Burton, Donald Paul             1948                    2000
     | Burton, Harel L.                6-3-1935                8-28-1997
     | Burton, Linda June              4-4-1951                4-4-1951
     | Burton, Mae                     1891                    1981
     | Burton, Mary L.                 5-19-1943               9-23-1989
     | Burton, Opal C.                 1-23-1910               
     | Burton, Opal M.                 6-27-1918               12-14-1974
     | Burton, V. Vivian               9-18-1939               

     | Cameron, Johnnie “Pop”          8-6-1915                9-22-1984
Obit | Carpenter, Ida L.               8-20-1891               7-22-1986
     | Carpenter, James F.             2-19-1922               3-12-1985       WWII
Obit | Carpenter, John H.              1889                    1950
Obit | Carpenter, Lena H.              1894                    1970
     | Carpenter, Oscar                3-26-1887               3-30-1968
Obit | Carpenter, Wanda L.             1-23-1926              
     | Champ, Fay                      1904                    1996
     | Champ, Ray L.                   1902                    1960
     | Chapman, Henry                  1869                    1944
     | Chapman, Maggie                 1874                    1962
     | Clark, Billie Lee               10-12-1942              4-11-1992
     | Clark, Clifford                 2-1-1907                2-1974
     | Clark, Ida Lillian              2-2-1944                
     | Clark, Jossia                   4-16-1909               5-1996
     | Copeland, Carroll C.            12-22-1903              2-9-1974
     | Copeland, Faye R.               1-18-1908               12-3-1971
     | Copple, Alice L.                2-13-1936               6-12-1992
     | Copple, Callie D.               1882                    1964
     | Copple, Clifton H.              9-21-1906               11-9-1981
     | Copple, Darrell                 5-14-1910               9-5-1989
     | Copple, Dorothy M.              1914                    
     | Copple, R. Duane                4-28-1909               12-1970
     | Copple, Flora                   8-28-1911               2-26-1978
     | Copple, Francis                 1944                    1944           twins
     | Copple, Frankie                 1944                    1944           twins
     | Copple, Garry O.                1-7-1902                2-22-1991
     | Copple, Helen (Talbott)         12-20-1898              9-2-1989
     | Copple, Hubert S.               4-16-1916               8-2-1975
     | Copple, James A.                10-20-1872              12-1-1943
     | Copple, James Lyman             1-12-1897               12-16-1962      WWI
     | Copple, Lola A.                 7-6-1874                11-19-1936
     | Copple, Mary Joan               12-11-1927              
     | Copple, Mary                    11-28-1911              
     | Copple, Myron Ray               1948                    1948
     | Copple, Myrtle E.               10-20-1892              9-1975
     | Copple, Nelpha L.               6-9-1918                5-12-1993
     | Cox, Elsie Mae                  1-3-1916                11-24-1998      Back of stone
     | Cox, Gene C.                    12-11-1913              11-17-1999      Back of stone
     | Crain, Willard                  6-2-1903                10-28-1920
     | Crane, Benjamin S.              12-26-1870              5-3-1970
     | Crane, Bernard Nolen            5-13-1925               9-6-1925
     | Crane, Christina                1850                    1930
     | Crane, Eva                      9-15-1897               2-1975
Obit | Crane, Ferne                    1912                    
     | Crane, Infant                                           10-29-1921      s/o Ivan & Myrtle
     | Crane, Ivan                     8-5-1881                4-10-1965
     | Crane, John W.                  1850                    1934
     | Crane, Martha E.                2-7-1876                2-27-1948
     | Crane, Myrtle                   4-12-1899               3-21-1978
     | Crane, Roy G.                   7-22-1912               4-23-1913       s/o Benjamin & Martha
     | Crane, Spencer                  12-27-1885              8-1969
     | Crane, Virgil                   1913                    1961
     | Crawford, James Wilson          1-27-1979               7-9-1994

     | Davis, William Martin           1867                    1916
     | Deadmond, Dorothy (Piercy)      4-10-1913               7-11-1971
     | Denning, Ethel C.               6-21-1921               5-16-1954
     | Denning, Jerry L.               10-15-1950              5-16-1954
     | Denning, Leonard                5-12-1902               7-21-1971       WWII
     | Denning, Melvin L.              12-15-1948              5-16-1954
     | Dodson, Gerald O.               12-29-1909              5-26-1993
     | Dodson, Maudie Effie            3-27-1912               1-3-1999
     | Douthit, Alice E.               11-21-1921              
     | Douthit, Dwight                 5-20-1906               3-7-1989
     | Douthit, Earl                   10-4-1909               12-11-1988      WWII
     | Douthit, Edna                   10-18-1922              7-25-1981
     | Douthit, Jean                   12-23-1919              
     | Douthit, Luna M.                5-7-1904                10-5-1965
     | Douthit, Lyde C.                1872                    1956
     | Douthit, Melvin                 5-14-1916               
     | Douthit, Russel                 10-8-1914               5-2-1972
     | Douthit, Thula                  1874                    1963

     | Elliston, Alva                  1876                    1953
     | Elliston, Avin  A.              7-26-1901               11-29-1941
Obit | Elliston, Edward                1904                    1950
     | Elliston, Francis               1918                    1918
     | Elliston, Hattie                1884                    1935
     | Elliston, James E. “Tittle”     8-17-1927               8-28-2000       s/o Avin & Anna
     | Elliston, Lois J.               3-30-1940                               w/o James E.
     | Elliston, Mable Sue             5-29-1942               5-30-1942
     | Elliston, May                   1904                    1999
     | Elliston, Mildred               3-21-1918               10-18-1977
     | Elliston, Phillip Neal          9-28-1944               9-28-1994
     | Elliston, Roy L.                9-6-1915                11-6-1915
     | Elliston, Thomas Earl           1923                    1923
     | Elliston, Walter                8-22-1916              

     | Ferguson, John L.               7-26-1942               10-25-1986
     | Finckbone, Roy A. “Bud”         12-27-1920              5-15-1995
     | Finley, Wanda N.                4-13-1924               
     | Flanagan, Eldon F.              9-30-1913               12-29-1988     metal marker, s/o Wm & Mary
     | Flanagan, Emma M.               3-17-1911               3-2-1974       d/o W.H. & M.M. Flanagan        
     | Flanagan, Mary M. (Kaus)        1882                    1950
     | Flanagan, William Henry         1876                    1959
     | Flannigan, Alta (Allen)         1869                    1942
     | Flannigan, Howard S.            9-23-1893               1-3-1920
     | Flannigan, John H.              1865                    1951
     | Flannigan, Ora O.               1916                    1939
     | Flannigan, Rose E.              1888                    1942
     | Foutch, Cleo C.                 8-5-1914               
     | Foutch, Floyd Ray                                       9-2-1946
     | Foutch, George E.               11-13-1887              3-14-1970
     | Foutch, Gleason                 2-28-1916               11-27-1918
     | Foutch, Ida M.                  11-10-1882              1-13-1965
     | Foutch, Marie                   10-14-1917             
     | Foutch, Martha                  10-18-1924              10-18-1924
     | Foutch, Pauline                 3-3-1923                4-8-1923
     | Fritts, Josephine Mae           9-13-1884               3-11-1933
     | Fritts, Samuel Tate             12-5-1880               Blank

     | Garren, Anna L.                 5-8-1925                
     | Garren, Duane                   6-24-1913               
   | Garren, Eli Lester              3-25-1894               6-12-1977       US ARMY WWII | Garren, Ethel M.                4-29-1890               2-1-1947 | Garren, Ethel                   4-24-1895               5-8-1971 | Garren, Hollis                  10-1-1918                | Garren, Infant Son              12-13-1914              1-13-1915               | Garren, Ivan J.                 1873                    1947 | Garren, Jack                    6-26-1934                | Garren, Lida O.                 1873                    1944 | Garren, Mary Lee                9-18-1928                | Garren, Nancy J.                1874                    1943 | Garren, Nancy                   6-8-1848                9-28-1941 | Garren, Samuel O.               1868                    1958 | Garren, Sgt. Willis Jr.         9-11-1920               1-20-1945       buried in Belguim | Garren, Stanley Leroy           11-28-1920  1-21-2010* *from death certificate               | Garren, Tess                    6-27-1914               10-25-1994 | Garren, Verneil V.              2-25-1925               3-18-1997 | Garren, Willis                  7-3-1890                10-30-1956 | Garrison, Douglas Paul          1-15-1957               12-27-1971      s/o Melvin & Glenda | Garrison, Glenda L.             3-3-1941                5-1974 | Garrison, Kenneth B.            12-27-1910              2-1978 | Garrison, Kenneth Wayne         8-22-1959               12-27-1971      s/o Melvin & Glenda | George, Hubert C.               9-2-1918                6-5-1969        *WWII Obit | Goddard, Evelyn F.              5-11-1938               7-5-1996 | Goddard, Marty L.               11-10-1964               | Gosney, Jerry L.                10-7-1942               11-29-1963       | Gossett, Iva L.                 3-4-1881                11-19-1959 | Gossett, John W.                3-30-1867               12-24-1949 | Graham, Annabell  (Piercy)      11-11-1928              12-10-1972 Obit | Harmon, Mabel E.                1907                     | Harmon, Walter M.               1896                    1942 | Hart, Charles R.                10-3-1889               2-29-1913       s/o J.W.&H.E. closer view | Harvey, Ada E.                  2-28-1902               8-31-1989 Obit | Harvey, John W.                 4-14-1898               6-30-1986 | Harvey, Russell Norman          12-27-1961              12-29-1961 | Harvey, Wesley E.               11-2-1903               10-1-1974 | Hays, Inez Belle                2-2-1904                1-17-1970 | Hays, Ralph S.                  1-28-1898               9-16-1985 | Hays, Ronnie D.                 3-3-1946                4-29-1977 | Hestand, Charles                3-24-1902               4-17-1971 | Hestand, Gladys                 11-23-1915              4-12-1977 | High, Bessie A.                 1860                    1943 | High, Fleta                     8-28-1906               8-20-1997 | High, Fred                      5-31-1905               2-3-1989 | High, John N.                   1858                    1939 | Hoeinghaus, Dale G.             11-9-1953               7-1-1980        US ARMY VIETNAM | Houghland, Milton “Dude”        3-3-1913                4-1983 | Houghland, Nellie (Harvey)      1919                    1949 | Hull, Barbara                   1921                    1998            metal marker | Hutchison, Henry E.             1873                    1950 | Hutchison, Iva M.               1878                    1951 | Johnson, Mary A.                4-7-1865                3-20-1934 | Jones, Arnold                   10-9-1890               12-15-1937      WW 1 Obit | Jones, Sarah                    10-12-1860              1-2-1946 | Kell, Donald Quentin            1919                     | Kell, Wilma Louise              12-4-1921               10-17-1992 | King, Charles G.                3-17-1843               3-29-1918 | Knight, Jason E.                6-5-1976                6-29-1997 | Lamb, Mabel E.  (Copple)        8-9-1918                 | Lamb, Robert C.                 12-26-1919              11-20-1998 | Lane, Anna Elliston             3-21-1908               7-2-1971 | Lane, Carl E.                   11-1-1925               12-7-1995 | Lane, Carolyn                   8-3-1938                 | Lauris, Peter                   5-4-1910                 | Lauris, Thelma L.               12-16-1907 | Lockard, L.N.                   1864                    1940 | Lockard, Lena                   11-18-1882              2-8-1956 | Love, Wanda G.                  3-18-1917               12-1984 | Marlow, Cleve Ray               1922                    1922 | Marlow, D. Myrle                8-11-1892               6-1977 | Marlow, Larry Eugene           12-24-1947               12-24-1947 | Marlow, Lillie L.               3-3-1893                1-5-1990 | Marshall, Fern R.               6-17-1904               11-2-1974 | Marshall, Floyd R.              12-23-1899              6-5-1970 | Marteeny, Annie R.              1875                    19?? | Marteeny, John                  4-3-1909                1-12-1993 | Marteeny, Mildred A.            1-22-1917                | Marteeny, Nora L.               8-7-1903                11-25-1991 | Marteeny, Ralph J.              6-9-1912                7-27-1997 | Marteeny, Raymond R.            9-1-1902                2-18-1981 | Marteeny, William J.            1870                    1935 Obit | Mayo, Theresa L.                1-5-1935                11-23-1995 | Mayo, William E.                1-2-1933                 | Mays, Cleo Wesley               7-21-1914               3-17-1986       s/o Alva & Mary Obit | Mays, Donald Paul               1934                    2001 | Mays, Howard Edward             6-24-1923               12-23-1975      s/o Alva & Mary | Mays, Violet Mae (Moore)        6-30-1917               6-30-1988       d/o Alonzo & Bertha Moore | Mays, Wilma L. (Douthit)        9-15-1926                               d/o Troy & Grace Douthit Obit | McCARMICK, John F. 1919 1940 *Source Obit | McCormick, Dorothy L.           9-18-1921                | McCormick, Paul S.              12-6-1918               10-9-1944       Pvt. Co. G 16th Inf. | Meadows, Amos L.                8-23-1910               3-30-1940 | Meadows, Carthel E.             10-20-1931              3-10-1997 | Meadows, Clifford Dale          8-10-1923               9-17-1995       WWII & KOREA | Meadows, Dora                   1888                    1955 | Meadows, Elizabeth Ann          3-8-1938                12-6-1941 Obit | Meadows, Ethel M.               10-5-1914               12-17-1976 | Meadows, Florence               7-4-1894                10-30-1962 | Meadows, George                 1884                    1955 | Meadows, Georgie G.             4-5-1916                10-23-1991      US NAVY WWII Obit | Meadows, Harry                  10-21-1907              3-13-1977 | Meadows, Hattie                 1882                    1964 | Meadows, Homer W.               3-28-1921                | Meadows, Imogene W.             3-27-1927               12-21-1998 Obit | Meadows, John W.                3-29-1913               5-28-1987 | Meadows, Nany Ruth              6-4-1948                6-4-1948 | Meadows, Oscar L.               1905                    1960 Obit | Meadows, Reta Fay               6-7-1957                12-30-1971 | Meadows, Ruby (Marlowe)         7-29-1925                | Meadows, Thelma B.              1911                    1944 | Meadows, Thomas                 2-14-1874               8-4-1933 | Meadows, Wade H.                12-9-1919               12-24-1946 | Meadows, Wade H.                1879                    1933 | Miller, Claude R. “Jack”        12-31-0901              2-22-1970 | Miller, Grace                   6-28-1898               1-24-1975 | Miller, Joseph H.               11-9-1869               1-13-1962 | Miller, Leroy                   8-8-1920                | Miller, Lloyd Dean              8-28-1928               9-4-1992        *PFC US AIR FORCE | Miller, Nadine                  3-12-1921                | Miller, Tressie Fern            6-17-1902               12-30-1970 | Modglin, Cleta M.               6-6-1937                 | Modglin, James E.               8-28-1931               7-6-1991         Korea | Modglin, Phillip James          8-31-1995               12-14-1998 | Mooney, Raymond                 2-7-1920                 | Mooney, Velma                   4-16-1927                | Moore, Valasta (Bailey)                                 10-13-1990      d/o Michael & Diane Obit | Morgan, Isaac W.                2-18-1911               7-16-1971 | Morgan, Margaret F.             12-19-1925               | Outland, Hubert E.              1896                    1967 | Outland, Sadie E.               1896                    1966 | Overturf, Margie                6-4-1933                8-21-1938?      d/o W.L. & Ottie | Overturf, Margie                6-4-1933                8-21-1938?      d/o W.L. & Ottie | Overturf, Wesley Leroy          3-1-1888                12-13-1978 | Owens, Albert L.                7-19-1889               1-29-1931 | Owens, Anthony R.               9-17-1901               5-9-1978 | Owens, Cecil                    2-5-1904                9-13-1972 | Owens, Eula M.                  11-4-1914                | Owens, Ferne                    10-4-1907               2-17-1976 | Owens, Otie E.                  3-26-1898               6-2-1965 | Parsons, Mary A."Barr"          5-23-1892               4-3-1977 | Patten, Stephanie Dawn          7-11-1973               2-5-1987        d/o John & Rose Harvey | Peoples, Elsa E. (Flannigan)    7-24-1919               5-24-1992 | Peoples, James H.               5-30-1890               6-21-1939 | Peoples, James L.               1-24-1862               6-7-1945 | Peoples, Rosa R.                11-25-1871              2-21-1957 | Perschbacher, Carla J.          7-8-1951                4-12-1995 | Perschbacher, David E.          11-25-1954               Obit | Phelps, Cora M.                 3-13-1922                | Phelps, James H.                3-10-1920               10-7-1978       WWII | Phelps, Jolle Sue                                       7-29-1968 | Piercy, Bryan Leslie            1897                    1927 Obit | Piercy, Charles E.              9-10-1899               3-3-1960 | Piercy, Clarence E.             12-13-1925             | Piercy, Dollie                  1891                    1970 Obit | Piercy, Dwight H.               5-11-1922               12-5-1996      WWII | Piercy, Elmer N.                9-4-1909                3-30-1984 Obit | Piercy, Fern M.                 5-8-1904                2-20-1970 | Piercy, Gladys J.               4-26-1923               5-28-1923 | Piercy, Harold E.               5-27-1928               5-27-1928       s/o Walter & Ora Obit | Piercy, Henry J.                1862                    1948 | Piercy, James H.                1-4-1921                10-6-1945 WWII | Piercy, Katherine               2-23-1927                back of stone | Piercy, Kenneth Dwaine          6-27-1975               6-29-1975 | Piercy, Leslie                  1918                    1920 | Piercy, Nathan E.               1889                    1960 Obit | Piercy, Ora B.  (Elliston)      3-30-1903               6-23-1990       married Walter 6-24-1918 | Piercy, Shirley Ann             3-13-1937               3-13-1937 Obit | Piercy, Susan (Fiser)           1870                    1961 Obit | Piercy, Walter E.               9-10-1899               7-18-1982        | Piercy, Wanda L.                5-15-1929               4-22-1999 | Piercy, Wanda Mae               1899                    19?? | Price, Harry E.                 8-29-1889               7-29-1960 | Price, John W.                  3-2-1860                11-18-1909 | Price, Mertia M.                1889                    1937 | Prosise, Dean                   11-8-1917               7-23-1990 | Prosise, Sibyle                 1-27-1919                | Reeves, Naomi J.                1-17-1937                | Reeves, William R.              10-25-1934              7-3-1988 | Rourke, Mary                    1872                    1922 | Sanders, Abslom                 11-1-1861               3-12-1913 | Sanders, Bessie                 1899                    1968 | Sanders, Charles F.             1868                    1936 | Sanders, Delmar                 1896                    1954 | Sanders, Effie B.               1874                    1926 | Sanders, Ervin C.               10-25-1893              5-1967 | Sanders, Floyd                  10-23-1946              2-10-1947 | Sanders, Gless I.               9-15-1897               4-7-1989 | Sanders, Harvel A.              9-20-1898               1-16-1953 | Sanders, Ira A.                 1-2-1871                12-6-1947 | Sanders, Marie                  1-6-1908                 | Sanders, Mary L.                1870                    1939 | Sanders, Mary                   12-16-1898              2-19-1994 | Sanders, Minnie                 4-25-1874               10-13-1954 | Sanders, Newell                 2-1-1907                12-21-1992 | Sanders, Roy E.                 3-2-1952                1-20-1997        | Sanders, Tessie                 9-17-1911               1-17-1997 | Sanders, Versa                  11-27-1891              12-1973 | Sanders, Wilma M.               3-2-1917                3-2-1917 Obit | Sargent, Charles Glenn          9-6-1939                1-25-1963 | Sargent, Eugene                 3-1-1907                6-12-1989 Obit | Sargent, Isabelle               11-8-1915               10-27-1984 | Sargent, Lloyd G.               9-18-1913               10-29-1982 | Sargent, Nellie                 9-12-1907               2-4-1979 | Simmons, Donald E.              3-13-1938               12-10-1938 | Simmons, Gleason A.             4-24-1914               2-21-1982 Obit | Simmons, Harold W.              7-16-1919                | Simmons, Joan L.                4-17-1935               1-22-1940 | Simmons, Kathryn J. “Kati”      1-23-1980               8-21-1999       d/o Vern & Donna Obit | Simmons, Nora M.                8-4-1919                10-6-1997 | Simmons, Pearl F.               11-15-1916               | Storment, Alma                  1-11-1908               4-26-1999 | Storment, Claude                9-3-1906                 | Storment, Everett R.            7-21-1914               9-14-1969 | Storment, Millie                9-23-1876               11-11-1940 | Storment, Rebecca S.            4-17-1854               11-3-1930 | Storment, Sidney                3-17-1872               12-15-1932 | Storment, Ted R.                4-6-1912                12-13-1980      US ARMY | Storment, W.C.                  12-16-1851              12-5-1911
| Stuber, Jerry 8-19-1940
| Stuber, Linda M. (Dixon) 7-26-1947 (married July 21, 1980)
 | Summers, Hazel (Storment)       1897                    1926 | Summers, Howard D.              1922                    1962            US ARMY WWII | Talbott, Cecil M.B.             12-10-1909              5-4-1911 | Taylor, Wretha L.               2-7-1933                8-24-1983 | Thompson, Charles Melvin        5-25-1918               3-13-1975 | Thompson, George B.             11-22-1876              5-30-1958 | Thompson, John M.               1909                    1910 | Thompson, Ruth                  1907                    1937 | Thompson, Sarah E.              12-25-1881              9-25-1958 | Timmons, Charley                5-27-1909               2-2-1974 | Timmons, Doris M.               12-11-1943               | Timmons, Frances M.             3-11-1848               3-24-1919 | Timmons, Fred A.                5-13-1914               6-20-1976 | Timmons, G. Glen                12-30-1905              5-1986   | Timmons, Galdys                 9-17-1913                | Timmons, Hallie                 1904                    1954 | Timmons, Noble H.               1-10-1844               2-11-1920 | Timmons, Roy G.                 2-24-1931                | Tinsley James E.                9-1-1934                9-3-1934 | Tinsley, Adra W.                8-15-1908               2-7-1981 | Tinsley, Charlene (Mooney)      2-27-1920                | Tinsley, Charles Frank          10-20-1924               | Tinsley, Claude L.              3-22-1917               6-13-1993     WWII | Tinsley, Dorothy Mae            10-2-1925                | Tinsley, Leslie R.              12-2-1913               1-10-1993 | Tinsley, Lucille                12-24-1915              11-15-1994 Obit | Tinsley, Viola F.               3-14-1917               9-26-1974 | Tucker, Bessie                  7-10-1878               11-24-1951 | Tucker, Cyrus L.                1839                    1927 | Tucker, Mary C.                 1846                    1916 | Tucker, Sarah                   11-18-1819              3-3-1910 | Turkington, Hattie M.           1890                    1965          Full Stone | Turkington, James L.R.          1-9-1908                6-6-1944 | Turkington, Jess T.             1880                    1947          Full Stone | Turkington, William R.          2-2-1909                10-6-1935 | Turner, Eula S.                 3-2-1902                4-14-1977 | Walker, Herman                  5-21-1903               2-23-1996 | Walker, Nora M.                 9-19-1903               9-1-1971 | Warner, Iris L.                 10-8-1903               4-21-1989 | Warner, Walter                  2-17-1898               8-18-1993 | Wegmann, Danny Joe              6-8-1962                6-10-1962 | Wegmann, Joseph A.              10-18-1938              7-31-1966 | Wegmann, Linda L.               3-10-1939                | Welbourn, George T.             8-6-1911                11-20-1989 | Welbourn, Logene                1-20-1915               11-30-1988 | Whitley, Baby                   5-18-1933               5-18-1933 | Williams, Alice M.              1874                    1956 | Williams, James F.              1864                    1929 | Wilson, Shelly Renee            9-6-1973                11-19-1994      d/o Melvin & Roberta Davidson | Wilson, Virginia E.             1926                    1979 | Winegar, Paul                   1-11-1935                | Winegar, Vivian M.              2-11-1929                | Wittenbrink, Emil               6-3-1898                1-23-1967 | Wittenbrink, Flossie            7-11-1899               1-21-1986 | Wittenbrink, Francis            8-3-1921                10-30-1982 | Wittenbrink, Ruth               7-27-1921                | Wooden, Edith P.                1-14-1906               10-22-1991 | Wooden, Leander T.              8-21-1898               10-6-1985 | Wright, Dolphus                 9-11-1908               10-19-1984 | Wright, Florence (Bolton)       3-13-1923               6-30-1996 Obit | Yearwood, John L.               8-16-1916               11-19-1984    WWII Obit | Yearwood, Rheba I.              11-6-1927               2-2-1997

For corrections or additions, please contact me: Sandy Bauer

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